5F - HR-F: Messages d'erreur (France)

The following messages are stored in message class 5F: HR-F: Messages d'erreur (France).
It is part of development package PB06 in software component PA-PA-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data: France".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Choose value '0016' in the infotype field
002Choose value '0041' in the infotype field.
003Currency & amount & table & incorrect.
004Bonus frequencies are not retained
005Error generated in user-exit &1 of function &2
006Amounts in table T5F3B will be converted in &2
007An error occurred in function &1, &2, &3, &4
008Entry date does not correspond to social insurance dates
009The notification date cannot precede the accident date
010You must enter the person's name at birth
011Internal error &1
012SI no. must be kept in IT 2 (ref.note 737902)
013Overflow when calculating &
014The contract is not considered as a special contract (ref T5F42)
015Accident occurrence data copy and notification of the original record.
017No entry in table &1 for argument &2 &3 &4
018Communication key and tel. n� are required
019Absence category &1 and stop type &2 are not compatible
020There is no &1 parameter for &2 country and &3 date
021Division by zero when calculating &
022The following fields have been incorrectly modified
023Upload of &1 file canceled by user
024The accident data may mot be prior to or equal to the stoppage start
025The accident date should not be after the start of non-productive time.
026No qualification was found for employee &1 (return code &2)
027The value of the field must entirely be numeric
029No absence group for modif &1, absence subtype &2, date &3
030No value for cont. pay mod. &1, absence subtype &2, date &3
031No reference pay for IJSS modifier &1 on date &2
032Cluster RT has not been found
033Infotype &1 not found for pers no. &2 on date &3
034No work schedule for personal no. &1
035Employee &1 does not satisfy the start requirements for IJSS entitlement
036The format of PERTY field &1 is not taken into account
039Impossible to payroll period parameter: Table T549R
040Too many rate changes for contribution &1 &2.
041Gross salaries after deduction 4 times > the social security upper limit
042Only indicate the number of cachets for the directors and the artists
043A certificate (AEM) has already been produced for the contract from 1 to2
044Error during updating of the infotype &1 from &2 to &3.
045Personnel number &1 has no payroll results for the period from &2 to &3
046Error in M_GET_COMPENSATED_DAYS. Personnel number rejected.
047Tele-MMO identification code refreshed
050Choose at least one stop. type
051The employee does not satisfy the start requirements for IJSS entit. &1
052Incompatibility between the wage type group value &1 and tagret format &2
053Subtype 'Pregnant woman exempt from work' prohibited for men
060Contributions model &1 is not attributed.
061Table T5F1F for attribution to the contribution model is obsolete.
062Table &1 is empty. Data transfer impossible.
063Table &1 is not completely empty.
064An error occurred while updating table T5F1M.
065Table &1 has been updated successfully.
066The number of splits in SI table is too high.
067A Customizing transport request is required.
070Contract termination contract&1 invalid on grounds of departure&2 (FAAS1)
071No contract termination code on grounds of departure &1 &2 (FAAS1)
072Error in age calculation
073No contract type &1 &2 (FAAS6)
074Executive/non-executive status not defined for sub-area &1 (FACI1)
075Qualifications code &1 for sub-area &2 not conform (FAAS2)
076No qualification code for sub-area &1 (FAAS2)
077Request number inaccessible : switch to 'Test' mode
080No payroll result: processing stopped
081Request number inaccessible : switch to 'Test' mode
082No leaving event for this personnel number
083Contract type invalid (&1) (FAAS3)
084No reason for terminating contract for &1 &2 (FAAS1)
085Reason for terminating contract &1 invalid for &2 &3 (FAAS1)
086Enrollment for Entertainers' Leave Fund invalid (SIREN &1, NIC &2)
087Cluster &1 (SIREN &2, NIC &3) can not contain several contracts
088Contract type not identified between &1 and &2 (conf.table T511K)
089Contract type not identified between &1 and &2 (conf. infotype)
090Contract type not identified between &1 and &2 (conf.table T5F42)
091Prorata : error reading infotype for period &1-&2
092No prorata calculation for an inactive employee (period &1-&2)
093Prorata : error reading table T5F1P (period &1-&2)
094The contract type has not been determined between &1 and &2
095Contract duration parameters not set in table T5F42 for period &1-&2
096"Part-time" coefficient not determined for prorata (period &1-&2)
097Global, pat. or non-det cross-bord. worker contract from &1 to &2 (T5F45)
100Client &1 already converted
101Table &1 already converted (client &2)
102&3 entries in table &1 were converted correctly (client &2)
103Infotype 0064 for employee &1 has not been updated
104Infotype 0064 has already been converted for employee &1 (client &2)
105Infotype &1 does not exist (SIREN &2 NUMIC &3)
106Wage type &1 not split (SIREN &2, NUMIC &3, sequence no. &4)
107The range of contributions does not have a max. limit
110Wage type missing in the settings for function FSIS
120Currency & unauthorized for France.
125Select at least one out of first two display checkboxes
126Last hiring outside the selected period
130Absence of SV split during change of the contribution rates &1 &2
131Absence of SV split during change of the contribution rule &1 &2
132Inexistant contribution &1 of the organization &2 for &3 and &4
133Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: condition &4 inexistant in T5F1C4
134Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: condition &4 erroneous in T5F1C4
135Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: too many rules defined in T5F1C7
136Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: rule &4 is erroneous in T5F1C7
137Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: rule &4 inexistant in T5F1C7
138Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: modif. rate &4 not defined (T5F1C1)
139Absence of split SV during change of contribution &1 &2
140Supplementary payroll: assessment basis &1 not valid on departure date &2
141&1 &2 contribution has no calculation parameters modifier
142&1 &2 contribution has wrong calculation parameters modifier
150Section &1 occurrence error for the period from &2 to &3
151Section &1 amounts total is negative for SIRET &2
160Recipient address info missing
170"Exclude Retroactive Accounting" setting not used: wage type <> /3xx
171Error when creating/modifying TDC variant
172No payroll result
173Please enter start and end dates.
174The dates must equate to a whole calendar year.
175Please fill all data required to TDC.
176The declaration must be valid for one single year.
177Select one - and only one - generation setting: Batch Input/COTIC
178Please enter a valid single-exposure wage type in infotype 0015.
179Please enter a valid multiple-exposure wage type in infotype 0015.
180Please specify the period.
181Please specify the year.
182Invalid year/period
183Please enter a declaration split number.
184Please enter a declaration field.
185Error when calculating periods of hazardous or unpleasant work
186Error when reading payroll results
187Error when opening batch input
188Batch input generation error
189Error when updating the T5FDSNCOTIC table
190Date conversion error
191Please enter a date from which the payroll is run.
192The "Calculate Up To" date must be the last day of a month.
193"Calculate Up To" date cannot be > than selection period end date + 1 yr
200The employee is assigned to and excluded from the managerial staff
210Maintenance wage type &1 not defined. Check view V_T5F1V.
211Derived wage type prohibited for maintenance WT &1. Check T512W table.
212Maintenance wage type does not exist. Please check T512W table.
213&1 Parameter setting error in T5F1V. Derived wage type is empty.
214Wage type &1 already valuated &2. (&3 of &4 skipped)
215Wage type &1 already used.
216You must enter a wage type.
217Populate Contrib.fund/Soc.charges(RECOT) or specify a wage type (RT).
220Contact does not exist
221No manager defined
230Enter a valid Reduced Flat-Rate Social Charge Basis wage type in IT0015.
231Enter a valid Reduced Flat-Rate Social Charge Amount wage type in IT0015.
235Tax status abroad &1 is not accepted. &2 &3
236Enter a rate of between 0 and 100.
237A direct delimitation of the infotype is not authorized.
238The record to be delimited will contain errors (&1).
240&1 forbidden in operation FRDIJ. Check FT indicator customizing in T51P1.
241FRDIJ: Data incomplete to check FT indicator customizing in T51P1.
250An absence has been entered on &1 even though it's a non-working day.
298&2 occurs more than once in &1. Check T596J, T596I
299The cursor must be positioned on a contribution.
300Error entering the reference month.
301Employee present in an unselected plant (SIRET &).
302Wage type & is absent from the employee's payroll results
303The employee is excluded from the profit sharing calculation
304PShare distrib./attend.+ even PShare distrib. exceed PShare reserve.
305The total of distribution percentages exceeds 100%.
306The batch input & file has been created successfully
307The total of distribution percentages does not amount to 100%.
308Employee & : modified base below the minimum distribution & &
309Employee & : modified base above the maximum distribution & &
310The employee is exempt from SI contributions on date &.
311Modifier and profit-sharing year are not defined
312The file was generated on the CP with the name &1
451No monitoring of dates for alimony claims
452No monitoring of dates for repaid claims !
453No payroll result for selected employee
454You cannot copy a claim
455The claim cannot be changed
456No date monitoring before first payroll after the claim was created
457The total of deductions exceeds the claim amount
458These dates must be included in the infotype validity dates
459All areas (Table Control) for fixed amounts must be completed
460Position the cursor on a line in Table Control for the 'fixed amounts'
461The dates of 'Fixed amounts' entries can not overlap
462Problem during the currency conversion (infotype 0272)
463The batch input file &1 has been created successfully
464Please choose at least one line
465Batch input file name missing in the selection screen
466A 'Garnishment' infotype already exists with the same claim number
467The maximum cannot be higher than the garnishment amount
468Do not use this type of garnishment with the SAP HR/ZADIG interface
469Enter the currency of the amount
470The number of dependents varies from one claim to the next
471The internal no. &1 is valid for a repaid claim
472Convert the garnishment infotype with the help of the RPUSARF0 program
473Test: no database updating
483Enter the contributing body and contribution amount.
484N�&3 partial release date prior to grant date.
485Indicate reason, date, amount and currency of n�&1 release.
486N�&3 partial release date subsequent to full release date
487"Departement" code &1 must be equal to &2.
488Contribution &1 &2 is not linked to rates, amount or wage type.
489Unknown birth month: code &1 must be included in &2 or &3.
490Incorrect social security number (see explanation notes)
491Employee identity unknown between period &1 and &2.
492If EE was born abroad, the entry for 'D�partement' is '99', not &
493The data base has been modified successfully
494'D�partement' of birth & not compatible with value &
495Gender indicator & not compatible with value &
496Year of birth & not compatible with value &
497Month of birth & not compatible with value &
498The SI number must have 13 characters (&)
499SI number not compatible with SI key (no. & <-> key = &)
500If payment is effected, all 3 fields must be specified
501If payment effected, please use report &
502Length of customer lunch coupon indicator is incorrect
503Different customer lunch coupon indicators for the same order
504Incorrect wage type values
505Error accessing feature FDDR1
506Corporate name for reference & does not exist (table T536a)
507This program cannot run in batch mode
508No file will be generated
509Data screen can not be displayed
510Could not open WINDOWS file selection window
511Error & generated when creating file
512Zip codes starting in '99' are not authorized for France
513Postal code for reference & does not exist (table T536a)
514Access error in payroll clusters
515Postal code for reference & is not numeric
516File & generated for & booklets
517No lunch coupon generated
518The number of selected categories must be below &
519No payroll result from &1 to &2 for employee &3
520& payroll results between & and & for employee & are missing
521T pers &1: different rate totals for wage types that have the same bases
522The program was run for the wrong period
523'CONTR' constant setting error
524No data has been entered in table T5F42
525'CONTR' constant has not been entered in table T511K
526Ind. val. FSPEC can not be used to valuate the wage type (T5F42/T5F1K)
527French postal codes do not begin with 99
528The INSEE code contains no more than 5 figures
529The PCS-ESE bill of material has been used instead of PCS-ESE 2003
530No municipality INSEE code
538No contributions found from & to & (contrib. model. : &)
539No contribution or contributions model for the period &
540No payroll result for the period & recalculated in &
541Personnel No. rejected: No contrib. or contributions model for period &
548Error while modifying the payroll period dates
549Error while determining the employee qualification.
550Error while determining the hiring date of the employee.
551Error while determining the dates that define the rolling period.
552Error while importing to cluster PC, table NCALE.
553Error while calculating the value of the absence quota.
554Type &1 absence is not paid according to French regulations.
555There are two absence types used for the same work stoppage.
556No parameters for this absence type specified in the guide
557Suppression error in cluster PC, table NCALE.
558Error while generating IJSS accounting wage types.
559IJSS calculation not possible without payroll result.
560Different start dates for infotype 0424 (&1) and 2001 (&2)
561Incorrect version of cluster PCL1.
562Negative IJSS amounts are reset.
563Date of &1 incorrect ; &2 suggested as date
564Infotype 0425 does not match an infotype 0424.
565No work stoppage for dates displayed.
566The employee does not satisfy the start requirements for IJSS entitlement
567The validity dates for infotype 0424 have been changed.
568The validity and end dates for the 0424 infotype are different
569Incorrect interim no. (last 3 positions): string "&1" required
570Incorrect interim Treasury no. (last 3 positions numerical only)
571Incorrect interim no. (last 3 positions): string "&1" required
572Incorrect interim Treasury no. (last 3 positions numerical only)
600Length of reference period for IJSS calculation is 0 months
601Budgeting date must follow the reference period
602Start date of period must be prior to end date
603Error in sequence of number of years of seniority
604Years of seniority must lie within the two zones
605Error while importing payroll results
606Date of birth is after the calculation date
607Employee has left or is about to leave the society
608Employee has reached or is over normal retirement age
609No calendar from & to & for employee &
610Profit sharing for year & and modifier & already exist
611Employee does not have enough seniority (& days, but & days are needed)
612The amount for wage type & is zero for the period of reference
613A withdrawal was made after & ( year &, mod. & )
614Infotype 0098 withdrawals already all used up
615The employee has no profit sharing for year & and mofifier &
616The withdrawal amount ( & ) exceeds the amount available ( & )
617Withdrawal amount is the same as the amount available ( & )
618The final withdrawal amount is not the same as the amount available
619Profit sharing amount is below the minimum threshold
620The employee has zero profit sharing
621Employee no longer active. Amount remitted by bank transfer
622Wrong date for interest withdrawal ( year &, modif. & )
623Error &3 during conversion from &1 to &2
624No currency in table T5F3B ( year & , modifier & )
625Error & while retrieving currency in table T500C
626Profit sharing & (mod. &) paid on &
627More than 50% profit sharing reserve distributed for period of employ.
628Minimum distribution amount exceeds or equal to max. distrib. amount
629Min. cash-in amount exceeds or equal to max. cash-in amount
630Min. amount exceeds or is equal to profit sharing reserve
631The valid-from date must be the first day of the current month
632Creation of a new rate not processed by the program
633Creation of a new amount not processed by the program
634System may delete wage types (if new value is zero)
635Error while reading payroll results
636Modifications successful
637Infotype 0041 notice data not consistent with 'processing data'
638No personnel area for this personnel number
639Several SIRET (or no SIRET) for area & and subarea &
640A non-standard indicator ( & ) has been defined as standard.
641Indicator & not initialized
642Unknown indicator in T5F5F
643Data code missing in T5F5F for balance & , activity & and indic. &
644Missing record in T5F5Q: SIREN & , NIC & , data &
645Calculation rule & does not exist
646Different data types for indicator & & & in T5F5Q
647Cumulation rule & does not exist
648Data code & in T5F5F does not exist in T5F5P
649Feature FIJCO incorrectly defined.
650IJSS contributions could not be found in table T5F1C.
651The IJSS amount for personnel no. &1 has been simulated for &2.
652The IJSS amount for personnel no. &1 cannot be simulated for &2.
653Employee has already been absent from &1 to &2
654There is no prior non-productive time with the case number &1
655Subrogation setting error
656Create consecutive occurrences for an absence of more than 999 days
697Too many structures selected
698The start and end of the attachment period are not in the same year
699The attachment period is over 1 year
700End of period must be higher than begin of period.
701Incorrect payroll year.
702SIRET number &1 doesn't exist in table T5F1P
703Order number cannot be accessed: field "Send reference" initialized
704Specifiy only one declaration year.
705Split SV/WPBP missing during period &1 to &2
706Non splitted wage type &1 (sequence number &2)
707Characteristic &1 not generated ou incorrectly defined
708Error in function module or method &1
709SIREN number &1 not filled in table T5F1P
710Company's headcount not filled (SIREN &1, NIC &2)
711Payroll area &1 is incorrect (table T549A)
712This payroll period is not found for &1 date.
713Initial payroll area ('HR_FR_CHECK_SHIFTED_PAY' function)
714Incompatible &1 kind and &2 type declaration indicators
715Incorporation date at least &1 year prior to or after reference date
716The split number is greater than the total number of splits
717The &1 NAF code is not valid
718Multiple contracts without cluster split from &1 to &2
719Initial action of the activity period not relevant to DADS-U
720No actions in the activity period are relevant to the DADS-U
721The fraction number cannot be zero
722Professional expenses: no payroll result for period &1 in &2
723Indicate the type of communication
724Company SIREN number &1 has no employees in reference period
725DADS-U blank: employees present in place of work SIRET &1
726Contribution &1 is associated to insurance companies &2 and &3
727Personnel no. &1 has more than one work accident contribution
728The type code of declaration &1 does not exist in version &2
729Employees hired in December are not selected
730No company meets your selection
731Workplace &4, the amount of wage type &1 has not been converted
732Under tab URSSAF, enter file name under format SNV2
733Consistency check between query et history data
734No released and sent BRC exists in history
735Select at least one type of slip
736For &1 from &2 to &3, history contains already more recent data
737Select at least one organization type
738For &1 from &2 to &3, history already contains a BRC
739Employee is not selected because he is not active during requested period
740Various records for structure &1
741Frequency code &1 is not permitted for declaration type &2
742Base and contribution signs for &1 are incorrect.
743SIRET &2: The total of &1 cannot be negative
744The period from &1 to &2 is not compatible with frequency code &3
745Temse &1 corresponding to file SNV2 was not correctly loaded
746Temse &1 corresponding to file SNV2 was not correctly generated
747No data concerning URSSAF in the list
748Smartform form &1 doesn't exist
749Form &1 was not correctly generated by SmartForm
750&1 out of &2 lines retrieved from file &3
751Currency &1 found on external file is incorrect. &2 is expected.
752External data file &1 not correctly loaded
753A supplementary CSS already exists in the history for &1 of &2 to &3
754For &1 from &2 to &3, no BRC existent in history
755Contribution fund &1 unknown
756Declaration nature code &1 is not authorized for currency &2
757The Service code chosen &1 does not exist in version &2
758Declaration type code &1 does not exist in version &2
759Declaration type &1 is not accepted for frequency &2 and nature &3
760Enforced prolongation
761Declaration type code &1 is not accepted for nature code &2
762Personnel number rejected: nonmatching S41 periods for the correction
763Field & not found in one of the & sections
764Corrective declaration only accepted with standard &1
765The period to be corrected exceeds the three previous years
766There is no normal declaration with Accepted status in the history
767Type &1 decl., acc./sent status already exists for SIREN &2 from &3 to &4
768An error occurred while updating the Status Handler
769New type &1 declaration from &2 to &3 successfully generated
770The data of record & of zone & are incorrect
771Personnel no. & shown in both a normal and a supplementary declaration
772Event code &1 not authorized
773Documents in process in history. Complete processing
774Pension contribution (S45) found but no contract in infotype 0218
775No entry for section & retrieved from table T5FF9FD
776Contribution basis nature type code & does not exist in version &
777Contract type not found in cluster (FMD table) between &1 and &2
778Type &1 AED, accepted/sent status already exists for PN &2 from &3 to &4
779A type &1 AED statement has been generated for personnel number &2
780A type &1 AED has been generated for some of the selected personnel nos
800Error occurred while generating DAT-EDI identification number
801Cannot retrieve contact information for this employee
802Address and place of accident must be consistent in IT0424
803You must fill field &1
804Enter address of responsible third party (legal or natural person)
805From January 1, 2012 you must use RECOT.
806Unable to create &1 declaration. Please review your selection
807The sum of the amounts allocated is different to the net participation
808The sum of the distribution percentage is different to 100%
809Fill one and only one field.
810Fill one and only one field.
811Accident type inconsistent. Default value selected
812Value &1 obsolete for place of accident. Modify your selection
813Enter risk factor &1 code
814&1 code already filled. Enter a new code
815No SIRET number for area & and subarea & in T5F1P table
816Change flag &1, correction identifier &2 deactivated
817SAR cluster update is possible for claim &1
818Cannot update claim &1. End date of claim is set to &2.
819No Priority 2 claim found. Personnel number not processed.
820No update required. Claim &1 is consistent.
821Cannot update claim &1. Check closing flag &2.
822Personnel number not processed. Payroll M+1 already calculated.
823Personnel Nr not processed. Apply note &1 and recalculate personnel Nr.
824Personnel number not processed. Month of error M+N.
825Pers. Nr not processed. Payroll follow. month of already finalized error.
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