7Q - Messages f�r neue Quellensteuerfunktionalit�t

The following messages are stored in message class 7Q: Messages f�r neue Quellensteuerfunktionalit�t.
It is part of development package FQST in software component FI-AP-AP-Q. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Infrastructure for withholding tax".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* messages master data
001Reporting date of withholding tax is deactivated
002& was copied.
003Please enter a valid date interval
004Percentage rate too high (>100%). Please correct the percentage rate
005An entry with this withholding tax type already exists
006Choose a posting or document date as reporting date for withholding tax
011Enter a valid date interval in line &
012Enter the exemption certificate number
014Date interval is in the past
015Date interval is in the future
016One-time accounts do not allow withholding tax types with accumulation
017Enter a valid withholding tax code.
018Enter a valid withholding tax type
020Postprocess open items after changing relevant withholding tax types
021Withholding tax type & is not maintained for vendor &
148There are no self-withholding tax types maintained
300* messages document entry, payment (FB05)
301Withholding tax information missing from line item.
302Enter a valid withholding tax code.
303Error occurred when calculating withholding tax base amount
305An error occurred when translating currency of withholding tax amounts
310Withholding tax amount entered manually: Base amount must also be entered
311Negative withholding tax base amount/withholding tax amount not permitted
318Automatic search not possible if Extended Withholding Tax is active.
319Automatic distr. according to due date not possible with extended w/tax
320Withholding tax amount exceeds total bank line item amounts.
321Withholding tax amount exceeds the customer/vendor line item amount &
322Withholding tax amount equals the customer/vendor line item amount &
324Withholding tax amount greater than net amount of items &/&/&/&.
325The with/tax amnt entered will be posted instead of the amnt calculated
326Withholding tax information for item & has been deleted.
327Vendor is not subject to withholding tax
328> With/tax info for this item inconsistent with master record/company cde
329> Change the withholding tax information for the relevant line item
330W/tax amount exceeds the partial payment amount for items &/&/&/&.
331Withholding tax base amount exceeds amount of customer/vendor item &
332Withholding tax information ignored
333Vendor & is subject to withholding tax
334Customer & is subject to withholding tax
335Company code selection not possible
336Vendor & is exempt from withholding tax to & (type &, rate&%)
337Local currencies of company codes &1 and &2 are not identical
338Withholding tax information ignored
339Withholding tax exemption for vendor & expired on & (type &, inst. &%)
340* Document parking
341Invalid interface parameter.
390Internal error during creation of w/tax information of pmnt document: &
391Internal error during creation of withholding tax info (see long text)
400Customizing * messages
401Enter a company code
402Please enter a withholding tax type.
403Withholding tax type &1 is not defined for country/region &2
404Enter a smaller type number.
405Choose a type number of a different type.
406The type number you entered does not exist - please correct
407Type & already has type & defined as a dependent type.
408There are no free numbers left.
409Enter the min/max amounts per withholding tax code.
410Enter the minimum base amount per withholding tax code.
411Enter the min/max amounts per withholding tax type.
412Enter the minimum base amount per withholding tax type.
413Enter the minimum withholding tax amount per withholding tax code.
414Enter the minimum withholding tax amount per withholding tax type.
415Enter a date.
416Base check at document level only possible with no accumulation
417Centr.inv. & 1st part.pmnt: Choose "Min check at item level"
418Prop.central invoice: Min. base amnt check not possible at inv. doc.level
419Indicator "W/tax acc. to payment" only possible without accumulation.
420"Amount already withheld" only without acc. and with "Cent.invoice prop."
421"Central invoice & 1st partial payment" possible only w/out accumulation
422With/tax type & already defined as type for posting at time of invoice
423Withholding tax rate cannot be greater than 100%
424You cannot use w/tax scales together with "grossing up".
425Base amnt for w/tax type & was not defined with modified net amount
426Base amnt for w/tax type & was not defined with modified tax amount.
427W/tax type already defined as w/tax type for posting at time of payment.
428Only activate "W/tax amnt manually" with "w/tax base amnt manual"
429Enter a company code.
430Numbering group cannot be deleted.
431The percentage rate is greater than 100%
432Enter an exemption rate of between 0 and 100%
433Enter either a percentage rate or a fraction of the withholding tax rate.
434Enter an exemption number.
435Enter an exemption rate.
436Enter a valid date interval.
437Problem blocking the number range table.
438Caution: You are deactivating extended withholding tax.
439The w/tax minimum amount is the same as the w/tax maximum amount.
440The w/tax minimum amount you entered exceeds the w/tax maximum amount.
441New entry & cannot be created, since the number range already exists.
442Extended withholding tax is not active in company code &
443Withholding tax type & is not defined
444Withholding tax code & is not defined for specified withholding tax types
445Withholding tax code & is not defined
446You must enter a currency key
447Company code & could not be found
448Define a period of time for authorization for deduction.
449Type & cannot be a dependent type of type &
450Select "Inherit base" or "Base amnt reductn"
451Caution: You are activating the extended withholding tax functions
452Enter a type of recipient
453Proport. centr. inv.: Base exempt amt check at pymt doc. level not poss.
454Withholding tax calculation has changed
455Fractional withholding tax rate should be less than 1 (one)
456Daily accumulation is possible only with No accumulation
501* Messages: Payment program
502Central item & & & of central calculation is still blocked.
503Withholding tax for changed accounts is being recalculated
504Recalculation causes +/- sign in payment & & to change
505The central invoice item is still being paid.
510Internal error when processing payment proposal
527Large data volume; unable to process the request
600Post * messages
601WITH_ITEM already contains a data record with key & & & &.
602Interface parameter not fully specified: & & &.
603No entries were found in table WITH_ITEM with the key & & &.
625Certificate numbering *messages
626Error in numbering of withholding tax certificate
627No numbering concept has been assigned to country/region &
628... No numbering class has been assigned to company code &
629... No numbering group has been assigned to company code & for class &
630... A number could not be determined for numbering group &
631... CoCde &, W/holding tax type &: No numbering class assigned
632... CoCde &, branch &, w/holding tax type &: No numbering class assigned
701No "Reports" have been maintained (in table QSTRVAR)
702No records were selected
703Specify a start and an end date for the reporting period
704Change of country-/region-specific version for withholding tax reporting
705At least one layout exceeds maximum list width of 255
800*Message: Withholding tax tool
801Recording started
802Enter either a vendor or a customer
803Enter either a vendor, a customer, or a reconciliation account
804Withholding tax type & is not assigned to company code &
805No withholding tax types assigned to company code &
810Enter document numbers when processing recurring documents
899You cannot maintain ctry/reg. &1 when you select ctry/reg. solution &2
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