FS_SEM_TRMAN - SEM Banking/TRM Analytical Solutions

The development package FS_SEM_TRMAN contains objects for "SEM Banking/TRM Analytical Solutions".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package EA-FINSERV. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN.

Child development packages of FS_SEM_TRMAN

Development Package
/SAPQUERY/FTLMFinancial Services: Limit Management Query
ACCRDevelopment Project 'Accrual/Deferral'
CFA_DERITRM Analyzer: Derivation of Financial Objects
CFM_ACUSTRDB: Analyzer Customizing
CFM_AFOFinancial Object
CFM_AFWRDB: Analysis Framework
CFM_AFWBMRDB: PA Benchmark Management
CFM_AFWCHRDB: Analyzer Characteristic Management
CFM_AFWGORDB: Process Control
CFM_AFWKFRDB: Key Figure Management
CFM_AFWKFAARDB: Accounting Analyzer Key Figure Management
CFM_AFWKFPARDB: Portfolio Analyzer Key Figure Management
CFM_AFWKFRARDB: MRA Key Figure Management
CFM_AISRDB: Information System
CFM_BMAOLD Benchmark Management (Replaced by CFM_AFWBM)
CFM_PFAPortfolio Analyzer Interface
CFM_PFAIMCFM PA-Specific Import, Including Manual Import
CFM_PFAYLPortfolio Analyzer Kernel Control (w/o Yield Methods)
CFM_RDBRDB: Results Database
CFM_RDBAARDB: Accounting Analyzer Specific
CFM_RDBPARDB: Portfolio Analyzer Specifics
CFM_RDBRARDB: Market Risk Analyzer specific
FTBApplic. development R/3 Treasury risk simulation analysis
FTBBRisk Management Basis
FTBBYCMRA: New YC Framework -- New DDIC Objects
FTBCCustomizing Treasury market risk management
FTBGApplication development global Risk Management
FTBKRisk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks
FTBK01Risk Management - Default Risks
FTBKCRisk Management: Counterparty/Issuer Risk Customizing
FTB_CVACredit Value Adjustement
FTB_INTERFACEInterfaces and DDIC objects
FTB_STATICStatic Characteristics
FTB_TEST_DATAUnit Test Data Infrastructure
FTLMCRA Limit Management
FTR_COMMODITY_CURVECommodity Forward Curves
FTYCMRA: New YC Framework
JBATRM Analyzer General Development
JBACSEM-B (deprecated): Customizing IS-B General Development
JBA_USAnalytical Banking US
JBBSEM-B (deprecated): External DataTransfer; Generated Objects
JBDApplication development IS-B Data Pool
JBDCSEM-B (deprecated): Customizing IS-B Data Pool
JBD_CHGPTRChange Pointers
JBD_COLL_ARCHArchiving of Collateral
JBD_COLL_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Collateral
JBD_DELESEM-B (deprecated): Deletion of Objects in IS-B Data Pool
JBD_FCTYSEM-B (deprecated): Facility
JBD_FCTY_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving for Facilities
JBD_FCTY_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Facility
JBD_FNTR_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving: Financial Transaction
JBD_FOBJ_ARCHArchiving of Financial Object
JBD_FOCF_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving of Financial Object Cash Flows
JBD_FP_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Security Class Data
JBD_FSBPSEM-B (deprecated): Enhancements for FS Business Partner
JBD_FXForeign Exchange
JBD_FX_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Foreign Exchange
JBD_GETRGeneric Transaction
JBD_GETR_ARCHArchiving: Generic Transaction
JBD_GETR_BAPIGeneric Transaction
JBD_GTVS_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving Versions Generic Transaction
JBD_IRTRSEM-B (deprecated): Interest Rate Instruments
JBD_IRTR_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Interest Rate Instruments
JBD_LITRSEM-B (deprecated): Listed transactions
JBD_LITR_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Listed transactions
JBD_LOANSEM-B (deprecated): Loans
JBD_LOAN_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving: Loans
JBD_LOAN_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Loans
JBD_MDMarket data
JBD_MD_BAPIMarket data
JBD_MMSEM-B (deprecated): Money Market
JBD_MM_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Money Market
JBD_POSSEM-B (deprecated): Positions
JBD_POS_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Positions
JBD_VATRSEM-B (deprecated): Variable Transactions
JBD_VATR_BAPISEM-B (deprecated): Variable Transactions
JBD_VTBA_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving Balances f. Variable Transact.
JBD_VTMD_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving MasterData VariableTransact
JBD_VTTO_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving: Balances Variable Transaction
JBHIApplication Components
JBIApplication Development of R/3 Risk Management Inform.System
JBKESEM-B (deprecated): Additions2Standard ProfitabilityAnalysis
JBOSEM-B (deprecated): Open Reporting
JBP_COST_BADISEM-B (deprecated): BAdIs in Costing Environment in PA
JBP_KEDISTRSEM-B (deprecated): Additions to CO-PA Distribution
JBRApplication development TRM Market Risk Mangement
JBRARisk Management: Asset/Liability Management
JBRBRisk Management: Customizing for ALM
JBRCCustomizing for TRM Risk Management
JBR_CMMRisk Management: CMM
JBR_GPAN_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving: Gap Evaluations
JBR_GPTP_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving Opport. Interest Rates Gap An.
JBR_PLVR_ARCHSEM-B (deprecated): Archiving: ALM Planning Variant
JBR_SFGDT_TOOLTool for Risk Object (Placement)
JBR_TOOLSTools for Risk Management
JBSSEM-B (deprecated): IS-B Statutory Reporting
JBSCSEM-B (deprecated): Customizing IS-B Statutory Reporting
JBTIS-B Transaction Costing
JBTCCustomizing IS-B Transaction Costing
This development package contains no tables.
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