AH - IS-U-Abrechnung (Stammdaten)

The following messages are stored in message class AH: IS-U-Abrechnung (Stammdaten).
It is part of development package EE20 in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Billing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter 0 for first block for &
002Enter 9,999,999,999 for last block for &
003Gap in blocks for & (adjust blocks)
004Overlap in blocks for & (adjust blocks)
005All blocks are consistent
006Rate category &1 does not exist
007Operand &1 is still used
008Dependent entries in table &1 &2 &3 &4
009Enter &1 &2 &3 &4
010Fact &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist
011Rate fact &1 &2 &3 does not exist
012Temperature value not in positive range
013Air pressure not between &1 and &2
014Enter unit of measurement
015Quantity issued is zero
016Units of measurement within calorific value district &1 do not match
017Units of measurement match for each calorific value district
018Check cannot be performed (enter an object)
019To-measured pressure &1 is less than from-measured pressure &2
020Volume correction factor is zero
021From-measured pressure is zero
022All specified measured blocks are consistent
023BClss &1 air press. area &2 temp.area &3 valid from &4: block start not 0
024BClass &1 air pr.area &2 temp.area &3 val.from &4: block end not 999.9999
025Bill. class &1 air pressure area &2 temp. area &3 valid from &4: gap
026Bill. class &1 air pressure area &2 temp. area &3 valid from &4: overlap
027Consistency check for meas. pressure blocks - use only for complete list
028&1 is zero
029&1 is not between &2 and &3
030Measured pressure &1 is greater than maximum value &2
031Choose a default value for billing class &1
032Several default values chosen for billing class &1
033There is exactly one default value per billing class
034Gas law deviation factor &1 is not between &2 and &3
035Gas temperature &1 is rounded to exactly 0.5
036Billing class &1: block start is not 0
037Billing class &1: block end is not &2
038Gap in billing class &1
039Overlap in billing class &1
040Specify a pressure level
041Only values &1 &2 &3 &4 permitted
042Deviation &1 is greater than &2
043Default &1 is greater than permitted deviation &2
044Enter the date
045Valid for all billing procedures, if no specific value
046Billing transaction &1 not permitted
047No text was entered
048Measured pressure &1 not in table &2
049Gas procedure &1 is still used (see where-used list)
050Only 01, 02 or 03 permitted as gas billing types
051Enter a valid volume correction factor procedure
052Enter a to-date that is after the last entry
053Enter a valid calorific value procedure
054Enter a to-date that is after the from-date
055Calorific value procedure &1 is still used (see where-used list)
056Enter rate type, rate category and rate
057Error occurred during transfer of facts for installation &1
058Rate &1 does not contain any rate steps
059Not possible to transfer facts for operand category &v1&
060Not permissible to set the "No prorat." indicator
061Select weighting/cal. value district only if you choose averaging type 02
062Division &1: division category from table &2 cannot be determined
063Enter a billing class
064Div. cat. &1 of div. &2 does not match div. cat. &3 of price class &4
065Enter a valid combination of control indicators
066Calorific value procedure &1 not in table &2
067Position cursor on the line you wish to delete
068Volume correction factor procedure &1 not in table &2
069Price unit of measurement &1 and billing unit of meas. &2 do not match
070Volume correction factor procedure &1 is still used (see where-used list)
071Enter from-date
072Delete all values before you specify a replacement value
073Measured pressure &1 is larger than permitted maximum value &2
074From-nominal load &1 greater than to-nominal load &2
075No entries for billing class &1 in table &2
076Gas procedure &1 not in table &2
077Please also maintain gas law deviation factor after correcting GLD factor
078Only enter air pressure (corr.) if thermal gas billing = 00 or 01
079Only enter averaging type/avg from/fixed temp.if thermal gas billing = 00
080Enter either fixed temperature or averaging type/average from
081Enter both "averaging type" and "average from"
082Enter all rounding attributes
083Normal air pressure &1 deviates from standard value &2
084Specify the conversion factor for dimension conversion
085No gas law deviation factor correction is possible for factor 01
086You have already specified a replacement value for the operand
087Values already exist for operand &1 (season &2)
088Specify an operand
089Operand &1 is not of category &2
090Rate type &1 already exists
091Only choose usage type if "fixed volume correction factor" is used
092General control indicators are partially ignored in special procedure
093Gas law deviation factor 01 only possible for temp./pressure billing
094Maintain temperature component
095Special proc. "no temperature" only necessary for thermal gas billing 00
096Specify either number of outsortings or permanent outsorting
097Only maintain rounding rules when using 'conversion factor'
098Changes to facts were made
099Maintain an operand value for operand &1
100Installation &1 was already billed on &2
101Value of command &1 (ARCR &2) greater than first value ( &3 )
102Value of command &1 (ARCR &2) greater than value in operation mode & (&)
103Reference value can only be limited (on &)
104Reference value was deleted
105Reference value was limited
106Cal. val. proc. &1 cal. val. district &2: no billing cal. value exists
107Should later time slices be maintained first?
108Calorific value district &1 not in table &2
109Entry/entries maintained
110Maintain entry
111Calorific values to be billed are outside of normal limits
112No entry exists for date &1
113Franchise fee price is only possible for quantity-based price operands
114Calorific value &1 is not between &2 and &3
115No calorific value in table &1 for period &2
116Supplier calorific value date &1 in table &2 is zero
117Company calorific value date &1 in table &2 is zero
118Changes were made to operand &1
119No register use possible in reference base &1
120Price &1, price category &2, pricing level &3 does not exist
121Franch. fee prices w. start value can only be maintained in inst. facts
122Enter only one value for date &1
123Enter only one value for the period &1 to &2
124Do not use price type "blocks/scales" in price category 3
125Specify a price level for price category 3 only
126Do not use price adjustment clauses for average price
127Specify a from-zone (otherwise no other entry is possible)
128Block maintenance for date &1 canceled
129Block maintenance for date &1 ended
130Entry/entries with 'valid from' &1 already exist
131No entry exists for date &1 from block &2
132Internal: to-date in same from-date group inconsistent
133Indicator 'ignore consumption' for date &1 not transferred
134No facts available
135Enter a variant program
136Internal: to-date of the most current record is missing
137Internal: to-date <> from-date of previous record - 1 day
138To-block of the current record must be &1 (block maintenance)
139To-block &1 <> from-block &2 of previous record
140You are not permitted to maintain operands of category &1 in the &2
141You are not permitted to specify a season for operands of category &1
142Price is consistent
143Smallest from-block &1 is not zero
144Specify a rate category
145Reference for price category and pricing level &1 &2 &3 not available
146Price type &1 must agree with price type &2 of the reference
147Price category &1 must agree with price category &2 of the reference
148Pricing level &1 must agree with pricing level &2 of the reference
149Enter a price
150Enter a price category
151Select "With price history" only when selecting a reference
152Enter a price type
153Enter a price reference
154Enter a reference for price category
155Enter a rate type
156Price category/level &1 &2 &3 is still used -> where-used list
157Price/category &1 &2 is still used -> where-used list
158Internal error in determining possible entries (&1, &2)
159No matching price references found
160Not a valid line selection
161Enter a to-date that is after the from-date
162Error in user exit &1
163Historical data will be lost
164Enter an operand from category &1
165Select the operand you wish to copy
166Enter a time basis smaller than or equal to &1
167Complete your entry
168Parameter &1 not specified
169Invalid value &1 for parameter &2
170Possible entries for pricing level only possible for valid price category
171Select only "Without proration" or "Average price"
172Price &1 is still used -> where-used list
173Possible entries for price only possible for valid price category
174Possible entries for price only possible with valid pricing level
175Possible entries (F4 help) for price only possible for price category 3
176No matching prices (price classes) found in table V_TE431
177Price &1 does not exist as price class in TE431
178Price level &1 not in table TE471
179Billing document not found for contract &1 and simulation indicator &2
180Billing document not found for division &1
181Bill document not found for portion &1 and company code &2
182No bill documents found after &1
183No entry found for object &2 in table &1
184From-nominal load is zero
185To-nominal load is zero
186From-measured pressure is zero
187To-measured pressure is zero
188Fixed temperature &1 not in table &2
189Billing class &1 not in table &2
190Internal: error occurred during import of meter reading results to &1
191EquiNo. &1 Reg. &2 (logic reg. &3): at least two MR results required
192No (periodic) meter readings found for scheduled billing date &1
193Log. reg. &1 period &2-&3: no MR result relevant to start of bill. period
194Log. reg. &1 period &2-&3: no MR result relevant to end of billing period
195Logical reg. &1 equip. no. &2 register &3 date &4: no MR results exist
196Rate fact group &1 for rate &2 already exists
197Table &3 for meter reading document number &2 inconsistent
198Enter a unit
199Enter number of days or months
200Enter a percentage rate
201Enter a price
202Enter a quantity
203Do not enter more than &1 input operands
204Do not enter more than &1 output operands
205Enter the control, consecutive number, and only the first text
206Enter a value in every field
207Internal: error accessing table &1
208Make at least two entries for radio button controls
209Use consecutive numbering starting with 1
210Make only one entry for consecutive number 0
211No inconsistencies found in rate check
212Operand &1 is of category &2 instead of &3
213Enter a variant program first
214Variant programm &1 is not available
215Meter reading document number &1 not found in table &2
216Operand &1 has division &2 instead of &3
217Enter a valid discount for the period
218Enter a valid price for the period
219Position cursor on an operand
220Do not create overlapping time slices
221Variant &1 has &2 control parameters
222Control parameter &1 of variant &2 is invalid
223Select one line only
224Enter a valid division
225Enter a from-date from &1
226Enter a to-date from &1
227Enter an operand from the DEMAND or QUANT category
228Register-related data in the rate header is incomplete
229Create operand values for operand &1
230All facts are consistent
231Register operand &1 does not have a weighting key
232Internal: error accessing table &1 in form &2
233Register operand &1 is not used in a step
234Maintain operand values for operand &1
235No sub-transactions are required for variant &1
236Specify sub-transactions for variant &1
237Before saving ensure that rate category facts are consistent
238Do not specify more than &1 line item types
239No entry is required here
240Document line type &1 cannot be used in rate
241Previous document number &1: scheduled meter reading date is missing
242Internal: contract &1 sched. billing date &2: sched. MR date is missing
243Internal: contract &1 sched. billing date &2: too many docs in table &3
244Rate &1 has an unsuitable division
245Rate &1 has an unsuitable billing class
246Rate &1 has no rate steps
247Variant &1 is still in use - see 'where-used list'
248Enter a new rate step
249Select the appropriate lines to be moved
250User &1 is blocking rate &2 from schema &3
251Input parameter for function module &1 is incomplete
252Currency required for absolute amount discounts and price discounts
253Select at least one line
254Schema steps for rate &1 were deleted
255Enter a rate category from division &1 as the reference
256Enter a positive value
257Database predecimal places > MAXIMUM (number of predecimal places)
258Database decimal places > MAXIMUM (number of decimal places)
259Selected lines were transferred to file
260Contents of file were inserted
261Selected lines were moved
262Selected lines deleted
263Schema was released for billing
264Settings are consistent
265Rate &1 was inserted
266Internal: field &1 from the contract is not filled
267Field &1 from the billing order is not filled
268Entry has been made in field &1
269Price &1 price category &2 pricing level &3 language &4: text missing
270Internal: error has occurred reading partner for contract &1
271Reference value type &1 does not exist
272No changes were canceled
273The last change has been reset
274Specify a rate fact group for rate type &1
275Only specify one rate fact group for one rate type
276Internal: field &1 from the installation is not filled
277Field &1 from the rate category is not filled
278Enter a rate type to be used for rate determination
279Field &1 not filled in billing
280No period documents were found for period-end billing
281Contract &1 sched. bill. date &2: BEGNACH for PE billing order is missing
282&1 &2 is still being used
283Internal: No data exists for installation &1 on &2
284Contract &1 scheduled billing date &2: no period documents found
285Entry for document type &1 is missing from table TE667
286No rate determination possible with rate category &1
287Document type &1 is not in table TE093
288To move the rate, select appropriate lines
289Billing order deleted for contract &1 with scheduled billing date &2
290Schema &1: rate step for schema step &2 missing
291Document &1 to be reversed is not in file &2
292Billing document &1 was already updated with invoicing document &2
293Internal: billing doc. &1 -> inconsistency due to field INTOPBEL &2
294Internal: billing document &1 -> inconsistent invoicing document &2
295Billing reversal of document no. &1 terminated due to an error
296Reversal of document no. &1 completed
297Billing document &1 has already been reversed
298Counter-document &1 (for &2) cannot be reversed
299Internal: no installation data exists
300Billing document &1: STOKZ is set; INTBELNR is not set -> inconsistency
301ERCH doc. no. &1 inv. doc. no. &2: INTBELNR &3 does not match INTBELNR &4
302No rate category data exists
303ERCH doc. no. &1 ERDK doc. no. &2: STOKZ not set
304ERDK doc.no. &1 and ERDK offsett.doc.no. &2 inconsistent due to doc.no.&3
305ERDK counter-document &1 (for &2): STOKZ must not be set
306Invoicing doc. &1: STBEL &2 does not match INTOPBEL &3 (for &4)
307Invoicing offsetting document &1 (for &2) has incorrect STBEL &3
308Billing for contract &1 completed with document no. &2
309Invoicing offsetting doc. &1 (for &2) has wrong BLART &3 (instead of ST)
310Invoicing document &1: incorrect FKKOP-OPBEL &2
311Invoicing document &1: FKKOP-AUGBL &2 (instead of &3)
312Invoicing document &1: FKKOP-AUGRD &2 (instead of 05)
313Invoicing document &1: no entries found in FKKOP
314Statistical rate &1 has division &2 and billing class &3
315Statistical rate is not required for variant &1
316The statistical rate has the same rate number
317Document &1: billing cancellation not possible
318Document &1: error updating billing cancellation
319Main transactions for billing are not fully maintained
320&1 is not a suitable sub-transaction
321For ENDIF variant in step &1 there is no corresponding IF variant
322Document &1 has simulation indicator &2
323ELSE variant in step &1 is invalid
324There are &1 IF variants and &2 ENDIF variants
325Schema &1 does not contain complete rate &2
326Doc. no. &1 / &2 (no period-end billing although ENDABRPE is the same)
327Please do not set steps without input operands to optional
328Variant &1 is not permissible for rate &2
329Period control is missing in step &2 for variant &1
330Doc. &1 has more recent PE bill. per. &2 than doc. &3 (PE bill. per. &4)
331The end of billing period of the following billing documents is later
332Billing doc. &1 cannot be reversed because more recent docs exist
333All steps for rate &1 are inactive
334Main transaction &1 not in table &2
335Document &1 with main transaction &2 cannot be reversed
336Document &1: period-end billings cannot be canceled at present
337Doc. &1 (period-end billing/backbilling) cannot be reversed at present
338No entry exists in table &1 for key &2 &3
339Field &1 from accounts receivable and payable is not filled
340Please specify a valid rate fact group for rate type &1
341Internal: inst. &1 sch.bill.date &2 bi.proc. &3: bi.order already exists
342Internal: EITR entry for doc. no. &1 company code &2 no longer exists
343Contract &1: no billing order exists that can be processed
344Contract &1: no billing orders exist
345Contract &1: other billing order with targ. bill. date &2 has priority
346<< End of document list <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
347Billing reversal of documnet no. &1 is cancelled
348The facts are not consistent
349Internal: more than one partner was found for contract &1: &2 partners
350Internal: field &1 from the contract is not filled
351Internal: inconsistency in file ERCHC
352Price amount is zero (block maintenance may be necessary)
353Enter a valid from-date
354Price summary using indicator &1: different price categories
355Price summary indicator &1 only used once
356Internal: field &1 was not filled
357When an average price is used no other price is possible
358Contract &1: no period documents found
359Monthly period with period value & not permissible
360Annual period with period value & not permissible
361Franchise contract start date is later than contract end date
362Cancellation period without cancellation time unit
363Cancellation date is later than contract end date
364Cancellation date is earlier than contract start date
365No rate facts can be maintained for this rate
366Blocks have already been maintained for this entry
367Entry &1 &2 already exists for &3
368Internal: contract field is not filled
369Internal: Contr. &1 TargBillDate &2 BillTrans. &3: Inconsist. BillDocs
370Installation &1 scheduled billing date &2: inconsistent billing orders
371Bill. order for inst. &1 sch.bill.date &2 bill.proc. &3 not in selection
372Installation &1: incorrect billing-order sequence in &2
373Installation &1 date &2: Mulitple billing orders with status 2
374Inst. &1 sched. bill. date &2 bill. trans. &3: Inconsistent billing order
375No billing orders that can be processed were selected
376No contract exists for installation &1
377Inst. &1 sched. bill.date &2 bill. proc. &3: PE bill. order not poss. now
378Contract &1: no entries in table &2
379The last schema change could not be canceled
380Enter a valid value for the period
381No reversed bill documents found
382No non-reversed bill documents found
383Date check: &1 &2 after &3 &4
384Inst. &1 scheduled bill. date &2 bill. procedure &3: status &4 incorrect
385Installation &1: contract &2 must be billed first
386Rate &1 updated; check indicators
387Rate &1 is complete
388Date &1 from-block &2 not found; cursor positioned on subsequent entry
389It is not possible to delete block
390In variant &1 an input operand is missing in step &2
391In variant &1 an output operand is missing in step &2
392In variant &1 a control parameter is missing in step &2
393Internal: log. reg. &1 equip. no. &2 reg. &3 date &4: no entry in IZWST
394Logic reg. &1 equipment no. &2 reg. &3: replacement &4
395Log. reg. &1 equip. no. &2 reg. &3: different no. of predecimal places
396Rate determination not possible
397Operand determination not possible
398Date &1 not found; cursor positioned on subsequent entry
399Before making selection, position cursor on a discount
400Before making selection, position cursor on a price
401Specify valid-from date and franchise fee group
402This function is not available
403Position cursor on a line in the historic data
404Position cursor on interval to be deleted
405All entries for 'valid from' &1 were deleted
406Position cursor on period to be copied
407Please maintain time basis specifications fully
408For price category 'flat rate' do not use price type 'block charge'
409Error deleting change documents for price &1
410Select one line only
411Rate &1 still allocated in rate determination to schema &2
412Price does not exist to &1, but to &2
413Price does not exist until &1
414Price has no time slices
415Renewal date &1 is before contract end date &2
416Internal: facts were not checked
417Discount/surcharge &1 is still used
418Enter dates that do not overlap
419Price &1, price category &2, price level &3 does not exist
420Schema &1 contains no schema steps
421Sub-transactions in schema &1 step &2 inconsistent
422Enter an address for streetlight &1
423Error in operand &1 (fact group &3, season &2):
424Value is too large for operand update
425Inconsistent definition of operand groups
426Price escalation clause &1 does not exist
427Pr.cat. &1 pr.escal. clause &2 does not match pr.cat. &3 of price
428To-date must not be changed
429Operand value for date &1 must not be deleted
430Operand value for date &1 must not be deleted
431Enter a date starting from &1
432Internal: billing document &1 invoicing document &2: inconsistency
433Internal: cont. &1 PE bill.per. &2 doc.no. &3 doc.no. &4: inconsistency
434Non-invoiced document &1 before document &2 (invoice document &3)
435Price escalation clause &1 still used --> where-used list
436IF-ELSE-ENDIF unit has different rates
437IF variant found with incompatible validity period
438Not possible to specify both equipment and address
439Internal: program/FM &1: from-date &2 after to-date &3
440Cal. val. dist. &1 cal. val. proc. &2 date &3: no billing cal. value
441Calorific value district &1 date &2: no entry in V_TE449
442Energy feeding volume from table &1 in period &2 - &3 is zero
443Entries in &1 do not cover the period &2 - &3
444Entry for date &1 in table &2 not maintained
445These schema steps do not generate billing line items
446Temperature area &1 date &2: no entry in V_TE449
447In installation &1, there is a register without a rate type
448Please enter a schema which belongs to billing class &1
449Values already exist for operand &1 in season &2
450Values already exist for operand &1
451Air pressure area &1 date &2: no entry in V_TE339
452The season periods are inconsistent
453Please transfer meter reading relevant to billing
454Please transfer previous meter reading relevant to billing
455Please transfer meter reading date for meter reading relevant to billing
456Please specify a valid date as season limit
457Sub-transactions &1 in comp. code &2 div. &3 acct det. ID &4 inconsistent
458Please specify the pre-sorting key &2 in schema step &1
459Enter an amount
460Output operand &1 is not unique
461Enter the Required Data
462Enter weighting key only for weighted calculation of average
463Enter weighting key only for weighting according to TE415
464Enter weighting key or weighting/calorific value district
465Weighting key &1 search criterion &2: period &3 - &4 not covered
466Weighting key &1 division category &2: entry for date &3 not maintained
467Weighting key &1 div. cat. &2 period &3-&4: energy feeding volume zero
468Maintain weighting key for averaging type "weighted average"
469Maintain weighting key for air pressure "weighted average"
470Enter weighting key only for weighted calculation of average
471Successful: program &1 client &2 file &3 number &4 deleted
472Object contains no operands
473Enter a value in field "Value 1"
474Enter a value in field "Value 2"
475No entry required here for variant &1
476The to-date for &1 has been adjusted
477Enter a rate type
478Inconsist. installation structure for device/register &1 from instln &2
479This change of logical register &1 not permitted
480Discount &1 does not exist in table &2
481No text exists in language &2 for discount &1
482Enter a rate type to be used for determining a demand rate
483Enter a rate type to be used for determining an energy rate
484Enter a permissible rate type
485Conversion of rounding category from '0' to 'X' started on &1 at &2
486Error updating table &1
487Enter a schema that corresponds to division &1
488Value &1 cannot be entered for &2
489Billing classes do not match
490Operation mode &3 is not maintained from &1 to &2
491Units of measurement do not match
492Reference bases do not match
493Discount types do not match
494Do not use register discount in the facts
495Entry for date &1 already exists
496Copy only possible in a year that is later than the reference year
497Entries exist in year &1 which are being overwritten
498No entries to be copied exist in specified year &1
499No maintenance type defined for burning hour calendar from &1 to &2
500Copying year &1 to year &2 has been completed successfully
501Not possible to copy because of change in maintenance type in year &1
502Maintenance types for years &1 and &2 do not match
503Table is consistent in check period &1 to &2 for operation mode &3
504Use only the first of the month as the from-date
505Equip. no. &1 reg. &2 (log. reg. &3): at least &4 MR results required
506Termination because runtime was exceeded
507Conversion started from space to 'X' for print-relevant indic. in DBERCHZ
508Enter a simulation period
509Enter a to-date for the overall check
510Enter &1
511Program &1 routine &2: Overflow of internal meters for MR doc. numbers
512Display option not possible for the operand
513Internal error reading the billing line items
514Enter a line item number between 1 and &1
515Billing document &1 has no billing line items
516Error during update of operand &1
517Indicator for flat-rate installation changed (routine &1)
518Operand &1 updates in schema step with register data
519Schema &1: no steps in period &2 to &3
520Enter rate types that result in the same weighting
521Select an operand
522No update for step &1 operand &2
523Transport entry created for gas procedure &1
524Rate is not valid for registers; note the entry restrictions
525Transport entry created for billing calorific value &1-&2
526Transport entry created for calorific value procedure &1
527Transport entry created for volume correction factor procedure &1
528Units of measurement do not match for operands &1 and &2
529Enter a valid numeric value (&1 pre-decimal places, &2 decimal places)
530Enter a valid numeric value (2 pre-decimal places, 4 decimal places)
531Enter a valid numeric value (2 pre-decimal places, 1 decimal place)
532Do not enter a +/- sign for values of zero
533Enter a +/- sign for values not equal to zero
534Interal: split error: &1 -> &2 - &3 in &4
535Select a rate from the list
536No rate can be found using rate type &1 and rate category &2
537Rate &1 was determined
538Maintain from-measured pressure
539Maintain to-measured pressure
540Internal: eq.no. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: no entries in IZW (form THGAS_ZW)
541Internal: function module &1 include/routine &2 table &3 empty
542Device &1 register &2 period &3 - &4: calorific value district is missing
543Internal: indicator &1 period &2 - &3 not found in &4
544Log. register &1 period &2 - &3 not found in &4
545Enter a rate type
546CV district &1 CV proced. &2 date &3: billing calorific value is missing
547CV procedure &1 CV district &2: billing calorific value is missing
548CV dist. &1 CV proc. &2 <= date &3: billing calorific value is missing
549Internal: field &1: value &2 (routine &3 program &4) not defined
550Budget billing main transactions are not maintained completely
551Divisions do not match
552Not possible to determine measured pressure for the period &1 - &2
553No rate steps with sub-transactions exist
554Conversion of meter reading reasons started in EABLG
555No pressure area found for period &1 - &2
556Error deleting table &1
557Not possible to determine pressure area for period &1 - &2
558Sub-transactions are inconsistent
559Not possible to determine altitude correction pressure for period &1 - &2
560Air pressure area &1 from-date &2: Entry missing in table &3
561Air pressure area &1: no entries exist in table &2
562Not possible to determine annual air pressure for period &1 - &2
563Air pressure area &1 date &2: entry missing in table &3
564Air pressure area &1 <= date &2: air pressure missing in &3
565Volume corr. factor proc. &1: temp. fields not maintained completely
566No temperature area found for period &1 - &2
567Not possible to determine temperature area for period &1 - &2
568No fixed temperature found in period &1 - &2
569Not possible to determine fixed temperature key for period &1 - &2
570Temperature area &1: no entries in table &2
571Not possible to maintain before &1
572Fixed temperature &1: no temperature values exist in table &2
573Not possible to determine fixed temperature values for period &1 - &2
574Dev.&1 reg.&2 VCF proc.&3: not poss.to det. gas law dev.fact.- miss.temp.
575Dev.&1 reg.&2 per.&3-&4: meas.press. missing for det. of GasLawDev.factor
576Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3 - &4: temp. missing for det. of gas law dev.fact.
577Meas. pressure &1 +/- sign &2 temperature &3 not in table &4
578Values for operand &1 must not be deleted
579Error in the automation data for operand &1 (season &2)
580Only manual documents can be processed
581Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: GLDF(set) missg for determ. gas law dev.fact.
582&1 contains no sub-transactions
583Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: no actual gas law deviation factor
584Rate &1 step &2: sub-transactions not maintained completely
585Billing class &1 air pressure area &2 temp. area &3: no entries in &4
586Not poss. to determine fixed gas law deviation factors for period &1 - &2
587Device &1 reg. &2 VCF proc. &3: no fixed volume correction factor in &4
588Device &1 reg. &2 gas proc. &3 comparison &4: data inconsistency
589Errors have occurred in rate determination
590Dev. &1 reg. &2 VCF proc. &3: reg. relat. ZZ cannot be billed presently
591Dev. &1 reg. &2 VCF proc. &3: reg. relat. ZE cannot be billed presently
592Billing class &1: no entries in &2
593Not possible to maintain franchise tax category in average price
594Program &1 client &2 file &3 number &4 converted successfully
595Rounding &1 is larger than &2
596Round. rules for Wobbe factor only req. for correcting gas law dev.factor
597Bill. class &1 cal. value proc. &2 must match billing class &3
598Bill. class &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2 must match billing class &3
599Billing class &1 does not match billing class &2 gas procedure &3
600No billing documents were reversed
601The following billing documents were reversed:
602Schema step &1 cannot be executed
603Log. register &1 from &2 to &3: no entry in ITHG
604Backbilling group &1 in step &2 is inconsistent
605Maintain the 'execute backbilling' indicator in step &1
606Specify the length of the backbilling period
607Specify the difference between periodic billing and period-end billing
608Equip. no. &1 reg. &2 from &3 to &4: no entry in ITHG
609(Device &1) equip. no. &2 reg. &3 key date &4: no entry in ITHG
610Enter document number(s)
611Document &1 has already been released and can no longer be changed
612Air pressure area &1 <= date &2: air pressure missing in &3
613Reversal of billing document &1 ended with an error
614Reversal of billing document &1 carried out successfully
615Fixed temperature &1 not in table &2
616Choose a valid billing line item as reference
617Choose a different line item to delete
618&1 tax line item(s) generated
619Enter a to-date for the budget billing simulation
620Allocation date &1 default value &2: permissible deviation +/- &3 month
621Gas date &1 default value &2: deviation of maximum &3 months
622No entry in table &1 for bill.class/bill. trans./portion/background &2
623Default &1 is greater than permitted deviation &2
624&1 document line items were generated by automatic proration
625Delete value &1 in field &2
626Select price category &1
627There is no secondary meter for the primary meter
628Primary meter device &1 register &2 is its own secondary meter
629There are two primary meters for secondary meter device &1 register &2
630Gas proc.&1: MUnit bef. conv.w. CV &2 uneq. to MUnit after conv.w. VCF &3
631Specify the length of the period-end billing period
632Tax code could not be determined
633External price &1 price cat. &2 price level &3: incorrect history table
634CV dist. &1 CV proc. &2 <= date &3: billing calorific value is missing
635No installation is allocated to the contract
636Contract &1 not found in &2
637Enter a demand
638Temperature area &1 <= date &2: temperature missing in &3
639Temperature area &1 <= date &2: temperature missing in &3
640FM &1: Parameters &2 and &3 cannot be specified simultaneously
641FM &1: parameter &2 is required
642Device &1 register number &3 has no rate type on &4
643Price &1 price category &2 price level &3 in currency &4 already exists
644Price &1 price category &2 price level &3: other currency &4 exists
645Price &1 price category &2 price level &3 currency &4: history missing
646Price &1 price category &2 price level &3: price type &4 is ignored
647Only time basis &2 is permissible for time category &1
648FM &1: do not enter parameters &2 and &3 simultaneously
649Price &1 price category &2 price level &3: currency &4 deleted
650Franchise fee group &1 has billing class &2 instead of &3
651Price &1 price category &2 price level &3 currency &4: deletion error
652FM &1: parameter &2 or &3 is required in order to delete
653Device &1 register &2 has negative consumption deduction
654No meter reading result exists on &3 for device &1 register &2
655Historical data is not taken into account
656Only quantity base 1 is permitted for average prices
657Update in price &1 not permitted
658Operand &1 for updating price: inconsistent parameters
659Specify a currency key
660Manual credit memo/backbilling &1 cannot be reversed
661Volume correction factor procedure &1 is not active
662Calorific value procedure &1 is not active
663Key date is missing for month-based billing
664Enter a price level for rental prices
665Key date is required for access control for operand &1
666No meter reading unit in table &1 for date &2 (include &3)
667Not possible to determine alloc. date for meter reading unit &1 date &2
668Specify an average price that is calculated at runtime
669Enter the replacement value "Runtime"
670Only selection &2 is permissible for meter reading reason &1
671Sub-transaction &1 has a special meaning
672Operand &1 does not belong to division &2
673Sub-transaction &1 has incorrect debit/credit indicator
674Not permissible to maintain operand &1 in the installation facts
675Not permissible to maintain operand &1 in the rate category facts
676Avg. prices with starting val. can be maintained in the inst. facts only
677Avg prices are possible only for time- and quantity-based price operands
678Sub-transaction &1 does not exist in table TE305 for division &2
679Not permissible to maintain operand &1 in the rate facts
680Device &1 reg. &2 (log. reg. &3): min. of &4 meter reading results reqd
681You cannot change the currency for an amount already calculated
682You are not permitted to specify a document number
683Specify a value that has no more than &1 decimal places
684Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: No MR result marking start of billing period
685Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: No MR result marking end of billing period
686Billing order selection contains no entries
687Enter a franchise fee price that is calculated at runtime
688Enter an end date
689Routine &1 include &2: parameter &3 not specified
690Deviation of meter reading results: min. date &1 max. date &2
691Device &1 register &2 date &3: (periodic) meter reading result missing
692Billing document &1: end of billing period is missing
693Gas procedure &1 is not permitted
694Gas procedure &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: fixed temp. key is missing
695Gas procedure &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: temp. area is missing
696Gas procedure &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: pressure area is missing
697Gas proc. &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: altitude correct. press. is zero
698Gas proc. &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: set gas law dev. factor is zero
699Gas proc. &1 vol. corr. factor proc. &2: actual gas law dev.fact. is zero
700Gas proc. &1 cal. value proc. &2: cal. value district is missing
701Specify a price with suitable franchise category &1
702Do not enter a rate type
703Inconsistent period control for operand &1
704Do not specify an original value for operand &1
705You are not permitted to use presort key &1 in the schema
706Specify a division
707Meter reading results are incorrect for the following devices/registers:
708Device &1 register &2 scheduled meter reading date &3
709Equipment no. &1 register &2 scheduled meter reading date &3
710Period control and specification of billing period are inconsistent
711Period control and specifications in the portion are inconsistent
712Billing document &1 was outsorted
713Measured pressure &1 is not permissible
714Dev. &1 reg. &2 date &3: move-in meter read. result missing or incorrect
715Beginning of error list
716End of error list
717Billing doc. &1 invoicing doc. &2 deleted by user &3 via report &4
718Enter a document number you wish to delete
719Final billing has already been performed for contract &1
720Enter a valid date
721Error in the automation data for operand &1 (season &2)
722Before making selection, specify a from-date
723No inconsistencies found in the sub-transactions
724You must specify a currency for average prices with a start value
725Internal: function module &1 was called in direct input
726Rate step &1 variant &2: data entered in fields not ready for input
727Installation &1 not found (access FM &2)
728Installation &1 key date &2 not found (access FM &3)
729Maintain the adding and the multiplying component
730Installation &1 scheduled billing date &2: meter reading date &3 <> &4
731Billing document &1: outsorting with print document &2
732Billing document &1 print document &2: Ind1 &3 = Ind2 &4
733Enter 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12
734Document &1: no PE billing order with start of PE billing period &2
735Period control &1 not permitted for period-end billing
736Outsorting in case of manual document &1: inconsistency
737Enter a contract account
738Contract account &1 deleted by user &2 report &3
739Enter invoicing document number or billing document number(s)
740Specify either invoicing document number(s) or billing document number(s)
741Billing documents for adjustment reversal have not been selected
742Document &1 is a simulation document
743Document &1 has been outsorted
744Invoicing doc. &1: no billing documents for adjustment reversal
745Billing doc. &1 reversed for adjustment (comp. doc. &2)
746Adjustment reversal not possible for manual billing &1
747Billing document &1 was reversed for adjustment (invoicing doc. &2)
748Billing document &1 cannot be reversed for adjustment
749Billing document &1 is not invoiced -> adjustment reversal not possible
750Specify a schema that contains backbilling steps
751Specify a schema that contains a period-end billing rate
752Operand &1: control fields for demand are filled
753Number of demand peaks is 0 for register operand &1
754Register operands only possible for operand categories QUANT or DEMAND
755Maximum line item &1 not equal to &2 (FM &3)
756Register indicator is not set for operand &1
757Not possible to maintain facts for operand &1
758Document &1 cannot be reversed for adjustment due to document &2
759Operand &1 is a register operand
760Doc. &1 -> doc. &2: inconsistent concatenation due to doc. &3
761Doc. &1 cannot be reversed (-> period-end bill. order with adj. reversal)
762Doc. &4 is not indicated in table ERCHC as reversed for adjustment
763Document &4 is not indicated in table ERCHC as invoiced
764Doc. &4 has doc. number that refers to new billing despite billing order
765Not possible to delete billing order because of document number &1
766Document &4 -> invoicing document &3 not reversed in invoicing
767Operand &1 used for proration purposes only
768Variant &2 updates to the installation facts
769Doc. no. &4: billing order not marked w. doc. no. for adjustmt reversal
770Variant &1 updates to the correction periods
771Doc. no. &4 does not correspond to doc. no. &3 in billing order
772Operand &1 is provided by a special update
773Not possible to change the rate category
774Deletion of doc. no. "adjustment reversal" from billing order: terminated
775Deletion of doc. no. "adjustment reversal" from billing order: completed
776No billing orders were changed
777Following document numbers were deleted from billing orders:
778Not possible to change the rate category
779Doc. &1 (inv.doc. &2) del. from bill.order for inst. &3 sch. bill.date &4
780Deletion of doc. no. &1 from billing order: terminated due to error
781Document no. &4: no changeable billing order exists
782Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_001
783Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA00_001
784Error processing external proration dates
785Price summary with indicator &1: different backbilling indicators
786Billing document &1 not indicated as reversed for adjustment
787Billing doc. &1 reversed for adjustment already reversed in invoicing
788Billing document &1: adjustment reversal indicator is inconsistent
789Variant &1 updates from correction period to periodic billing period
790Update type &1 not permitted for period category &2
791Update type &1 not permitted for operand category &2
792Device &1 register &2 (log. reg. &3): MR result missing for &4
793Unknown calculation reason: &1
794Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLE20Q_001
795Operand &1 has non-linear weighting &2
796Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLE20Q_002
797Enter selection criteria
798Complete history is not permitted for operand category &1
799Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_002
800IF-ELSE-ENDIF clause with different backbilling allocation indicators
801Maintenance of bill printout operands not permitted
802Operand &1: "bill printout history" indicator has incorrect value
803Update in operand &1 not permitted
804Billing unit of measurement could not be determined
805Position cursor on a device or register
806Enter standard temperature/zero temperature
807Not possible to maintain standard temperature/zero temperature
808Time basis and time cat. required when you enter consumption or amount
809Specify the currency for the amount
810Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: vol. corr. factor cannot be determined
811Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: standard volume cannot be determined
812Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: operating volume cannot be determined
813Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: error in register relationship
814Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: vol. corr. factor cannot be determined
815Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: error in register relationship
816Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3 - &4: VCF to be transferred cannot be determined
817Weighting key &1 division cat. &2: energy feeding table incomplete
818Enter gas pressure correction only for gas pressure determination
819Initialization of controls in rate steps started on &1 at &2
820No gas pressure area found for period &1 - &2
821Not possisble to determine gas pressure area for period &1 - &2
822Not possible to determine gas correction pressure for period &1 - &2
823Gas pressure area &1: no entries in table &2
824Gas pressure cannot be determined for period &1 - &2
825Only gas pr. correctn can be maintained for GPr. determ. using GPr. area
826Gas proced. &1 VCF proced. &2: gas pressure area missing
827Gas proced. &1 VCF proced. &2: gas correction pressure is zero
828Only enter weighting key if you have set the conversion factor indicator
829Weighting key &1 weighting procedure &2 not permissible
830Specify a rate type that results in the same meter reading group
831Specify a rate type that results in the same validation class
832Specify a rate type that results in the same minimum portion
833Specify a rate type that results in the same reference value
834Execute contract account billing prior to invoicing simulation
835No billing documents found for company code &1
836No billing documents found for division &1
837No billing documents found for portion &1
838Only time basis 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 permissible for time category &1
839Manual billing &1 cannot be reversed
840Enter standard pressure
841No document found for &1 &2
842Amount operand &1 has no weighting key
843Internal: Change to time category not allowed
844Internal: Change of weighting key not allowed
845Internal: Time cat. &1, func. mod. &2, include &3, routine &4 unknown
846Maintain interval specifications only for price block adjustment
847Enter the number of days as a whole number
848Lower limit of interval &1 must be <= upper limit of interval &2
849Specify time category for price block adjustment
850Specify time basis for price block adjustment
851Lower limit of interval &1 must be <= time basis of &2 days
852Upper limit of interval &1 must be >= time basis of &2 days
853Weight. key &1 temp. area &2 period &3 - &4: entire weight is zero
854Weighting key &1 temp. area &2 period &3 - &4: denominator is zero
855Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: conversion factor cannot be determined
856Update to deletion variant: overwriting of values is not permitted
857Device &1 reg. &2 period &3 - &4: no conversion factor due to gas date
858Enter replacement VCF procedure for register relationship ZZ only
859Replacement vol. corr. factor proc. is required for reg. relationship ZZ
860Volume correction factor procedure &1 not permiss. as replacement proc.
861Specify a valid key date
862Not permitted to use only presorting keys with no subtotal
863Price key name cannot contain the special characters * and ,
864Price level name cannot contain the special characters * and ,
865Not possible to enter a rate type for registers from category &1
866No rate category found in table &1 for date &2
867Price class cannot contain the special characters * and ,
868Entry must be made for price class
869Entry must be made for price level
870Not possible to convert unit of measurement &1 to &2
871Error involving device &1 register &2:
872No energy feeding volume found in month &1 - &2 for cal. val. district &3
873No energy feeding volume found for calorific value district &2 from &1
874IF-ELSE-ENDIF clause contains different seasons
875Transfer tables for function module &1 are blank
876Parameter &V1& in function module &V2& is missing
877Discount cannot contain special characters * and ,
878Operand &1 season &2 valid from &3 valid to &4: possible to overwrite
879Field &1 is not filled
880Table &1 is empty
881Automation data already transferred for operand &1 (season &2)
882Variant &1 requires &2 input operands and &3 output operands
883Fields &1 and &2 are not filled
884"Adjust price blocks" is set, but weighting key is missing in operand
885Invoic. simulation completed; branched directly to print document display
886Not possible to convert unit of measurement &1 to &2
887Device &1 register &2: not possible to convert &3 to &4
888Enter indicator in the case of an irregular posting
889Numerical value required for the time basis
890The deletion logic of price summary indicator &1 is not consistent
891Line item type missing for variant &1 in step &2
892Enter a transaction currency
893Reference value &1 does not have reference value type &4
894Not permissible to enter season for variant &1
895Enter a gas procedure
896Price does not exist in currency &1
897Billing document &1 with origin &2 cannot be reversed
898Document &1 cannot be reversed (migration)
899Billing document &1 can only be reversed for adjustment (migration)
900Franchise contract &1 not valid in specified period
901You cannot manually maintain operand &1
902Intervals must not overlap
903No rates maintained in table TE224
904Intervals Consistent
905No operands maintained in table TE228
906Use at least one selection
907Enter a consecutive number
908Simulation period not completely covered by price/operand &1
909Only the 'normal price' price type is permitted
910Prices from different time categories are allocated to operand &1
911Time base of prices must correspond during update
912No quantity type is defined in table &1
913A document with end date &2 already exists for contract &1
914&1 billing document(s) were generated
916Error processing external proration dates
917Quantity for operand update is to high
918Price does not exist as of &1, but as of &2
999Rate category &1 does not exist
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