PC08 - HR accounting: GB

The development package PC08 contains objects for "HR accounting: GB".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCGB. It belongs to software component PY-GB.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC08

P2RG_AHPSAdvanced Holiday Pay
P2RG_CARPayroll Results: GB Company Cars (mileage based calculation)
P2RG_CARCO2Payroll Results: GB Company Cars (CO2 based calculation)
P2RG_CNICCumulated NI Contributions
P2RG_COSTSDistribution of Employer's Cost (Payroll Function XDEC)
P2RG_COURTTypes of Court Order (GB)
P2RG_EXCEPCluster RG: Exceptions (GB)
P2RG_MEGB Payroll: ME linked PERNRs
P2RG_MSAMaternity and Sickness Absences (GB)
P2RG_MSAXMSA Changes Across EOY
P2RG_NICNational Insurance Contributions
P2RG_NIPAYNiable Pay
P2RG_NIRANI and Rebate Arrears
P2RG_PAEPensions Auto Enrolment - GB
P2RG_PENSPension Funds (GB)
P2RG_RTIReal Time Information
P2RG_RTINIReal Time Information - National Insurance
P2RG_WEARNNI: payment history of affected wagetype
PAGB_PAE_DTO1PAE Data Take On Notice Sent
PAGB_SPLGB: Statutory Shared Parental Leave Booking Requests
T56E1HR: Exception Reporting - Tolerance limit Grouping
T56E2HR: Exception Reporting- Rules
T56E3HR: Exception Reporting-Message Text
T56E4HR: Exception Reporting-Subrule details
T56E5HR-XX: Exception Reporting table list
T56E6HR-XX: Exception Reporting table field's list
T5G18Court Order CMEC
T5G35FP35: XML tag structure
T5G35PHR-GB: Checklist fields for P35
T5G35VP35: XML tag and attribute values
T5G35VTP35: XML tag and attribute values - texts
T5G38Minimum Pension Contribution Percentage - PAE
T5G42HR-GB: National Insurance Categories
T5G57HR-GB: Supplementary fields for P35
T5G70Official Rates for Beneficial Loans
T5G71Loan Categories
T5G9AGross to net control report options
T5GASHE1ASHE Pension Type
T5GASHE2ASHE Collective Agreement Type
T5GBGC_XMLLink Correlation ID to Global B2A ID
T5GMAP_XMLSchema info for parsing xml doc into abap structure
T5GPBS33SxP Absence Processing Type
T5GPBSP_ER_RATELGPS: Employer's Rate
T5GPBSP_PROLGPS Protected Contribution Rates
T5GPBSP_PSCHLocal Government Pension Schemes
T5GPBSP_SCHGBLGP: Pension Schemes
T5GPBSP_UNPLGPS Unprotected Contribution Rates
T5G_AE_CYCPAE: Cyclical Automatic Re-Enrolment Codes
T5G_AE_CYCDPAE: Cyclical Automatic Re-Assessment Dates
T5G_AE_CYCTPAE: Cyclical Automatic Re-Enrolment Codes Text
T5G_CONVNINI Conversion: Mapping customer wage types
T5G_DTOALApprenticeship Levy Data Take-On
T5G_DTOCVPY-GB: Company Cars/Vans - Data Take On
T5G_DTONINational Insurance Data Take-on
T5G_ERPENCUMEmployer's Pensionable Pay options
T5G_EYUUPLOADRTI: Upload Table for EYU Forms
T5G_NICPCTNIC Percentages
T5G_NIDTONational Insurance data take on
T5G_RTIDCRTI Declaration Data
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