RSAR - Data import from source system

The development package RSAR contains objects for "Data import from source system".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BW_WHM. It belongs to software component BW-WHM-DST.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package RSAR

RS3DRELPossible 3rd Party Source System Types and Releases
RS3DRELTText Table for Permitted 3rd Party Source System Releases
RSADMINDATData element assignment for table RSADMIN
RSAPPLSHShadow table: Directory of the application components
RSAPPLTSHShadow table: Texts of the application components
RSDDICDTELGenerated structures for function mod. RSAR_POPUP_GET_VALUES
RSDDICSTRUCTGenerated structures for function mod. RSAR_POPUP_GET_VALUES
RSHIEFOLTTMPHelp Table for Packaged Loading of Hierarchies
RSHIEINTVLTMPHelp Table for Packaged Loading of Hierarchies
RSHIENODETMPHelp Table for Packaged Loading of Hierarchies
RSHIETXTTMPHelp Table for Loading Packaged Hierarchies
RSISInfoSource (transaction data)
RSISFIELDInfoSource fields (provider structure of all systems)
RSISFIELDSHShadow table: InfoSource fields
RSISNInfoSource - Header Table
RSISNFIELDInfoSource - Field Table
RSISNTInfoSource - Texts
RSISOFIELDInfoSource fields (provider structure of a source system)
RSISOLTPInfoSources (tranascation data) in source system
RSISOSELFDInfoSource selection fields of a source system
RSISOSIBUSHThe OLTPSource is suited for which IBUs?
RSISOSMAPSHShadow Table: Mapping between InfoSources and OLTPSource
RSISOSNDPSHThe OLTPSource is suited to which NDP?
RSISSELFDSHShadow table: InfoSource fields
RSISSHShadow table: InfoSource
RSISTInfoSource texts
RSISTSHShadow table: InfoSource texts
RSKSFIELDSHShadow table: Communication structure fields
RSKSSHShadow table: Communication structure fields
RSLOGSYSCOMPAssigned 3rd Party Source System Releases
RSLOGSYSCONTENTSource Systems Irrelevant for Content ("Practice Systems")
RSLOGSYSDBExtras for RSBASIDOC with DB Connect Source Systems
RSLOGSYSDESTDestination for Logical System (Note: Comp. EDIPOA ! )
RSLOGSYSMAPMapping of logical systems fir transport of InfoSources
RSLOGSYSTABSource System Information for Source Systems Transport
RSLOGSYSUDCUDC-Connector for Source System
RSLOGSYSVIRTVirtual Source Systems
RSOLTPIBUWhich IBUs are Supported by the Source System?
RSOLTPNDPWhich NDPs are Supported by the Source System?
RSOSInfoSource (master data, texts, hierarchies)
RSOSATTFDInfoSource attributes using all source systems
RSOSATTFDSHShadow table: InfoSource attributes
RSOSFIELDInfoSource fields using all source systems
RSOSFIELDMAPSHShadow Table: Mapping between OLTPs, Fields and IOBJs
RSOSFIELDSHShadow table: InfoSource fields
RSOSOATTFDInfoSource attributes of a source system
RSOSOFIELDInfoSource fields of a source system
RSOSOHIEDirectory for Master Data Hierarchies
RSOSOHIESHShadow Table: Hierarchy Information in BW
RSOSOHIETDirectory for Master Data Hierarchies - Texts
RSOSOHIETSHShadow Table: Hierarchy Information in BW
RSOSOLTPInfoSources (master data, ...) in the source system
RSOSOSELFDInfoSource selection fields of a source system
RSOSSEGFIEMAPSHMapping between DataSource and InfoSource Segments (Fields)
RSOSSEGMAPSHMapping between DataSource and InfoSource Segments
RSOSSELFDSHShadow table: InfoSource fields
RSOSSHShadow table: InfoSources (master data, ...)
RSOSTInfoSources (master data, ...) texts
RSOSTSHShadow table: InfoSources (master data, ...) texts
RSSRCCHKTemporary Storge of Source System Check for Communication
RSSRCTYPE_MAPBehavior of Source System Types
RSTPRFCDestinations in Clients
RSTRFIELDSHShadow table: Transfer Structure Fields
RSTRRULESSHShadow table: Transfer Structure Transfer Rules
RSTRSHShadow table: Transfer Structure
RSTSTransfer structure
RSTSABAPSHShadow table: ABAP routine - source code
RSTSDOMAGeneral domains for transfer structure
RSTSDTELData element for transfer structure per logical system
RSTSDTELNEWData element for transfer structure per logical system
RSTSFIELDTransfer structure fields
RSTSFIELDSHShadow table: Transfer structure fields
RSTSIDOCIDoc Operational Data Store for the transfer structure
RSTSIDOCFIELDFields for the IDoc Operational Data Store
RSTSODSOperational Data Store for the transfer structure
RSTSODSFIELDFields for the Operational Data Store
RSTSODSPARTPartitioning Information
RSTSODSREQUESTRequest directory ODS; which request is in which ODS
RSTSODSREQUESTPGRequest-/packet directory
RSTSODSREQ_CNVtemporary replacement for RSTSODSREQUEST during conversion
RSTSRULESTransfer structure transfer rules
RSTSRULESSHShadow table: Transfer structure transfer rules
RSTSRULESTSHShadow table: ABAP routine - source code
RSTSSHShadow table: Transfer structure
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