AH - IS-U-Abrechnung (Stammdaten)
The following messages are stored in message class AH: IS-U-Abrechnung (Stammdaten).
It is part of development package EE20 in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Billing".
It is part of development package EE20 in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Billing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Enter 0 for first block for & |
002 | Enter 9,999,999,999 for last block for & |
003 | Gap in blocks for & (adjust blocks) |
004 | Overlap in blocks for & (adjust blocks) |
005 | All blocks are consistent |
006 | Rate category &1 does not exist |
007 | Operand &1 is still used |
008 | Dependent entries in table &1 &2 &3 &4 |
009 | Enter &1 &2 &3 &4 |
010 | Fact &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist |
011 | Rate fact &1 &2 &3 does not exist |
012 | Temperature value not in positive range |
013 | Air pressure not between &1 and &2 |
014 | Enter unit of measurement |
015 | Quantity issued is zero |
016 | Units of measurement within calorific value district &1 do not match |
017 | Units of measurement match for each calorific value district |
018 | Check cannot be performed (enter an object) |
019 | To-measured pressure &1 is less than from-measured pressure &2 |
020 | Volume correction factor is zero |
021 | From-measured pressure is zero |
022 | All specified measured blocks are consistent |
023 | BClss &1 air press. area &2 temp.area &3 valid from &4: block start not 0 |
024 | BClass &1 air pr.area &2 temp.area &3 val.from &4: block end not 999.9999 |
025 | Bill. class &1 air pressure area &2 temp. area &3 valid from &4: gap |
026 | Bill. class &1 air pressure area &2 temp. area &3 valid from &4: overlap |
027 | Consistency check for meas. pressure blocks - use only for complete list |
028 | &1 is zero |
029 | &1 is not between &2 and &3 |
030 | Measured pressure &1 is greater than maximum value &2 |
031 | Choose a default value for billing class &1 |
032 | Several default values chosen for billing class &1 |
033 | There is exactly one default value per billing class |
034 | Gas law deviation factor &1 is not between &2 and &3 |
035 | Gas temperature &1 is rounded to exactly 0.5 |
036 | Billing class &1: block start is not 0 |
037 | Billing class &1: block end is not &2 |
038 | Gap in billing class &1 |
039 | Overlap in billing class &1 |
040 | Specify a pressure level |
041 | Only values &1 &2 &3 &4 permitted |
042 | Deviation &1 is greater than &2 |
043 | Default &1 is greater than permitted deviation &2 |
044 | Enter the date |
045 | Valid for all billing procedures, if no specific value |
046 | Billing transaction &1 not permitted |
047 | No text was entered |
048 | Measured pressure &1 not in table &2 |
049 | Gas procedure &1 is still used (see where-used list) |
050 | Only 01, 02 or 03 permitted as gas billing types |
051 | Enter a valid volume correction factor procedure |
052 | Enter a to-date that is after the last entry |
053 | Enter a valid calorific value procedure |
054 | Enter a to-date that is after the from-date |
055 | Calorific value procedure &1 is still used (see where-used list) |
056 | Enter rate type, rate category and rate |
057 | Error occurred during transfer of facts for installation &1 |
058 | Rate &1 does not contain any rate steps |
059 | Not possible to transfer facts for operand category &v1& |
060 | Not permissible to set the "No prorat." indicator |
061 | Select weighting/cal. value district only if you choose averaging type 02 |
062 | Division &1: division category from table &2 cannot be determined |
063 | Enter a billing class |
064 | Div. cat. &1 of div. &2 does not match div. cat. &3 of price class &4 |
065 | Enter a valid combination of control indicators |
066 | Calorific value procedure &1 not in table &2 |
067 | Position cursor on the line you wish to delete |
068 | Volume correction factor procedure &1 not in table &2 |
069 | Price unit of measurement &1 and billing unit of meas. &2 do not match |
070 | Volume correction factor procedure &1 is still used (see where-used list) |
071 | Enter from-date |
072 | Delete all values before you specify a replacement value |
073 | Measured pressure &1 is larger than permitted maximum value &2 |
074 | From-nominal load &1 greater than to-nominal load &2 |
075 | No entries for billing class &1 in table &2 |
076 | Gas procedure &1 not in table &2 |
077 | Please also maintain gas law deviation factor after correcting GLD factor |
078 | Only enter air pressure (corr.) if thermal gas billing = 00 or 01 |
079 | Only enter averaging type/avg from/fixed temp.if thermal gas billing = 00 |
080 | Enter either fixed temperature or averaging type/average from |
081 | Enter both "averaging type" and "average from" |
082 | Enter all rounding attributes |
083 | Normal air pressure &1 deviates from standard value &2 |
084 | Specify the conversion factor for dimension conversion |
085 | No gas law deviation factor correction is possible for factor 01 |
086 | You have already specified a replacement value for the operand |
087 | Values already exist for operand &1 (season &2) |
088 | Specify an operand |
089 | Operand &1 is not of category &2 |
090 | Rate type &1 already exists |
091 | Only choose usage type if "fixed volume correction factor" is used |
092 | General control indicators are partially ignored in special procedure |
093 | Gas law deviation factor 01 only possible for temp./pressure billing |
094 | Maintain temperature component |
095 | Special proc. "no temperature" only necessary for thermal gas billing 00 |
096 | Specify either number of outsortings or permanent outsorting |
097 | Only maintain rounding rules when using 'conversion factor' |
098 | Changes to facts were made |
099 | Maintain an operand value for operand &1 |
100 | Installation &1 was already billed on &2 |
101 | Value of command &1 (ARCR &2) greater than first value ( &3 ) |
102 | Value of command &1 (ARCR &2) greater than value in operation mode & (&) |
103 | Reference value can only be limited (on &) |
104 | Reference value was deleted |
105 | Reference value was limited |
106 | Cal. val. proc. &1 cal. val. district &2: no billing cal. value exists |
107 | Should later time slices be maintained first? |
108 | Calorific value district &1 not in table &2 |
109 | Entry/entries maintained |
110 | Maintain entry |
111 | Calorific values to be billed are outside of normal limits |
112 | No entry exists for date &1 |
113 | Franchise fee price is only possible for quantity-based price operands |
114 | Calorific value &1 is not between &2 and &3 |
115 | No calorific value in table &1 for period &2 |
116 | Supplier calorific value date &1 in table &2 is zero |
117 | Company calorific value date &1 in table &2 is zero |
118 | Changes were made to operand &1 |
119 | No register use possible in reference base &1 |
120 | Price &1, price category &2, pricing level &3 does not exist |
121 | Franch. fee prices w. start value can only be maintained in inst. facts |
122 | Enter only one value for date &1 |
123 | Enter only one value for the period &1 to &2 |
124 | Do not use price type "blocks/scales" in price category 3 |
125 | Specify a price level for price category 3 only |
126 | Do not use price adjustment clauses for average price |
127 | Specify a from-zone (otherwise no other entry is possible) |
128 | Block maintenance for date &1 canceled |
129 | Block maintenance for date &1 ended |
130 | Entry/entries with 'valid from' &1 already exist |
131 | No entry exists for date &1 from block &2 |
132 | Internal: to-date in same from-date group inconsistent |
133 | Indicator 'ignore consumption' for date &1 not transferred |
134 | No facts available |
135 | Enter a variant program |
136 | Internal: to-date of the most current record is missing |
137 | Internal: to-date <> from-date of previous record - 1 day |
138 | To-block of the current record must be &1 (block maintenance) |
139 | To-block &1 <> from-block &2 of previous record |
140 | You are not permitted to maintain operands of category &1 in the &2 |
141 | You are not permitted to specify a season for operands of category &1 |
142 | Price is consistent |
143 | Smallest from-block &1 is not zero |
144 | Specify a rate category |
145 | Reference for price category and pricing level &1 &2 &3 not available |
146 | Price type &1 must agree with price type &2 of the reference |
147 | Price category &1 must agree with price category &2 of the reference |
148 | Pricing level &1 must agree with pricing level &2 of the reference |
149 | Enter a price |
150 | Enter a price category |
151 | Select "With price history" only when selecting a reference |
152 | Enter a price type |
153 | Enter a price reference |
154 | Enter a reference for price category |
155 | Enter a rate type |
156 | Price category/level &1 &2 &3 is still used -> where-used list |
157 | Price/category &1 &2 is still used -> where-used list |
158 | Internal error in determining possible entries (&1, &2) |
159 | No matching price references found |
160 | Not a valid line selection |
161 | Enter a to-date that is after the from-date |
162 | Error in user exit &1 |
163 | Historical data will be lost |
164 | Enter an operand from category &1 |
165 | Select the operand you wish to copy |
166 | Enter a time basis smaller than or equal to &1 |
167 | Complete your entry |
168 | Parameter &1 not specified |
169 | Invalid value &1 for parameter &2 |
170 | Possible entries for pricing level only possible for valid price category |
171 | Select only "Without proration" or "Average price" |
172 | Price &1 is still used -> where-used list |
173 | Possible entries for price only possible for valid price category |
174 | Possible entries for price only possible with valid pricing level |
175 | Possible entries (F4 help) for price only possible for price category 3 |
176 | No matching prices (price classes) found in table V_TE431 |
177 | Price &1 does not exist as price class in TE431 |
178 | Price level &1 not in table TE471 |
179 | Billing document not found for contract &1 and simulation indicator &2 |
180 | Billing document not found for division &1 |
181 | Bill document not found for portion &1 and company code &2 |
182 | No bill documents found after &1 |
183 | No entry found for object &2 in table &1 |
184 | From-nominal load is zero |
185 | To-nominal load is zero |
186 | From-measured pressure is zero |
187 | To-measured pressure is zero |
188 | Fixed temperature &1 not in table &2 |
189 | Billing class &1 not in table &2 |
190 | Internal: error occurred during import of meter reading results to &1 |
191 | EquiNo. &1 Reg. &2 (logic reg. &3): at least two MR results required |
192 | No (periodic) meter readings found for scheduled billing date &1 |
193 | Log. reg. &1 period &2-&3: no MR result relevant to start of bill. period |
194 | Log. reg. &1 period &2-&3: no MR result relevant to end of billing period |
195 | Logical reg. &1 equip. no. &2 register &3 date &4: no MR results exist |
196 | Rate fact group &1 for rate &2 already exists |
197 | Table &3 for meter reading document number &2 inconsistent |
198 | Enter a unit |
199 | Enter number of days or months |
200 | Enter a percentage rate |
201 | Enter a price |
202 | Enter a quantity |
203 | Do not enter more than &1 input operands |
204 | Do not enter more than &1 output operands |
205 | Enter the control, consecutive number, and only the first text |
206 | Enter a value in every field |
207 | Internal: error accessing table &1 |
208 | Make at least two entries for radio button controls |
209 | Use consecutive numbering starting with 1 |
210 | Make only one entry for consecutive number 0 |
211 | No inconsistencies found in rate check |
212 | Operand &1 is of category &2 instead of &3 |
213 | Enter a variant program first |
214 | Variant programm &1 is not available |
215 | Meter reading document number &1 not found in table &2 |
216 | Operand &1 has division &2 instead of &3 |
217 | Enter a valid discount for the period |
218 | Enter a valid price for the period |
219 | Position cursor on an operand |
220 | Do not create overlapping time slices |
221 | Variant &1 has &2 control parameters |
222 | Control parameter &1 of variant &2 is invalid |
223 | Select one line only |
224 | Enter a valid division |
225 | Enter a from-date from &1 |
226 | Enter a to-date from &1 |
227 | Enter an operand from the DEMAND or QUANT category |
228 | Register-related data in the rate header is incomplete |
229 | Create operand values for operand &1 |
230 | All facts are consistent |
231 | Register operand &1 does not have a weighting key |
232 | Internal: error accessing table &1 in form &2 |
233 | Register operand &1 is not used in a step |
234 | Maintain operand values for operand &1 |
235 | No sub-transactions are required for variant &1 |
236 | Specify sub-transactions for variant &1 |
237 | Before saving ensure that rate category facts are consistent |
238 | Do not specify more than &1 line item types |
239 | No entry is required here |
240 | Document line type &1 cannot be used in rate |
241 | Previous document number &1: scheduled meter reading date is missing |
242 | Internal: contract &1 sched. billing date &2: sched. MR date is missing |
243 | Internal: contract &1 sched. billing date &2: too many docs in table &3 |
244 | Rate &1 has an unsuitable division |
245 | Rate &1 has an unsuitable billing class |
246 | Rate &1 has no rate steps |
247 | Variant &1 is still in use - see 'where-used list' |
248 | Enter a new rate step |
249 | Select the appropriate lines to be moved |
250 | User &1 is blocking rate &2 from schema &3 |
251 | Input parameter for function module &1 is incomplete |
252 | Currency required for absolute amount discounts and price discounts |
253 | Select at least one line |
254 | Schema steps for rate &1 were deleted |
255 | Enter a rate category from division &1 as the reference |
256 | Enter a positive value |
257 | Database predecimal places > MAXIMUM (number of predecimal places) |
258 | Database decimal places > MAXIMUM (number of decimal places) |
259 | Selected lines were transferred to file |
260 | Contents of file were inserted |
261 | Selected lines were moved |
262 | Selected lines deleted |
263 | Schema was released for billing |
264 | Settings are consistent |
265 | Rate &1 was inserted |
266 | Internal: field &1 from the contract is not filled |
267 | Field &1 from the billing order is not filled |
268 | Entry has been made in field &1 |
269 | Price &1 price category &2 pricing level &3 language &4: text missing |
270 | Internal: error has occurred reading partner for contract &1 |
271 | Reference value type &1 does not exist |
272 | No changes were canceled |
273 | The last change has been reset |
274 | Specify a rate fact group for rate type &1 |
275 | Only specify one rate fact group for one rate type |
276 | Internal: field &1 from the installation is not filled |
277 | Field &1 from the rate category is not filled |
278 | Enter a rate type to be used for rate determination |
279 | Field &1 not filled in billing |
280 | No period documents were found for period-end billing |
281 | Contract &1 sched. bill. date &2: BEGNACH for PE billing order is missing |
282 | &1 &2 is still being used |
283 | Internal: No data exists for installation &1 on &2 |
284 | Contract &1 scheduled billing date &2: no period documents found |
285 | Entry for document type &1 is missing from table TE667 |
286 | No rate determination possible with rate category &1 |
287 | Document type &1 is not in table TE093 |
288 | To move the rate, select appropriate lines |
289 | Billing order deleted for contract &1 with scheduled billing date &2 |
290 | Schema &1: rate step for schema step &2 missing |
291 | Document &1 to be reversed is not in file &2 |
292 | Billing document &1 was already updated with invoicing document &2 |
293 | Internal: billing doc. &1 -> inconsistency due to field INTOPBEL &2 |
294 | Internal: billing document &1 -> inconsistent invoicing document &2 |
295 | Billing reversal of document no. &1 terminated due to an error |
296 | Reversal of document no. &1 completed |
297 | Billing document &1 has already been reversed |
298 | Counter-document &1 (for &2) cannot be reversed |
299 | Internal: no installation data exists |
300 | Billing document &1: STOKZ is set; INTBELNR is not set -> inconsistency |
301 | ERCH doc. no. &1 inv. doc. no. &2: INTBELNR &3 does not match INTBELNR &4 |
302 | No rate category data exists |
303 | ERCH doc. no. &1 ERDK doc. no. &2: STOKZ not set |
304 | ERDK doc.no. &1 and ERDK offsett.doc.no. &2 inconsistent due to doc.no.&3 |
305 | ERDK counter-document &1 (for &2): STOKZ must not be set |
306 | Invoicing doc. &1: STBEL &2 does not match INTOPBEL &3 (for &4) |
307 | Invoicing offsetting document &1 (for &2) has incorrect STBEL &3 |
308 | Billing for contract &1 completed with document no. &2 |
309 | Invoicing offsetting doc. &1 (for &2) has wrong BLART &3 (instead of ST) |
310 | Invoicing document &1: incorrect FKKOP-OPBEL &2 |
311 | Invoicing document &1: FKKOP-AUGBL &2 (instead of &3) |
312 | Invoicing document &1: FKKOP-AUGRD &2 (instead of 05) |
313 | Invoicing document &1: no entries found in FKKOP |
314 | Statistical rate &1 has division &2 and billing class &3 |
315 | Statistical rate is not required for variant &1 |
316 | The statistical rate has the same rate number |
317 | Document &1: billing cancellation not possible |
318 | Document &1: error updating billing cancellation |
319 | Main transactions for billing are not fully maintained |
320 | &1 is not a suitable sub-transaction |
321 | For ENDIF variant in step &1 there is no corresponding IF variant |
322 | Document &1 has simulation indicator &2 |
323 | ELSE variant in step &1 is invalid |
324 | There are &1 IF variants and &2 ENDIF variants |
325 | Schema &1 does not contain complete rate &2 |
326 | Doc. no. &1 / &2 (no period-end billing although ENDABRPE is the same) |
327 | Please do not set steps without input operands to optional |
328 | Variant &1 is not permissible for rate &2 |
329 | Period control is missing in step &2 for variant &1 |
330 | Doc. &1 has more recent PE bill. per. &2 than doc. &3 (PE bill. per. &4) |
331 | The end of billing period of the following billing documents is later |
332 | Billing doc. &1 cannot be reversed because more recent docs exist |
333 | All steps for rate &1 are inactive |
334 | Main transaction &1 not in table &2 |
335 | Document &1 with main transaction &2 cannot be reversed |
336 | Document &1: period-end billings cannot be canceled at present |
337 | Doc. &1 (period-end billing/backbilling) cannot be reversed at present |
338 | No entry exists in table &1 for key &2 &3 |
339 | Field &1 from accounts receivable and payable is not filled |
340 | Please specify a valid rate fact group for rate type &1 |
341 | Internal: inst. &1 sch.bill.date &2 bi.proc. &3: bi.order already exists |
342 | Internal: EITR entry for doc. no. &1 company code &2 no longer exists |
343 | Contract &1: no billing order exists that can be processed |
344 | Contract &1: no billing orders exist |
345 | Contract &1: other billing order with targ. bill. date &2 has priority |
346 | << End of document list <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |
347 | Billing reversal of documnet no. &1 is cancelled |
348 | The facts are not consistent |
349 | Internal: more than one partner was found for contract &1: &2 partners |
350 | Internal: field &1 from the contract is not filled |
351 | Internal: inconsistency in file ERCHC |
352 | Price amount is zero (block maintenance may be necessary) |
353 | Enter a valid from-date |
354 | Price summary using indicator &1: different price categories |
355 | Price summary indicator &1 only used once |
356 | Internal: field &1 was not filled |
357 | When an average price is used no other price is possible |
358 | Contract &1: no period documents found |
359 | Monthly period with period value & not permissible |
360 | Annual period with period value & not permissible |
361 | Franchise contract start date is later than contract end date |
362 | Cancellation period without cancellation time unit |
363 | Cancellation date is later than contract end date |
364 | Cancellation date is earlier than contract start date |
365 | No rate facts can be maintained for this rate |
366 | Blocks have already been maintained for this entry |
367 | Entry &1 &2 already exists for &3 |
368 | Internal: contract field is not filled |
369 | Internal: Contr. &1 TargBillDate &2 BillTrans. &3: Inconsist. BillDocs |
370 | Installation &1 scheduled billing date &2: inconsistent billing orders |
371 | Bill. order for inst. &1 sch.bill.date &2 bill.proc. &3 not in selection |
372 | Installation &1: incorrect billing-order sequence in &2 |
373 | Installation &1 date &2: Mulitple billing orders with status 2 |
374 | Inst. &1 sched. bill. date &2 bill. trans. &3: Inconsistent billing order |
375 | No billing orders that can be processed were selected |
376 | No contract exists for installation &1 |
377 | Inst. &1 sched. bill.date &2 bill. proc. &3: PE bill. order not poss. now |
378 | Contract &1: no entries in table &2 |
379 | The last schema change could not be canceled |
380 | Enter a valid value for the period |
381 | No reversed bill documents found |
382 | No non-reversed bill documents found |
383 | Date check: &1 &2 after &3 &4 |
384 | Inst. &1 scheduled bill. date &2 bill. procedure &3: status &4 incorrect |
385 | Installation &1: contract &2 must be billed first |
386 | Rate &1 updated; check indicators |
387 | Rate &1 is complete |
388 | Date &1 from-block &2 not found; cursor positioned on subsequent entry |
389 | It is not possible to delete block |
390 | In variant &1 an input operand is missing in step &2 |
391 | In variant &1 an output operand is missing in step &2 |
392 | In variant &1 a control parameter is missing in step &2 |
393 | Internal: log. reg. &1 equip. no. &2 reg. &3 date &4: no entry in IZWST |
394 | Logic reg. &1 equipment no. &2 reg. &3: replacement &4 |
395 | Log. reg. &1 equip. no. &2 reg. &3: different no. of predecimal places |
396 | Rate determination not possible |
397 | Operand determination not possible |
398 | Date &1 not found; cursor positioned on subsequent entry |
399 | Before making selection, position cursor on a discount |
400 | Before making selection, position cursor on a price |
401 | Specify valid-from date and franchise fee group |
402 | This function is not available |
403 | Position cursor on a line in the historic data |
404 | Position cursor on interval to be deleted |
405 | All entries for 'valid from' &1 were deleted |
406 | Position cursor on period to be copied |
407 | Please maintain time basis specifications fully |
408 | For price category 'flat rate' do not use price type 'block charge' |
409 | Error deleting change documents for price &1 |
410 | Select one line only |
411 | Rate &1 still allocated in rate determination to schema &2 |
412 | Price does not exist to &1, but to &2 |
413 | Price does not exist until &1 |
414 | Price has no time slices |
415 | Renewal date &1 is before contract end date &2 |
416 | Internal: facts were not checked |
417 | Discount/surcharge &1 is still used |
418 | Enter dates that do not overlap |
419 | Price &1, price category &2, price level &3 does not exist |
420 | Schema &1 contains no schema steps |
421 | Sub-transactions in schema &1 step &2 inconsistent |
422 | Enter an address for streetlight &1 |
423 | Error in operand &1 (fact group &3, season &2): |
424 | Value is too large for operand update |
425 | Inconsistent definition of operand groups |
426 | Price escalation clause &1 does not exist |
427 | Pr.cat. &1 pr.escal. clause &2 does not match pr.cat. &3 of price |
428 | To-date must not be changed |
429 | Operand value for date &1 must not be deleted |
430 | Operand value for date &1 must not be deleted |
431 | Enter a date starting from &1 |
432 | Internal: billing document &1 invoicing document &2: inconsistency |
433 | Internal: cont. &1 PE bill.per. &2 doc.no. &3 doc.no. &4: inconsistency |
434 | Non-invoiced document &1 before document &2 (invoice document &3) |
435 | Price escalation clause &1 still used --> where-used list |
436 | IF-ELSE-ENDIF unit has different rates |
437 | IF variant found with incompatible validity period |
438 | Not possible to specify both equipment and address |
439 | Internal: program/FM &1: from-date &2 after to-date &3 |
440 | Cal. val. dist. &1 cal. val. proc. &2 date &3: no billing cal. value |
441 | Calorific value district &1 date &2: no entry in V_TE449 |
442 | Energy feeding volume from table &1 in period &2 - &3 is zero |
443 | Entries in &1 do not cover the period &2 - &3 |
444 | Entry for date &1 in table &2 not maintained |
445 | These schema steps do not generate billing line items |
446 | Temperature area &1 date &2: no entry in V_TE449 |
447 | In installation &1, there is a register without a rate type |
448 | Please enter a schema which belongs to billing class &1 |
449 | Values already exist for operand &1 in season &2 |
450 | Values already exist for operand &1 |
451 | Air pressure area &1 date &2: no entry in V_TE339 |
452 | The season periods are inconsistent |
453 | Please transfer meter reading relevant to billing |
454 | Please transfer previous meter reading relevant to billing |
455 | Please transfer meter reading date for meter reading relevant to billing |
456 | Please specify a valid date as season limit |
457 | Sub-transactions &1 in comp. code &2 div. &3 acct det. ID &4 inconsistent |
458 | Please specify the pre-sorting key &2 in schema step &1 |
459 | Enter an amount |
460 | Output operand &1 is not unique |
461 | Enter the Required Data |
462 | Enter weighting key only for weighted calculation of average |
463 | Enter weighting key only for weighting according to TE415 |
464 | Enter weighting key or weighting/calorific value district |
465 | Weighting key &1 search criterion &2: period &3 - &4 not covered |
466 | Weighting key &1 division category &2: entry for date &3 not maintained |
467 | Weighting key &1 div. cat. &2 period &3-&4: energy feeding volume zero |
468 | Maintain weighting key for averaging type "weighted average" |
469 | Maintain weighting key for air pressure "weighted average" |
470 | Enter weighting key only for weighted calculation of average |
471 | Successful: program &1 client &2 file &3 number &4 deleted |
472 | Object contains no operands |
473 | Enter a value in field "Value 1" |
474 | Enter a value in field "Value 2" |
475 | No entry required here for variant &1 |
476 | The to-date for &1 has been adjusted |
477 | Enter a rate type |
478 | Inconsist. installation structure for device/register &1 from instln &2 |
479 | This change of logical register &1 not permitted |
480 | Discount &1 does not exist in table &2 |
481 | No text exists in language &2 for discount &1 |
482 | Enter a rate type to be used for determining a demand rate |
483 | Enter a rate type to be used for determining an energy rate |
484 | Enter a permissible rate type |
485 | Conversion of rounding category from '0' to 'X' started on &1 at &2 |
486 | Error updating table &1 |
487 | Enter a schema that corresponds to division &1 |
488 | Value &1 cannot be entered for &2 |
489 | Billing classes do not match |
490 | Operation mode &3 is not maintained from &1 to &2 |
491 | Units of measurement do not match |
492 | Reference bases do not match |
493 | Discount types do not match |
494 | Do not use register discount in the facts |
495 | Entry for date &1 already exists |
496 | Copy only possible in a year that is later than the reference year |
497 | Entries exist in year &1 which are being overwritten |
498 | No entries to be copied exist in specified year &1 |
499 | No maintenance type defined for burning hour calendar from &1 to &2 |
500 | Copying year &1 to year &2 has been completed successfully |
501 | Not possible to copy because of change in maintenance type in year &1 |
502 | Maintenance types for years &1 and &2 do not match |
503 | Table is consistent in check period &1 to &2 for operation mode &3 |
504 | Use only the first of the month as the from-date |
505 | Equip. no. &1 reg. &2 (log. reg. &3): at least &4 MR results required |
506 | Termination because runtime was exceeded |
507 | Conversion started from space to 'X' for print-relevant indic. in DBERCHZ |
508 | Enter a simulation period |
509 | Enter a to-date for the overall check |
510 | Enter &1 |
511 | Program &1 routine &2: Overflow of internal meters for MR doc. numbers |
512 | Display option not possible for the operand |
513 | Internal error reading the billing line items |
514 | Enter a line item number between 1 and &1 |
515 | Billing document &1 has no billing line items |
516 | Error during update of operand &1 |
517 | Indicator for flat-rate installation changed (routine &1) |
518 | Operand &1 updates in schema step with register data |
519 | Schema &1: no steps in period &2 to &3 |
520 | Enter rate types that result in the same weighting |
521 | Select an operand |
522 | No update for step &1 operand &2 |
523 | Transport entry created for gas procedure &1 |
524 | Rate is not valid for registers; note the entry restrictions |
525 | Transport entry created for billing calorific value &1-&2 |
526 | Transport entry created for calorific value procedure &1 |
527 | Transport entry created for volume correction factor procedure &1 |
528 | Units of measurement do not match for operands &1 and &2 |
529 | Enter a valid numeric value (&1 pre-decimal places, &2 decimal places) |
530 | Enter a valid numeric value (2 pre-decimal places, 4 decimal places) |
531 | Enter a valid numeric value (2 pre-decimal places, 1 decimal place) |
532 | Do not enter a +/- sign for values of zero |
533 | Enter a +/- sign for values not equal to zero |
534 | Interal: split error: &1 -> &2 - &3 in &4 |
535 | Select a rate from the list |
536 | No rate can be found using rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
537 | Rate &1 was determined |
538 | Maintain from-measured pressure |
539 | Maintain to-measured pressure |
540 | Internal: eq.no. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: no entries in IZW (form THGAS_ZW) |
541 | Internal: function module &1 include/routine &2 table &3 empty |
542 | Device &1 register &2 period &3 - &4: calorific value district is missing |
543 | Internal: indicator &1 period &2 - &3 not found in &4 |
544 | Log. register &1 period &2 - &3 not found in &4 |
545 | Enter a rate type |
546 | CV district &1 CV proced. &2 date &3: billing calorific value is missing |
547 | CV procedure &1 CV district &2: billing calorific value is missing |
548 | CV dist. &1 CV proc. &2 <= date &3: billing calorific value is missing |
549 | Internal: field &1: value &2 (routine &3 program &4) not defined |
550 | Budget billing main transactions are not maintained completely |
551 | Divisions do not match |
552 | Not possible to determine measured pressure for the period &1 - &2 |
553 | No rate steps with sub-transactions exist |
554 | Conversion of meter reading reasons started in EABLG |
555 | No pressure area found for period &1 - &2 |
556 | Error deleting table &1 |
557 | Not possible to determine pressure area for period &1 - &2 |
558 | Sub-transactions are inconsistent |
559 | Not possible to determine altitude correction pressure for period &1 - &2 |
560 | Air pressure area &1 from-date &2: Entry missing in table &3 |
561 | Air pressure area &1: no entries exist in table &2 |
562 | Not possible to determine annual air pressure for period &1 - &2 |
563 | Air pressure area &1 date &2: entry missing in table &3 |
564 | Air pressure area &1 <= date &2: air pressure missing in &3 |
565 | Volume corr. factor proc. &1: temp. fields not maintained completely |
566 | No temperature area found for period &1 - &2 |
567 | Not possible to determine temperature area for period &1 - &2 |
568 | No fixed temperature found in period &1 - &2 |
569 | Not possible to determine fixed temperature key for period &1 - &2 |
570 | Temperature area &1: no entries in table &2 |
571 | Not possible to maintain before &1 |
572 | Fixed temperature &1: no temperature values exist in table &2 |
573 | Not possible to determine fixed temperature values for period &1 - &2 |
574 | Dev.&1 reg.&2 VCF proc.&3: not poss.to det. gas law dev.fact.- miss.temp. |
575 | Dev.&1 reg.&2 per.&3-&4: meas.press. missing for det. of GasLawDev.factor |
576 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3 - &4: temp. missing for det. of gas law dev.fact. |
577 | Meas. pressure &1 +/- sign &2 temperature &3 not in table &4 |
578 | Values for operand &1 must not be deleted |
579 | Error in the automation data for operand &1 (season &2) |
580 | Only manual documents can be processed |
581 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: GLDF(set) missg for determ. gas law dev.fact. |
582 | &1 contains no sub-transactions |
583 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: no actual gas law deviation factor |
584 | Rate &1 step &2: sub-transactions not maintained completely |
585 | Billing class &1 air pressure area &2 temp. area &3: no entries in &4 |
586 | Not poss. to determine fixed gas law deviation factors for period &1 - &2 |
587 | Device &1 reg. &2 VCF proc. &3: no fixed volume correction factor in &4 |
588 | Device &1 reg. &2 gas proc. &3 comparison &4: data inconsistency |
589 | Errors have occurred in rate determination |
590 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 VCF proc. &3: reg. relat. ZZ cannot be billed presently |
591 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 VCF proc. &3: reg. relat. ZE cannot be billed presently |
592 | Billing class &1: no entries in &2 |
593 | Not possible to maintain franchise tax category in average price |
594 | Program &1 client &2 file &3 number &4 converted successfully |
595 | Rounding &1 is larger than &2 |
596 | Round. rules for Wobbe factor only req. for correcting gas law dev.factor |
597 | Bill. class &1 cal. value proc. &2 must match billing class &3 |
598 | Bill. class &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2 must match billing class &3 |
599 | Billing class &1 does not match billing class &2 gas procedure &3 |
600 | No billing documents were reversed |
601 | The following billing documents were reversed: |
602 | Schema step &1 cannot be executed |
603 | Log. register &1 from &2 to &3: no entry in ITHG |
604 | Backbilling group &1 in step &2 is inconsistent |
605 | Maintain the 'execute backbilling' indicator in step &1 |
606 | Specify the length of the backbilling period |
607 | Specify the difference between periodic billing and period-end billing |
608 | Equip. no. &1 reg. &2 from &3 to &4: no entry in ITHG |
609 | (Device &1) equip. no. &2 reg. &3 key date &4: no entry in ITHG |
610 | Enter document number(s) |
611 | Document &1 has already been released and can no longer be changed |
612 | Air pressure area &1 <= date &2: air pressure missing in &3 |
613 | Reversal of billing document &1 ended with an error |
614 | Reversal of billing document &1 carried out successfully |
615 | Fixed temperature &1 not in table &2 |
616 | Choose a valid billing line item as reference |
617 | Choose a different line item to delete |
618 | &1 tax line item(s) generated |
619 | Enter a to-date for the budget billing simulation |
620 | Allocation date &1 default value &2: permissible deviation +/- &3 month |
621 | Gas date &1 default value &2: deviation of maximum &3 months |
622 | No entry in table &1 for bill.class/bill. trans./portion/background &2 |
623 | Default &1 is greater than permitted deviation &2 |
624 | &1 document line items were generated by automatic proration |
625 | Delete value &1 in field &2 |
626 | Select price category &1 |
627 | There is no secondary meter for the primary meter |
628 | Primary meter device &1 register &2 is its own secondary meter |
629 | There are two primary meters for secondary meter device &1 register &2 |
630 | Gas proc.&1: MUnit bef. conv.w. CV &2 uneq. to MUnit after conv.w. VCF &3 |
631 | Specify the length of the period-end billing period |
632 | Tax code could not be determined |
633 | External price &1 price cat. &2 price level &3: incorrect history table |
634 | CV dist. &1 CV proc. &2 <= date &3: billing calorific value is missing |
635 | No installation is allocated to the contract |
636 | Contract &1 not found in &2 |
637 | Enter a demand |
638 | Temperature area &1 <= date &2: temperature missing in &3 |
639 | Temperature area &1 <= date &2: temperature missing in &3 |
640 | FM &1: Parameters &2 and &3 cannot be specified simultaneously |
641 | FM &1: parameter &2 is required |
642 | Device &1 register number &3 has no rate type on &4 |
643 | Price &1 price category &2 price level &3 in currency &4 already exists |
644 | Price &1 price category &2 price level &3: other currency &4 exists |
645 | Price &1 price category &2 price level &3 currency &4: history missing |
646 | Price &1 price category &2 price level &3: price type &4 is ignored |
647 | Only time basis &2 is permissible for time category &1 |
648 | FM &1: do not enter parameters &2 and &3 simultaneously |
649 | Price &1 price category &2 price level &3: currency &4 deleted |
650 | Franchise fee group &1 has billing class &2 instead of &3 |
651 | Price &1 price category &2 price level &3 currency &4: deletion error |
652 | FM &1: parameter &2 or &3 is required in order to delete |
653 | Device &1 register &2 has negative consumption deduction |
654 | No meter reading result exists on &3 for device &1 register &2 |
655 | Historical data is not taken into account |
656 | Only quantity base 1 is permitted for average prices |
657 | Update in price &1 not permitted |
658 | Operand &1 for updating price: inconsistent parameters |
659 | Specify a currency key |
660 | Manual credit memo/backbilling &1 cannot be reversed |
661 | Volume correction factor procedure &1 is not active |
662 | Calorific value procedure &1 is not active |
663 | Key date is missing for month-based billing |
664 | Enter a price level for rental prices |
665 | Key date is required for access control for operand &1 |
666 | No meter reading unit in table &1 for date &2 (include &3) |
667 | Not possible to determine alloc. date for meter reading unit &1 date &2 |
668 | Specify an average price that is calculated at runtime |
669 | Enter the replacement value "Runtime" |
670 | Only selection &2 is permissible for meter reading reason &1 |
671 | Sub-transaction &1 has a special meaning |
672 | Operand &1 does not belong to division &2 |
673 | Sub-transaction &1 has incorrect debit/credit indicator |
674 | Not permissible to maintain operand &1 in the installation facts |
675 | Not permissible to maintain operand &1 in the rate category facts |
676 | Avg. prices with starting val. can be maintained in the inst. facts only |
677 | Avg prices are possible only for time- and quantity-based price operands |
678 | Sub-transaction &1 does not exist in table TE305 for division &2 |
679 | Not permissible to maintain operand &1 in the rate facts |
680 | Device &1 reg. &2 (log. reg. &3): min. of &4 meter reading results reqd |
681 | You cannot change the currency for an amount already calculated |
682 | You are not permitted to specify a document number |
683 | Specify a value that has no more than &1 decimal places |
684 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: No MR result marking start of billing period |
685 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: No MR result marking end of billing period |
686 | Billing order selection contains no entries |
687 | Enter a franchise fee price that is calculated at runtime |
688 | Enter an end date |
689 | Routine &1 include &2: parameter &3 not specified |
690 | Deviation of meter reading results: min. date &1 max. date &2 |
691 | Device &1 register &2 date &3: (periodic) meter reading result missing |
692 | Billing document &1: end of billing period is missing |
693 | Gas procedure &1 is not permitted |
694 | Gas procedure &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: fixed temp. key is missing |
695 | Gas procedure &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: temp. area is missing |
696 | Gas procedure &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: pressure area is missing |
697 | Gas proc. &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: altitude correct. press. is zero |
698 | Gas proc. &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: set gas law dev. factor is zero |
699 | Gas proc. &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: actual gas law dev.fact. is zero |
700 | Gas proc. &1 cal. value proc. &2: cal. value district is missing |
701 | Specify a price with suitable franchise category &1 |
702 | Do not enter a rate type |
703 | Inconsistent period control for operand &1 |
704 | Do not specify an original value for operand &1 |
705 | You are not permitted to use presort key &1 in the schema |
706 | Specify a division |
707 | Meter reading results are incorrect for the following devices/registers: |
708 | Device &1 register &2 scheduled meter reading date &3 |
709 | Equipment no. &1 register &2 scheduled meter reading date &3 |
710 | Period control and specification of billing period are inconsistent |
711 | Period control and specifications in the portion are inconsistent |
712 | Billing document &1 was outsorted |
713 | Measured pressure &1 is not permissible |
714 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 date &3: move-in meter read. result missing or incorrect |
715 | Beginning of error list |
716 | End of error list |
717 | Billing doc. &1 invoicing doc. &2 deleted by user &3 via report &4 |
718 | Enter a document number you wish to delete |
719 | Final billing has already been performed for contract &1 |
720 | Enter a valid date |
721 | Error in the automation data for operand &1 (season &2) |
722 | Before making selection, specify a from-date |
723 | No inconsistencies found in the sub-transactions |
724 | You must specify a currency for average prices with a start value |
725 | Internal: function module &1 was called in direct input |
726 | Rate step &1 variant &2: data entered in fields not ready for input |
727 | Installation &1 not found (access FM &2) |
728 | Installation &1 key date &2 not found (access FM &3) |
729 | Maintain the adding and the multiplying component |
730 | Installation &1 scheduled billing date &2: meter reading date &3 <> &4 |
731 | Billing document &1: outsorting with print document &2 |
732 | Billing document &1 print document &2: Ind1 &3 = Ind2 &4 |
733 | Enter 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12 |
734 | Document &1: no PE billing order with start of PE billing period &2 |
735 | Period control &1 not permitted for period-end billing |
736 | Outsorting in case of manual document &1: inconsistency |
737 | Enter a contract account |
738 | Contract account &1 deleted by user &2 report &3 |
739 | Enter invoicing document number or billing document number(s) |
740 | Specify either invoicing document number(s) or billing document number(s) |
741 | Billing documents for adjustment reversal have not been selected |
742 | Document &1 is a simulation document |
743 | Document &1 has been outsorted |
744 | Invoicing doc. &1: no billing documents for adjustment reversal |
745 | Billing doc. &1 reversed for adjustment (comp. doc. &2) |
746 | Adjustment reversal not possible for manual billing &1 |
747 | Billing document &1 was reversed for adjustment (invoicing doc. &2) |
748 | Billing document &1 cannot be reversed for adjustment |
749 | Billing document &1 is not invoiced -> adjustment reversal not possible |
750 | Specify a schema that contains backbilling steps |
751 | Specify a schema that contains a period-end billing rate |
752 | Operand &1: control fields for demand are filled |
753 | Number of demand peaks is 0 for register operand &1 |
754 | Register operands only possible for operand categories QUANT or DEMAND |
755 | Maximum line item &1 not equal to &2 (FM &3) |
756 | Register indicator is not set for operand &1 |
757 | Not possible to maintain facts for operand &1 |
758 | Document &1 cannot be reversed for adjustment due to document &2 |
759 | Operand &1 is a register operand |
760 | Doc. &1 -> doc. &2: inconsistent concatenation due to doc. &3 |
761 | Doc. &1 cannot be reversed (-> period-end bill. order with adj. reversal) |
762 | Doc. &4 is not indicated in table ERCHC as reversed for adjustment |
763 | Document &4 is not indicated in table ERCHC as invoiced |
764 | Doc. &4 has doc. number that refers to new billing despite billing order |
765 | Not possible to delete billing order because of document number &1 |
766 | Document &4 -> invoicing document &3 not reversed in invoicing |
767 | Operand &1 used for proration purposes only |
768 | Variant &2 updates to the installation facts |
769 | Doc. no. &4: billing order not marked w. doc. no. for adjustmt reversal |
770 | Variant &1 updates to the correction periods |
771 | Doc. no. &4 does not correspond to doc. no. &3 in billing order |
772 | Operand &1 is provided by a special update |
773 | Not possible to change the rate category |
774 | Deletion of doc. no. "adjustment reversal" from billing order: terminated |
775 | Deletion of doc. no. "adjustment reversal" from billing order: completed |
776 | No billing orders were changed |
777 | Following document numbers were deleted from billing orders: |
778 | Not possible to change the rate category |
779 | Doc. &1 (inv.doc. &2) del. from bill.order for inst. &3 sch. bill.date &4 |
780 | Deletion of doc. no. &1 from billing order: terminated due to error |
781 | Document no. &4: no changeable billing order exists |
782 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_001 |
783 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA00_001 |
784 | Error processing external proration dates |
785 | Price summary with indicator &1: different backbilling indicators |
786 | Billing document &1 not indicated as reversed for adjustment |
787 | Billing doc. &1 reversed for adjustment already reversed in invoicing |
788 | Billing document &1: adjustment reversal indicator is inconsistent |
789 | Variant &1 updates from correction period to periodic billing period |
790 | Update type &1 not permitted for period category &2 |
791 | Update type &1 not permitted for operand category &2 |
792 | Device &1 register &2 (log. reg. &3): MR result missing for &4 |
793 | Unknown calculation reason: &1 |
794 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLE20Q_001 |
795 | Operand &1 has non-linear weighting &2 |
796 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLE20Q_002 |
797 | Enter selection criteria |
798 | Complete history is not permitted for operand category &1 |
799 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_002 |
800 | IF-ELSE-ENDIF clause with different backbilling allocation indicators |
801 | Maintenance of bill printout operands not permitted |
802 | Operand &1: "bill printout history" indicator has incorrect value |
803 | Update in operand &1 not permitted |
804 | Billing unit of measurement could not be determined |
805 | Position cursor on a device or register |
806 | Enter standard temperature/zero temperature |
807 | Not possible to maintain standard temperature/zero temperature |
808 | Time basis and time cat. required when you enter consumption or amount |
809 | Specify the currency for the amount |
810 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: vol. corr. factor cannot be determined |
811 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: standard volume cannot be determined |
812 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: operating volume cannot be determined |
813 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: error in register relationship |
814 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: vol. corr. factor cannot be determined |
815 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: error in register relationship |
816 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3 - &4: VCF to be transferred cannot be determined |
817 | Weighting key &1 division cat. &2: energy feeding table incomplete |
818 | Enter gas pressure correction only for gas pressure determination |
819 | Initialization of controls in rate steps started on &1 at &2 |
820 | No gas pressure area found for period &1 - &2 |
821 | Not possisble to determine gas pressure area for period &1 - &2 |
822 | Not possible to determine gas correction pressure for period &1 - &2 |
823 | Gas pressure area &1: no entries in table &2 |
824 | Gas pressure cannot be determined for period &1 - &2 |
825 | Only gas pr. correctn can be maintained for GPr. determ. using GPr. area |
826 | Gas proced. &1 VCF proced. &2: gas pressure area missing |
827 | Gas proced. &1 VCF proced. &2: gas correction pressure is zero |
828 | Only enter weighting key if you have set the conversion factor indicator |
829 | Weighting key &1 weighting procedure &2 not permissible |
830 | Specify a rate type that results in the same meter reading group |
831 | Specify a rate type that results in the same validation class |
832 | Specify a rate type that results in the same minimum portion |
833 | Specify a rate type that results in the same reference value |
834 | Execute contract account billing prior to invoicing simulation |
835 | No billing documents found for company code &1 |
836 | No billing documents found for division &1 |
837 | No billing documents found for portion &1 |
838 | Only time basis 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 permissible for time category &1 |
839 | Manual billing &1 cannot be reversed |
840 | Enter standard pressure |
841 | No document found for &1 &2 |
842 | Amount operand &1 has no weighting key |
843 | Internal: Change to time category not allowed |
844 | Internal: Change of weighting key not allowed |
845 | Internal: Time cat. &1, func. mod. &2, include &3, routine &4 unknown |
846 | Maintain interval specifications only for price block adjustment |
847 | Enter the number of days as a whole number |
848 | Lower limit of interval &1 must be <= upper limit of interval &2 |
849 | Specify time category for price block adjustment |
850 | Specify time basis for price block adjustment |
851 | Lower limit of interval &1 must be <= time basis of &2 days |
852 | Upper limit of interval &1 must be >= time basis of &2 days |
853 | Weight. key &1 temp. area &2 period &3 - &4: entire weight is zero |
854 | Weighting key &1 temp. area &2 period &3 - &4: denominator is zero |
855 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: conversion factor cannot be determined |
856 | Update to deletion variant: overwriting of values is not permitted |
857 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: no conversion factor due to gas date |
858 | Enter replacement VCF procedure for register relationship ZZ only |
859 | Replacement vol. corr. factor proc. is required for reg. relationship ZZ |
860 | Volume correction factor procedure &1 not permiss. as replacement proc. |
861 | Specify a valid key date |
862 | Not permitted to use only presorting keys with no subtotal |
863 | Price key name cannot contain the special characters * and , |
864 | Price level name cannot contain the special characters * and , |
865 | Not possible to enter a rate type for registers from category &1 |
866 | No rate category found in table &1 for date &2 |
867 | Price class cannot contain the special characters * and , |
868 | Entry must be made for price class |
869 | Entry must be made for price level |
870 | Not possible to convert unit of measurement &1 to &2 |
871 | Error involving device &1 register &2: |
872 | No energy feeding volume found in month &1 - &2 for cal. val. district &3 |
873 | No energy feeding volume found for calorific value district &2 from &1 |
874 | IF-ELSE-ENDIF clause contains different seasons |
875 | Transfer tables for function module &1 are blank |
876 | Parameter &V1& in function module &V2& is missing |
877 | Discount cannot contain special characters * and , |
878 | Operand &1 season &2 valid from &3 valid to &4: possible to overwrite |
879 | Field &1 is not filled |
880 | Table &1 is empty |
881 | Automation data already transferred for operand &1 (season &2) |
882 | Variant &1 requires &2 input operands and &3 output operands |
883 | Fields &1 and &2 are not filled |
884 | "Adjust price blocks" is set, but weighting key is missing in operand |
885 | Invoic. simulation completed; branched directly to print document display |
886 | Not possible to convert unit of measurement &1 to &2 |
887 | Device &1 register &2: not possible to convert &3 to &4 |
888 | Enter indicator in the case of an irregular posting |
889 | Numerical value required for the time basis |
890 | The deletion logic of price summary indicator &1 is not consistent |
891 | Line item type missing for variant &1 in step &2 |
892 | Enter a transaction currency |
893 | Reference value &1 does not have reference value type &4 |
894 | Not permissible to enter season for variant &1 |
895 | Enter a gas procedure |
896 | Price does not exist in currency &1 |
897 | Billing document &1 with origin &2 cannot be reversed |
898 | Document &1 cannot be reversed (migration) |
899 | Billing document &1 can only be reversed for adjustment (migration) |
900 | Franchise contract &1 not valid in specified period |
901 | You cannot manually maintain operand &1 |
902 | Intervals must not overlap |
903 | No rates maintained in table TE224 |
904 | Intervals Consistent |
905 | No operands maintained in table TE228 |
906 | Use at least one selection |
907 | Enter a consecutive number |
908 | Simulation period not completely covered by price/operand &1 |
909 | Only the 'normal price' price type is permitted |
910 | Prices from different time categories are allocated to operand &1 |
911 | Time base of prices must correspond during update |
912 | No quantity type is defined in table &1 |
913 | A document with end date &2 already exists for contract &1 |
914 | &1 billing document(s) were generated |
915 | Error in BAdI ISU_BI_PRORATION (Method PRORATION) |
916 | Error processing external proration dates |
917 | Quantity for operand update is to high |
918 | Price does not exist as of &1, but as of &2 |
999 | Rate category &1 does not exist |