3G - Abrechnung international

The following messages are stored in message class 3G: Abrechnung international.
It is part of development package PCAL in software component PY-XX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP HR Payroll Application Development".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Message class is reserved for general payroll and its environment !!!!!
001& & & &
002Number format cannot be interpreted (correct file version?)
003The & conversion program for cluster & does not exist
004Cluster & will not be edited
005The new or old version of cluster & could not be determined
006The currency could not be determined for client & and PCGrouping &
007Conversion of cluster F1
008The record & could not be imported in client &
009The record & could not be converted in client &
010The record & could not be saved in client &
011Total number of logical records.......&
012Total number of converted records.....&
013Total number of records with errors...&
014Conversion of HRMS payroll results
015General overview
016Conversion for client &: Country grouping & (cluster &)
017Number of logical records............ &
018Number of converted records.......... &
019Number of records with errors........ &
020Cluster & is not being edited in client &
021Number of selected personnel numbers. &
022Wage type "&" does not exist in table T512W for the key date "&"
023Wage type "&" could not be converted from "&" to "&"
024Conversion of cluster CD to CU
025Cluster CD/CU for & could not be read in client &
026The payroll cluster cannot be determined for country &
027The country grouping for personnel number & in client &
028Error when creating the directory for personnel number & in client &
029Conversion for client &
030Cluster CU could not be read for & in client &
031Number of personnel numbers...........&
032Payroll record & & in client & has already been converted
033Payroll record & & in client & has the incorrect version number &
034Total number of personnel numbers.....&
035Total no.of records with incorrect version...&
036No. of records with incorrect version.....&
037Error when updating PCL2: XPRA has been canceled
038Cluster & has already been converted
039Number of converted records...........&
040Type &1 is not valid for payroll reporting
041Nummer range 01 to number range HR_PEVAL2 sub-object &1 is full
042Number range 01 to HR_PEVAL2 sub-object &1 cannot be created
043Number range 01 to HR_PEVAL2 sub-object &1 is not internal
044Internal error during number assignment to object HR_PEVAL2
045Number range object HR_PEVAL2 has not been found
046Posting run &1 &2 already exists
047Run number &1 &2 does not exist
048Attribute for run &1 &2 does not exist
049Attribute &1 is not permitted
050Status &1 is not permitted
051Run number &1 &2 is locked
052Status entry for run &1 &2 cannot be created
053No data is available for this program
054Choose an entry
055Deletion is not possible: Dependent run &1 &2 exists
056Simulation runs cannot be posted
057Run &1 &2 cannot be deleted
058Total number of converted records.....&
059Total number of physical records......&
060Choose the key from the allowed namespace
061No name range definition is possible for specifications
062Name range definition must be more precise
063Name range definition is already used by country grouping 99
064Specifications for processing class can only have one character
065Number of physical records............&
066Initialization of the currency in table T511P
067No currency exists in client = & and country = &
068Not all entries have been updated in client = & and country = &
069& of & lines in updated in table T511P
070Conversion of interface format and interface layout (PU12)
071Number of converted file layouts......... &
072Number of converted interface formats.... &
073Client &1 has already been converted, no action is necessary
074Please maintain the symb.account for wage type &2 (PCG &1)
075The symb. acc. does not exist for wage type &2 (PCG &1)
076The symb. account for wage type &2 (PCG &1) is inconsistent
077Wage type &2 (PCG &1): Specification PCL 32 is unknown
078Conversion of cluster F2
079Application: HR-PAY client: &1
080Customizing steps for posting converted for client &1 with errors/warning
081There are payroll archives that must subsequently be converted
082Client : & Archiving group : &
083Cluster CD is no longer used
084In client &, record & could not be imported from cluster F1
085In client &, the record & could not be imported from cluster F2
086Error when updating PCL4: XPRA has been terminated
087No payroll results found to be converted
088All secondary files deleted
089No status history found for run &1 &2
090Payroll posting document &1 does not exist
091Status entry for document &1 cannot be created
092Document &1 cannot be released: incorrect status
093Document(s) cannot be released: Incorrect run status
094Select one entry only
095No line information for document &1 exists
096The selected runs do not contain any documents
097Please only select posting runs of the same type together
098This document was not posted to Accounting
099Incorrect country grouping &2 (country grouping for run: &1)
100Call up of feature PPMOD was not successful
101Inconsistence in payroll results (tables &1/RT)
102Payroll result has already been evaluated in run &1
103Posting balance is not cleared (&1)
104Wage type &1: Symb. account &2 does not exist
105Wage type &1, symb. account &2: Acc. assignment &3 does not exist
106Personnel number locked by payroll run/reporting
107The posting date for period &2/&3 for payroll area &1 is not maintained
108Payroll area &1 is invalid
109Payroll results for reporting cannot be simulated
110Simulation payroll run for &2 could not take place
111Country grouping &1 does not exist
112Payroll results could not be imported
113Please only enter the company code &1 once
114Employee grouping &1 does not exist (feature PPMOD contains errors)
115WT &1: Transfer posting during cost assignment only for transfer to R/2
116Personnel number &1 has no payroll results
117Please specify a valid name for the payroll program
118Please specify a valid report variant
119Payroll simulation with document creation is not permitted
120Please use the wage type copy function (transaction PU30)
121This tool is not part of the IMG
122The entries have been transferred
123No authorization to read or write for cluster &
124No authorization to update cluster &1
125Payroll results are inconsistent for personnel number &1
126Cluster CU could not be read for personnel number &1
127The sequence numbers could not be created for per.no. &1
128Error when creating the payroll directory for personnel number &1
129Total number of selected personnel numbers with payroll results: &1
130Number of correct, not processed personnel numbers: &1
131Number of successfully converted personnel numbers: &1
132Number of incorrect personnel numbers: &1
133Error when updating table &1 for personnel number &2
134An archive exists for per.no. &1 and this archive cannot be converted
135Conversion for client: &
136Personnel numbers found with Matchcode W: &
137Entries inserted in table T52MCW for Matchcode W: &
138Infotype 0003: KOABR indicator (old Matchcode W) deleted: &
139Change memory table for Matchcode W from PA0003 to T52MCW
140The role of the client is not defined
141According to control record for PArea &1, payroll is not completed
142Control record for payroll area &1 is missing
143WBS element with external number &1 is not recognized in the system
144WBS element with the internal number &1 cannot be converted
145No read authorization for cluster &1
146No account can be determined for search key &1 HRC &2 &3 &4
147Export to cost planning not possible, since actual data exists
148Posting to special periods for manual posting date is not possible
149It is not possible to create this job, SY-SUBRC = &1
150It is not possible to close the job, SY - SUBRC = &1
151Job &1 created, please start job manually
152Error in user exit: Account assignment type changed in user exit
153Posting run &1 not completely posted
154Please only enter ESG for PCR and bonus date together
155No authorization to start a posting run of type &1
156No authorization to perform the activity (auth. object &1)
157Expenditure type &1 is more than 100% financed
158Error in user exit: Generated WType &1 is also included in payroll result
159Company code clearing not possible for external company codes
160Error in symbolic account &1 with account assignment type FO
161Wage type &1: Posting to symbolic account &2 without expenditure type
162Entering an expenditure type for this symbolic account is not allowed
163Payroll result &1 &2 could not be read from the puffer
164Payment date for off-cycle payroll must be specified
165Payment date for off-cycle payroll is ignored
166Permitted schemas
167Deleting the runs occurs via update
168Selection using matchcodes is not allowed
169No authorization for the action 'Set manually to posted status'
170Convert feature PU136 in table T520CZ
171Conversion for client: &
172Conversion for country grouping: &
173Internal error for personnel number &1: no index line found
174Internal error for personnel number &2: period not found
175Feature PU136 is not generated in client &
176Use the data transfer workbench
177Posting run PP&1 contains no posting documents; Read the long text
178The created posting run contains no documents; Read the long text
179EXIT_RPCIPE00_001: Acc.assgn.type changed to invalid assgn in user exit
180Only choose posting runs of one type
181Payroll simulation: Payroll program &1 does not exist
182Payroll simulation: Variant &1 does not exist
183Payroll simulation: An input parameter was not specified
184Payroll simulation: There is an incorrect parameter combination
185Payroll simulation: The country grouping for payroll is incorrect
186Payroll simulation: Error occurred in 'HR_PAYROLL' function
187Error when importing the out-of-sequence reversal original result
188Original out-of-sequence reversal result is not in the RGDIR
189Error when reading cluster CU for the personnel number &1
190The hidden parameter REVR_SQN is only permitted together with SET_REVR
191There are no payroll results with sequence number &1
192The payroll results with sequence number &1 are not original results
193Account assignment type &1 for symbolic account &2 was not found
194The dependent entries were not copied correctly
195Combination of personnel area &1 and personnel subarea &2 is invalid
196System unable to format name for personnel number &1
197Payroll result &1: table BT does not contain any payment information
198Payroll result &1: payment method missing for payment &2
199Company code &1 is invalid; see the long text
200*******Message texts for the Transfer to Accounting**********
201&1 line items rejected: Account category &2 does not exist.
202&1 line items rejected: Amount and number are zero.
203Account with the following search key was not found: &1
204Company code clearing account not found in co. code &1 for co. code &2
205Posting varient &1 does not exist
206Error when maintaining the run status
207Posting run &1 &2 does not have the 'Document Creation Initiated' status
208Account assignment objects could not be checked
209Account assignment objects are incorrect. No substitution is possible.
210Error during calculation of taxes with tax indicator &1
211There are several creditors with the search key &1 &2 &3 &4
212Internal error when determining the creditor
213No creditor with the search key &1 &2 &3 &4 has been found
214Central posting lock for creditor &1
215Posting lock in company code for creditor &1
216Central deletion flag for creditor &1
217Deletion flag in the company code for creditor &1
218&1 is not permitted as a search term for debtors
219&1 is not permitted as a search term for creditors
220Internal error when determining the debtor
221No debtor has been found with the search key &1 &2 &3 &4
222Central posting lock for debtor &1
223Posting lock in company code for debtor &1
224Central deletion flag for debtor &1
225Deletion flag in company code for debtor &1
226Entry for client &1 is missing in the client table
227Posting run &1 &2 cannot be posted: Incorrect status
228Posting run &1 &2 cannot be posted: Simulation run
229Posting run &1 &2 was not found
230Error when reading status for posting run &1 &2
231Posting run &1 &2 is locked
232The system has tried to update an invalid status
233Status update has failed
234Error during status update
235Posting run &1 &2 is locked (A rollback has occurred)
236Posting run &1 &2 was not found. (A rollback has occurred)
237Update of an invalid status (Rollback occurred)
238Status update has failed. (Rollback has occurred)
239Error during status update (Rollback has occurred)
240Error during conversion of the currency amount
241Error during conversion of the document lines to an external format
242Internal error: Document &1 has not been posted
243Document &1 has not been posted
244Error in ALE Customizing for object &1 and method &2
245Error during determination of filter objects for object &1 and method &2
246Internal error in the filter objects for object &1 and method &2
247Error in the ALE receiver determination for object &1 and method &2
248RFC destination is not maintained for object &1 and method &2
250This report cannot be started without selection criteria
251No data can be selected for the lines chosen
252Int. error: Field catalog for list display could not be created
253Int. error: Field catalog for list display could not be created
254Int.error: No index entries in int. table mode_idx for selected line
255No payroll result can be found for the selected entry
256Int. error: No data has been selected for the lines chosen
257Due to the sort criteria, no header information can be displayed
258No dates selected for which revision information can be displayed.
259There is no PPOIX entry for the PPOPX entry PERNR &1 and SEQNR &2
260Data inconsistency
261Internal error during selection of the data
262Inconsistent payroll results
263Internal error RPCIPD00
264The selected line contains no data
265double click is not possible for this payroll result
266Address data is missing for personnel number &1 (infotype 0006)
267The following documents contain neither lines nor messages: &1 &2
268The original documents to the reverse document line items are displayed.
269Variant &1 does not exist
270No data could be read for the specified selection
271Payee key &1: bank details and address data missing
272System cannot interpret feature PERID
273Personal data missing for personnel number &1 (infotype 0002)
274Payroll results of personnel number &2 are incomplete
275Address data for bank &2 (ctry &1) missing in bank master rec.(tab. BNKA)
276Combination of employee group &1 and employee subgroup &2 is invalid
277House bank account &3 does not exist (house bank &2, company code &1)
278Wage type &2: text key missing (country grouping &1, table T520S)
279Personnel number &2: infotype &1 is missing
280There is no T52EL entry for T52EZ entry, PCG = &1, WT = &2, ED = &3.
281There is no T52EZ entry for T52EL entry, PCG = &1, WT = &2, ED = &3.
282No entry in table T030 for symbolic account &1
283No text is maintained in the log on language, &2, for symb. acc. &1
284No entry in table T52EP for symbolic account &1.
285SPPRC incorrect in T52EL for PCG = &1, WT = &2, SN =&3, ENDDA = &4
286The entry for KOART = &1 is missing in table T52EP
287No symb. account in T52EL for PCG = &1, WT = &2, NR = 3, ENDDA = &4
288Error when structuring the tree for displaying the results
289Error when displaying the tree
290House bank &1 does not exist in company code &2 (table T012)
291Payment method missing from master data or Customizing
292Transfer was changed to check (new payment method is &1)
293Payment method &1 does not exist in country &2
294Line Overflow in the Purpose for Payment Method &, PersNo &
295Sequence number &2: WPBP for personnel assignment &1 not found
296No posting date was entered
297Error when updating the database
298Enter at least one business process
299Special Processing of the Posting Item is not Permitted
300Error Occurred as the Data Was Transferred to Cost Planning
301Run type &1 is not allowed
302Order or WBS element in cost distribution for account assignment type R
303Supplemental (sequence no.&1) has already been evaluated in run &2
304No regular result could be determined for supplemental &1
305Calling PPNGL feature not successful
306Employee grouping &1 does not exist (PPNGL feature contains errors)
307Average "&1" could not be converted from "&2" to "&3"
308Error in Customizing for cost distribution
309Internal error: &1
310Posting balance of retroactive accounting chain not settled
311Sequence number &1 for personnel number &2 for run type &3 not yet posted
312Inconsistent line items (internal error in FM TRANSLATE_FICO)
313Summarization is not possible for this document
314Summarization only possible within a payroll result
315Only select an item
316Error determining details for company code &1.
317Not possible to display auditing information for clearing lines
318Errors occurred! Check error log
319Customizing for wage type &1 was changed
320Internal error when determining the creditor (search keys &1 &2 &3 &4)
321Internal error when determining the debtor (search keys &1 &2 &3 &4)
322Maximum value for amount field exceeded (document &1, line &2, amount &3)
323Enter an Appropriate Payroll Area
324Error updating database &1
325Internal error: No entry for keys &1 &2 in table PPKIX
326Country grouping & from posting variant & cannot be processed
327Data for repeat run of sequence number & & is missing
328Unpermitted personnel number selection for repeat run
329Current value & and original value & of parameter & are different
330Internal error: No valid return value for segment found
331Current value & of field & of posting variant <> original value &
332Unpermitted posting status for repeat run of sequence number & &
333Personnel number & was already successfully processed for sequence no. &
334Could not derive the account assignment objects
335Run type &1 from posting variant &2 is not permitted
336Warnings occured. Check the error log
337Country grouping &1 from posting variant &2 is not permitted
338Termination after 10 attempts to start for parallel task
339Communication error for aRFC: &
340Runtime error in aRFC: &
341Error inserting into the database (PCALAC, PPOIX ...)
342No export to cost planning as no BAdI implementation is active
343No statistics available, as run was generated with the report &1
344Inconsistent main personnel number in EVP for SEQNR &
345Incorrect configuration for complementary wage type &
346Liability wage type &: Distribution basis is missing assgmt ID &
347Posting balance equals &1 for grouping XXPY &2 and PY results &3
348Person res..: No entry in tab. GROUPING of IN-period for reason XXNT
349Internal error: Run statistics cannot be displayed
350*******Message texts for the Transfer to Accounting**********
351The account assignment objects could not be checked
352Posting could not be carried out
353Error when generating the IDOCs
354There are several receiving systems for object &1 and method &2
355Creditor search could not be executed
356Debtor search could not be executed
357Tax indicator could not be read from G/L account
358Posting period could not be determined
359Transfer posting document to ALE layer
360Posting date for special period could not be determined
361Account determination could not be performed
362TAx calculation could not be performed
363The account assignment objects could not be checked
364The document line text could not be read
365Error when converting the project structure plan element
366Number range 01 to HRPP_PDOC is full
367Number range 01 for HRPP_PDOC could not be found
368Number range 01 for HRPP_PDOC is not internal
369Internal error during number assignment
370Number range object could not be found
371Number range 01 for HRPP_PDOC cannot be created
372Internal error when defining the posting date
373Internal error when defining the account for search key &1
374Document check not carried out due to conversion error
375Document check for G/L account documents has been performed locally
376Document check for G/L account document took place in logical system &1
377Document check for vendor document took place locally
378Document check for vendor document took place in logical system &1
379Document check for customer document took place locally
380Document check for customer document took place in logical system &1
381VAT calculation took place locally
382VAT calculation took place in a logical system &1
383Last day in the fiscal year was determined locally
384Last day in the fiscal year was determined in the logical system &1
385Account assignment object check took place locally
386Account assignment object check took place in logical system &1
387Determination of posting period took place locally
388Determination of posting period took place in the logical system &1
389Vendor search took place locally
390Vendor search took place in logical system &1
391Customer search took place locally
392Customer search took place in logical system &1
393Account determination took place locally
394Account determination took place in logical system &1
395Line item text was read locally
396Line item text was read in logical system &1
397Value-added-tax code was read locally from G/L acocunt
398VAT code read from G/L account in logical system &1
399Acc.assignment object replaced by current master cost center for employee
400Account assignment object replaced by substitute cost center
401Funds eliminated from posting line
402No documents exist for posting run &1 &2
403System error in system &1, function &2
404Communication error with system &1, function &2
405Internal error: Invalid return value when checking account assign. object
406Internal error: Invalid return value when checking fund
407Internal error when importing project structure plan element
408Subsequent posting of documents is not possible: Incorrect status
409Invalid parameter combination: Subs. posting and reversal
410The G/L account could not be checked
411The debtor document could not be checked
412The creditor document could not be checked
413Substitute funding derived from basic pay funding.
414Basic pay funds eliminated.
415Substitution with basic pay funding is not possible.
416No substitution rule maintained for funds center.
417Substitution funding could not be determined.
418Expenditure type &1 is not funded.
419The "basic pay" expenditure type is not funded.
420Default funding is posted.
421Substitution funding determination is done locally.
422Substitution funding was determined in the logical system &1.
423No substitution rule maintained for commitment item.
424Substitute funding is not possible.
425No default funds center maintained.
426No default commitment item maintained.
427Internal error: Company ID from company code &1 is not clear
428The log can only be displayed for &2 employees
429Funds commitment reference was deleted was deleted from document item.
430Internal error: Invalid return value when checking the funds commitment
431No ISO code was found for the (internal) code &1
432Existing month end accruals were not evaluated !
433It is possible to reverse in a different period than which was posted in
434Month end accruals are not reversed !
435The value added tax indicator &1 contains non-deductible input tax
436Error at INSERT in table PPDHD: DOCNUM = &1 is already available
437Document check was not done due to an internal error
438Internal error: Invalid return value when checking segment
439Internal error: Invalid return value when checking the business area
440Name &1 invalid for Temse object (text for posting run: &2)
441Program cannot be used with Unicode (see note 455878)
442No Entry in Internal Table for Perno &1 Seqno &2 Postnum &3
443Data inconsistency in payroll result table FUND: finance to &1%
444EXIT_RPCIPE00_001: Symb. account &1 cannot be replaced with &2
445Symbol. account &1 has account assignment type FO and uses EE grouping
446Posting index for out-of-sequence reversal successfully adjusted
447Adjustment of posting index for out-of-sequence has failed: & & &
448Write error: update of adjusted posting index has failed
449Internal error: & &
450--- Reverse posting documents -----------------------------
451Posting run &1 &2 cannot be reversed: Incorrect status
452Posting run &1 &2 cannot be reversed: Incorrect document status
453Reversal is not possible: Related run &1 &2 exists
454Posting runs with type &1 cannot be reversed
455Number range 01 for HRPP_PDOC is in the critical area
456The reverse documents cannot be posted: Incorrect status
457Termination processing for the reversal is not possible: Incorrect status
458Error when reading the document status for posting document &1
459Status &1 for document &2 cannot updated: Invalid
460Incorrect reverse documents in posting run &1 &2
461Incorrect reversal for posting run &1 &2 was cancelled.
462Reversal posting date &1 is before &2
463No payment run information available in table &1 (sequence number &2)
464"Distribution According to Expenses with Inflow Principle" not allowed.
465Posting run cannot be deleted: Incorrect status
466Choose at least one of the parameters to select the runs
467No void posting: the payroll result has not been posted
468Error occurred whilst calculating tax from the gross amount
469Check replacement posting: No payment run information available
470Grant &1 cannot be posted. Derivation is not possible
471Internal error: invalid return value during grant check
472Fixed Acc Assgnt (&1/&2) cannot be posted. Further checks not possible.
473Checking the Funds Management account assignments revealed an error
474Internal error: payroll results buffer for BAdI methods is missing: &1 &2
475Distribution of liabilities according to expenses not permitted
476Split criteria could not be checked
477Budget period &1 cannot be posted, was deleted from document item
478The combination fund &1 - budget period &2 is not valid
479Run type &1 is not supported by this action/report
480BAdI implementation for BAdI HRPAY00_PCP0 not found
481An incorrect implementation was called (should be &1, is: &2)
482Action not supported by run type &1
483Total number of records with errors....... &
484Total number of personnel numbers to be converted with cluster PC: &
485Client &1: record &2 &3 in cluster PC could not be imported
486Current system code page could not be determined
487Current code page: &1
488Table &1 is converted for country grouping &2 with structure &3
489No results found for client &1 in cluster PC
490Client &1: record &2 &3 could not be converted in cluster PC
491Overview for conversion of cluster PC
492Overview for Conversion of Payroll Results
493Error during conversion of table COVER
494Record & & could not be stored in client &
495Error during update of PCL1: XPRA is cancelled
496Unicode converstion HRMS: payroll results and results cluster PC
497Sort fields could not be initialized in client &
498Processing is cancelled
499No payroll results found for unicode conversion
500*-- 500 - 599 Reserved for Payroll ------*
501Start time of jobs is in the past!
502The report must not be used in the production system (note 537138)
503No entry in T511K for country grouping &1 and constant &2
504Control record for ABKRS &1 is locked by user &2
505No entry in T001P under country grouping &1
506No entry &1 found in table T001
507No entry found in table T500P
508No entry found in table T500C
509Report/function &1 was deactivated (see note &2)
510Structure for converting table COVER undefined: XPRA cancelled
511Converstion for client &: (cluster &)
512Persons selected and for whom payroll has been run
513Persons not selected
514Selected Bank Transfers
515Transfer indicator deleted
516Reversals performed
517Reversals of bank transfers
518Document &1 has been destroyed; document item details not available
519Posting index file for document &1 has been destroyed
520Report/function &1 is to be deactivated in future (see SAP Note &2)
560Conversion of Cluster CA to the "New" PC261A Format
561Cluster &1 is not processed
562Structure PC209 is not up-to-date; see SAP Note 1314769
563Generation maximum reached; restart from cluster &1
564Error generating conversion routines -> SAP Hotline
565Total number of skipped records.....&
566Number of skipped records.......... &
567Report is deactivated; see SAP Note 1314769
600*----------------- Message texts for pre.program DME -------------------*
601Run date/identification feature & already exists
602Processing terminated
603Please restart the pre. program DME
604Internal error :
605No information on run date or identification feature
606Error when ending the payment run:
607Error when checking the payment data:
608 C Account number
609 Purpose
612Neither account number nor IBAN exist for &1 &2
613Payroll results &1: BT does not contain any payment information due to &2
614No transfer data for personnel number/wage type
615Payroll result &2 for pers.no. &1 not found; payment is not effected
616Payroll result &2 for pers. no. &1 reversed; payment is not effected
617Personnel number &1 locked by user &2
618Bank &1 (country &2) is selected for deletion (table BNKA)
619Error in personnel number &1 and transfer number &2
620*----------------- Message texts for payment posting ----------------*
621Payment posting is not active for country &1 for the date &2
622Posting program &1 is not permitted
623You cannot call program &1
643Line item text can only be read locally
644Account assignment type &1 is not allowed in the EC payroll system
645An error occurred when determining the provider application.
646Could not determine characteristics for doc. splitting/general ledger.
647An error occurred when a Web service was called.
648Characteristics for doc. splitting/GL determined in log. system &1
649Characteristics for doc. splitting/general ledger determined locally
650Wage type &1 exists more than once in table T52LIDIBASE
651Wage type &1 already exists in field Liability Wage Type 2
652Wage type &1 already exists in table T52LIDIBASE
653RT_PERSON wage types were not evaluated
656Format Data Not Correct
657No application log was written for the selected runs
658Runs for which no log exists were also selected
659Unable to display accounting documents in S/4HANA Cloud system &1
661Complementary distribution is not allowed, SAP Note 2981374
663Error checking the account assignment objects (see long text)
680*** Personnel calculation rules ***
681Personnel calculation rules protected
690***** Payroll calender 690-699 *****
691Enter a payroll area
692Period input not allowed with the small box display
693Enter date ID with the small box display
700Messages 700-839 belong to the payroll log !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
701Your settings have been saved successfully
702Your settings could not be saved
703Text &1 was not found in the log
704'&1' could not be interpreted as a wage type --> New entry
705&1 is not a valid wage type --> New entry
706No forms available
707Data missing log variant cannot be changed/ created
710The type group &2 does not exist for &1 yet
711Type group &1 is incomplete
712Action was canceled
713An error has occurred when entering the corrections to &1
714&1 is already defined as &1
715&1 has been saved without checking
716&1 already exists ( Please choose another name )
717Please do not use any underscores in type group names
718Name '&1' contains a non-alphanumeric character
719The function module &1 has been saved
720The function modules &1 &2 have been saved
721Function group &1 does not exist yet
722The main program for function group &1 does not exist yet
723No other modules can be added to function group &1
724Module &1 already exists in another function group (&2)
725Field & is not as flagged as 'FIXED' or 'FIELD', -->'FIXED'
726Not all key fields in table &1 can be classified
727Structure &1 does not contain field &2
728You have not assigned a value to field &1
729Variant &1 successfully imported
730Error when reading variant &1
731Variant &1 successfully deleted
732An error has occurred when deleting variant &1
733Function module &1 does not exist yet
734Function module &1 has been activated
735Function module &1 is already active
736Function module &1 must be saved before it can be active
737Function module &1 still contains syntax errors
738Field &1 has no header
739Only one more module can be added to function group &1
740Function group &1 does not exist yet
741The name &1 contains the character '/' in the incorrect position
742Name &1 contains too few '/' delimiters
743The name &1 contains too many '/' delimiters
744The name range &1 is not valid
745The function group &1 is not within the customer name range
746The application language (&1) does not match the master language (&2)
747&1 cannot have the &2 structure
748Structure &1 does not exist in the dictionary
749The module in table &1 does not originally contain structure &2
750No variants exist
751Type group &1 is not within the customer name range
752The name range &1 is unknown, please check the spelling
753There are no other includes in function groups &2 &3 for &1
754Field position &1 has been entered &2 times
755Modifier &1 is not recognized
756All key fields in table &1 could be automatically assigned
757The header of the IMP fields can be a max.of &1 long, this header is &2
758Table &1 cannot be displayed
759Structure &1 does not contain the &2 field
760The specified field, &1, does not have the data type &2
761Please enter a type 'C' field for &1
762Please do not use the format data &1 and &2 simultaneously
763Please enter the required number of decimal places
764Field &1 can have a maximum of &2 decimal places
765Please enter the required exponent
766Please enter the required template
767Table &1 does not exist in the Dictionary
768Table &1 does not belong to HR or to Basis (DECO)
769No format has been specified for &1, default value is 'CALC_CURRENCY'
770Before you continue, please create a function group
771To define a substructure, please select fields
772The ISO code &1 is not recognized
773The function module &1 has been created
774Storage did not take place, module &1 has not been edited
775An entry in the 'Addit.text field' is missing in text table &1, field &2
776&1 cannot be a text field, infotye <> 'C'
777The root of the &1 field was only found once, the field is ignored
778Time managment log only if logging is active
779If logging is inactive, no layout can be entered
780Select at least one entry
781No old log exists
782Action was canceled
783No authorization to maintain function group &1
784No field that should be displayed is selected as 'very important'
785No data was changed
786Header for Descriptive Text
787Longer Texts Exist. Length Is Changed to &1
788Function module &1 is not yet active
789Length Must Be Even (Translation in Double Byte Languages)
790Specify First Table Text and Text Field
791No additional found locations exist
792No Currency &1 is Assigned to the Amount Field
793The header has more than 99 physical lines
800Payroll type & is not permitted for country &
801Deletion forbidden! Result was posted with posting run &1 (run type &2)
810Application: HR Payroll, components: PY-XX-TL, client: &2
811Error when changing table T512B in XPRA &1; client &2, &3 entries
818Please place the cursor on process &1 and start the program again
819Missing/superfluous modules in selection program &1 (&2 &3 &4)
820No result exists
821No result exists with this sequential number
822Form program cannot be determined
823Error when creating the form
824No form exists
825No result exists for the selected period
826Result exists for the selected period
827No authorization for reading the payroll results
828Messages 828-899 belong to the process model/status administration!!!!!!!
829You must always specify FROM and TO objects
830If an object is converted, flag the 'Reset Status' field.
831After conversion to &1 (&4), you cannot convert from &2 to &3
832Specify a valid model (--> F4 Help)
833Please enter an active model (--> F4 Help)
834The container cannot be displayed for step &1
835The container cannot be displayed because the container is empty
836The container can only be displayed for process steps
837Process &1 was deleted by &2 on &3 at &4
838Process &1 was closed on &2 by &3 at &4
839No &1 could be selected based on the specified criteria
840Process &1 does not exist
841Process &1 has been completed, data can only be displayed
842No entry created in application log HRST
843The specified process &1 does not exist
844Please place cursor on package and choose 'Job Log for Package'
845Process &1 has been stopped by the breakpoint before step &2
846Because of a missing start time/date, process &1 cannot be scheduled
847Number range 'HR_PROCESS' does not exist. Please create the number range
848Please only select one process to be closed
849Internal error &1 when scheduling the selection program for process &2
850Internal error &1 when scheduling process &2, step &3
851Process model &1 already exists
852Process model &1 does not yet exist
853Program &1 does not yet exist
854&1 is not an executable program
855Variant &1 of program &2 does not yet exist
856Break points and wait points are not permitted as the root
857A program from category &1 cannot be the start program
858Process model &1 contains several start programs
859Program &1 requires a uncond. interrupt before it is executed
860Program &1 has not PNP selection
861The packet size for parallel processing must be greater than ZERO
862Only limited changes are possible to process model &1
863It is not necessary to reset incorrect personnel number &1
864After step &2 it is not possible to reset personnel number &1
865Category &1 must follow category &2
866Category &1 must have category &2 as a child category
867Parameter &2 is missing in the interface for program &1
868The status tables are not written in program &1
869One or more variants of program &1 do not yet exist
870No event is triggered in program &1 (function module &2)
871The function module &2 is missing in selection program &1
872The attributes for model &1 do not contain a selection program
873It is not possible to rename a model that has already been used
874Process model &1 has been deleted
875Deletion is not possible, prog. cat. are used in a non-modifiable model
876Only program categories without PNP selection are permitted
877Programs without PNP selection must not write to the status tables
878Process model &1 does not have the step &2
879You want to maintain &1
880No personnel numbers corresponding to the selection have been found
881Choose a process that can be displayed graphically
882The process has been successfully created
883Process &1 could not be deleted (internal error)
884Place the cursor on a process and then call the function
885No personnel numbers deleted
886Neither the process nor the indiv. pers. nos can be deleted (->long text)
887Personnel numbers have been successfully deleted
888No personnel numbers with a reset status have been found
889Status successfully changed to 'Incorrect'
890Internal error: Model &1 of process &2 could not be read
891Place the cursor on a process or step and choose 'Start'
892Start is not possible-steps in process &1 are still being processed
893No spool list is available for this set
894Background processing is not possible: Selection variant is missing
895Place cursor on step, run or package
896Process cannot be deleted
897No personnel numbers can be deleted because process has not been started
898Only processes can be completed
899Process &1 has already been completed
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