FTBK - Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks

The development package FTBK contains objects for "Risk Management Counterparty/Issuer Risks".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_SEM_TRMAN. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-CR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTBK

COMBINATIONS_IRCombinations of Company Code/Security ID for Issuer Risk
JBKLBESTCredit Limit: Characteristics for Position Objects
KLABEPOSLine Items for the Risk of the Position
KLADDONFAKDetermination of the Add-On Factor
KLARPDefault Risk Line Items
KLARPOSLine Items for Default Risk
KLARRCDefinition of Default Risk Rule
KLARRCRSDefinition of Default Risk Rule
KLARRZU01Assign BCA Product to Default Risk Rule, Limit Prod Group
KLARRZU02Define Default Risk Rule, Limit Product Group for Accounts
KLARRZU03Assign DRR and Limit Product Group to BCA Product (New)
KLARRZU04Variable Transaction: Assign DRR to Limit Product Group
KLAUSFWKTDefault Risk Probabilities
KLBBASIDCalculation Base ID
KLBBASIDTText Table for KLBBASID: Calculation Base
KLBEPOSLine Items for the Risk of the Position
KLBESTZUAssignment of Product Type to CL Default Risk Rule
KLBEWFAKDefine Valuation Factor Determination
KLBEWFAKTDefine Valuation Factor Determination
KLCLUSTCluster for Distributed Data Use
KLCLUSTERCluster for Distributed Data Use
KLCMMAPPINGMapping Table for CM and Business Partner
KLDATESHIFTShift Validity Date of Settlement Risk for FX Option
KLEGZUAssignment of TR Product/Tran. Type to CL Default Risk Rule
KLEVCDetermination-Procedure-Specific Settings
KLEVCTText Table in Customizing for Determination Procedure
KLEVDEFDefinition of Determination Procedures
KLEVDEFTText Table for the Definition of Determination Procedures
KLEXTKZAllocate Ext. Key Figures to Int. Key Figure Categories
KLFORMIDTText Table for KLDORMID: Formulas
KLGEWFAKWeighting Factor for Settlement Risk
KLINTNRCredit Limit: Admin. of Internal Key for Check Transactions
KLLIMITEXCEEDEDManagement of Exceeded Limits per Product/Transaction Type
KLMAXLIMITLimit per Product Type/Transaction Type
KLMWAERBDDetermination of MVC and RCP
KLNT01Definition of Netting Group
KLNT01TText Table for KLNT01
KLNT02Definition of Netting Factor Assignment
KLNT02TText Table for KLNT02
KLORDERZUAssign Prod. Type to CL DRR for Sec. Order and For.Sec.
KLORDERZUARRAssign Prod. Type to CL DRR for Sec. Order and For.Sec.
KLPARAMCredit Limit: Tab for Controlling Ext. Default Risk Rates
KLPREHLOGPersistent Error Handling
KLPRODCATDRRMAPAssign Default Risk Rules to Product Categories
KLPRODCATLPGMAPAssign Limit Product Groups to Product Categories
KLRATINGRRFZUAssignment of Rating to Recovery Rate Determination
KLRECEIVERUser-Recipient Relationship
KLREGDEFDefinition of Variable Assignment Rule
KLREL_LIMITID_TText Table for Limit IDs
KLREL_LIMIT_ASSAssignment of Relative Limits to Portfolio Hierarchy Nodes
KLREPRisk Line Items
KLREPISRUNCross-Client Conversion Reports: Trigger Once Only
KLREPOSRisk Line Items
KLRISKSENSIDefinition of Risk Sensitivity
KLRISKSENSITText Table for KLRISKSENSI (Risk Sensitivity)
KLRRDEFMaintainance of Values for Recovery Rates
KLRRFINDDEFDefinition of Recovery Rate
KLRRFINDDEFTDefinition of Recovery Rate Determination
KLSDCPARAMCredit Limit: Controlling External Default Risk Rates (NEW)
KLSDCPROT0Log Generation for Single Transaction Check: Meta Data
KLSDCPROT1Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Header Information
KLSDCPROT2Log Generation for Single Transaction Check: Items
KLSDCPROT3Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Result in ALV Format
KLSDCPROTSStatus of Log of Single Transaction Check
KLSDCTRPDEFSTC Transaction Control: Definition
KLSI01Collateral Provision (Header)
KLSI01TCollateral Provision (Header) Text Table
KLSI01_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Provision (Header)
KLSI02Collateral Agreements
KLSI02_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements
KLSI03Collateral Agreements (Items)
KLSI03_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements (Items)
KLSI04Global Collateral (Items)
KLSI04_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Items)
KLSI05Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Item)
KLSI05_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral
KLSI06Global Collateral (Assignment)
KLSI06_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Assignmt)
KLSI07Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Assignment)
KLSI07_BAKBackup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral
KLSIARTCollateral Type
KLSIARTTText Table for Collateral Type
KLSIFDUMKDefinition of Required/Optional Fields for EDT of Collateral
KLSIPRIOCollateral Priority
KLSIPRIOTText Table for Collateral Priority
KLTERMFINDDate Determination Rules
KLXAKTGlobal Settings for Default Risk and Limit System
KLXCMRTCM Data for Risk Objects Derived from Cash Management
KLZUEXTOBJAssignment of External Administration Key to Object Number
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