PB16 - Human resources department master data: South Africa

The development package PB16 contains objects for "Human resources department master data: South Africa".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCZA. It belongs to software component PA-PA-ZA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB16

HRP1630DB Table for Infotype 1630
HRP1631DB Table for Infotype 1631
HRP1632DB Table for Infotype 1632
HRP1633DB Table for Infotype 1633
PA0149HR Master Record Infotype 0149 (Tax Data South Africa)
PA0150HR Master Record Infotype 0150 (Social Insurance SA)
PA0151HR Master Record Infotype 0151 (Ext.Insurance South Africa)
PA0725Foreign income SARS codes (South Africa)
PA0848HR Master Record Infotype 0848 (Bursary Payments SA)
PA3202HR Master Record: Infotype 3202
PA3366HR Master Record: Infotype 3366
PB3366Applicant data infotype 3366 (model)
T5W0P(Old) UIF reference number assignment to personnel area/sba.
T5W14Obsolete (see Note 641916)
T5W14TObsolete (see Note 641916)
T5W15Job to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)
T5W16Position to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)
T5W17SOC Codes (South Africa)
T5W17TSOC Codes Descriptions (South Africa)
T5W1FRSA SI Exemption Reasons
T5W1GRSA SI Exemption Reasons
T5W1HMedical Aid Payment model Assignment
T5W1KPension Funds and Medical Aid Schemes (RSA)
T5W1MSocial insurance companies
T5W1NSocial insurance schemes
T5W1OContributions for Social Insurances
T5W1PRSA Definitions of Social Insurances
T5W1QSocial insurance indicator
T5W1RSocial Insurance schemes ZA Text
T5W1UContribution class for social insurances ZA
T5W1VContribution class for social insurances ZA text
T5W1XSocial Insurance Contributions ZA
T5W1YMedical Aid contribution (as of 01.01.2000)
T5W1ZLate Joiner Penalties
T5W2A(Old) Tax Revenue Offices (South Africa)
T5W2B(Old) Tax Status Indicators (South Africa)
T5W2C(Old) Tax Age Group Indiciators (South Africa)
T5W2D(Old) Employment Indicators (South Africa)
T5W2E(Old) Tax Regions (South Africa)
T5W2F(Old) RSA Tax Procedures
T5W2G(Old) Income Tax Rates (South Africa)
T5W2H(Old) Tax Rebates (South Africa)
T5W2I(Old) RSA Tax Year Specifications
T5W2M(Old) Tax status indicators ZA text
T5W2MCMunicipality Codes
T5W2N(Old) Age Indicator ZA text
T5W2O(Old) Employment Indicators (South Africa) Text
T5W2PSouth African Revenue Service Offices
T5W2QSouth African Tax Year Status
T5W2RSouth African Tax Rates
T5W2SSouth African Tax Rebates
T5W2TSouth African Employment Indicators - Text
T5W2USouth African Employment Indicators
T5W2VSouth Africa - Form Names
T5W3AWagetypes to Subtype relation
T5W4ALeave parameter table - Southern Africa
T5W4BLeave entitlement (IT0005) parameter table - Southern Africa
T5W4SAbsence Types for UIF Download Report
T5W5ABank check digit verification table for South Africa
T5W5BAccount Type Recognition for ZA
T5W5CSouth African Bank Names
T5W7ASalary components
T5W7ATSalary component text
T5W7BPredefined attributes of salary components
T5W7CEligibility of salary components
T5W7ESalary packaging categories
T5W7ETSalary packaging Categories
T5W7FSalary packaging: ZA receiver rates
T5W7GSalary packaging: package variant data
T5W7HSalary packaging: Categories of salary components
T5W7HTSalary packaging: Text table Categories
T5W7ISalary packaging: package variants
T5W81Regional Services Councils
T5W8ANQF Field Defintion
T5W8ATNQF Field Text
T5W8BNQF Sub-fields
T5W8BTNQF Subfield fext
T5W8CQualifiaction types
T5W8CTQualifiaction type text
T5W8FUNCNQF Appraisl modelFunction modules
T5W8HAppraisal templates
T5W8HTNQF Appraisal templates text
T5W8IAppraisal template - Object attributes
T5W8KAppraisal template - Follow up function modules
T5W8LLink NQF appraisal ids to profile views
T5W8ORegister of object links to their NQF appraisal models
T5W8PStrategic Skills Priorities
T5W9CCategories of Labour Relations interventions
T5W9CTText - Categories for Labour Relations types
T5W9OOutcome Types of Labour Relations Interventions
T5W9OTText - Outcome Types Labour Relations Interventions
T5W9PParticipating Roles for Labour Relations Interventions
T5W9PRRole responsibilities
T5W9PTText - Participating Roles for Lab. Relations Interventions
T5W9RReasons for Labour Relations interventions
T5W9RTText - Reasons for Labour Relations interventions
T5W9SStatus/Level of a Labour Relation intervention process
T5W9STText - Status/Level of a Lab. Relation intervention process
T5W9TPossible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants
T5W9TTText - Possible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants
T5WAElectronic fund transfer codes
T5WATElctronic fund transfer texts
T5WERSouth Africa - IRP5 Company Contact Person Details
T5WETEmployee Tax incentive
T5WITA88ITA88 Transaction Table
T5WMWWage Regulating Measure
T5WOCLink Occupation Codes with Alt. Titles/Spec.
T5WOCTAlternative Title / Specialization (South Africa)
T5WOFOFO Codes (South Africa)
T5WOFTOFO Codes Descriptions (South Africa)
T5WOMLink Major and Skill Levels (OFO South Africa)
T5WOTOFO Codes Descriptions (South Africa)
T5WOXAlternative Title / Specialization (South Africa)
T5WRFNZA Tax and UIF reference number table
T5WRTWRetro wagetypes configuration
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