67_PAYMENTS - Message Class Incoming Payment / Payment Postprocessing
The following messages are stored in message class 67_PAYMENTS: Message Class Incoming Payment / Payment Postprocessing.
It is part of development package FVVD in software component FS-CML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Loans".
It is part of development package FVVD in software component FS-CML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Loans".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | **** Start of reservation incoming payment postprocessing up to 099 **** |
001 | Error when reading LT_TZB0A for flow type &1 (Document &2 &3 &4 ) |
002 | Required number of document numbers not provided (&1 &2) |
003 | Error during internal calculation of document numbers (&1 &2) |
004 | Error when reading internal document numbers table with key &1 &2 &3 |
005 | Error in number swap VDBEKI temp. / current &1/&2 |
006 | No payment information found |
007 | Error in customer specific check. Please choose another account |
010 | Loan: & VDBEKI record to be cleared (RZEBEL) is not correct |
011 | Account &: Incoming payment rejection |
012 | Account &1: &2 |
013 | Contract &1, flow type &2: &3 (&4) |
014 | Contract &1 flow type &2: &3 |
015 | Error: & |
016 | Error determining rejection account (flow type &1, rc = &2) |
017 | Missing or incorrect Customizing entries IP U.S.: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
018 | Technical error in IP U.S. &1 &2 &3 &4 |
019 | Posting of incoming payment in completed interest period |
020 | Error while creating a planned record for G/L acct posting ( rc = &1 ) |
021 | Error while calculating processing characteristics (&1 &2 &3 &4) |
022 | Error in incoming payment processing |
023 | Value Date: &1. Amount: &2 &3 |
024 | IP: &1. FI: &2. Amount: &3 &4 |
025 | &1. Contract &2. Value Date &3. |
026 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
027 | Payment Application Hierarchy switch not found |
028 | Processing stopped at incoming payt dist. level - IPD proposal not poss. |
029 | Disb. clearings cannot be mixed with other customer acc. clearings |
030 | Disbursements cannot be cleared partially |
031 | Processing category is not valid (customer specific check) |
040 | ****End of Exntd. Incoming Payment Hierarchy for Mort./Gen. Loans**** |
099 | **** End of reservation incoming payment postprocessing from 000 ******** |
100 | **** Start of reservation payment postprocessing up to 199 *********** |
101 | Error during amount-dependent release check |
102 | Entry not possible since open clearing amount is negative |
103 | No payment program information (table REGUH) found |
104 | A maximum of &1 payment usages can be entered - there are currently &2 |
105 | Loan &1 / &2 cannot be posted to as it has status &3 |
106 | No details available |
107 | No authorization for company code &1 product type &2 |
108 | No flow type(s) for discount debit position found |
109 | A planned record for discount already exists on the database |
110 | Error during calculation of payoff amount |
111 | Amount not sufficient for a full payoff |
112 | No payoff request set up |
113 | Account &1 in company code &2 is not managaed on the basis of open items |
114 | Maximum of & usages has been created (still open items left) |
115 | Only one payoff can be created |
199 | **** End of reservation payment postprocessing from 100 ********* |
200 | **** Reservation start report RFVDMAU0 up to 299 ********************* |
201 | Overflow: A group to be cleared contains more than 999 open items |
202 | Error during creation of planned records for contract & |
203 | Only old or extended hierarchy can be processed per group |
204 | Document &1/&2/&3 from customer account &4 locked by payment run |
205 | Payoff lock in contract & ; processing cancelled |
206 | Open item lock in document &1/&2/&3 from customer account &4 |
207 | Contract &1 co.cd &2: loans taken may not be processed |
208 | Contract & could not be locked |
209 | Contract & contains release data |
210 | No entries for selected transaction types in TZPA |
211 | No entries for selected transaction types in TZPAB |
212 | Number range error in general daybook number |
213 | Table TVZ01 cannot be read |
214 | Contract &1 - no clearing due to difference &2 |
215 | Clearing for account & not possible due to incorrect debit posting |
216 | Enter a limit value |
217 | Error while processing contract &1 (CCode &2) |
218 | Contract &1 is not processed (&2) |
219 | Only items with payment order &1 can be processed |
299 | **** Reservation report RFVDMAU0 from 200 ********* |
300 | RFVDMAZNB - when starting online specify just one contract or customer |
301 | RFVDMAZNB - Table TVZ01 cannot be read |
302 | RFVDMAZNB - no entries for selected transaction types in TZPA |
303 | RFVDMAZNB - no entries for selected transaction types in TZPAB |
304 | The new unscheduled repayment amount is outside of the limits |
305 | Customer is a direct payer |
306 | Contract &1 is not a consumer loan |
307 | Gross amount does not equal net amount |
308 | Not processed |
309 | Contract &1 is not a consumer loan |
310 | Contract & has been rescinded |
311 | Overpayment is ouside of the rescission incoming payment period |
312 | Full payoff in unscheduled repayment is not executed |
313 | Outside of due date tolerance |
314 | Outside of amount / due date tolerance |
315 | No limit amount for unscheduled repayment set up in product definition |
316 | No limit amount found in customizing settings for account clearing |
317 | RFVDMAZNB - Postings not carried out |
318 | Error when calculating amount of rescission balance |
319 | Customizing mising for lower limit for creating new unscheduled repayment |
320 | No overpayments were selected |
321 | Total of payoffs is smaller than rescission amount |
322 | RFVDMAZNB - internal error in FVD_TABLE_UPDATE |
323 | RFVDMAZNB - internal error in FVD_TABLE_SET |
324 | RFVDMAZNB - internal error in LOAN_REFERENCE_ADD |
325 | RFVDMAZNB - rescission not executed |
326 | RFVDMAZNB - Customizing missing for automatic payment postprocessing |
327 | A rescission has been created for this loan - processing is locked |
328 | RFVDMAZNB - internal error in &1 |
329 | Gross payoff amount is not zero for discharge of contract &1 &2 |
330 | More than one payoff exists |
331 | No full payoff in contract to be discharged |
332 | Full payoff determined - entered payoff is partial payoff |
333 | Overdue payments exist - partial payoff is not created |
334 | Partial payoff found - entered payoff is full payoff |
335 | Overpayment not processed (other overpayment processed on same day) |
336 | Payoff not processed (could not be assigned to an overpayment) |
337 | Outside amount tolerance limit (cleared payoff with amount &1) |
338 | Outside of due date tolerance limit (cleared payoff with due date &1) |
339 | There are no overpayments matching the selection criteria |
340 | Overpayment not processed (could not be assigned to a payoff) |
341 | Amount outside of tolerance amount (cleared payoff with amount &1) |
342 | Amount outside of due date tolerance (cleared payoff with due date &1) |
343 | Notice of cancellation given for contract &1; no processing |
344 | No contracts have been selected |
370 | * Read Data |
371 | ** &1 overpayments read in &2 contracts |
372 | Read master data and determine indicator |
373 | *** Discharge loan indicator found in contract &1 |
374 | Rescission needs to be executed in contract &1 |
375 | Sort/Total Overpayments |
376 | Totals record for loan &1/date &2 generated using amount &3 &4 |
377 | Number of records after sorting/totalling &1 |
378 | &1 payoffs read |
379 | Match overpayments to payoffs |
380 | Assignment completed (loan &1 /date &2 overpayment amount &3 payoff &4) |
381 | A maximum of one payoff is permitted for loan &1 (&2 exist) |
382 | Posting records |
383 | Contract &1 /date &2: &3 OP detail and &4 payoff recs to group processing |
384 | Loan &1: Overpayment date contradicts selection (pstg dte &1 val.dte &2) |
400 | **** Reservation Start Returned Direct Debits up to 499 *********** |
401 | Error during Insert in table VDARL_RLS Key: &1/&2 |
402 | No charges can be posted in an internal bank key &1/&2/&3 |
403 | Error when determining bank details &1/&2/&3 |
404 | Returned direct debit for debit memo &1/&2/&3 |
405 | Enter amount and currency for compensation amount |
406 | Enter currency for own charges |
499 | **** Reservation end Returned direct debits from 400 ********* |
500 | **** Reservation start account clearing up to 599 **************** |
501 | Specify exactly one contract or customer when starting online |
502 | No contracts with open items found |
503 | Error while reading the contract master data |
504 | Contract &1 / &2 has release data -> no processing |
505 | System error when reading an internal table (&) |
506 | No limit values entered in customizing |
507 | Contract & already locked by & |
508 | Number range error in general daybook number |
509 | Contract &1 - postings not executed -&2 |
510 | Contract & has debit and credit items -> no processing |
511 | Limit value missing in table TZB41 for key &1 / &2 / &3 / &4 |
512 | Error when creating a planned record for clearing a receivable |
513 | Error when creating a planned record for clearing a payable |
514 | No clearing for customer &1 due to check module &2 |
515 | No clearing for contract &1 due to check module &2 |
516 | Error when reading the master data for the product types |
517 | Error when reading the master data for the product types per BUKRS |
518 | Only product types with the same payment lock are processed |
519 | No account clearing in contract &1: Items total &2 &3 limit value &4 |
520 | No processing in contract &1 as remaining capital <> 0 |
521 | No clearing in contract &1 in &2 - item total &3 limit &4 |
522 | Company code &1, loan &2: function only possible for loans given |
523 | Company code &1, prod. type &2: not supported (post. to diff. cust. act.) |
599 | *** Reservation end account clearing up to 599 ************** |
600 | No target contract(s) specified |
601 | Only contracts with the same &1 can be processed |
602 | Loans document not found |
603 | Planned record for payment could not be built |
604 | Only clearings in local currency are supported |
605 | Only currency equal to contract currency is supported |
606 | Contract &1/&2 does not allow posting (status &3, Fi posting &4) |
607 | Could not determine flow type for overpayment |