PC09 - HR Payroll: Denmark

The development package PC09 contains objects for "HR Payroll: Denmark".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCDK. It belongs to software component PY-DK.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC09

P2RM_MABSHR-DK: Absence Information for PBS (Form 27)
P2RM_MABSCHR-DK: Cumulated Absence Information for PBS (Form 27)
P2RM_MACCSAP-PBS Interface: Accumulators (DK)
P2RM_MATPPayroll Result: ATP (DK)
P2RM_MFAHR-DK: Payroll Results for FA Statistics
P2RM_MGARGarnishments DK
P2RM_MLONHR-DK: Relationship between SAP Loans and PBS Wage Types
P2RM_MPACPrior Pension Accumulations after PBS Splits
P2RM_MPBSHR-DK: Modifiable Field Information for PBS
P2RM_MPENSPrivate Pension (DK)
P2RM_MSTATPayroll Structure MDADS: DA/DS Statistics (DK)
P2RM_MTAXPayroll Result: Tax (DK)
P2RM_MURSPHR-DK: Original Payroll Period
P2RM_MVACPayroll Structure MVAC: Leave Handling (DK)
P2RM_MVENTHR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)
PA0200HR Master Record, Infotype 0200 (Garnishments DK)
PA0204HR Master Record, Infotype 0204 (DA/DS Statistics DK)
PA0578HR Master Record: Infotype 0578
T5M49Date Identifiers for Special Payroll
T5M49WFeriekonto: Transfer Models
T5M58SAP-PBS Interface: Transfer Payroll Account (DK)
T5M58_OLD !!Do Not Use (Copy of T5M58)
T5M5BSAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK
T5M5CSAP-PBS Interface: Wage Type Interval Names DK
T5M5DSAP-PBS Interface: PBS Form Names (DK)
T5M5ESAP-PBS Interface: Forms (DK)
T5M5FSAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK)
T5M5GSAP-PBS Interface: Designation of Entry Values (DK)
T5M5HSAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)
T5M5ISAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)
T5M5KSAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE Designations (DK)
T5M5NSAP-PBS Interface: SE# (DK)
T5M5OSAP-PBS Interface: SE# Designations (DK)
T5M5PHR_DK: Companies Defined in the PBS System
T5M5QHR_DK: Names of Companies Defined in the PBS System
T5M5RHR_DK: Transfer of PBS Companies in Send/Import Programs
T5M5SInformation to PBS for Remuneration Statement
T5M5TField Conversions for Fields to PBS
T5M5UDescription of Field Conversions
T5M5YAssignment of Year and PBS Track to an Original Payroll
T5M5ZWage Types for Processing Retroactive Difference
T5M6AAssignment of Leave Types to Wage Types
T5M7AProcessing Possibilities in Danish Payroll Steps
T5M7BCompany Variant Sets for Payroll Variants
T5M7CDanish Payroll - Step as of Person Listed in mc W
T5M7DStatus Line for Payroll Run
T5M7EUser Variant Sets for Payroll Report Variants
T5M7FText Table for 'Single Step' Execution Type in Payroll
T5M7GTax Table Processing
T5M7HText Table for Single Steps in Processing
T5M7ITax Table for Single Steps in Payroll
T5M7JDanish Payroll: Error Code Table for PBS
T5M7KPerson Selection for Payroll Run from T5M7D
T5M7LPayroll acct. area selections for payroll run from T5M7D
T5M7MSingle Step Control in User Variant Set
T5M7NSpecial Wage Type Definition Elements for Pensions (DK)
T5M7OAMP Institutions (Danish Pension Institutions)
T5M7PGarnishment Types in Danish Payroll (IT 200)
T5M7QText Table for Garnishment Types (T5M7P)
T5M7SResults of a Step in the Payroll Run (HR DK)
T5M7TPBS File Entries (HR DK Payroll)
T5M7VForm Entries for PBS File
T5M7WFile Entries Assignment from T5M7V
T5M7XEntries for Form X1 - Special Payment Days
T5M7YUser Codes for User Variant Sets
T5M7ZField Values from Last Payroll
T5M8AEntry Fields for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8BInput Field Names for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8CInput values for own statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8DDesignate Input Values for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK)
T5M8EVerify Changes to Wage Type Texts
T5M8FSAP-PBS interface: Assign SAP PBS wage types (DK)
T5M8GMatchcode W Specifically for Payroll Step (DK)
T5M8HPBS error table for importing error file
T5M8IPBS error codes
T5M8JFile entries for PBS file
T5M8KLog of report calls for Danish payroll accounting
T5M8LText table for company variant sets
T5M8MText table for user variant sets
T5M8NCompany-specific RFC destinations for PBS links
T5M8OPension institutions
T5M8PSAP-PBS interface: Transfer year-end values
T5M8QAssign PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deduction
T5M8RName assignment of PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deduction
T5M8SEmployer assignment in original period
T5M8TDanish Postal Codes
T5M8UHierarchy Structure for DA Statistics Job Key
T5M8VHierarchy Structure Texts for DA Statistics Job Key
T5M8WYear End Corrections for PBS Accumulators (HR-DK)
T5M8XInterface: PBS Constants as T511K Constants
T5M8ZEmployer Assignment in Original Period
T5M9ASAP-PBS Interface: Transfer of New Year Values
T5M9BSAP-PBS: Year End Values (Revision)
T5M9CSAP-PBS Interface: New Year Values (Revision)
T5M9DPBS wage types that need activating.
T5M9EStandard Account Assignment for PBS Wage Types
T5M9FPBS Accumulator
T5M9GPBS Accumulator
T5M9HSplit Indicators for Wage Types Sent to PBS
T5M9ITexts for End of Year Runs (Payroll)
T5M9JTexts for New Year Runs (Payroll)
T5MAHFile Access Path
T5MCCCluster Memory Table
T5MFBFA Statistics: Values for Validation
T5MFIFA Statistics: Bonus Types
T5MFJCorrect FA Absence Statistics
T5MP1General Messages for the PBS Remuneration Statement
T5MY0HR-DK: Year-End Activities for PBS
T5M_ABSCDAbsence Codes for PBS
T5M_ABSTY_ABSCDLink: Absence Types and Employer Org. to Absence Codes
T5M_ABS_TREATMNTAbsence Processing
T5M_LO_INTERFACELoans: Relationship: WT & Pseudo-Split and Generated WT
T5M_VASTALeave Accumulation Status (Entity)
T5M_VASTA_TXTNames of Leave Accumulation Statuses
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