FMFS_E - Updating/Integration Funds Management (master lang. english)

The development package FMFS_E contains objects for "Updating/Integration Funds Management (master lang. english)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT. It belongs to software component PSM-FM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FMFS_E

FM2BLACT1FM2BL - Activate of FM area and FM Budget Category
FM2BLACTBFM2BL - Activation of Budget Value Types
FM2BLACTCFM2BL - Activation of Commitment/Actual Value Types
FM2BLTR1FM2BL - Define on FM area level
FM2BLTRFLDFM2BL - Transfer Dimension fields
FMAC2FM to FI - GL Account Assignment
FMBLPSTNGFM BL posting customizing for GL line-items collection
FMDERIVE001Derivation rule:Cost Element to Commitment Item
FMDERIVE002Derivation rule:Cost Center/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/
FMDERIVE003Derivation rule:Cost Center to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fun
FMDERIVE004Derivation rule:Order/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fund/F
FMDERIVE005Derivation rule:Order to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fund/Func
FMDERIVE006Derivation rule:WBS Element/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/
FMDERIVE007Derivation rule:WBS Element to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fun
FMDERIVE008Profit Ctr/CE to Commit Item/Funds Center/Fund/Function
FMDERIVE009Derivation rule:Profit Center to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/F
FMDERIVEENVIDAssignment Company Code to Derivation Tool Strategy
FMDERIVEFUNCList of functions available in the FM Derivation tools
FMDT_CHANGEDOCEmpty table for change document on DRULE derivation tables
FMFG_HEAD_INVHeader Data for Improper Invoices
FMKAFF_CTRLFM-CO: Check Mode in FM for CO planning.
FMSPLITAActual line item table
FMSPLITCObject table 2
FMSPLITOObject table 1
FMSPLITPPlan line items table
FMSPLITTSummary table
FMT003Funds Management Flags for FI Document Type
FMTABADRCharacteristic Derivation: Strategies
FMTOBLFI documents with FM to BL balance information
T023VFast Pay/Accelerated Pay table
T023YMaterial Group for Fast Pay
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