FMFG_E - US Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation

The development package FMFG_E contains objects for "US Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT. It belongs to software component PSM-FM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FMFG_E

FMBPCLOSE_FTYPEPreclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type
FMBPCLOSE_FUNDPreclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund
FMBUDACLRules for Closing Residual Ledger Accounts
FMBUDACLDClosing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment
FMBUDBCSBudgetary ledger account derivation: BCS
FMBUDDISBudgetary ledger account derivation: Budgeting (old)
FMBUDRESBudgetary ledger account derivation: Revenue/Statistical
FMBUDREVRevenue/Statistical Postings & Open items/actuals Resource
FMBUDSTABudgetary ledger account derivation: Open items/Actuals bdgt
FMCLOSEOUTRules for Closing out Obligations
FMFGAPAACAccount Assignment Categories for Acc. Property
FMFGAPASSAccountable Property Assets Created w Value
FMFGAPCONAccountable Property Configuration Data
FMFGAPMTAccountable Property Movement Types
FMFGAPNEWCFConfiguration for new Accountable Property program
FMFGAPTRAccountable Property Transaction Type
FMFGCONV1Status of conversion process
FMFGF2EDGRPSGL Accounts Edits 2, 3, 5, 10, 11 (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EDINVEdit 6 - Investment Authority (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EDPRFEdit 8- SF 133 Proof Edit (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EDSGLSGL Account Edits 4, 7, 12 (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EXTFACTS2 Bulk Extract File
FMFGF2FADT(FACTS II) Account Balance Definition Table
FMFGF2FOOTFACTS2 Bulk extract file
FMFGF2PRCFACTS II Customizing table - Program Report Category
FMFGF2PRCTFACTS II Customizing - Program Report Category Text Table
FMFGF2PREDAPre-edit A - Authority (FACTS II)
FMFGF2PREDCPre-edit C - Expired/Unexpired (FACTS II)
FMFGF2VERSIONFacts II Program Version Number
FMFGF2_SGLATRVALFMFG2 - FACTS II SGL Account Attribute Allowable Values
FMFGGTASACBLDEFGTAS Account Balance Definition
FMFGHASHVERSTHash Code Version - Text
FMFGTOLDCTYPDocument types for US Federal MM tolerances
FMFGT_ALCAgency Location Code - U.S. Federal Government
FMFGT_ALCTText Table for Agency Location Codes - U.S. Fed Gov
FMFGT_DIT_FBTList of DIT & FBT accounts for Treasury Confirmation
FMFGT_POPayment Office - U.S. Federal Government
FMFGT_POTText table for Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government
FMFGT_SS01Payment Statistical Sampling Process Activation table
FMFGT_SS02Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules
FMFGT_SS03Statistical Sampling Clerk/Supervisor Relationship
FMFGUSFLDVAL1Fields for Field Value
FMFGUSFLDVAL2Field Value Definition
FMFGUSFLDVAL2TText to Field Values
FMFGUSKONTKEYKey for US Account Assignments
FMFG_ACT_CLI_DEPUS Federal activation of client dependant functionality
FMFG_BLSTATBudgetary Ledger Status
FMFG_BL_BALACCBudgetary Ledger balancing account for document split
FMFG_PO_CMMTSTRCommitment string lookup table for SES ZEKKN correction
FMFG_PO_SUBSETZEKKN number to correct invoices for SES
FMFG_PO_ZEKKNZEKKN data for all FI items referencing service POs
FMFG_REPOST_CNTLDocument batching/control for SL Repost for ECC 600 migratio
FMFG_REPOST_ERRErrors issued during SL repost for ECC 600 migration
FMFG_REPOST_RCLRReversed clearing documents for ECC 600 migration
FMFG_R_DERIV_FReports using FMFG Derivation: field names
FMFG_R_DERIV_F_SReports using FMFG Derivation: Source fields to be cleared
FMFG_R_DERIV_RReports using FMFG Derivation: Receiver fields
FMFG_SAV_FACTS1ASaved FACTS1A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FACTS2ASaved FACTS2A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGASaved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_GLIDXASaved GLIDXA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_YBA_AVCFMFG: Year of Budget Authority - AVC
FMFG_YBA_DELTAFMFG: Year of Budget Authority - Timestamp
FMFG_YBA_GLACCFMFG: Year of Budget Authority - G/L Accounts
FMGROUPGroup master data for fund
FMTC_CHK_RANGESchedule Check Ranges for US Federal Treasury Confirmation
FMTC_PMT_TYPEMapping table for Pmt Method to the Type of Pmt DME - TC
FMTC_RFCTable for Treasury Regional Financial Center
FMTC_SCHNOTreasury Confirmation Schedule No status
FMTC_SCHTOTLimit Treasury Schedules
FMUSERGROUPUser maintenance for group
FMUSFGAActual line item table for US Federal Government.
FMUSFGCObject table 2
FMUSFGF2_TRANSTransfer Agency and Accounts
FMUSFGF2_TRANSTTransfer Agency Texts
FMUSFGFACTS1A4Actual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS1CObject table 2
FMUSFGFACTS1OObject table 1
FMUSFGFACTS1PPlan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS1TSummary table
FMUSFGFACTS2AActual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS2CObject table 2
FMUSFGFACTS2OObject table 1
FMUSFGFACTS2PPlan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS2TSummary table
FMUSFGOObject table 1 for US Federal Government
FMUSFGPPlan line items table
FMUSFGTSummary table for US Federal Government
FUNDMSGFund message maintenance
T042F_FMFG_TCPmt Method Supp map to ALC and Pmt Office - US Treas Conf
TME_TOLOverdraw tolerance for Purchase Order / Requisition
TME_TOLSTolerance Key for overdraw tolerance
TME_TOLSTTolerance Key for overdraw tolerance TEXT
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