FREP - RF reporting

The development package FREP contains objects for "RF reporting".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-GL-IS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FREP

BWKSAccounts Blocked by Valuation Selection
BWPOSValuations for Open Items
DKKOPBalance Audit Trail
DKKOSBalance Audit Trail
DKOKPOpen Item Account Balance Audit Trail
DKOKSOpen Item Account Balance Audit Trail Master Record
DSKOPBalance Audit Trail
DSKOSBalance Audit Trail
ESREB_BIPARAMSES Rebates - BI Session Parameters
FIN_S_PTYPE_107Values for posting type for adjustment posting
QSTREFI/HR Withholding Tax Report for Spain
RFASLD11BEC Sales List (Spain)
RFSCASHCash Book table
T001MData on Z5A Foreign Trade Regulations Report, Germany
T007GTable no Longer Used -> T007K/L
T007HTable no Longer Used -> T007K/L
T007JTax Advance Payment per Taxes on Sls/Pur.Grp and Cal.Yr
T007KTable for Grouping Tax Basis Balances
T007LTable for Grouping Tax Balances
T007RExternal Group Number for Tax Amounts
T007XText for Grouping Tax Amounts
T007ZTime-Dependent Version Assignment - For ELSTER
T030HBAcct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences
T042XCompany Codes Blocked by the Payment Program
T044DWork Files for the Extract of the Accum.Balance Audit Trail
T044EForeign Currency Valuation: Items with Special Cover
T044GValuation Adjustment Key
T044IFI Valuation: Determine Base Value
T044JPreference Key for Reading Valuation Results
T044KTFurther Specifications for Sorted List
T044LSorted List of Open Items
T044LHSort Methods
T044LTSorted List of Open Items
T049APosting Data For Autocash With Lockbox
T049BControl Parameters for Autocash
T049CEvaluation of the Autocash Tapes
T049EControl Data for Swiss ISR Procedure
T049FCashed Checks Control Table
TABKTAutomatic Accounts for End-Year Closing/Opening Postings ITA
TBKOWValuation Difference Temporary Storage
TBUVTXTransfer Posting of Tax in a Cross-Company Code Transaction
TEURAReports Supporting Alternative Local Currencies
TEURBAltern. Local Currency and Exch.Rate Type for a Company Code
TFE01BDF: Currency Key
TFE02BDF: Countries
TFE05BDF: State CB Indic.
TFE18BDF: Identif. of Offsett. Accounts
TFE19BDF: Accts Subj. to Report.
TITVARLine Items: Line Layout Variants, Assignment Old-New
TRVORControl Statements
UMSVTax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.Key
UMSVZAdvance Return for Tax on Sls/Pur.Period
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