BW_WHM - BW Warehouse Management

The development package BW_WHM contains objects for "BW Warehouse Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package RS_BW_STRUPAK. It belongs to software component BW-WHM.

Child development packages of BW_WHM

Development Package
BW_APDAnalysis Process Designer
BW_BWABusiness Warehouse Accelerator
BW_INFOCUBE_OPERATIONSInfoCube Administration and Operations
BW_SYS_DBBW Database-Specific Coding
RODPS_HANAConnection of HANA Models to ODP
RSAC_TOOLTools for Customizing Data Staging
RSAOLTPOLTP Metadata <-> BW Metadata Interface
RSARData import from source system
RSAR_DEPRelease-Specific RSAR Objects
RSAR_ENOutsourced englisch objects of package RSAR
RSASELData Transfer: Selection Criteria (Deprecated!)
RSATGeneral tree support / lining level
RSAWBBW: Administrator's Workbench
RSAWBNData Warehousing Workbench
RSAWBNDFData Warehousing Workbench Data Flow
RSAWBNDFPData Flow Pattern
RSAWBN_OBJDW Workbench: Object Implementations
RSAWBN_SERDW Workbench Services
RSAWBN_TOOLSDW Workbench: Own Tools
RSBBusiness Information Warehouse: Data Marts
RSBAPIBAPIs from the Business Information Warehouse
RSBATCHBatch Manager for BW
RSBCMDData Transfer Process: Commands
RSBKData Transfer Process: Kernel Objects
RSBMData Transfer Process: Log and Monitor
RSBOOpen Hub - Maintenance and Execution
RSBOH_MANAGEOpen Hub with RSPM - Manage UI and functions
RSB_GUIOpen Hub Service - GUI - Release 7.1
RSCNVPackage for Metadata Remodeling
RSCOPYData Flow Copy
RSCRT(Near)-Real-Time Data Transfer into BW
RSDABW Data Archiving and Near-line Storage. Core Functions
RSDA_HDPBW Nearline connection for HDP (Experimental!)
RSDA_NEARLINE_IF_LOCALLocal Nearline Interface for SAP BW
RSDA_SDBBW Archiving: Nearline Adapter for MaxDB
RSDA_WSBW Archiving: Near-Line Adapter for Web Service
RSDA_WSDBW Nearline Storage: Web Service Definition
RSDDTPSPolestar Integration
RSDD_LTIP_WHMLogical Indexes as Transient InfoProviders
RSDFFront-End for Data Warehousing Workbench Data Flow
RSDF_CONTENTContent: Dataflow Templates
RSDF_GENERATORWizards for Data Flow Generation
RSDF_GUIData Warehousing Workbench Data Flow
RSDHData Hub Integration
RSDHA_PACKAGINGData Packaging API for HANA Transformation, Transfer, etc
RSDH_ODPODP Support in SAP Data Hub
RSDLBW: DB Connect - SDK Connect
RSDMDMaster Data Update
RSDMDDDelete Master Data by Package
RSDMDMMaster Data Maintenance
RSDMD_MANAGEInfoObject with RSPM - Manage UI and functions
RSDMD_RUNTIMERuntime modules for enhanced master data update
RSDMD_TBLSRVTable Service For Characteristics
RSDMD_TBLSRV_DBMSDatabase specific implementations for table service
RSDMMDVisualization of the InfoCube Data Model
RSDPPData Protection and Privacy for BW
RSDQMData Quality Management
RSDRCRM_TOPService Layer for CRM Segmentation
RSDSApollo DataSource
RSDSO_ACTIVATIONActivation modules for ADSO
RSDSO_DATADataStore Object (ADSO): Managing Data
RSDSO_DTPDataStore Object (ADSO): Transformation and DTP
RSDSO_EXTRACTIONextraction from advanced dataStore object
RSDSO_MANAGEAdvanced DataStore Object - Manage UI and functions
RSDSO_PCProcess Chain Variants for DataStore objects (advanced)
RSDSO_ROLLBACKrollback/deletion modules for ADSO
RSDSO_RUNTIMERuntime Measurements
RSDSO_TBLSRVTable Service For DataStore Objects
RSDSO_TBLSRV_DBMSDatabase specific implementations for table service
RSDSO_TESTTests for advanced DataStore Objects
RSDSO_UPDATEUpdate modules for DataStore Objects (ADSO)
RSDS_ACCESSAccess methods Apollo DataSource
RSDS_QUEUEBW Delta Queue for Push DataSources
RSENQLock Manager
RSEXTEnhancement Options in BW
RSFOIntegration of Formula Editor in Transfer/Update Rules
RSFO_DEPRelease-Specific RSDO Objects
RSFO_DEP_Release-Dependent Objects from Package RSFO
RSGMGraphical Model
RSGMDGraphical Modeling: Data Flow Model
RSGRAPHICSBW: Classes for Network Graphics
RSHDB_MONPackage for Unload Monitoring in NewDB
RSHDB_PCPackage for Process Chain Type in NewDB
RSIWAImpact and Water Level Display - Apollo
RSJOBJob scheduling in BW/4HANA
RSKSInfoSource 7.0
RSLPOLogical Partitioning - Independent Objects
RSLPO_BADISemantic Partitioning: Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)
RSLPO_CHECKLogical Partitioning: Consistency Checks
RSLPO_DFGLogical Partitioning: Data-Flow Generation
RSLPO_GENLogical Partitioning: Generation
RSLPO_GENERALPackage for general Objects(Avoid Package Check Problems)
RSLPO_GUILogical Partitioning: GUI
RSLPO_LOCKSLogical Partitioning: Lock
RSLPO_PARTGUIUI for Specifying Partitioning Criteria
RSLPO_PCLogical Partitioning: Process Chain Integration
RSLPO_PC_TEMPLATELogical Partitioning: Generate Process Chains
RSLPO_STATUSStatus overview
RSLPO_TLOGOSemantic Partitioning: Metadata / TLOGO Implementation
RSLPO_TOOLSDiverse Tool Classes for Logical Partitioning
RSMDPMaster Data Processing
RSMD_UCMaster Data Services: Where-Used-Check
RSMHIERProcess Type for Loading Multiple Hierarchies
RSMIGRATEMigration of BW data flows 3.x -> 7.x
RSNDIInterface for NDIs (SEM, CRM)
RSOABW OLTP Direct Access
RSODP_WHMWHM Components of ODP based on Classical InfoSets
RSODSOMain Package for All RSODSO_* Packages
RSODSO_ACTIVATIONDataStore Object: Activation of Data
RSODSO_ACT_DBDSO activation using DB specific processing
RSODSO_ACT_MPPDSO activation using SQL mass processing
RSODSO_APIAPIs for DataStore Objects (Read, Write, Create, etc.)
RSODSO_DTPDTP-Relevant Implementation for ODS Objects
RSODSO_GCDataStore object (classic) - Golden Codeline for testing
RSODSO_GUIUI Framework for DataStore objects
RSODSO_GUI_SERUI Framework for DataStore objects
RSODSO_MPP_TESTMPP-Relevant DataStore Tests
RSODSO_RDAReal-Time Data Acquisition for DataStore Objects
RSODSO_ROLLBACKDataStore Object: Deletion of Requests
RSODSO_RSDRODataStore Object: 3.0/3.5 Development
RSODSO_RUNTIMERuntime Measurement
RSODSO_SETTINGSParameter Maintenance for DataStores
RSODSO_SIDSID Generation in Context of DataStore Objects
RSODSO_SID_MPPMPP-Optimized Generation of SIDs
RSODSO_TESTTest-Relevant Objects - Transport within the SAP Landscape
RSODSO_TOOLSTools for DataStore Objects
RSODSO_UPDATEDataStore Object: Loading of Data
RSPCProcess Chains
RSPC_SAPCPSProcess Types for SAP CPS
RSPC_WEBProcess Chain Monitoring for Mobile
RSPLS_PCPlanning and WHM integration
RSPMBW Request Status Management
RSPPPartition Pruning for MultiProviders
RSREQARCHArchiving of Request - Status Management
RSRVAnalysis and Repair of BW Objects
RSSDKUDConnect Elements
RSSEMSEM Connection to BW
RSSHMTBW: Frontend Hierarchy Processing
RSSHWDWeb Dynpro Hierarchy Maintenance
RSSHWDYWD Hierarchy Maintenance - currently ONLY for BW Workspaces
RSSH_DTPHierarchies: Data Transfer Process and Transformation
RSSID_SERVICEServices for master data check
RSSMBW: General monitoring and scheduling
RSS_WHMBIW: General Services - WHM Package
RSTRAN_DBTransformtion on DB
RSTRAN_FOBUFormulas in the Transformation
RSTRAN_GUIGUI Components for Transformation Rule
RSTRAN_GUI_STEPMaintenance Interfaces for Rule Steps
RSTRAN_IMTransformtion with IM
RSTRAN_RTransformation Runtime
RSTRAN_TSingle Rule Test
RSTRAN_TMPLTransformation: Migration
RSTRAN_VIEWto be deleted
RSWHM_MONITORMontitors for Warehouse management
RS_BOBJ_DSIntegration of Business Objects Data Services
RS_CATTS_WHMInterface and Test Cases for WHM CATTs
RS_CDS_VIEWBW CDS Views (reusable)
RS_PERSPersonalization Framework
RS_PSA_DEPDependent Components for PSA + PSA Service
This development package contains no tables.
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