PC22 - HR accounting: Japan

The development package PC22 contains objects for "HR accounting: Japan".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCJP. It belongs to software component PY-JP.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PC22

P2RJ_HEITPayroll Results: Hei Ran Results Table
P2RJ_JP_CPTPayroll result: Retirement Benefit Result
P2RJ_JP_SHUKKOShukko settlement information
P2RJ_JWPKJAdd to working place and basic pay (Japan)
P2RJ_KGTKijungai time occured in for-period with Position info
P2RJ_MATCumulation Table for Flexible Payroll
P2RJ_MSTPayroll result: Monthly socail insurance table
P2RJ_NTPayroll Results: Social/Labour Insurance (Japan)
P2RJ_RETTAXPayroll Results: Detailed Retirement Tax Infomation
P2RJ_RET_INFOPayroll Results: Retirement Information Table
P2RJ_TTPayroll Results: Income Tax (Japan)
P2RJ_YTTPayroll Results: Income Tax for Year End Adjustment (Japan)
T5J19HR Combination for Family Dependant Tax Deduction JPN
T5J1AHR-J: Overseas pay payment rate
T5J20HR Amount for Famliy Dependent Tax Deduction JPN
T5J35HR Indicator of Taxation JPN
T5J36HR Tax Indicator Text JPN
T5J37HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPN
T5J38HR Year End Adjustment Indicator Text JPN
T5J39HR Standard Annual Income Y.E.A. JPN
T5J40HR Tax Deduction Amount Y.E.A. JPN
T5J41HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN
T5J42HR Payroll Income Tax - Monthly Chart JPN
T5J43HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily KOU JPN
T5J44HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily OTSU JPN
T5J48HR Payroll Income Tax - Reconstruction
T5J50HR Residence Tax Change Reason JPN
T5J51HR Text for Residence Tax Change Reason JPN
T5J52HR Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN
T5J53HR Text for Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN
T5J54HR Insurance Product Type JPN
T5J55HR Text for Insurance Product Type JPN
T5J57HR Special Tax Table for Retirement Income (Pension) JPN
T5J58HR Combination Insurance Company Type/Product JPN
T5J64HR Commuting Allowance - Non-taxable Amounts JPN
T5J69HR Attributes to SYOYO payroll run JP
T5J86HR-J: Taxation Type Indicator JPN
T5J87HR-J: Taxation type text
T5J88HR-J: Payment class
T5J89HR-J: Payment class text
T5J99Wagetype correspond Table.
T5JFTMultiple payment model in a month
T5JKGKijungai period setting per payroll area
T5JMAMultiple payment model in a month
T5JNCHR Normal Collection Reason Indicator JPN
T5JNCTHR Text for Normal Collection Reason Indicator JPN
T5JNRHR Normal Collection Reason for Output JPN
T5JNRTText Table of Normal Collection Reason for Output
T5JRICRetroactive Changes to YEA Infotypes
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