RSPC - Process Chains

The development package RSPC contains objects for "Process Chains".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BW_WHM. It belongs to software component BW-WHM-DST.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package RSPC

RSCOMPTLOGOGrouping Components for TLOGO Objects
RSCOMPTLOGOTGrouping Components for TLOGO Objects
RSMONPCLoad-Monitor Connection of Process Runs
RSMONPROCESSProcesses that have worked with requests
RSPCABAPASYNCLogging for ABAP Processes(Synchronously and Asynchronously)
RSPCACTIVECHECKResults of Active Check with PC_ACTIVE Process Type
RSPCCATEGORYProcess Type Categories
RSPCCATEGORYTTexts for Category
RSPCCHAINProcess chain
RSPCCHAINATTRAttributes for a Process Chain
RSPCCHAINEVENTSMultiple Events with Process Chains
RSPCCHAINTTexts for Chain
RSPCCHAIN_SKIPSkipped processes
RSPCCOMMANDLOGSystem Command Execution Logs (Process Chains)
RSPCCOMPRESSEDLogs for the compressed Chain Runs
RSPCCONTENTSTARTProcess Chains To Be Scheduled Autom. When Content Activated
RSPCDATACHECKResults of is_needed check in streaming
RSPCENQUEUEDummy Table for Runtime Locks of a Process
RSPCEXORExcluding Or: Log Table
RSPCINFOSpecial Values for Communication between Processes
RSPCINFOTSpecial Values for Communication between Processes
RSPCINSTANCEGeneric Instance Storage
RSPCINSTANCETTexts for Generic Instance-Storage
RSPCINTERRUPTVariants for the Trigger Processes
RSPCINTERRUPTLOGTable for Interrupt Processes
RSPCINTERRUPTTTexts for Interrupt Variants
RSPCKILLRuns to be Terminated
RSPCLOGCHAINCross-Table Log ID / Chain ID
RSPCLOGCROSSCross-Table Log ID Old / Log ID New
RSPCLOGSApplication Logs for the Process Chains (Generic Service)
RSPCLOGTIMECACHECache for Runtime Statistics
RSPCPROCESSLOGLogs for the Chain Runs
RSPCRUNVARIABLESVariables for Process Chains for Runtime
RSPCSTREAMCHECKInformation for fast decision on streaming start
RSPCSYNCLOCKDummy Table for Locks for Synchronous Execution
RSPCTRACETrace: Process chain
RSPCTRIGGERVariants for the Trigger Processes
RSPCTRIGGERTTexts for the Trigger Variants
RSPCTYPESDEPDependencies for Processes
RSPCVARIANTGeneric Variant Storage
RSPCVARIANTATTRAttributes of a Process Variant
RSPCVARIANTTTexts for Generic Variant Storage
RSPC_ALERT_CATAlert Categories for Process Types
RSPC_BUFFERShared Buffer for Processes (Esp. Customer Programs)
RSPC_MONITORMonitor individual process chains
RSPC_MONITOR_SETUser-Dependent Setting RSPCM
RSPC_SEARCHSearch buffer
RSPROCESSTYPESPossible Process Types
RSPROCESSTYPESTDescriptions of Possible Process Types
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