FVV - R/3 application development for Financial Assets Management

The development package FVV contains objects for "R/3 application development for Financial Assets Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FVV

AT32Control indicators for financial mathematic calculations
SANO1Address-object relationship
SANS1Address table
SPBB1Partner-Bank relationship
SPKR1Partner-Vendor relationship
T037RTexts for T037S
T037SAccount Assignment References acc. to Transaction Type
T068BText table for T068A
TCURBExchange Rate Calculation Indicator
TD05Target group table
TD05TTexts for table TD05 target groups
TD05T_ATIS-IS: Texts for TD05_AT
TD05_ATIS-IS: �NB-Target groups
TDBBBAllocation of program-internal flow types
TDINTEBInternal Level of Financial Assets Management
TDINTEBTName for Internal Level of Financial Assets Management
TTCPOPrint parameters for each sub-application
TTXBFCorrespondence Interface: Definition of Letter Categories
TTXBSCorresp.interface: Letter-module relationship
TTXSADARWIN text interface: Document groups
TTXSTISIS: Document groups (descriptive text)
TVZ05Inc. Pmnts: Editing per Activity Type (Loans, Real Estate)
TW01Classification of bonds
TW01TText table for TW01 (Classification of bonds)
TW02Type of shareholding
TW02TText table for TW02 (Type of investment)
TW03Details about structure of shareholding
TW03TText table for TW03 (Investment structure)
TW04Legal form (Plc, Corp, Ltd...)
TW04TText table for TW04 (Legal form)
TW07SCB group
TW07TSCB group (Text)
TW08Fin.acctng group
TW08TFin. acctng group (Text)
TW11Balance sheet indicator
TW11TBalance sheet indicator (Text)
TW14Table for storing offer reasons
TW14TTable for storing offer reasons (text)
TW15Reference between product type and repayment type
TW16References between product type and security classification
TW20Security category
TW20TSecurity category (text)
TW21Funds category
TW21TFund category (text)
TW50Table for possible deposit types
TW50TTable for possible deposit types TEXT
TW53Listing key
TW53TListing key - Text table
TW54Price notations
TW54TPrice notations - Text table
TW55Price markdowns
TW55TPrice markdowns - Text table
TW56TSecurity price type - Text table
TXV01Forms of address key translations
TXV02Translation for saluation key
TXV03Translation table for virt. object categories
TXV10Translation table for address category
TXV11Translation table for partner-partner relationship
TZ01Table for maintenance of ratings
TZ01TTable for the maintenance of ratings (Text)
TZ02Legal entity
TZ02BRelationship table for contracting party classification
TZ02TLegal Entity (Text)
TZ10Customer application type
TZ10TCustomer application type (text)
TZ12Changes in net assets
TZ12TChanges in net assets (Text)
TZ24Relationship key contracting party classification
TZ24TRelationship key contracting party classification (Text)
TZAFProduct categories
TZAFTProduct categories text
TZB03Flow categories
TZB06Table of relationships between flow types (ref. flow types)
TZB07Flow types relationship key
TZB0ADefinition of flow types
TZB0GTexts for relationship indicators
TZB0IFlow type groups text table
TZB0TFlow types text table
TZB10Flow type groups check table
TZBBBAllocation of program-internal flow types
TZC37Financial Assets Management status definition
TZD0BDarwin: Customer default values per co.cd/trn.type for KNB1
TZD1Value table for intra-entity loan groups
TZD1TText table for table TZD1
TZD37Texts for TZC37
TZK05Allocation: Calculation type - KOPO fields
TZK07Condition type-dependent detailed description skopo
TZK08Allocation: Calculation type - KOPO fields
TZK0GTexts for condition type-dependent detailed description
TZKVCorrespondence activities
TZKVTCorrespondence activities (texts)
TZM37Transition matrix of internal status
TZPABFinancial Assets Management product types
TZPZZPartner and address management installation parameters
TZR3Application area / external role allocation
TZREExternal role
TZRETExternal roles (Texts)
TZRGGrouping of external roles (in application)
TZRGTGrouping of external roles (Texts)
TZRIInternal role of partner
TZRITPartner internal role (Texts)
TZT15Info. in acc.with �18 German banking act (Texts)
TZV01Form-of-Address Key
TZV02Salutation key
TZV03Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to
TZV04Key for partner share types in objects
TZV06Internal position/employee group
TZV07Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters
TZV09Relationship - Reference relationship link
TZV0DTexts for keys of partner share types
TZV0FInternal position/employee group text table
TZV11Relationship category of partner-partner relationship
TZV13Search and replace strings for phonetic partner search
TZV15Key for information in acc. with �18 German banking act
TZV37Activities and their internal status area
TZW01Resubmission periods (Deadline reminder)
TZZKDIS-IS: Business trans./Role alloc. --> Doc.category
VWPZUSASecurities additional information
VZGPOPartner/role object relationship
VZKNA1Collector for batch input KNA1 from RF-VV
VZKNB1Collector for batch input KNB1 from RF-VV
VZPARUSUser data central partner and address management
VZPARZAPartner addit. data (general part)
VZROLLEPartner / role list
VZSORTSort values for object
VZZKOPOTable condition items
VZZPAROPartner / Role / Object relationship
VZZUSPPayment splitting
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