SO - SAPoffice

The development package SO contains objects for "SAPoffice".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BASIS. It belongs to software component BC-SRV-COM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package SO

SADRFFax addresses with cover sheet
SADROSAPoffice: Table for storing UNIX addresses
SADRUSAPoffice: Table for storing UNIX addresses
SADRX5X.500 Directory Entries
SOADRBUFSAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export)
SOATTSAPoffice: Attachments for BOR objects
SOC3SAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export)
SOC3NSAPoffice: DB for Objects (Header/Content)
SOCSSAPoffice: table for storage of an Office ID (SAPcomm)
SOCVPCSAPoffice: Conversion Table for PC Documents
SOCXSAPoffice: table for storing SAPcomm IDs
SOCYSAPoffice: inverse table for SOCX (SAPcomm ID table)
SODESTSAPoffice: Destinations
SODMSAPoffice: distribution list contents
SODSATSAPoffice: User-friendly LDAP attribute names
SODSATSTLDAP Attributes for Office Transmission Methods
SODSPROFPresettings for access to LDAP service
SODSPROF2LDAP Profile (New 4.6C)
SOEMSREPSAPoffice: Control table for emergency sys. return transport
SOEPSAPoffice: Table for data transfer during express handling
SOERSAPoffice: receive externally
SOESSAPoffice: External send operation
SOFASAPoffice: user-specific authorization for shared folders
SOFDSAPoffice: Object Definition
SOFFCHKFSOFF: File Name of Last Checkout
SOFFCHKOSOFF: Checkout Data to a Physical Information Object
SOFFCONT1SOFF: Table for Document Contents (import/export)
SOFFLOIOSOFF: Instances of Logical Information Objects
SOFFLOIOTSOFF: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
SOFFLOPRSOFF: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
SOFFLORESOFF: Outgoing Links for Logical Information Objects
SOFFLORISOFF: Incoming Links for Logical Information Objects
SOFFPHFSOFF: Files of Physical Information Objects
SOFFPHHRSOFF: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
SOFFPHIOSOFF: Instances of Physical Information Objects
SOFFPHNMSOFF: Use of Target Anchor in Physical Objects
SOFFPHPRSOFF: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
SOFFPHRESOFF: Outgoing Links for Physical Information Objects
SOFFPHRISOFF: Incoming Links for Physical Information Objects
SOFFRESOFF: Instances of Links
SOFFREPRSOFF: Attributes of Links
SOFINDSAPoffice: Search table via SOFD
SOFMSAPoffice: Folder contents
SOFRSAPoffice: Distribution List Table for Incoming Faxes
SOGRSAPoffice: Recipient determination during inbound distrib.
SOHSSAPoffice: DB for Home System (Shared Buffer)
SOIDSAPoffice: Inverse record for distribution list
SOIMAPSAPoffice: Mapping Table IMAP UID - API2 ID
SOMFSAPoffice: Address tables for fax screen
SOMFTSAPoffice: SOMF language table
SOMGTable for persistence of objects MESSAGE/RECIPIENT
SOMLSAPoffice: Multiple MLP: List of relevant systems
SOOCSAPoffice: object counter (per object type and year)
SOODSAPoffice: Object definition
SOOFSAPoffice: object folder
SOOSSAPoffice: send process
SOPCPATHPath + File Name for Deleting PC Work Files
SOPRSAPoffice: System-wide profile
SOQUOTAQuota: Number and Size of Documents in Private Folders
SORDSAPoffice: Viewed Records for Shared Folders
SOREORGObsolete -SAPoffice: Reorg. tab. for interim storage of keys
SORFSAPoffice: Replication Table
SORPSAPoffice: Replication Table
SORSSAPoffice: Resubmission of user
SORTSUBFSAPoffice: User-specific sort of folders subscribed to
SOSCSAPoffice: Connection table to SAPcomm and SAPconnect
SOSTSAPoffice: Status log table
SOSTATSAPoffice: Statistics
SOSUSAPoffice: Substitute for a user
SOSUBUTWorkplace: Private Sort of Folders Subscribed to
SOSXTESTSAPoffice/SAPconnect: Temporary folder for test results
SOUBSAPoffice: Inverse user (SAPoffice user)
SOUCSAPoffice: Inverse user (SAP user)
SOUDSAPoffice: user definition
SOURSAPoffice: Set of Regulations for User Agent
SOUXASAPoffice: Address ID for System User without USR02
SOXPSAPoffice: Table for data transfer during express handling
TBCS_RECIPControl Table for Possible Dialog Recipient Types
TSALQSAPaccess: language-dependent description of requests
TSARQSAPaccess: all supported requests
TSOCXSAPoffice: SOC3 split
TSOEXSAPoffice: Trace Table
TSOPASAPoffice: SET/GET Parameter
TSOPCFAVFavorites PC Documents
TSOPEExclusion of Specific File Extensions
TSOPTSAPoffice: Parameter Texts
TSOTDValid Object Types
TSOTTObject Type Texts
TSOTXGeneral texts for SAPoffice
TSOUXSAPoffice: System User without USR02
TSOVMSAPoffice: valid processing types
TSOVTSAPoffice: Processing types, text table
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