67_PAYMENTS - Message Class Incoming Payment / Payment Postprocessing

The following messages are stored in message class 67_PAYMENTS: Message Class Incoming Payment / Payment Postprocessing.
It is part of development package FVVD in software component FS-CML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Loans".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**** Start of reservation incoming payment postprocessing up to 099 ****
001Error when reading LT_TZB0A for flow type &1 (Document &2 &3 &4 )
002Required number of document numbers not provided (&1 &2)
003Error during internal calculation of document numbers (&1 &2)
004Error when reading internal document numbers table with key &1 &2 &3
005Error in number swap VDBEKI temp. / current &1/&2
006No payment information found
007Error in customer specific check. Please choose another account
010Loan: & VDBEKI record to be cleared (RZEBEL) is not correct
011Account &: Incoming payment rejection
012Account &1: &2
013Contract &1, flow type &2: &3 (&4)
014Contract &1 flow type &2: &3
015Error: &
016Error determining rejection account (flow type &1, rc = &2)
017Missing or incorrect Customizing entries IP U.S.: &1 &2 &3 &4
018Technical error in IP U.S. &1 &2 &3 &4
019Posting of incoming payment in completed interest period
020Error while creating a planned record for G/L acct posting ( rc = &1 )
021Error while calculating processing characteristics (&1 &2 &3 &4)
022Error in incoming payment processing
023Value Date: &1. Amount: &2 &3
024IP: &1. FI: &2. Amount: &3 &4
025&1. Contract &2. Value Date &3.
026&1 &2 &3 &4
027Payment Application Hierarchy switch not found
028Processing stopped at incoming payt dist. level - IPD proposal not poss.
029Disb. clearings cannot be mixed with other customer acc. clearings
030Disbursements cannot be cleared partially
031Processing category is not valid (customer specific check)
040****End of Exntd. Incoming Payment Hierarchy for Mort./Gen. Loans****
099**** End of reservation incoming payment postprocessing from 000 ********
100**** Start of reservation payment postprocessing up to 199 ***********
101Error during amount-dependent release check
102Entry not possible since open clearing amount is negative
103No payment program information (table REGUH) found
104A maximum of &1 payment usages can be entered - there are currently &2
105Loan &1 / &2 cannot be posted to as it has status &3
106No details available
107No authorization for company code &1 product type &2
108No flow type(s) for discount debit position found
109A planned record for discount already exists on the database
110Error during calculation of payoff amount
111Amount not sufficient for a full payoff
112No payoff request set up
113Account &1 in company code &2 is not managaed on the basis of open items
114Maximum of & usages has been created (still open items left)
115Only one payoff can be created
199**** End of reservation payment postprocessing from 100 *********
200**** Reservation start report RFVDMAU0 up to 299 *********************
201Overflow: A group to be cleared contains more than 999 open items
202Error during creation of planned records for contract &
203Only old or extended hierarchy can be processed per group
204Document &1/&2/&3 from customer account &4 locked by payment run
205Payoff lock in contract & ; processing cancelled
206Open item lock in document &1/&2/&3 from customer account &4
207Contract &1 co.cd &2: loans taken may not be processed
208Contract & could not be locked
209Contract & contains release data
210No entries for selected transaction types in TZPA
211No entries for selected transaction types in TZPAB
212Number range error in general daybook number
213Table TVZ01 cannot be read
214Contract &1 - no clearing due to difference &2
215Clearing for account & not possible due to incorrect debit posting
216Enter a limit value
217Error while processing contract &1 (CCode &2)
218Contract &1 is not processed (&2)
219Only items with payment order &1 can be processed
299**** Reservation report RFVDMAU0 from 200 *********
300RFVDMAZNB - when starting online specify just one contract or customer
301RFVDMAZNB - Table TVZ01 cannot be read
302RFVDMAZNB - no entries for selected transaction types in TZPA
303RFVDMAZNB - no entries for selected transaction types in TZPAB
304The new unscheduled repayment amount is outside of the limits
305Customer is a direct payer
306Contract &1 is not a consumer loan
307Gross amount does not equal net amount
308Not processed
309Contract &1 is not a consumer loan
310Contract & has been rescinded
311Overpayment is ouside of the rescission incoming payment period
312Full payoff in unscheduled repayment is not executed
313Outside of due date tolerance
314Outside of amount / due date tolerance
315No limit amount for unscheduled repayment set up in product definition
316No limit amount found in customizing settings for account clearing
317RFVDMAZNB - Postings not carried out
318Error when calculating amount of rescission balance
319Customizing mising for lower limit for creating new unscheduled repayment
320No overpayments were selected
321Total of payoffs is smaller than rescission amount
322RFVDMAZNB - internal error in FVD_TABLE_UPDATE
323RFVDMAZNB - internal error in FVD_TABLE_SET
324RFVDMAZNB - internal error in LOAN_REFERENCE_ADD
325RFVDMAZNB - rescission not executed
326RFVDMAZNB - Customizing missing for automatic payment postprocessing
327A rescission has been created for this loan - processing is locked
328RFVDMAZNB - internal error in &1
329Gross payoff amount is not zero for discharge of contract &1 &2
330More than one payoff exists
331No full payoff in contract to be discharged
332Full payoff determined - entered payoff is partial payoff
333Overdue payments exist - partial payoff is not created
334Partial payoff found - entered payoff is full payoff
335Overpayment not processed (other overpayment processed on same day)
336Payoff not processed (could not be assigned to an overpayment)
337Outside amount tolerance limit (cleared payoff with amount &1)
338Outside of due date tolerance limit (cleared payoff with due date &1)
339There are no overpayments matching the selection criteria
340Overpayment not processed (could not be assigned to a payoff)
341Amount outside of tolerance amount (cleared payoff with amount &1)
342Amount outside of due date tolerance (cleared payoff with due date &1)
343Notice of cancellation given for contract &1; no processing
344No contracts have been selected
370* Read Data
371** &1 overpayments read in &2 contracts
372Read master data and determine indicator
373*** Discharge loan indicator found in contract &1
374Rescission needs to be executed in contract &1
375Sort/Total Overpayments
376Totals record for loan &1/date &2 generated using amount &3 &4
377Number of records after sorting/totalling &1
378&1 payoffs read
379Match overpayments to payoffs
380Assignment completed (loan &1 /date &2 overpayment amount &3 payoff &4)
381A maximum of one payoff is permitted for loan &1 (&2 exist)
382Posting records
383Contract &1 /date &2: &3 OP detail and &4 payoff recs to group processing
384Loan &1: Overpayment date contradicts selection (pstg dte &1 val.dte &2)
400**** Reservation Start Returned Direct Debits up to 499 ***********
401Error during Insert in table VDARL_RLS Key: &1/&2
402No charges can be posted in an internal bank key &1/&2/&3
403Error when determining bank details &1/&2/&3
404Returned direct debit for debit memo &1/&2/&3
405Enter amount and currency for compensation amount
406Enter currency for own charges
499**** Reservation end Returned direct debits from 400 *********
500**** Reservation start account clearing up to 599 ****************
501Specify exactly one contract or customer when starting online
502No contracts with open items found
503Error while reading the contract master data
504Contract &1 / &2 has release data -> no processing
505System error when reading an internal table (&)
506No limit values entered in customizing
507Contract & already locked by &
508Number range error in general daybook number
509Contract &1 - postings not executed -&2
510Contract & has debit and credit items -> no processing
511Limit value missing in table TZB41 for key &1 / &2 / &3 / &4
512Error when creating a planned record for clearing a receivable
513Error when creating a planned record for clearing a payable
514No clearing for customer &1 due to check module &2
515No clearing for contract &1 due to check module &2
516Error when reading the master data for the product types
517Error when reading the master data for the product types per BUKRS
518Only product types with the same payment lock are processed
519No account clearing in contract &1: Items total &2 &3 limit value &4
520No processing in contract &1 as remaining capital <> 0
521No clearing in contract &1 in &2 - item total &3 limit &4
522Company code &1, loan &2: function only possible for loans given
523Company code &1, prod. type &2: not supported (post. to diff. cust. act.)
599*** Reservation end account clearing up to 599 **************
600No target contract(s) specified
601Only contracts with the same &1 can be processed
602Loans document not found
603Planned record for payment could not be built
604Only clearings in local currency are supported
605Only currency equal to contract currency is supported
606Contract &1/&2 does not allow posting (status &3, Fi posting &4)
607Could not determine flow type for overpayment
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