FMFI - IS-PS: FI Basics for Funds Management

The development package FMFI contains objects for "IS-PS: FI Basics for Funds Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT. It belongs to software component PSM-FM-PO.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FMFI

FMFUNDTRANSFunds Transfer Request Customizing
FMFUNDTRANSYEARAdditional Documents for Funds Transfer to Diff. Years
FMPSOINTTable for Deferral Interest Formula
FMPSOINTADDAdditional Data on Interest Formula
FMPSOINTTInterest Formula Names
FMPSOISAssgmt of Customer to Subledger Preprocess. Proc./Rev. Type
FMPSOISKAssgmt of Vendor to Subledger Preprocessing Proc./Rev. Type
FMPSO_ACQU_TAXTable of Commitment Items that Represent Acquisition Taxes
PAYAC01Account determination
PAYAC02Fiscal Year/Fiscal Year ID Assignment
PAYAC03Fiscal Year ID
PAYAC04Identification Fiscal Year (Texts)
PAYAC05Company Code Group ID (FM)
PAYAC06Company Code Group Texts (FM)
PAYAC07Company Code/Company Code Groups Assignment (FM)
PAYAC08Account Determination Characteristic
PAYAC09Account Determination Characteristic Texts (FM)
PAYAC10Posting Key per DR/CR Indicator
PAYAC11Account to be Proposed for Payment Request
PSO04Revenue Types
PSO05Revenue Types
PSO06Assign Revenue Type/Dunning Area
PSO07Assign Revenue Type/Commitment Item
PSO10Processors for Revenue Types/Release Groups
PSO11Assign Main to Secondary Revenue Types
PSO12Deduction reasons
PSO13Deduction Reasons (Texts)
PSO14Define Regions
PSO15Area (Texts)
PSO17Use (Texts)
PSO19Group Responsibility
PSO20Text Table PSO19
PSO23Summary Key, Closing Posting Day
PSO24Summary Key (Text)
PSO28Objects (texts)
PSO29Object class
PSO30Object class (texts)
PSO31Allocation of customer/objects
PSO32Allocation of customer/revenue types/objects
PSO34Allocation of revenue type to account group
PSO36Assignment Proposal FI Document Type to Request Category
PSO37Payment Block to be Set Automatically
PSO38Revenue Type Assignment to Object Class
PSO40Rounding Units
PSO41Assigning Request Category to Document Type
PSO42Controlling automatic approval and posting
PSO42PREControlling autom. approvals and postings for View-Cluster
PSO42_BLARTApprove and Post Control Automatically (With BLART)
PSO43Global Settings for Requests/Financial Accounting
PSO43USERGlobal Settings AO/FI IS-PS per USER (SAP internal only)
PSO50Stop Mass Processing Data for Invoice Reference
PSO51G/L Account Determination for Deferrals
PSO52Earmarked Funds Information for Standing Requests
PSO53Define Petty Amount Limits
PSO54Posting Information Small Amounts
PSO55Negative Posting in Requests
PSO56Customizing for Fixed Values on Initial Screen
PSOBLSaving Changed Documents for Execution
PSOBLAFSTAssigning Field Selection String -> Document Type
PSOFSTField Selection String and Fields for Requests
PSOFST_FEField Selection String and Fields for Requests
PSOFST_FETXTexts for Field Selection String for Requests
PSOFST_FLFields for Field Selection String for Requests
PSOKNSaving Changed Customers for Execution
PSOKPFRecurring Request Document Header
PSOLFSaving Changed Vendors for Execution
PSOSECRecurring Request Document Segment, One-Time Data
PSOSEGADocument Segment for Assets Document Parking
PSOSEGDDocument Segment: Recurring Request, Customer
PSOSEGKRecurring Request Document Segment, Vendors
PSOSEGSRecurring Request Document Segment, G/L Accounts
PSOSETDocument Segment for Standing Request Taxes
PSOTNAssign Request Categories to Number Range
PSOTPRequest Category Entity Table
PSOTTPayment Request Document Category Texts (Local Authority)
PSOTYPayment Request Document Categories (Local Authority)
PSOWF1Variant-Dependent Data for Workflow Request (FMPSO)
PSOWF1TTexts for Workflow Variants for Requests
PSOWF2Assigning Company Code, Document Type to Workflow Variant
PSO_FAA_T_LANDPSO_FAA: Countries available for FAA retirements' integrat.
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