69 - Central Functions of Financial Asset Management

The following messages are stored in message class 69: Central Functions of Financial Asset Management.
It is part of development package FVV in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 application development for Financial Assets Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000--- Error messages for central functions -------
001Cond. group for prod.type & not available (inform system administrator)
002Condition type & not available (Inform system administrator)
003Cond.type & not available in language & (Inform system administrator)
004No condition types exist for product type & (inform system administrator)
005Internal error during modification of XVZZKOPO (Inform system administ.)
006Enter value
007Condition type & not in condition group &
008Change to KOKO-key not permitted (Inform system administrator)
009KOPO record not found in XVZZKOPO (Inform system administrator)
010XVZZKOPO items for different cond. headers (inform system administrator)
011Internal error during deletion: Record not found (Inform system adminis.)
012Key for inserted record already exists (Inform system administrator)
013History not available
014Valid-as-from date is before lock-up/issue start
015Date 'Valid as from' as repayment start is not start of period
016At least one cond.item 'Repayment' does not contain an instalment
017Condition item cannot be inserted
018Condition item will be set
019Zero condition required - Remaining fields will be deleted
020Due date is before valid-as-from date
021Frequency in months is more than 12
022Frequency in days is more than 30
023Calculation date is missing
024Calculation date is before valid-as-from date
025Currency is missing
026Enter either percentage rate or amount
027Only enter either percentage rate or amount
028Only frequency in months or in days allowed
029Calculation date has to be a month-end date acc. to month-end indicator
030Due date has to be a month-end date acc. to month-end indicator
031Enter calculation date and/or due date
032Due date missing
033Only positive values allowed
034Only condition type & will be deleted on 'Enter'
035No new condition type available
036No history available
037Due date is after calculation date
038Due date is more than 1 period before calculation date
039No condition types available for product type &
040No flow type exists for condition type &
041Valid-as-from date of a condition item is missing
042Frequency must be in months for 'Monthly amount' indicator
043+/-sign/operator only valid with interest refence
044Enter term end or repayment rate/instalment
045Calendar ID is missing
046No entry in table &
047No memo records available
048Position the cursor on an entry
049Currency translation & & not possible since no entry in table &
050Flow category for condition type & not unique
051& cannot be calculated
052Effective interest method is invalid
053& cannot be calculated - At least one undated flow record
054Printing executed
055Condition type for flow category & is not unique in group &
056Condition type for flow category & not available in group &
057& cannot be calculated because no flow records exist
058Condition item to be changed cannot be found (Inform system administrat.)
059& cannot be calculated since no condition items available
060Entry cannot be deleted
061Entry cannot be deleted since already posted
062Entry cannot be deleted since referred to in conditions
063Entry recreated from the conditions
064Enter the amount
065Entry cannot be changed
066Condition type & already available on date &
067No condition 'final repayment' is assigned to the product type &
068Valid-as-from date of item & is before condition date &
069No customer is assigned to the condition
070Customer & is not assigned to the contract
071Activity & flagged for &
072& deleted for activity &
073Posting cannot be flagged since already posted
074Posting cannot be flagged - Activity not in CM period
075Activity & only partially flagged - Posting indicator is missing
076& not possible - Posting indicator is missing
077Flow type & not defined in table &
078Reverse flag cannot be assigned since memo record
079Data already available for company code &
080& is smaller than & (please reenter)
081New value is not permitted and cannot be transferred
082Enter &
083Enter field selection values for condition type &
084For flow type &, only flow category & is allowed
085The debit/credit indicator is equal to & for the flow types & and &
086Condition type & is assigned to group & and cannot be deleted
087Condition type & cannot be deleted since used in VZZKOPO
088Condition group & cannot be deleted since used in TZPA
089The sequence & has already been assigned
090Flow records for time-depend.accruals/deferrals created
091Flow type not found for calculation category & (Produ.type: &)
092Selected function not supported in display mode
093Term end is missing
094At least one condition item does not have a fixed instalment
095& unchanged &
096& & All condition item results unchanged
097No repayment conditions available
098'Valid-as-from' date is before 01/01/1901
099Formula entry incorrect
100--- Error message for central functions DYNPRO_CHAIN ---
101Application '&' not maintained in TZD01 (Maintain)
102Operation '&' not implemented. Check entry in TZD01
103End of screen chain reached (not used yet)
104Data transferred to adjustment &
105For flow category &, only calculation category & is allowed
106PRF-subsection '&' is not intended for evaluation '&'
107Enter BAV or tax office stock indicator
108Stock indicator '&' for BAV not maintained in table TZ11T
109Stock indicator '&' for tax office not maintained in table TZ13T
110Directory &1 not valid for evaluation &2 - select via PF04
111Enter form of evaluation. Selection via F4
112& is not permitted as a list category
113Clearing functionality incorrectly used in financial assets management
114Field RZEBEL not filled for incoming pmnt document $
115Incorrect date interval
116Book value is lower than accepted value
117Market value lower than accepted value
118No cross-fiscal year evaluation possible
119Country/region variant is not defined for regulatory reporting
120--- Error message for central functions MARK_TABLE ---
121Pickup not possible here
122Asset & contains individual details. Log only for totals lines.
123No details can be displayed for selection
124Record in DUEVA file & already exists, will be overwritten
125Position curson on valid output line
126Selected output line for asset & does not contain any data
127Date interval ineffective for details about quarter
128Do not assign double entries
129No record available for selection criteria entered
130--- Error messages for central functions PROTOCOL_OBJECT ---
131Object name '&' is reserved, rename entry
132Object '&' cannot be longer than 132 characters
133Object '&' can only be entered once
134SPOOL automatically used for logs longer than '&' pages
135Maintain table T100 using '&' '&' '&'
136Object '&' must be created before it can be used
137Maintain numbered text '&'
138Partner & is not assigned to the contract or does not have a customer
139No partner is allocated to the condition
140---Error messages for central functions SUM_ ---
141Currency not the same as currency saved in system
142Instance of OTHERS not allowed in a CASE
143Error during determination of posting period
144Company code not found
145Entry in table TZB0A not found
146Contract identification not unique enough
147Product type & not found in company code &
148Error in payment method selection: See long text
149Payment method & not defined for individual payment: see long text
150No customer is assigned to the main loan partner/issuer
151Enter regulatory reporting data
152Error while entering regulatory reporting data
153Product type & does not exist in company code &
154&: incorrect payment method: pmnt meth./bank categ. entered from conditn
155Partner + payment method must be allocated to the conditn (see long text)
156Partner & is still entered as payer/payee
157Partner & is entered as payer/ee of a condition
158Start date for role category & in future not possible.
159No end date in future is possible for payer of a condition
160--- Error messages for central functions STATUS_ ---
161Selection cancelled. Processing terminated
162Status is not possible. Processing terminated
163Status not clear. Processing terminated
164Status not contained in table TZC37. Processing terminated
165Status not contained in table TZM37. Processing terminated
166Status not contained in table TZV37. Processing terminated
167Status (OBJNR = &) not found
168Assign an address to each dunning recipient
169Select a partner as payer in the partner overview first
170--- Error messages for central functions CONTRACT_CUSTOMER ---
171OTHERS not supported in CASE
172Customer & and contract & not found
173Contract & not found
174No offsetting flow type for flow type &
175Document flow type & not in TZB0A
176Document flow type & not in flow types table
177Contract & is not available in CoCd &
178Contract filter & is incorrectly maintained in CoCd &
179Posting contract charges: No payer exists for dunning run
180***** Error message for function FVWR_USER_SEARCH ******************
181No clerk found
182Master data for determining the clerk is missing
183Structure transferred is not allowed
184Select a partner as payer for the dunning charges and interest
185Only select one partner as payer of the dunning charges and interest
186Posting date may not be greater than the current date
187Enter valid date
188Role category & is reserved for clerks - Assign under organization
189--- Messages for resubmission -----
190Resubmission date does not correspond with calendar &
191Define contract type & and work area & via CUSTOMIZING
192Resubmission on date & already exists and is sent
193The same resubmission exists with send date &
194Fill out fields "Table name" and "Field name"
195Error occurred during save of text (No. &)
196Resubmission not found in send buffer
197Enter a message text
198Text object must exist for text maintenance (create via environment)
199Internal error in table &, number &, function &
200--- Messages for text module maintenance ---
201Variable & not available
202Table field name not available
203Variable already available
204Variable must be entered
205Text ID must exist for text maintenance (create via environment)
206Fill out both fields
207Only fill out one of the blocks
208No deadlines to deal with in the period entered
209Form & does not exist
210Form & already available
211Module & does not exist
212Logical database name not available
213Module already available
214Module must be entered
215You can only set this flag for the main loan partner
216Selection invalid or missing
217Module can only be created using at least one variable
218Letter can only be created using at least one module
219Table error in &
220Insert in insert not permitted
221Deletion not possible since module relationship exists
222Deletion not possible since letter relationship exists
223Enter "Valid-until date" for letter &
224Document name is missing
225Letter name is missing
226Module name is missing
227Variable name is missing
228Form name is missing
229Letter & already exists
230Letter & & does not exist
231Variable & created
232Variable & changed
233Variable & deleted
234Error during insert, variable &
235Error during update, variable &
236Error during deletion, variable &
237Subsection relationship - List invalid
238Letter & created
239Letter & changed
240Letter & deleted
241Module & created
242Module & changed
243Module & deleted
244Error during insert, module &
245Error during update, module &
246Error during deletion, module &
247No repetition table can be entered for module ENDLOOP
248Nesting error: Number ENDLOOP > Number repetition table index &
249Nesting error: Number ENDLOOP < Number repetition table
250Pseudo module ENDLOOP cannot be maintained
251Report & does not exist
252Enter valid value
253No valid version exists for letter &
254Document & successfully output
255Error & during output of document &
256Letter & saved
257Module & saved
258Variable & saved
259Form & saved
260Document & saved
261Document & changed
262Document & deleted
263Document & saved
264Deletion not possible since document relationship exists
265Form & deleted
266Document & not available
267Document & already exists
268No full screen. Can UNIX window be seen ? R/3 M/TEXT-Comm. initiated ?
269No authorization to create text elements
270No authorization to maintain text elements
271No authorization to display text elements
272No authorization to display data to be released
273You do not have authorization to release the displayed data
274PRF transfer as of & not possible: Transfer exists for &
275***** Resubmission messages *****
276Message successfully sent
277Master data for resubmission already exists
278Master data for resubmission does not yet exist
279Work area entered does not exist
280Enter user (recipient), distribution list or ID of current user
281Create distribution list first (error & )
282Create user first (error &)
283Only select one of the fields
284Name of message for resubmission already assigned
285Both fields must be filled for text maintenance
286Text could not be initialized (error &)
287Error occurred whilst editing the text (error &)
288Resubmission & & blocked by & at present
289Internal error & whilst blocking of resubmission & &
290Resubmission & & created
291Resubmission & & changed
292Resubmission & & deleted
293Data for resubmission & & not inserted, error &
294Data for resubmission & & not changed, error &
295Data for resubmission & & not deleted, error &
296During maintenance of text ID & &, error (&) occurred
297During maintenance of text object &, error (&) occurred
298Message could not be sent, internal error number &
299Define message for contract type & and work area & via CUSTOMIZING
300--- For logs ---
301Internal error &/& in spool &
302Euro conversion for & as of & not possible: Bal.sheet transfer on &
303Euro conversion for & not possible: BAV transfer flag exists
304PRF transfer & not possible: Transfer flag exists
305Error while updating the transfer flag
306Premium reserve fund transfer is not required for your ctry/reg.variant
307The indicator entered is not valid for your country/region variant
308Transf. key date &1 must be after contract currency conversion date &2
309--- Error log BSS_RULE_READ ---
310CoCd missing in entry & & &
311Enter CoCd $ in T001
312No CoCd found in chart of accounts $ (--> Maintain T004)
313No posting details maintained for & & &
314The application & is not maintained in the posting tables
315The control table for application & is incorrectly maintained
316Posting key & does not exist
317Post. key & or doc.type $ incorrectly configured
318Posting key & is not maintained
319--- Error log BSS_ACCOUNT_READ ---
320A generic entry and a target account have been specified for entry $ $ $
321Acct symbol $ is not in accounts table (additional keys $ $ $)
322& or & cannot be replaced
323The account symbols for flow & cannot be replaced
324Error in contract & in CoCd &.
325Adv.pmnt and debit position flow type in one document
326Only one bank posting permitted
327Old flow type in document
328No transfer since position amount is zero.
329No prioritization of open items possible
330No stock account maintained for & & & in T037S
331No customer maintained for asset number & and flow type &
332No bank account maintained in contract
333No entry for company code & and bus. type & in TZPAB
334No entry for comp. code &, bus. type & and status & in TZC37
335No entry & & & & in VDARL
336You are only allowed to post amounts up to & &
337No offsetting entry for flow &, additional key & & &
338The status & for bus. type & and comp. code & will not be posted
339The bus. type & in comp. code & is not intended for posting
340No FI document with ref. doc. no. & available
341No ref.flow type maintained for overpayment of subsidies (TZB06)
342The customer & is not created in CoCd &
343Simulation is not supported for the reversal function
344Inc.pmnt transfer after overpmnt incorrectly maintained
345The product type & is not maintained
346Several FI documents exist for the subledger document number &
347Error whilst creating the segment text
348No subledger document with the number & available in CoCd &
349Error during update of subledger
350Only one bank posting permitted
351Old flow type in document
352Adv.pmnt and debit position flow type in one document
353Enter reversal reason
354No manual reversal of loan documents
355Memo record of advance payment could not be found.
3560 not allowed for new status
357No condition items found for contract - Check
358Error in contract &. Original debit position cannot be determined.
359Document cannot be reversed as parked posting exists as planned record
360---- -399 Messages central function number assignment -------------------
361$: Interval $ for number range object $ not available
362$: External number range assigned to interval $
363$: Number range object $ not available
364$: No number free for interval $ in $
365Interval $ from $ does not correspond to length $
366Position of $ is outside of whole number
367$ must be between $ and $
368No external number assignment for $
369Enter $ characters for component $
370Calculation of the check digit could not be carried out
371Only numerical characters allowed for component $
372$/$: Customizing error (constant is wrong length)
373Matchcode ID or object not available
374No value selected
375No suitable values found
376Company code $ does not exist
377Product type $ not available
378No file found
379Value entered does not match in $
380Enter value for $ or select function 'New number'
381Parameters necessary for matchcode search are missing
382$: No exponents possible (target table not valid)
383No internal number assignment intended for $
384$ is automatically filled
385Error in number calculation
386$/$: Error in customizing
387Number assigned for $ is in critical area
388$/$: Error in customizing (too many components)
389Customizing error: Consecutive numbering may only occur once per number
390Customizing error: Check digit calculation may only occur once per number
391You can enter as many alphanumerical characters as you like for $
392You can only enter numerical characters for $
393$/$#: Exponents could not be carried out
394Customizing error: Length of number missing for $/$ in TZPAB
395Customizing error: No. length > 13 for $/$ (TZPAB)
396Number $ already available
397&: Value entered is not a valid ISO country/region code
398The number is not in the current master number range
399Enter the valid list category for the specified PRF number
400Reserved up to 419 for screen control -----------------------------------
401Screen sequence for & = & not found
402Screen table transferred was empty
403System-defined screen sequence for & = & not found
404User-defined screen sequence must be changed
405Error & during save of screen sequence (&)
406Screen sequence redetermined
407Standard screen sequence set
408Screen sequence for & does not exist
409Screen sequence "&" is not permitted as reference for screen field "&"
410Error whilst reading screen sequence number: Error &-& unknown
411Screen & and screen & must not be used together
412Unable to carry out batch processing with D�VA download
413Specify a download path for D�VA interface
414Error in assignment of ind. R5/97 app. 10 to asset type (�54a, subp. 2)
415You only need to maintain R5/97 appendix 10 for tied assets
416You only need to maintain R5/97 appendix 8 for tied assets
417You must specify the assessment threshold for R5/97, appendix 11
418Download functions are only available for NW600, NW101 and NW102
420& was selected
421Subsection & does not exist. Enter a valid value
422List & does not exist. Enter a valid value
423Stock indicator & does not exist. Enter a valid value
424Currency & does not exist - Enter a valid value
425Date interval invalid. Enter a valid value
426Company code & does not exist. Enter a valid value
427Insurance branch & does not exist. Enter a valid value
428Asset is already assigned to the premium reserve funds
429Indicator "Trustee inflow list" set
430& may not have more than & figures
440--- Up to 449 central function phonetic search --------------------------
441Customizing error: Search string ($) same as replace string
442The same or phonetically similar partner does not exist
443You enter a partner who is the same or similar to one already entered
444Partner already exists: List selection or create new partner ?
445You have selected an existing partner
447Product type for drawable bond must be assigned to product category &
448The product type for drawn bonds is compulsory for product category &
449You cannot execute this function
450- 480 ----- Messages for customizing central tables ---------------------
451For contract type &, only product categories & to & are permitted
452Product type & already exists for contract type &
453Object ID must be assigned to real estate
454Area type not permitted
455Product type & and contract type & not available in TZPA
456No condition group is allowed for product category &
457The condition group is mandatory for the product category &
458No entry for contract type & and flow type & in TZB0A
459Posting in accordance with table TZB06 not permitted
460Data has been changed: Save the changes beforehand
461Item type 000 not permitted
462Item type total missing as item type
463Item type total must be larger than item type
464Reference item type is missing as item type
465Reference item type cannot be larger position type
466Item type is referred to in &; cannot be deleted
467From cost element larger than to
468Cost element overlapping for chart of accts & and variant &
469Delete all relationships to the indicator & first
470No entry available for & &
471Entries already available for & &
472Enter status definition(s) first for & &
473No. of entries copied: &
474Enter target key different to source key
475The entry & & is not defined (TZPA/TZPAB)
476Save your entries before continuing
477Flow category & not permitted for contract type & for condition types
478Flow category & not permitted for contract type & for flow types
479Installation parameters for loans not maintained
481- 481 - 499 ----- Cross-Application Reporting ---------------------------
482File name not permitted
483Data incomplete due to missing authorization
484List saved
485Date is in the future
486Inconsistent call of drilldown reporting module for loans
487No loans exist for the selection criteria entered
488Processing error while evaluating loan &2 in company code &1
489Processing error in evaluation module of report
490Processing error in drilldown reporting: Table &1 not maintained
500- 599 ----- Messages regarding the condition items ---------------------
501Valid-as-from date is after lock-up period end/final maturity date
502& condition type & is not permitted; delete
503& Insert condition type for &
504& Enter values for condition type &
505Condition table transferred not consistent. Inform system administrator
506Enter condition type for interest (accrued)
507No bank details stored or selected for partner &
590Last condition item reached
591First condition item reached
592Last condition item of condition type & reached
593First condition item of condition type & reached
594Check the calculation day and due-date on screen 2
595Background job & succesfully started. Spool request under: &
596Background processing terminated. No spool request created
597Background processing terminated. No job planned
599Loans use CASH_FLOW_CONSTRUCT. See SRV-mail
600- 700 ------- BAV - Messages ------------------------------------------
601Entry deleted
602Entry inserted
603No variable regulatory reporting data available
604Last entry cannot be deleted
605No position for contract number $ in company code $
606No position for contract number $ in sec. acct $
607Previous changes not permitted
608Entry for the & already available
609Previous deletions not permitted
610Initial entry cannot be deleted
611Data was saved
612Position cursor on an entry
613BAV data in this portfolio is being processed at present
614Data was changed
615Do you want to save the data?
616Do you want to cancel anyway?
618Date of new entry > date of last entry?
619No changes were made which affect transfer postings
620Position cursor on last entry
621No entries allowed until you save
623Unposted record deleted from VDKOREF.
624You cannot delete. Record is already posted.
625You cannot delete before you save
627Required entry for indicator R5/97_App._10 not made
630 - 639 BAV error messages resulting from plausibilities VZBAVF/VZBAVV -
640*** Messages in correspondence interface ****
641The linked word processing system is not active
642The word processing system which is linked up reports errors
643No correspondence activity selected
644No partner exists for roles in document
645Letter in this correspondence class is excluded for the partner
646No report ID defined for the letter in the IMG
647No report ID defined for the letter in the IMG (M/TEXT)
650The 'Expand partner' flag is inconsistent
651Correspondence function cancelled after serious error
652Correspondence function was cancelled by the user
653An attempt was made to display a text element which is not available
654An output form was activated which is not available
655The print options are invalid
656Enter text object $ in TTXOB
657Enter text object $ ID 'TEXT' in TTXID
658The document has not been created
659FORM routine not found: & / &
660No document printed
661Spool no. = &
662Cancellation by user
663Termination at start of print editing
664Form & page & not found
665Text element & not found
666Text module not found: & / &
667Clerk & - Address not found
668Partner & - Address not found
669Spool no. = & - Document incorrect
670**** Messages for customizing **********
671Make your entry in ascending order
672Customizing settings for & are missing
678Internal error when FM: & called up
681Entry $ : $ missing in the reltnshp table for for.curr.translatn (TCURA)
682For. exch. rate calculation indicator $ missing in table TCURB
683Currency code $ not available in table TCURC
684Rate on this date is not available or cannot be determined
685Amount determined cannot be displayed (OVERFLOW)
686Rate determined cannot be displayed (OVERFLOW)
687Maintain rate calculation indicator for company code &
688Maintain rate categories in calculation indicator &
689Real Estate Management: Letter & & does not exist
700*****-749 Messages for release procedure
701Error during update of release data
702Data already released
703Data has to be released by another user
704Release completed successfully
705No release data available
706$ Release carried out successfully
707Read error
708Error whilst resetting the release block indicator
709Rejection entered
710Loan no. & is not yet released
711Data record already rejected
712Data record already rejected; cannot be released
713Maintain table &
714Release object not valid ($, see table TZFO)
715System error: Program name not valid ($, see table TZFO)
716No authorization for release of &
717More than one activity selected
718Data to be released available for this activity. Release first
719Release master data first
720Release procedure not active
721Save disbursement - update only after release
722An outpayment to be released already exists. Release first
723The release status entered is not suitable as initial status
724No flow record transferred
725Flow data exists which still needs to be released - release first
726Release initial data cannot be written due to missing key
727Posting function only possible in change mode
728Update cancelled. Enter activity again
729Amount limit exceeded - No authorization for release
730Error in authorization check, object &
731Update cancelled. Check activity and release again
732Data successfully included in the release
733Only use post-processing function for deletion
734Data could not be read from the suspended file
735Reversal flows to be released have been deleted
736Data which has already been released cannot be displayed
737Data which has already been released cannot be postprocessed
738Flow data which still has to be released exists for loan no. &
739Error while generating postings - no postings made
740Posting error! Reverse any postings generated
750******* Up tp 799 - Messages for financial mathematics
751Negative repayment occurred during cash flow calculation
752Discount withholding indicator is missing
753Internal error & during calculation of tax
754The calculation date may not be earlier than &
755A remaining balance of & still exists at the end of the term
756End of term calculated (&1) is greater than end of term entered (&2)
757Changes not permitted - results in a negative rem. balance of &2 on &1
758Cash flow cannot be generated due to the changes
759Unexpected error occurred while changing the data
760Term end is missing
761No repayment conditions available
762At least one condition item contains no "Fixed instalment"
763Term end cannot be determined
764Condition item to be calculated is missing
765Cash flow set up until & since term end cannot be determined
766No manual change made to the cash flow
767Manual changes to the cash flow have been transferred to the contract
768The manual changes to the cash flow have been canceled
769Cash flow calculation included the manual changes
770Enter &
771Delete & since not allowed
772Characteristic not supported at present
773All fields except '&' will be deleted (Check entry)
774Only enter one frequency
779Records have to be released again after change
780Date must be within the fixed interest period
781Settlement date should not be earlier than calculation date &
782The selected flows cannot be changed
783No flow to be changed was selected
784The cash flow contains flows that have been changed manually
790Condition type & does not have a reference condition type
800--- Messages for customizing transactions ---
801Make a clear selection
802Condition group $ already exists
803Condition type $ has already been saved - Deletion is not possible
804Only mark one of the check boxes: 'Mandatory' or 'Suppress'
805Data was saved
806Create a master record for condition group $ first
807Master data saved for condition group $
808Enter &
809Entries already exist for this & (copy function not possible)
810Product type & not available in company code &
811Entry for this source table already available
812Company code is not valid
813Table name already specified as secondary table
814Table name already specified as primary table
815Archiving parameters for company code & being processed at present
816Index data for this ID number is being processed at present
817Clerk & not entered in user table
818Clerk not maintained for all combinations
819Maintain either clerk or distribution list
828** 828 - 950 Messages for partner/roles
829You are not authorized to process the partner
830Enter at least one criterion for partner selection
831No partner is assigned as &
832End or relationship has already been entered on &
833& is already allocated to a customer role
834All loans in finance project must have same customer (main loan partner)
835Date-dep. relationship not possible for partner roles: 0100, 0150, 0202
836Main contract partner may not have alternative payer in FI.
838It is not possible to change the main contractual partner
839Rental agreement may be assigned to a maximum of one main contract.party
840Successive main contractual partners are the same
841End date for last main partner cannot be set
842Error whilst saving partner &
843Customer & cannot be changed
844Enter company code for subsection selection
845F4 key not supported for this field. Use F6
846Enter fiscal year
847Pmnt method & is not permitted for customer & &
848Select a partner for lease-out
849No roles are assigned to the area &
850Partner no. & is not assigned
851No partner is assigned
852Partner & only has one address
853Partner & has no address
854No authorization for group &
855Only one entry is possible
856No percentage rate entered for &
857Total of percent.rates is not equal to 100 for ownership share type &
858Partner allocation finished (see end date)
859Additional data missing for partner &
860Partner assignment deleted
861Relationship is not permitted for the partner category
862No customer maintenance possible for the internal role
863A customer account is already available for this partner
864Create a customer account for the main contractual partner
865No customer account is assigned to this partner yet
866A customer account is already assigned to this partner
867Assign address for partner (customer)
868Specify mask selection first
869You cannot delete the main partner
870No authorization for role & with activity &
871Partner is not a &
872Only one main contractual partner should exist
873At least one partner with role & must exist
874No changes made
875Enter role number
876The role & is already available
877Enter internal role number
878Role & is still assigned to an application area
879Role & does not exist
880This relationship is still assigned to an object (deletion not possible)
881& which should be copied, does not contain any entries
882Role category not found for role type
883Partner categories of From-role and To-role have to be identical
884Enter partner category first
885The indicator "Alternative field selection" is not set
886No field selection for the From-role (copy function not possible)
887No customer can be created for partner with role &
888For partner &, no & exist
889Relationship already ended on &
890Assign a valid address category to the partner
891& was created in the role &
892Object already exists
893Bank category & is not stored for this partner
894& has already been assigned in the same role category
895Customer assigned. Address category cannot be changed
896Date is before current date (&)
897Interval overlap with address which is already valid
898Address &, & valid until &
899No historical data available
901Role & not maintained in table &
902Error in role number
903Error in table $ (Inform system administrator)
904Partner $ unknown
905No memo exists for partner $
906Partner $ saved
907Additional data for partner $ saved
908Address cannot be deleted
909End date for & & cannot be corrected
910Partner $ already saved
911Relationship data incomplete
912Relationship to oneself not possible
913Relationship already exists
914Reference relationship is incorrect
915Relationship created
916Partner $ unknown as $
917Partner $ already exists
918Partner $ is already being processed by $
919Internal error, partner $ cannot be blocked
920Address already available
921Address $ is already being processed by $
922Internal error, address $ cannot be blocked
923Partner data incomplete
924Address data incomplete
925Address inserted
926Name is too long. It has to be shortened
927Restrict the selection
928Internal error: Table & unknown
929Internal error: Table &, operation &, return code &
930Error in number range $, object $ in partner management
931Partner number $ not permitted. Check your entry
932Partner number $ already available
933Bank details do not exist & & &
934Bank details have been duplicated
935Complete country/region key field
936Complete bank key field
937Do not enter a bank key
938Bank type duplicated
939Position the cursor on the empty line
940Select bank details first
941Bank type cannot be changed
942Partner & saved as &
943Partner & deleted as &
944Partner & already available as &
945Additional data is already being processed by &
946Additional data blocked by &
947Partner ID & already exists
948Consolidation indicator not permitted
949In table $ entry $ $ $ is missing
950Specify a text element
951Display/edit not possible: Element not available
952Create function not possible: Element already available
953Address changed
954Form of address is not permitted for the partner categ.
955Element $ does not exist
956Note: Choose valid line for line operation
957$ saved
958$ deleted
959Delete function not possible since references still exist
960************* 960 - 980 Reserved for BAV/Statutory reporting ************
961BAV information saved
962No BAV information exists
963ID number already exists
964ID number not available
965Details of the PRF or the PRF-subsection no. are missing for the PRF
966Missing or incorrect PRF-subsection no.
967Error in management of lock objects
968Table $ is blocked by user & at present
969BAV information already saved
970Only change of indicator possible since flow data already exists
971No PRF-subsection exists for the PRF number entered
972No PRF/PRF-subsections exist for the stock indicator entered
973Object is not eligible to serve as collateral
974Allocation to premium reserve fund list number is incorrect
975No authorization for this function in comp. code & for product type &
976No authorization for this function in company code & for BE &
977The asset type is relevant for the PRF/PRF-subsection entered
978Enter insurance branch
979F4 not supported at present for this field, use F7
980Enter partner name
981External role group "&" not defined in table TZRG
982Internal role "&" not defined in table TZRI
983Internal error during call-up of FB PAV_SELECT_PARTNER
984No partner selected
985No data records found in VZGPO
986No objects found for partner "&"
987Number range object key "&" not defined
988Contract type & not found
989The role selected cannot be deleted
990The customer & is already being processed by &
991Internal error, customer & cannot be blocked
992The customer & in company code & is already being processed by &
993Internal error, customer & company code & cannot be blocked
994Specify customer
995No couuntry-specific variants were maintained for CoCd &
996Partner & is already allocated to a partner
997Select an address
998Address category & not permitted
999& & & &
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