PCMP - Compensation management

The development package PCMP contains objects for "Compensation management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRRXX. It belongs to software component PA-CM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PCMP

HRP1005DB Table for Infotype 1005 (Planned Compensation)
HRP1050DB Table for Infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation Results)
HRP1051DB Table for Infotype 1051 (Survey Results)
PA0380HR Master Data Record Infotype 0380 (Comp. Adjustment)
PA0381HR Master Record Infotype 0381 (Comp. Plan Eligibility)
PA0382HR Master Data Record Infotype 0382 (Award)
PA0383HR Master Data Record Infotype 0383 (Compensation Package)
PA0384HR Master Data Record Infotype 0384
PA0395HR Master Record: Infotype 0395 (External Org.Assignment)
PA0396HR Master Record: Infotype 0396 (Expatriate Attributes)
PB0396HR Master Record: Infotype 0396 (Expatriate Attributes)
T504STo be deleted - no longer used!
T504TTo be deleted - no longer used!
T504UTo be deleted - no longer used!
T504VTo be deleted - no longer used!
T504WTo be deleted - no longer used!
T504XTo be deleted - no longer used!
T504YTo be deleted - no longer used!
T504ZTo be deleted - no longer used!
T50X1Type of Expatriate
T50X2Type of Expatriate Text
T510DDynamic Standard Pay Increase
T510NPay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA)
T510RPay Scale Reclassification
T510_PSRCLPay scale reclassification
T510_PSRCL_FVTable of Filter Values for the BAdI for Pay Scale Reclass.
T5EMUPROTLog table for currency translation EMU
T710Pay Grade Levels
T710APay Grade
T710FUnits of Time
T710FTTexts for Units of Time
T710GEvaluation Group
T710GTValuation Type Text
T710SSurvey Data
T710STSurvey Texts
T71BUSData Source for Budget Determination
T71BUSTData Source for Budget Determination: Text
T71C0Compensation Component
T71C01Fixed Compensation Components
T71C02Variable Compensation Components
T71C03Stock Components
T71C0TCompensation Component Type Texts
T71C1Compensation Group
T71C1TCompensation Group Texts
T71C2Compensation Package
T71C3Compensation Area
T71C3TCompensation Area Texts
T71C4Planning Period
T71C5Eligibility Rule for Compensation
T71C5RCompensation Eligibility Rule Variant
T71C5TCompensation Eligibility Rule Texts
T71C6Compensation Eligibility Group
T71C6TCompensation Eligibility Group Texts
T71C7Compensation Adjustment Details
T71C8Compensation Adjustment Reason
T71C8TCompensation Adjustment Reason Text
T71C9To be deleted - no longer used!
T71CACompensation Adjustment Type
T71CATCompensation Adjustment Type Texts
T71CBCompensation Adjustment
T71CCTo be deleted - no longer used!
T71CDTo be deleted - no longer used!
T71D1Pay Grade Rule
T71D1RPay Grade Rule Variant
T71D1TPay Grade Rule Variant Texts
T71D2Pay Scale Group Rule
T71D2RPay Scale Group Rule Variant
T71D2TPay Scale Group Rule Variants Texts
T71D3Job Rule
T71D3RJob Rule Variant
T71D3TJob Rule Variant Texts
T71D4Salary Rule
T71D4RSalary Rule Variant
T71D4TSalary Rule Variant Texts
T71D5Employee Appraisal Rule
T71D5REmployee Appraisal Rule Variant
T71D5TEmployee Appraisal Rule Variant Texts
T71D6User-Defined Rule
T71D6RUser-Defined Rule Variant
T71D6TUser-Defined Rule Variant Texts
T71E0RGuideline Variants
T71E0TGuideline Variant Texts
T71E1Guideline Group
T71E1TGuideline Group Texts
T71F0Wage Types for Compensation Adjustments
T71F1Wage Type Model for Compensation Adjustments
T71G0Compensation Matrix
T71G0TText Table for Compensation Matrices
T71GDDimension Table
T71GDTText Table for Dimensions
T71GMMethods for Matrix Dimensions
T71GMTText Table for Dimension Method
T71GSSegment Table for Dimensions
T71GSTText Table for Dimension Segments
T71GTCalculation Variants for Compensation Matrix
T71GTTText Table for Calculation Variants
T71GVValue Table for Compensation Matrix
T71LA1Award type (check table)
T71LA1TText table for award type
T71LA2Award type
T71LB2Country-dependent award attributes
T71LB3Pricing information for awards
T71LC1Change event
T71LC1TText table for change events
T71LE1Exercise methods
T71LE1TText tables for exercise methods
T71LE2Exercise methods allowed
T71LEW0Exercise Period
T71LEW0RExercise Window Rule
T71LEW0TExercise Window Rule: Texts
T71LEW1Exercise Groups
T71LEW1T Exercise Groups: Texts
T71LL1Life event types (check table)
T71LL1TText table for life event type
T71LL2Life event type
T71LP1Long-term incentive plans
T71LP2Long-Term Incentive Plans: Distributed Stock
T71LS1Stock Splits
T71LS2Stock Splits
T71LV1Vesting rule (check table)
T71LV1TText table for vesting rule
T71LV2Vesting Rule
T71LV3Life event vesting
T71LWAssignment of Workflow Event -> Life Event
T71LY1Amount Types for Payroll of Exercised Awards
T71LY1TTexts: Amount Types for Payroll of Awards
T71LY2Wage Types for Awards Payroll
T71SS1Web control survey data
T71TCS1TCS category
T71TCS1ATCS category attribute
T71TCS1TTCS category text
T71TCS2TCS subcategories
T71TCS2ATCS subcategory attributes
T71TCS2TTCS subcategory text
T71TCS3Assignment of TCS subcategory - wage types
T71WL1Web links
T71WL1TWeb links text
T71WL2Parameter for link structure
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