PB15 - HR master data, local development: Italy

The development package PB15 contains objects for "HR master data, local development: Italy".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package HRCIT. It belongs to software component PA-PA-IT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package PB15

PA0154HR master record, infotype 0154 (social security data)
PA0155HR master record, infotype 0155 (Suppl.admin.data)
PA0156HR master data, infotype 0156 (Tax deduction)
PA0157HR master record, infotype 0157 (User admin.data)
PA0158HR master record, infotype 0158 (Amounts paid by 3rd party)
PA0159HR master record, infotype 0159 (Seniority)
PA0160HR master record, infotype 0160 (Family allowance)
PA0305HR master record, infotype 0305 (previous employer)
PA0306HR master record, infotype 0306 (Family data)
PA0407HR master record, infotype 0407 (Abs.addit.inf.)
PA0421HR master record, infotype 0421 (special remuneration)
PA0483Infotype 0483 - Data entry from CAAF - Italy only
PA0548Infotype 0548 - Suppl.social security funds - Italy only
PA0659HR master record for INAIL administration
PA3209PA-PA-IT: Infotype View
T5I30Events and Reasons for Italy
T5IT1PHR area/sub-area grouping - HR Italy
T5ITA1Family allowance calculation type
T5ITA2Family allowance values
T5ITA3Family member indicator for family allowance
T5ITA4Family allowance values - special
T5ITA9Family allowance treatment
T5ITAARecalculation type - (not used anymore)
T5ITABCurrent and previous year management - Italy only
T5ITACRecalculation period management
T5ITADWage types to recalculate (not used anymore)
T5ITAECumulation wage types of recalculated differences
T5ITAFDocuments which can be linked to family ind. for fam.allow.
T5ITATFamily indicator
T5ITAWWage types to recalculate
T5ITAXFamily memeber indicator text for family allowance
T5ITAYFamily allowance type text
T5ITAZFamily allowance indicator text
T5ITC2Negative tax bases
T5ITC3Lowest rate management
T5ITC4Lowest rate amounts
T5ITC5Tax scale rounding
T5ITC6Contribution table extention for settlement
T5ITCFTaxpayer Identification Number of Agencies or Cash Offices
T5ITCGSettlement request for contributions
T5ITCHContrib.settlement type
T5ITCIWT which form the tax base
T5ITCJTaxation type text
T5ITCSContribution indicator
T5ITCTTaxation type
T5ITCWContribution indicator text
T5ITCXSettlement request text for contributions
T5ITCYContribution settlement type text
T5ITD1Family dependent deduction
T5ITD2Direct employment deductions
T5ITD3Family member indicator for tax deduction
T5ITD4Document types
T5ITD6Deduction expected income table
T5ITDAMiscellaneous data deductions
T5ITDCMin. and max. number admitted for element type
T5ITDEFamily member type
T5ITDGSettlement request for deductions
T5ITDHDocument type texts
T5ITDJDeduct.expenses type text
T5ITDKDeduction type text
T5ITDQAllowable expense type
T5ITDREmployment deduction expenses type
T5ITDSFamily member type
T5ITDTDeduction indicator description
T5ITDWTax deduction indicator text
T5ITDXFamily member indicator text for tax deduction
T5ITDYSettlement request text for deductions
T5ITDZFamily member type text
T5ITEADefinitions Exposure and attributes indicators for tape
T5ITEBExposure indicator attribute for print
T5ITECCalculation rules of exposure indicators ?
T5ITEDCalculation rules for Totals 770
T5ITEF770 form: heir management
T5ITEGPay Scale Indicator 770
T5ITEHActivity area 770
T5ITELRelation type 770
T5ITEZExposure indicator description from 770
T5ITF1Accrual indicator
T5ITF23Codes without Accrual
T5ITF24Archive F24
T5ITF24AArchive F24 Administration
T5ITF24BSort table
T5ITF24CTable for F24 compensations
T5ITF25Link INPS Code Wage Type
T5ITF3Provision accrual
T5ITF5Severance indemnity revaluation table (IT)
T5ITF6Severance indemnity revaluation percentage table-HR Italy
T5ITF7Severance pay
T5ITF8Accrual settlement
T5ITF9Accrual settlement indicators
T5ITFTProvision indicator
T5ITFXSeverance indemnity provision indicator description
T5ITFYProvision indicator description
T5ITFZAccrual indicator text
T5ITGBAssign EEF Grouping
T5ITGCTable of public holidays calculations on company behalf
T5ITGDDefine EEF groupings
T5ITGEExtra EEF monthly pay table
T5ITGGTable of general data for EEF
T5ITGIINPS authorization table
T5ITGMHighest rate table
T5ITGRAuthorization grouping table
T5ITGSTable to manage severance pay choice
T5ITGTEEF grouping texts
T5ITI2INPS general data table
T5ITI3Percentage table
T5ITI4Rules for the determination of work and absence days
T5ITI5Rules for the determination of work and absence days
T5ITI6Rules for parental leaves
T5ITI7Parental leaves: parameters
T5ITI8Old evalution basis for absences
T5ITI9Table to split AB
T5ITIANursing table
T5ITICMarriage leave table
T5ITIDBlood donation table
T5ITIEAbsence indicators
T5ITIGOrdinary days/hours table
T5ITIISickness handling c/INPS table
T5ITIMSickness handling c/company
T5ITINAccident handling table
T5ITIPMaternity table
T5ITISSickness handling scale c/company
T5ITITSpecial parameters for grace
T5ITIUGeneral parameters for grace
T5ITIVNursing table
T5ITL1Other taxations table
T5ITL2Separate taxation
T5ITL3Monthly decontribution
T5ITL5Decontribution settlement
T5ITLASeverance indemnity calculation table
T5ITLFMin.and/or exempt amount processing - Italy only
T5ITLXText table other taxations
T5ITLYDecontribution settlement texts
T5ITM1WT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITM4District indicator table
T5ITM5District tax indicators table
T5ITM6District taxes
T5ITM8District tax settlement
T5ITM9District tax settlement referred to previous year
T5ITMADistrict tax payment steps
T5ITMBPayment phases calendar
T5ITMCTransfer of employees from one employer to a different one
T5ITMOWT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITMSLocal sections
T5ITMTWT grouping indicators for overviews
T5ITMXDistrict indicator descriptions
T5ITMYASL local section indicator text
T5ITMZText table for local tax settlements
T5ITN1Print parameters for section indicators
T5ITN2Table for contribution indicator valuation condition
T5ITN301/M period data
T5ITN4Text table for special remunerations
T5ITN5INPS contract indicator
T5ITN8Text table
T5ITN9Frame entry table
T5ITNAHistory archive of DM forms + 101 form data
T5ITNBINPS registration numbers table
T5ITNCAdditional data table at company level for DM and 01/M
T5ITNDPlace of work table
T5ITNELocal offices table
T5ITNFText table - Places of work
T5ITNG01/M data table - section B
T5ITNHLocal offices text table
T5ITNICUD: heir management
T5ITNJSpecial remunerations table
T5ITNKForm indicators text table
T5ITNL01/M data history
T5ITNMForm indicators table
T5ITNNExposure indicator table linked to WT for form/section
T5ITNOForm history at personnel number level
T5ITNPTable for print contribution
T5ITNQForm section indicator table
T5ITNRCalculation rule table
T5ITNSSpecial status regions and districts
T5ITNTTable for exposure / contribution indicators
T5ITNUINPS rank table
T5ITNVAssignment table of INPS levels
T5ITNWtext table for exposure / contribution indicators
T5ITNXSpecial status regions and districts table
T5ITNYINPS rank indicator text table
T5ITNZForm indicators text table
T5ITP1Social Security fund
T5ITP2Payments to social security funds
T5ITP3Payment schedule
T5ITP4Payments to fund management
T5ITP5Regional tax indicators table
T5ITP6Regional taxes
T5ITP8Regional tax settlements
T5ITP9Regional tax settlements with reference to previous year
T5ITPARegional taxes payment phases
T5ITPBEvaluation of calculation base - Italy only
T5ITPSCompany activity indicator table
T5ITPTFund indicator description
T5ITPWRegional tax indicator descriptions
T5ITPZRegional tax settlements text table
T5ITQ1Rounding table
T5ITQ2Net pay rounding table - Italy only
T5ITQ4CoCoCo activity code
T5ITQ5Activity code Cont.&Coord.Services Text Table
T5ITQ6Code: other mandatory insurance form - cont.&coord.services
T5ITQ7Code: other mandatory insurance form - Text Table
T5ITQ8Cont.&coord. services codes for employee status/type
T5ITQATerritorial Insurance Position
T5ITQBTariff type
T5ITQCPAT/TT - contribution indicator
T5ITQC_2PAT/VT - Contribution Code - Weighted INAIL Rate
T5ITQDAssociation INAIL modifier to PAT/VT
T5ITQETaxation type for infotype
T5ITQFINAIL person subgroup
T5ITQITable for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form
T5ITQLTaxation types to be highlighted in the payroll
T5ITQNINAIL status and taxation indicators
T5ITQPINAIL positions
T5ITQRINAIL offices for positions
T5ITQTSettlement indicator
T5ITQXSettlement indicator text
T5ITQYTexts tariff type
T5ITQZEmployee subgroup description
T5ITR1Description of administrative data indicator for the user
T5ITR2Regional Taxation - Corrective Measures
T5ITR5Table for regional tax indicators
T5ITR6Local tax
T5ITR7Taxation formula
T5ITR8Regional tax settlements
T5ITR9Local tax settlement with reference to previous year
T5ITRALocal tax payment steps
T5ITRTQualification of user administrative data
T5ITRWLocal tax indicators description
T5ITRXDescription of administrative data indicator for the user
T5ITRYData text for administrative fields
T5ITRZText table for local tax settlements
T5ITS1Percentage pay scale jumps - percentage ceiling
T5ITS2Amount-based pay scale jumps - number/amount-based ceiling
T5ITS3Amount-based pay scale jumps - fractional no. based ceiling
T5ITS4Percentage pay scale jumps - number-based ceiling
T5ITS7Insurance pay scale jumps - class change
T5ITSAExpiration management
T5ITSLTable for INPS reg. numbers / places of work
T5ITSLTText table for INPS reg. numbers / places of work
T5ITSTSeniority pay scale jumps indicators
T5ITSVPay scale jump valuation type
T5ITSXText for pay scale jump due to age indicators
T5ITSYPay scale jumps evaluation type description
T5ITT2IRPEF negative tax base table
T5ITT5IRPEF tax base rounding table
T5ITT7Data settlement according to 730
T5ITTAPrevious years arrears
T5ITTBIRPEF miscellaneous data settlement
T5ITTSIRPEF contribution indicator
T5ITTYIRPEF contribution indicator description
T5ITW9Table to map codes and regions of the F24
T5ITWBRule attributes
T5ITWCTText table for conditions for master data reader
T5ITWEGeneric table reader: Classes
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