5F - HR-F: Messages d'erreur (France)
The following messages are stored in message class 5F: HR-F: Messages d'erreur (France).
It is part of development package PB06 in software component PA-PA-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data: France".
It is part of development package PB06 in software component PA-PA-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data: France".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Choose value '0016' in the infotype field |
002 | Choose value '0041' in the infotype field. |
003 | Currency & amount & table & incorrect. |
004 | Bonus frequencies are not retained |
005 | Error generated in user-exit &1 of function &2 |
006 | Amounts in table T5F3B will be converted in &2 |
007 | An error occurred in function &1, &2, &3, &4 |
008 | Entry date does not correspond to social insurance dates |
009 | The notification date cannot precede the accident date |
010 | You must enter the person's name at birth |
011 | Internal error &1 |
012 | SI no. must be kept in IT 2 (ref.note 737902) |
013 | Overflow when calculating & |
014 | The contract is not considered as a special contract (ref T5F42) |
015 | Accident occurrence data copy and notification of the original record. |
016 | &1 |
017 | No entry in table &1 for argument &2 &3 &4 |
018 | Communication key and tel. n� are required |
019 | Absence category &1 and stop type &2 are not compatible |
020 | There is no &1 parameter for &2 country and &3 date |
021 | Division by zero when calculating & |
022 | The following fields have been incorrectly modified |
023 | Upload of &1 file canceled by user |
024 | The accident data may mot be prior to or equal to the stoppage start |
025 | The accident date should not be after the start of non-productive time. |
026 | No qualification was found for employee &1 (return code &2) |
027 | The value of the field must entirely be numeric |
029 | No absence group for modif &1, absence subtype &2, date &3 |
030 | No value for cont. pay mod. &1, absence subtype &2, date &3 |
031 | No reference pay for IJSS modifier &1 on date &2 |
032 | Cluster RT has not been found |
033 | Infotype &1 not found for pers no. &2 on date &3 |
034 | No work schedule for personal no. &1 |
035 | Employee &1 does not satisfy the start requirements for IJSS entitlement |
036 | The format of PERTY field &1 is not taken into account |
039 | Impossible to payroll period parameter: Table T549R |
040 | Too many rate changes for contribution &1 &2. |
041 | Gross salaries after deduction 4 times > the social security upper limit |
042 | Only indicate the number of cachets for the directors and the artists |
043 | A certificate (AEM) has already been produced for the contract from 1 to2 |
044 | Error during updating of the infotype &1 from &2 to &3. |
045 | Personnel number &1 has no payroll results for the period from &2 to &3 |
046 | Error in M_GET_COMPENSATED_DAYS. Personnel number rejected. |
047 | Tele-MMO identification code refreshed |
050 | Choose at least one stop. type |
051 | The employee does not satisfy the start requirements for IJSS entit. &1 |
052 | Incompatibility between the wage type group value &1 and tagret format &2 |
053 | Subtype 'Pregnant woman exempt from work' prohibited for men |
060 | Contributions model &1 is not attributed. |
061 | Table T5F1F for attribution to the contribution model is obsolete. |
062 | Table &1 is empty. Data transfer impossible. |
063 | Table &1 is not completely empty. |
064 | An error occurred while updating table T5F1M. |
065 | Table &1 has been updated successfully. |
066 | The number of splits in SI table is too high. |
067 | A Customizing transport request is required. |
070 | Contract termination contract&1 invalid on grounds of departure&2 (FAAS1) |
071 | No contract termination code on grounds of departure &1 &2 (FAAS1) |
072 | Error in age calculation |
073 | No contract type &1 &2 (FAAS6) |
074 | Executive/non-executive status not defined for sub-area &1 (FACI1) |
075 | Qualifications code &1 for sub-area &2 not conform (FAAS2) |
076 | No qualification code for sub-area &1 (FAAS2) |
077 | Request number inaccessible : switch to 'Test' mode |
080 | No payroll result: processing stopped |
081 | Request number inaccessible : switch to 'Test' mode |
082 | No leaving event for this personnel number |
083 | Contract type invalid (&1) (FAAS3) |
084 | No reason for terminating contract for &1 &2 (FAAS1) |
085 | Reason for terminating contract &1 invalid for &2 &3 (FAAS1) |
086 | Enrollment for Entertainers' Leave Fund invalid (SIREN &1, NIC &2) |
087 | Cluster &1 (SIREN &2, NIC &3) can not contain several contracts |
088 | Contract type not identified between &1 and &2 (conf.table T511K) |
089 | Contract type not identified between &1 and &2 (conf. infotype) |
090 | Contract type not identified between &1 and &2 (conf.table T5F42) |
091 | Prorata : error reading infotype for period &1-&2 |
092 | No prorata calculation for an inactive employee (period &1-&2) |
093 | Prorata : error reading table T5F1P (period &1-&2) |
094 | The contract type has not been determined between &1 and &2 |
095 | Contract duration parameters not set in table T5F42 for period &1-&2 |
096 | "Part-time" coefficient not determined for prorata (period &1-&2) |
097 | Global, pat. or non-det cross-bord. worker contract from &1 to &2 (T5F45) |
100 | Client &1 already converted |
101 | Table &1 already converted (client &2) |
102 | &3 entries in table &1 were converted correctly (client &2) |
103 | Infotype 0064 for employee &1 has not been updated |
104 | Infotype 0064 has already been converted for employee &1 (client &2) |
105 | Infotype &1 does not exist (SIREN &2 NUMIC &3) |
106 | Wage type &1 not split (SIREN &2, NUMIC &3, sequence no. &4) |
107 | The range of contributions does not have a max. limit |
110 | Wage type missing in the settings for function FSIS |
120 | Currency & unauthorized for France. |
125 | Select at least one out of first two display checkboxes |
126 | Last hiring outside the selected period |
130 | Absence of SV split during change of the contribution rates &1 &2 |
131 | Absence of SV split during change of the contribution rule &1 &2 |
132 | Inexistant contribution &1 of the organization &2 for &3 and &4 |
133 | Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: condition &4 inexistant in T5F1C4 |
134 | Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: condition &4 erroneous in T5F1C4 |
135 | Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: too many rules defined in T5F1C7 |
136 | Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: rule &4 is erroneous in T5F1C7 |
137 | Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: rule &4 inexistant in T5F1C7 |
138 | Contribution &1 &2 valid up to &3: modif. rate &4 not defined (T5F1C1) |
139 | Absence of split SV during change of contribution &1 &2 |
140 | Supplementary payroll: assessment basis &1 not valid on departure date &2 |
141 | &1 &2 contribution has no calculation parameters modifier |
142 | &1 &2 contribution has wrong calculation parameters modifier |
150 | Section &1 occurrence error for the period from &2 to &3 |
151 | Section &1 amounts total is negative for SIRET &2 |
160 | Recipient address info missing |
170 | "Exclude Retroactive Accounting" setting not used: wage type <> /3xx |
171 | Error when creating/modifying TDC variant |
172 | No payroll result |
173 | Please enter start and end dates. |
174 | The dates must equate to a whole calendar year. |
175 | Please fill all data required to TDC. |
176 | The declaration must be valid for one single year. |
177 | Select one - and only one - generation setting: Batch Input/COTIC |
178 | Please enter a valid single-exposure wage type in infotype 0015. |
179 | Please enter a valid multiple-exposure wage type in infotype 0015. |
180 | Please specify the period. |
181 | Please specify the year. |
182 | Invalid year/period |
183 | Please enter a declaration split number. |
184 | Please enter a declaration field. |
185 | Error when calculating periods of hazardous or unpleasant work |
186 | Error when reading payroll results |
187 | Error when opening batch input |
188 | Batch input generation error |
189 | Error when updating the T5FDSNCOTIC table |
190 | Date conversion error |
191 | Please enter a date from which the payroll is run. |
192 | The "Calculate Up To" date must be the last day of a month. |
193 | "Calculate Up To" date cannot be > than selection period end date + 1 yr |
200 | The employee is assigned to and excluded from the managerial staff |
210 | Maintenance wage type &1 not defined. Check view V_T5F1V. |
211 | Derived wage type prohibited for maintenance WT &1. Check T512W table. |
212 | Maintenance wage type does not exist. Please check T512W table. |
213 | &1 Parameter setting error in T5F1V. Derived wage type is empty. |
214 | Wage type &1 already valuated &2. (&3 of &4 skipped) |
215 | Wage type &1 already used. |
216 | You must enter a wage type. |
217 | Populate Contrib.fund/Soc.charges(RECOT) or specify a wage type (RT). |
220 | Contact does not exist |
221 | No manager defined |
230 | Enter a valid Reduced Flat-Rate Social Charge Basis wage type in IT0015. |
231 | Enter a valid Reduced Flat-Rate Social Charge Amount wage type in IT0015. |
235 | Tax status abroad &1 is not accepted. &2 &3 |
236 | Enter a rate of between 0 and 100. |
237 | A direct delimitation of the infotype is not authorized. |
238 | The record to be delimited will contain errors (&1). |
240 | &1 forbidden in operation FRDIJ. Check FT indicator customizing in T51P1. |
241 | FRDIJ: Data incomplete to check FT indicator customizing in T51P1. |
250 | An absence has been entered on &1 even though it's a non-working day. |
298 | &2 occurs more than once in &1. Check T596J, T596I |
299 | The cursor must be positioned on a contribution. |
300 | Error entering the reference month. |
301 | Employee present in an unselected plant (SIRET &). |
302 | Wage type & is absent from the employee's payroll results |
303 | The employee is excluded from the profit sharing calculation |
304 | PShare distrib./attend.+ even PShare distrib. exceed PShare reserve. |
305 | The total of distribution percentages exceeds 100%. |
306 | The batch input & file has been created successfully |
307 | The total of distribution percentages does not amount to 100%. |
308 | Employee & : modified base below the minimum distribution & & |
309 | Employee & : modified base above the maximum distribution & & |
310 | The employee is exempt from SI contributions on date &. |
311 | Modifier and profit-sharing year are not defined |
312 | The file was generated on the CP with the name &1 |
451 | No monitoring of dates for alimony claims |
452 | No monitoring of dates for repaid claims ! |
453 | No payroll result for selected employee |
454 | You cannot copy a claim |
455 | The claim cannot be changed |
456 | No date monitoring before first payroll after the claim was created |
457 | The total of deductions exceeds the claim amount |
458 | These dates must be included in the infotype validity dates |
459 | All areas (Table Control) for fixed amounts must be completed |
460 | Position the cursor on a line in Table Control for the 'fixed amounts' |
461 | The dates of 'Fixed amounts' entries can not overlap |
462 | Problem during the currency conversion (infotype 0272) |
463 | The batch input file &1 has been created successfully |
464 | Please choose at least one line |
465 | Batch input file name missing in the selection screen |
466 | A 'Garnishment' infotype already exists with the same claim number |
467 | The maximum cannot be higher than the garnishment amount |
468 | Do not use this type of garnishment with the SAP HR/ZADIG interface |
469 | Enter the currency of the amount |
470 | The number of dependents varies from one claim to the next |
471 | The internal no. &1 is valid for a repaid claim |
472 | Convert the garnishment infotype with the help of the RPUSARF0 program |
473 | Test: no database updating |
483 | Enter the contributing body and contribution amount. |
484 | N�&3 partial release date prior to grant date. |
485 | Indicate reason, date, amount and currency of n�&1 release. |
486 | N�&3 partial release date subsequent to full release date |
487 | "Departement" code &1 must be equal to &2. |
488 | Contribution &1 &2 is not linked to rates, amount or wage type. |
489 | Unknown birth month: code &1 must be included in &2 or &3. |
490 | Incorrect social security number (see explanation notes) |
491 | Employee identity unknown between period &1 and &2. |
492 | If EE was born abroad, the entry for 'D�partement' is '99', not & |
493 | The data base has been modified successfully |
494 | 'D�partement' of birth & not compatible with value & |
495 | Gender indicator & not compatible with value & |
496 | Year of birth & not compatible with value & |
497 | Month of birth & not compatible with value & |
498 | The SI number must have 13 characters (&) |
499 | SI number not compatible with SI key (no. & <-> key = &) |
500 | If payment is effected, all 3 fields must be specified |
501 | If payment effected, please use report & |
502 | Length of customer lunch coupon indicator is incorrect |
503 | Different customer lunch coupon indicators for the same order |
504 | Incorrect wage type values |
505 | Error accessing feature FDDR1 |
506 | Corporate name for reference & does not exist (table T536a) |
507 | This program cannot run in batch mode |
508 | No file will be generated |
509 | Data screen can not be displayed |
510 | Could not open WINDOWS file selection window |
511 | Error & generated when creating file |
512 | Zip codes starting in '99' are not authorized for France |
513 | Postal code for reference & does not exist (table T536a) |
514 | Access error in payroll clusters |
515 | Postal code for reference & is not numeric |
516 | File & generated for & booklets |
517 | No lunch coupon generated |
518 | The number of selected categories must be below & |
519 | No payroll result from &1 to &2 for employee &3 |
520 | & payroll results between & and & for employee & are missing |
521 | T pers &1: different rate totals for wage types that have the same bases |
522 | The program was run for the wrong period |
523 | 'CONTR' constant setting error |
524 | No data has been entered in table T5F42 |
525 | 'CONTR' constant has not been entered in table T511K |
526 | Ind. val. FSPEC can not be used to valuate the wage type (T5F42/T5F1K) |
527 | French postal codes do not begin with 99 |
528 | The INSEE code contains no more than 5 figures |
529 | The PCS-ESE bill of material has been used instead of PCS-ESE 2003 |
530 | No municipality INSEE code |
538 | No contributions found from & to & (contrib. model. : &) |
539 | No contribution or contributions model for the period & |
540 | No payroll result for the period & recalculated in & |
541 | Personnel No. rejected: No contrib. or contributions model for period & |
548 | Error while modifying the payroll period dates |
549 | Error while determining the employee qualification. |
550 | Error while determining the hiring date of the employee. |
551 | Error while determining the dates that define the rolling period. |
552 | Error while importing to cluster PC, table NCALE. |
553 | Error while calculating the value of the absence quota. |
554 | Type &1 absence is not paid according to French regulations. |
555 | There are two absence types used for the same work stoppage. |
556 | No parameters for this absence type specified in the guide |
557 | Suppression error in cluster PC, table NCALE. |
558 | Error while generating IJSS accounting wage types. |
559 | IJSS calculation not possible without payroll result. |
560 | Different start dates for infotype 0424 (&1) and 2001 (&2) |
561 | Incorrect version of cluster PCL1. |
562 | Negative IJSS amounts are reset. |
563 | Date of &1 incorrect ; &2 suggested as date |
564 | Infotype 0425 does not match an infotype 0424. |
565 | No work stoppage for dates displayed. |
566 | The employee does not satisfy the start requirements for IJSS entitlement |
567 | The validity dates for infotype 0424 have been changed. |
568 | The validity and end dates for the 0424 infotype are different |
569 | Incorrect interim no. (last 3 positions): string "&1" required |
570 | Incorrect interim Treasury no. (last 3 positions numerical only) |
571 | Incorrect interim no. (last 3 positions): string "&1" required |
572 | Incorrect interim Treasury no. (last 3 positions numerical only) |
600 | Length of reference period for IJSS calculation is 0 months |
601 | Budgeting date must follow the reference period |
602 | Start date of period must be prior to end date |
603 | Error in sequence of number of years of seniority |
604 | Years of seniority must lie within the two zones |
605 | Error while importing payroll results |
606 | Date of birth is after the calculation date |
607 | Employee has left or is about to leave the society |
608 | Employee has reached or is over normal retirement age |
609 | No calendar from & to & for employee & |
610 | Profit sharing for year & and modifier & already exist |
611 | Employee does not have enough seniority (& days, but & days are needed) |
612 | The amount for wage type & is zero for the period of reference |
613 | A withdrawal was made after & ( year &, mod. & ) |
614 | Infotype 0098 withdrawals already all used up |
615 | The employee has no profit sharing for year & and mofifier & |
616 | The withdrawal amount ( & ) exceeds the amount available ( & ) |
617 | Withdrawal amount is the same as the amount available ( & ) |
618 | The final withdrawal amount is not the same as the amount available |
619 | Profit sharing amount is below the minimum threshold |
620 | The employee has zero profit sharing |
621 | Employee no longer active. Amount remitted by bank transfer |
622 | Wrong date for interest withdrawal ( year &, modif. & ) |
623 | Error &3 during conversion from &1 to &2 |
624 | No currency in table T5F3B ( year & , modifier & ) |
625 | Error & while retrieving currency in table T500C |
626 | Profit sharing & (mod. &) paid on & |
627 | More than 50% profit sharing reserve distributed for period of employ. |
628 | Minimum distribution amount exceeds or equal to max. distrib. amount |
629 | Min. cash-in amount exceeds or equal to max. cash-in amount |
630 | Min. amount exceeds or is equal to profit sharing reserve |
631 | The valid-from date must be the first day of the current month |
632 | Creation of a new rate not processed by the program |
633 | Creation of a new amount not processed by the program |
634 | System may delete wage types (if new value is zero) |
635 | Error while reading payroll results |
636 | Modifications successful |
637 | Infotype 0041 notice data not consistent with 'processing data' |
638 | No personnel area for this personnel number |
639 | Several SIRET (or no SIRET) for area & and subarea & |
640 | A non-standard indicator ( & ) has been defined as standard. |
641 | Indicator & not initialized |
642 | Unknown indicator in T5F5F |
643 | Data code missing in T5F5F for balance & , activity & and indic. & |
644 | Missing record in T5F5Q: SIREN & , NIC & , data & |
645 | Calculation rule & does not exist |
646 | Different data types for indicator & & & in T5F5Q |
647 | Cumulation rule & does not exist |
648 | Data code & in T5F5F does not exist in T5F5P |
649 | Feature FIJCO incorrectly defined. |
650 | IJSS contributions could not be found in table T5F1C. |
651 | The IJSS amount for personnel no. &1 has been simulated for &2. |
652 | The IJSS amount for personnel no. &1 cannot be simulated for &2. |
653 | Employee has already been absent from &1 to &2 |
654 | There is no prior non-productive time with the case number &1 |
655 | Subrogation setting error |
656 | Create consecutive occurrences for an absence of more than 999 days |
697 | Too many structures selected |
698 | The start and end of the attachment period are not in the same year |
699 | The attachment period is over 1 year |
700 | End of period must be higher than begin of period. |
701 | Incorrect payroll year. |
702 | SIRET number &1 doesn't exist in table T5F1P |
703 | Order number cannot be accessed: field "Send reference" initialized |
704 | Specifiy only one declaration year. |
705 | Split SV/WPBP missing during period &1 to &2 |
706 | Non splitted wage type &1 (sequence number &2) |
707 | Characteristic &1 not generated ou incorrectly defined |
708 | Error in function module or method &1 |
709 | SIREN number &1 not filled in table T5F1P |
710 | Company's headcount not filled (SIREN &1, NIC &2) |
711 | Payroll area &1 is incorrect (table T549A) |
712 | This payroll period is not found for &1 date. |
713 | Initial payroll area ('HR_FR_CHECK_SHIFTED_PAY' function) |
714 | Incompatible &1 kind and &2 type declaration indicators |
715 | Incorporation date at least &1 year prior to or after reference date |
716 | The split number is greater than the total number of splits |
717 | The &1 NAF code is not valid |
718 | Multiple contracts without cluster split from &1 to &2 |
719 | Initial action of the activity period not relevant to DADS-U |
720 | No actions in the activity period are relevant to the DADS-U |
721 | The fraction number cannot be zero |
722 | Professional expenses: no payroll result for period &1 in &2 |
723 | Indicate the type of communication |
724 | Company SIREN number &1 has no employees in reference period |
725 | DADS-U blank: employees present in place of work SIRET &1 |
726 | Contribution &1 is associated to insurance companies &2 and &3 |
727 | Personnel no. &1 has more than one work accident contribution |
728 | The type code of declaration &1 does not exist in version &2 |
729 | Employees hired in December are not selected |
730 | No company meets your selection |
731 | Workplace &4, the amount of wage type &1 has not been converted |
732 | Under tab URSSAF, enter file name under format SNV2 |
733 | Consistency check between query et history data |
734 | No released and sent BRC exists in history |
735 | Select at least one type of slip |
736 | For &1 from &2 to &3, history contains already more recent data |
737 | Select at least one organization type |
738 | For &1 from &2 to &3, history already contains a BRC |
739 | Employee is not selected because he is not active during requested period |
740 | Various records for structure &1 |
741 | Frequency code &1 is not permitted for declaration type &2 |
742 | Base and contribution signs for &1 are incorrect. |
743 | SIRET &2: The total of &1 cannot be negative |
744 | The period from &1 to &2 is not compatible with frequency code &3 |
745 | Temse &1 corresponding to file SNV2 was not correctly loaded |
746 | Temse &1 corresponding to file SNV2 was not correctly generated |
747 | No data concerning URSSAF in the list |
748 | Smartform form &1 doesn't exist |
749 | Form &1 was not correctly generated by SmartForm |
750 | &1 out of &2 lines retrieved from file &3 |
751 | Currency &1 found on external file is incorrect. &2 is expected. |
752 | External data file &1 not correctly loaded |
753 | A supplementary CSS already exists in the history for &1 of &2 to &3 |
754 | For &1 from &2 to &3, no BRC existent in history |
755 | Contribution fund &1 unknown |
756 | Declaration nature code &1 is not authorized for currency &2 |
757 | The Service code chosen &1 does not exist in version &2 |
758 | Declaration type code &1 does not exist in version &2 |
759 | Declaration type &1 is not accepted for frequency &2 and nature &3 |
760 | Enforced prolongation |
761 | Declaration type code &1 is not accepted for nature code &2 |
762 | Personnel number rejected: nonmatching S41 periods for the correction |
763 | Field & not found in one of the & sections |
764 | Corrective declaration only accepted with standard &1 |
765 | The period to be corrected exceeds the three previous years |
766 | There is no normal declaration with Accepted status in the history |
767 | Type &1 decl., acc./sent status already exists for SIREN &2 from &3 to &4 |
768 | An error occurred while updating the Status Handler |
769 | New type &1 declaration from &2 to &3 successfully generated |
770 | The data of record & of zone & are incorrect |
771 | Personnel no. & shown in both a normal and a supplementary declaration |
772 | Event code &1 not authorized |
773 | Documents in process in history. Complete processing |
774 | Pension contribution (S45) found but no contract in infotype 0218 |
775 | No entry for section & retrieved from table T5FF9FD |
776 | Contribution basis nature type code & does not exist in version & |
777 | Contract type not found in cluster (FMD table) between &1 and &2 |
778 | Type &1 AED, accepted/sent status already exists for PN &2 from &3 to &4 |
779 | A type &1 AED statement has been generated for personnel number &2 |
780 | A type &1 AED has been generated for some of the selected personnel nos |
800 | Error occurred while generating DAT-EDI identification number |
801 | Cannot retrieve contact information for this employee |
802 | Address and place of accident must be consistent in IT0424 |
803 | You must fill field &1 |
804 | Enter address of responsible third party (legal or natural person) |
805 | From January 1, 2012 you must use RECOT. |
806 | Unable to create &1 declaration. Please review your selection |
807 | The sum of the amounts allocated is different to the net participation |
808 | The sum of the distribution percentage is different to 100% |
809 | Fill one and only one field. |
810 | Fill one and only one field. |
811 | Accident type inconsistent. Default value selected |
812 | Value &1 obsolete for place of accident. Modify your selection |
813 | Enter risk factor &1 code |
814 | &1 code already filled. Enter a new code |
815 | No SIRET number for area & and subarea & in T5F1P table |
816 | Change flag &1, correction identifier &2 deactivated |
817 | SAR cluster update is possible for claim &1 |
818 | Cannot update claim &1. End date of claim is set to &2. |
819 | No Priority 2 claim found. Personnel number not processed. |
820 | No update required. Claim &1 is consistent. |
821 | Cannot update claim &1. Check closing flag &2. |
822 | Personnel number not processed. Payroll M+1 already calculated. |
823 | Personnel Nr not processed. Apply note &1 and recalculate personnel Nr. |
824 | Personnel number not processed. Month of error M+N. |
825 | Pers. Nr not processed. Payroll follow. month of already finalized error. |