5Y - Messaggi d�errore per info-type modulepools italiani

The following messages are stored in message class 5Y: Messaggi d�errore per info-type modulepools italiani.
It is part of development package PB15 in software component PA-PA-IT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR master data, local development: Italy".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Master data messages 001 - 099 for Italy (Payroll infotypes)
001Carry out entries in the selected fields
002Income FROM greater than income TO
003Compulsory amounts
004Not meaningful percentage
005The next pay scale jump date senior.& must follow the initial date &
006Income from employment < &% of total income
007The seniority pay scale jump percentage & cannot be greater than 100
008The blocked pay scale jump percentage & cannot be greater than 100
009The number of components cannot be greater than & or smaller than &
010The number of components cannot be higher than 20
011The number of components must be greater than 0
012The current date must be included between & and &
013"Seniority months for SevInd" cannot be greater than 11
014At least one compulsory lowest rate
015At least one cumpulsory calculation type
016Only one lowest rate can be entered
017Attention - The INITIAL DATE cannot be subsequent to the FINAL DATE!
018Attention The INITIAL DATE must be between the VALIDITY DATES
019Attention The FINAL DATE must be included between the VALIDITY DATES
020The gender is changed according to the entries
021The entry in the field "Tax payer's code" is incorrect.
022The total income is smaller than the employment income
023The selected mode "&" is not valid
024IRPEF taxation indicator does not exist
025Print type "&" not allowed
026Attention - The 3 selected fields must be filled in!
027Irrelevant amounts
028Taxation indicator, inexistent contribution & &
029Table update successfully executed
030"Family member ind.descr.for family allowance" & doesn't exist in T5ITAX
031"Descript.of family member ind.for tax deduct."& does not exist in T5ITDX
032The percentage cannot be higher than 100
033Errors in table updating
034The region indicator & does not exist in T005U
035Compulsory incomes
036Income FROM greater than income TO
037File & not found. Check whether entry is correct.
038Municipality key & not existing in table T5ITM4 on date &
039Inconsistent file data structure. See documentation.
040Double keys in entry file.
041Attention!! Original data in table T5ITM4 will be deleted
042Table T5ITM4 locked for change by another process.
043Fill in all the required fields
044Tax payer's reference number different from &
045User & does not exist
046Dates must be in the same year
047Invalid & liability during the whole period
048"PAT" description not found
049"wage type" description not found
050"Employee subgroup" description not found
051Missing Data for Previous Year: Check Table T5ITIN1
052Missing Data in T5ITIN0 Table for the Period Between & and &
053Data in T5ITIN0 Table for the Period From & To & Already Frozen
055Key & & does not reach 100% of weighting in T5ITQC_2
057In order to calculate G rec. you must enter a TemSe with the CUD Data
058Enter the name of the TemSe file to be corrected
059Enter the name of the TemSe file or request the generation of G record
060If overwriting please also request the generation of the G or J record
061The TemSe file & was saved correctly
062The functionality is not available in this software release
063Data in T5ITIN0 Table for the Period already Frozen
064Missing Data in T5ITIN0 Table for the Period Between & and &
065The process was sent in background
066Adv.Sev.Pay from Employer for INPS TrFund: clear.with acc.INPS(PF20/PA20)
067Insuff.Cap. for Clearing on Advance Severance Pay for INPS Treasury Fund
068WT &1 is missing
069WTs Assessment Period Missing
070TemSe archive &1 is not existing
071More declarations selected than the ones displayed by the program
072Box &1 limited to &2 days due to the annual employment relationship
073The sum of the boxes &1 and &2 is different from the value of the box &3
074Company Cluster already consolidated with Status '20' (Sent)
080An entry with the same key already exists!
081The date is not valid for the selected period: &/&
082Errors in TemSe archive. Special characters are not valid.
099The combination between city and region is not valid
100Payroll messages for Italy 101 - 199
101Maximum & wage types can be saved
102The validity start and end date must be included in the same year
103The validity end date cannot be the 31st December
104The employee is active (employed) between & and &.
105The leaving reason & does not exist in T5ITMC
106If Payment ind.is not entered, the field can only have "&" as a value
107If the payment ind. is entered, the field can have "&" or "&" as value
108Sev.ind.withdrawal form is comp.if registration type is "&" or "&"
109SevInd.withdr.percentage is compulsory if SevInd.withdr.form is "&"
110SevInd withdr.amount is compulsory if SevInd withdr.form is "&"
111SevInd withdr.perc. must be smaller than 100 if SevInd withdr.form is "&"
112SevInd withdr.amount cannot be entered if SevInd withdr.form is not "&"
113SevInd withdr.perc.cannot be entered if SevInd withdr.form is not "&"
114Validity from and validity to dates should be in the same month and year
115Enter payment code value
116Enter Social Security Fund enrollment type value
117Entered value does not exist in table T5ITO2
118Entered value does not exist in table T5ITOC
119Fund enrollment date subsequent to & not allowed
120Fund suspension date prior to & not allowed
121New Fund enrollment date prior to & not allowed
122Fund enrollment fee payment date prior to & not allowed
123Enter of suspension date not allowed
124Enter of new enrollment date not allowed
125No supplementary Fund eligible: check customizing
126E: SI1 or SI2 form filing date must be entered
127Value & of SP choice not allowed for SP Destination
128Value & of SP substatus not allowed for SP choice and/or situation
129Subtype &1 may not be created for the selected period
130At least one subtype record 1,2 or 3 exists for selected period: & - &
131You must enter the request date
132Request date previous to April 2015
133SP settlement start is not specified: the proposal is the following month
134SP settlement start may not be previous to the request
140E: There is more than one & document indicator
141Family member master record not entered
142The document & is not allowed for family member &
143There are no family members in IT 0021 table for personnel number &
144& subtype management is not allowed for personnel number &
145Contract not handled by feature &
146Multiple pay scale jump date not allowed for pers.No. & (Feature ITSCA)
147Single pay scale jump date not allowed for pers.No. & (Feature ITSCA)
148Batch-Input transaction unnecessary and therefore not created
150"Sickness seq.number" and/or "Subseq.sickness indicator" not allowed
151Already existing program
152Inexisting program !
153The data will be lost. Continue?
154Compulsory sign
155The current pers.action does not follow the previous one (& days diff.)
156The diff.(days) between the pers.act(&) is greater than the adm.range(&)
157Not foreseen error
171Contributions missing for the personnel number selected (infotype 154)
172INAIL contribution missing for the personnel no. selected (infotype 154)
173Error while reading table &
174The contribution discount percentage cannot be higher than 100
175The office selected is not contemplated for the INAIL position specified
176The preference office is not contemplated for the INAIL pos. specified
180Imported FA
181Rejected FA
182FA not requested by the employee.
183The taxpayer identification number &1 cannot be matched to any employee.
184Taxpayer ID no. &1 has an INPS reg.no. &2 differing from that in file &3.
185Several PerNos found for the taxpayer identification no. &1.
186An Infotype 0160 with the same values already exists.
187The taxpayer identification number does not have PerNo in the period
188FA not taken into account due to the selection criteria used.
189Infotype 0160 with a different value already exists. FA will be updated
190FA excluded from filters in the periods
191INPS registration number of file &1 has no match in T5ITNB.
192The program found excluded duplicate FA
193Enter file in the selection screen.
194Fill all fields to generate periods to be excluded
195Periods to be excluded is incorrect
196Employee terminated on &1.
197FA start date is earlier than employee hiring date
198Enter payment period
199Update field IMP3 in V_T5ITD2 for the key &1
200Post payroll programs for Italy 201 - 299
201For period & there are only extra monthly pay results: use RPCCMEI0
202For period & there are no extra monthly pay results: use RPCEDTI0
203Trigger print with parameter "Print current period" equal to FA
204Trigger print with parameter "Print retroactive calculation" = ' '
205Enter limit year for payment
206Enter limit month for payment
207The max. monthly supplement amount that corresp.to daily amt is missing
208The max. daily supplement amount that corresp.to monthly amt is missing
209The monthly supplement amount for children is missing
210The daily supplement amount for children is missing
211Supplement for children provided w/o the respective FA amount
300Time Management and others for Italy 300 - 399
301The function is not available in this software release
401ATTENTION - The selected MONTH is not admitted
402ATTENTION - The selected YEAR is not admitted
403ATTENTION - selected MONTH not admitted - (APRIL and OCTOBER allowed)
404ATTENTION - The month is not considered in this form
405Attention - The selected COMPANY does not exist in T5IT1P
406Attention - The selected CONTRIBUTION PLACE does not exist in T5ITND
407Attention - The selected INPS Registration No. does not exist in T5ITNB
408Combination form year/income year is not valid
409INPS registration No.for COMPANY not admitted in T5ITNB
411Attention - Master data relevant to COMPANY have not been entered
412Attention - Rounding indicator does not exist - & &
413The selected INPS INDICATOR does not exist in T5ITNB
415Attention - INPS Registration No.does not exist for INPS INDIC. in T5ITNB
416Attention - INPS INDICATOR does not exist for COMPANY in T5ITND
418Attention - Data is inconsistent for the selected COMPANY
421Enter also the LEAVING DATE!
422The LEAVING END DATE must follow the START DATE!
424Enter the leaving date!
428Attention ! Wage type assignment can only be used in form 01/M!
429Attention! The selected year must not be subsequent to the date on form.
430ATTENTION ! The file name should only be entered for the FORM DM10/M
432ATTENTION ! The selected form does not exist
433ATTENTION ! Select the required form
435The selected form cannot be used in this report
451The recalculation indicators for current/previous year must be different!
500Indirect evaluation with module ICOMP 501 - 520
501Field & does not belong to infotype &
502Infotype & does not exist
503Do not assign default value and indicator simultaneously
504Assign a value to the infotype field
505Assign a value to the field 'infotype field'
506Assign an amount or a quantity
507Do not enter a difference in months. Enter a date
508Do not enter a date. Enter a difference in months
509Do not enter a default and a comparison indicator simultaneously
510Enter a comparison type indicator
511Comparison not allowed for fields other than DATE
512The pay scale ind., pay scale area and contr.type currency is selected
513Amount not displayed with the new currency & due to overflow
514Compulsory wage type
515Compulsory brackets
516Compulsory rounding indicator
517Not evaluated calculation type
518Compulsory monthly and annual amount
519The percentage must not be evaluated
520Monthly and annual amounts not compulsory
521Wage type for compulsory condition operand
522Compulsory payroll driver table
523Logical operator for cumpolsory comparison
524There is no data for the 770 form
525There is no data for splittings in SD section
526There is no data for insurance body splitting
527There is no data for INPS splitting
528There is no data for splitting in SB section
529SS section not selected
530There is no data for SS section
531Batch mode run impossible
532It is necessary to choose Fund code first
533Assign a value to the field & of the InfoType/table &
534No data about absences/attendes exists
535Import error of the cluster &
536Export error of the cluster &
537The entry & of the table & is wrong
538Employee without time data in the selected period
539No data available for LU cluster
540Simultaneous presence of TM data on B2 cluster and interface file
541RI cluster does not exist and no data is available for LU cluster
542No data exists about payroll and time recording
543Presence of interface file without the existence of other data
544Data in the interface file & with period different from the selected one
545Items & of the interface file & without entry in the table T521W
546Data in the LU cluster already frozen
547Payroll data doesn't not exist
548No data available for LU cluster with deferred month
549The table & is empty
550Freeze data cancelled
551PDF file path is initial
552Select PDF box to generate the file
553The form specified in the form parameter does not exist
554The printout order (SY-PDEST field) is not specified
555Personnel number not selected. Reason &
556Pers. no. selected for reason &, hiring data &
557Employee not selected, Reason 08, terminated en: &
558Former DM10 data have already been consolidated
559No deletion occurred because there are no data for the INPS position
560Accrual for F24 correctly run
561Former DM10 data for period have been deleted
562Run the corrections of social insurance data monthly
563Select at least one option: former DM10 data,UniEmens or IPPosList
564The company report has already been sent (see long text)
565Former DM10 data already calculated, personnel number rejected
566Error in XML order, Section: & Field: &
567Perform monthly company cumulation only
568Declaration was already sent: no relevant differences for new adjustment
569Customizing in table T5IT35 for key: BUKRS: &INPSC:& is missing
570Adjustment was generated for data variations of UniEmens elements
571Adjustment was generated for forced ricalculation of ex DM10 data
572Delete generated declaration, check details in UE cluster viewer
573Deletion is not necessary, declaration was not sent.
574The Company declaration sent has been deleted
575View "ALV details DM10" could be too long (prob. performance)
576Company Data not Available Yet
577Company Report not Available for Creating the XML File
578Inconsistent Data for XML File Composition
579TemSe file to generate cannot be consolidated
580No 'Individual Report' was created
581Declaration sent
582The declaration was already sent
583The declaration cannot be sent
584TemSe is a test file and cannot be sent
585Authorization missing for grouping processing: & - &
586Cluster UniEmens sequence no. & cannot be deleted
587Ex-DM10 data for INPS pos. are not consolidated yet (exec. Test)
588Error during Cluster Uniemens PCL1-I0/I1 export
589Employee has no original pay results for period &1 - &2 (no DM10 codes)
590The adjustments in UniEmens Cig mode are not supported
591Report is obsolete since 01.01.2015
592Option 'Generate ENPALS branch' is obsolete since 01.01.2015
601Client: &
602Update T5ITR1: & & & &
603Error updating T5ITR1: & & & &
604Update T5ITRX: & & & &
605Error updating T5ITRX: & & & &
606Conversion error - Failed update !
607T5ITR1, T5ITRX inconsistent; update manually !
608Please set only fields valid for iron workers
609Please set only fields valid for insurance employees
650Function valid for italian employees only (country code 15)
651Error while reading infotype &1
652Infotype data is missing
653Inconsistency found in infotype &1 in dates &2 - &3 for employee &4
654Infotype &1 not found for periods &2 and &3
655No information existing in infotype &1 for date &2
656Employee hire data cannot be determined
657Employee leaving data cannot be determined
658Data not found
659Secondary infotype does not exist for infotype &1
701File &1 doesn't exist!
801Fund code & is not eligible for this employee
802Payment code & is not eligible for this Fund code
803Taxation type & is not eligible for this Fund code
804Pair &1/&2 is not eligible for this Fund code
805Select a taxation type before the contribution type
806Choose a Fund code first!
807Choose a taxation type first!
808Choose a contribution code first!
809Specify a percentage!
810Calculation group &1 is not eligible for pair &2/&3
811Specify a number between 0 and 100 for percentage!
812In case of customized percentage, specificy a calculation group!
813Start date must always be the first day of the month
814Choose a Fund code!
815Withdrawal percentage must be lower than 100
816Validity start date cannot be prior to entry date: &
817Communication key and phone number are requested
818Title (Mr./Mrs.) and gender do not coincide
819Date not Valid for Period: &
820Birth Date & not Valid for Family Member under Three Years of Age
821The percentage rel.to "Maint. benef." is available, not the flag!
822A percentage above 100% is not allowed!
823The percentage is more than 0% with the flag "Maint. benef." set!
824Flag "Maintenance Beneficiary" available, not the percentage!
825The use of flag "Spouse Subst." is allowed only for the first child!
826Country and region not compatible (check table T005S)
827Please fill in all the mandatory fields
828Input "Date and Place of Birth" is missing to test the TP ref. number
829Entry in field City is missing
830Model Certificazione Unica &1 not installed
831Class &1 could not be created
832Obsolete Report - The new one is 'RPC_PAYIT_CU'
833Obsolete Report
834Type of contract cannot be determined
835Application is not customized, check T596D
840The selected period is not valid
842Variants not available in & in table T5ITVR
843No changes found, data has not been saved
844Error during the process. Changes haven't been saved
845Data has been saved
846Specify a module in the expected space
847First of all select a note from the list
848The specified start date is not allowed. A note already exists
849Creation impossible: conflict/overlapping with an existing record
850Data has been changed
851The syntax of the logic condition is correct
852& & & &
853It's non possible to copy from the same block
854The overlapping items are substituted
855No authorization to display the vision of the note content
856Client locked for customizing corrections
857& & - Impossible to import data. Personnel No. rejected
858& & - Table MDTYPE inconsistent. Personnel No. rejected
859& & - Error while converting the string. Personnel No. rejected
860& & - There are no character data in MD table.Personnel No. not processed
861& & - Conversion not necessary (Data Codepage = System Codepage)
862& & - Data converted
863& & - Error while exporting data
864T5F99FC: the condition & is not managed in T5F99FD and/or T5F99FS.
865The field & is not managed in T5F99FD.
866The field & of T5F99FD is not managed in T5F99FF
867The field DAQ & is not managed in T5ITUD mapping and does not use std. FM
868The section DAQ & is not managed in T5F99FS
869The section &, defined in T5ITUS, is not used in T5ITUD/T5ITUG
870The section DAQ & is not used in T5F99FD
871The element & / &, defined in T5ITUG, is not parameterized in T5ITUD
872In T5ITUP exist references to FM duplicates for the same element
873The section & of T5ITUP is not managed in T5ITUD
874The element & / & of T5ITUP is not managed in T5ITUD
875The code DM10 & , element: & / & is codified and must be of type Text
876The code DM10 & , element: & / & must be of type NUMBER-LIKE
877The element & / & of T5ITNP is not managed in T5ITUD
878To the code DM10 & VALUETYPE & is not associated any XML tag in T5ITUD
879For the code DM10 &, the customizing is missing in T5ITNT
880The section &, existing in T5ITUD, is not managed in T5ITUS
881The element & / & is not managed in T5ITUG
882The element DAQ & / & is not managed in T5F99FD
883The element DAQ & is not managed in T5F99FF
884The element & / & is managed both in DAQ and in DM10
885Element & / & expected but not managed (optional)
886SP processing general data
887Accrued SP: &1
888Contribution processing for SPF
889Contribution processing for Treasury Fund
890SP choice definition
891Search for Suspended SP
892No suspended SP for arrears' generation
893SP choice is not defined
894Accumulation of suspended SP
895Suspended SP amount: &1
896Employee belonging to a company with less than 50 employees
897SP generation constant for Treasury Fund is active
898No version of available files exists for form &1
899Payroll results could not be determined
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