9J1UF_P - Russia and Ukraine class messages for development

The following messages are stored in message class 9J1UF_P: Russia and Ukraine class messages for development.
It is part of development package J1UF in software component FI-LOC-FI-UA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Ukraine: FI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Enter plant for goods delivery
002Documents positions with relevant tax codes not found
003Reference number in document & for year & company code & not found
004Enter a non-zero amount
005Enter an amount distinct from initial
006Additional item not found for item &1
007Choose customer and vendor line items
008All correspondence has been transferred
009Not possible to execute the function
010Correspondence has been transferred
011Choose correspondence
012Correspondence has been deleted
013Correspondence has not been transferred
014Correspondence has been deleted
015G/L account &1 not found in chart of accounts &2
016Item &1 already exists
017Item &1 does not exist
018Item &1 could not be deleted
019Not all correspondence has been transferred
020Document correspondence has been saved
021Already existing correspondence is identical
022No change was made
023Document has been inverted
024Item & could not be added
025Correspondence has been inverted
026You are not authorized for &1 &2 &3 &4
027Posting date not in the opened posting period
028Enter dates only for one fiscal year
029Invoice amounts do not correspond to original amounts of doc. &1 &2 &3
030Error while changing table &1
031Table &1 is locked by user &2
032System error: Cannot lock table/view &1
033Place the cursor on a document
034Document could not be interpreted
035Account correspondence (debit &1 credit &2) not permitted
036Account correspondence (debit &1 credit &2) will be inverted
037Entry &1 not found
038Correspondence of items &-& &-& in document currency not allowed
039You have only document display authorization for user &
040Document & & & & - not found entry in BSEG
041Document & & & - not found entry in BKPF
042No total items found
043Total line items of debit side & business area & have been calculated
044Total line items of credit side & business area & have been calculated
045All total line items with same account assignments have been calculated
046Invoice amnt. regard.BA do not correspond to original amnt.of doc. & & &
047No business area found in TGSB for given parameters
048Unable to lock &1 for &2 error code &3
049Error while unlocking item &1; inform your system administrator
050This number belongs to purchase document &1
051No purchase ledger line number & exist !
053No item number of purchase ledger found for document &
054This document contains item number &
055Identical accounts found in table
056Check was executed successfully
057Adjustment correspondence has been entered; data has not been saved
058Tax & not found in "new"-tax list
059No saved correspondence found for document &1 &2 &3 &4
091No entries found that match selection criteria
092Select a customer line item
093Select a vendor line item
094No selected document items on debit and credit
095Selected debit items do not match credit items
096You do not create a new position from the generated position.
097You do not erase position &
101Company code &1 does not exist
110Please enter a value from 2 to 12
111Plant &1 does not exist
112Material type &1 does not exist
113Material group &1 does not exist
114Valuation area &1 does not exist
115Material &1 does not exist
116Storage &1 does not exist for plant &2
120Account currency does not correspond to document currency
201No debitor data found in document & & &
202No reference number found in document & & &
203Enter transport expence taxcode which is distinct from &
204No company address data found
205No company INN found
206No company registration paper number(VAT payer) found
207No position with relevant VAT code in doc. & & & found
208Enter a valid reference number in document & & &
209Enter 'Payment type' field in document & & &
210Enter tax-invoice number for correction document & & &
211Tax-invoice & & & not found; check reference number
212Debitor & in company & not found
213Enter valid tax-invoice number for document & & &
214No material text found, document & & & position &
215No document & & & header data found
216No document position data found
217No material data & for position & document & & found
218Enter amount in position & document & & &
219No tax data for document & & & found
220Enter tax rate for position & document & & &
221Record & & & appended in BKORM
222Total amount in document not equal "Total for payment" in print document
223Enter house bank/bank accounts: bank country/region &, CC &, bank key &
224Enter client bank/bank accounts:bank cntry/reg. &, debitor &, bank key &
225Enter client bank/bank accounts:bank cntry/reg. &, creditor &, bank key &
226Correct values from & to &
227No amount data & for position & document & & found
228SD invoice &4 is not released to FI for tax voucher &1 &2 &3
229Program J_1UF_ANNEX_OK is obsolete
250Tax code & doesn't define in program! Check table T007K(l)!
251Tax codes (processing keys) & don't obtain ! Errors can occur !
252For client & can't find name!
253Error occur during obtaining group & !
254Radio button & (& ) has been pressed & !
255Data for additional run ID & aren't exist ! Run RFUMSV00 !
256Group & will be calculated on basis of other groups. Delete it from table
257More than 8 adjustments. Repeat processing or consult development.
300***** UM program cmplex messages pool *****
301Company code & does not exist.
302& locked by user &
303Documents not found. & & & & &
304Additional information not possible without selection screen restrictions
305& & & & & &
306This is a productive run. Data base & will be updated.
307An error occurred for record of table &. & & & & &
308Reading records of table &
309An error occurred while reading table &. & & & & &
310An error occurred while maintaining settings
311Wrong setting in area &, item &
312&% of documents are processed
313There are exceptions. Productive run is not allowed
314Job & has been scheduled and started
315An error occurred while updating of check log
316Not found reference document neither in & nor in exclusion table
318**** List of current records having references to the table of exclusions
319************** RESULTS OF SCANNING OF TABLE & *********************
320The table field does not exist
321Code of functional area does not correspond to earlier chosen code
322Program/Function module does not exist
323The subroutine does not exist
324Duplicate table key
325Wrong changeover key to NTHEN (if true)
326Wrong changeover key to NELSE (if false)
327Specify a main program name
328The table does not exist
329Internal error in select J_3RF_TB_IPER
330Table & locked by user & (display only)
331Area & of table & locked by user & (display only)
332Document record & locked by user &
333Table record & could not be deleted due to existing records in table &
334Renumbering not possible - interval is complete exploited
335No maintenance authorization for table
336No display authorization for table
337Empty exclusion table
338No match found in IDHD and IKHD for record & & & &
339No match found in BSEG for record & & & &
340Found copies of the current version in table & for following records:
341----------- Company Code & Year & Period & Current record version & -----
343.............Document & Item & Version & Class & ...............
344There are no contradictions in "on shipment" base
345& records flagged for processing
346Record of old (&) version in IDHD not having matches in table of excl.:
348Table & does not contain copy of current version
349**************** Old open record list **********************
350**************** Current open record list ******************
351Record could not be deleted due to using the field in table DKDO
352**** Breach of rules: reference documents still not processed
353An error occurred while opening archive file
354An error occurred while reading archive file records
355An error occurred while reading archiving object
356An error occurred while reconstitution records in table &
357An error occurred while creating the archiving object &
358An error occurred while determine the structure of archiving object &
359Reinitialization is not allowed
360System & is not initialized
361Found wrong records have been flagged for deletion
362............................Reference & & & &
363Tasks for data base check are scheduled and started
364Document & & & & not found and will be flagged for deletion
365************ Record list having current copies in & ***********
366............ NOT FOUND ANY MISTAKES!!!...................................
367An error occurred while reading table &
368Results of Settings Check
370....Found following deviations from expected settings: ..................
371....In area 40 PARID &
372............Table &
373.....................Key & = &
374..........................& = &
375.....................Field & Expecting value..&
376............................ System value......&
378************ Company Code & Year & Period & ***********
379********* Clearing documents which do not exist in UM-base. ************
380.......................... & .. & .. & ..........................
381Total in BSAD & ... not found in PDHD & ... not found in IPER &
382From not found in PDHD and IPER & not found in BKPF
383Clearing document & could not be posted due to MDOC-reference
390Not found parameter & in customizing, area &
391An error occurred while currency conversion for document & & & &
392Any error found on processing & & & &.
451Don't exist data for making tax documents
452Permissible deviation is from & to &
453& Batch Input session was already created
454Price difference is out of ranger 0.00 - 0.05
455No data exist for tax list
460Isn't long contract
461Isn't the order of the customer by long contract &
462Isn't the internel order by long contract &
463Isn't data about the costs by long contract &
464Contract & isn't finished
465Isn't the long contract &
466Isn't number of the long contract
467Input fiscal year
468Input tax period
469Input type document
470Input printer
471Report finished
472Accounting period to fall short of date end contract
473This contract was re-calculation.
474The contract could not be inserted into table J_1UF_CONTRACT
475The combination bank + account is invalid
476The currency of the account differs from the certain &
477The contract should be maintained in the J_1UF_CONTRPER table.
501During attempt & batch input session has not been launched! Error code &
502Recording into batch input session & has finished with return code &
503Attempt to launch a batch input session & has finished with return code &
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