T5M5B - SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK

SAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DK information is stored in SAP table T5M5B.
It is part of development package PC09 in software component PY-DK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll: Denmark".

Fields for table T5M5B

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
V_LGARTInterval wage type DKXP09_VLGRTCHAR4
B_LGARTWage type to interval DKXP09_BLGRTCHAR4
R_LGARTImport wage typeXP09_RLGRTCHAR4
ACCUMIndicator: Wage type cumulation (DK)P09_ACCUMCHAR1
ISPLTIndicator: Import Relevant for SplitP09_ISPLTCHAR1
DEFDefinition of wage type +/- sign in PBS DKP09_DEFCHAR1
FORM2Indicator: Send FORM2 for Wage Type Definition DKP09_FORM2CHAR1
FORMXIndicator: FORM X - Special Payout Days DKP09_FORMXCHAR1
S_LGARTBalance wage typeP09_SLGRTCHAR4
D_LGARTDeduction wage type DKP09_DLGRTCHAR4
ANTALIndicator: Entry in FORM 22A, field: Antal (DK)P09_ANTALCHAR1
TIMERIndicator: Entry for 'Timer' field FORM 22A (DK)P09_TIMERCHAR1
P09_PBSBETPBS wage type definition: Transfer amount/rate/number valuesP09_PBSBETCHAR3
P09_PBSREGPBS wage type must be activatedP09_PBSREGCHAR1
VTNUMValue transfer type for SAP field numberP09_VLTRNCHAR1
VTRTEValue transfer type for SAP rate fieldP09_VLTRRCHAR1
VTAMTValue transfer type for SAP field amountP09_VLTRACHAR1
WONCEIndicator: Wage type is only sent once per payroll periodP09_ONCECHAR1
CUSTOWage Type Can Be Modified to Customer Needs at PBSP09_CUSTOCHAR1
FAILTFA Statistics: IL Type of Wage Type in PBSP09_FAILTCHAR4
DAILTDA Statistics: IL Type in PBSP09_DAILTCHAR4
FAAPTFA Statistics: Key for Bonus TypeP09_FAAPTCHAR2T5MFI
LGREGWage Type Applied in Original Payroll PeriodP09_LGREGCHAR4
LGSPCWage Type Applied in Retroactive PeriodsP09_LGSPCCHAR4
CTTAXWage Type Contributes to Tax BasisP09_CTTAXCHAR1
CTAMBWage Type Contributes to LMC BasisP09_CTAMBCHAR1
CTLONWage Type Contributes to Basis for Total Wages DeductionP09_CTLONCHAR1
CTVC1Wage Type Contributes to Leave Savings (Accumulator 37)P09_CTVC1CHAR1
CTVC2Wage Type Contributes to Leave Saving 2 (accumulator 38)P09_CTVC2CHAR1
CTVC3Wage Type Contributes to Leave Saving 3 (Accumulator 36)P09_CTVC3CHAR1
CTBTXWage Type Contributes to B Tax BasisP09_CTBTXCHAR1
CTATPWage Type Contributes to ATP Basis/is Used as ATP HourP09_CTATPCHAR1
TAXFDField for Tax ReturnP09_TAXFDCHAR2
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