AJ - Abrechnungsprogramm
The following messages are stored in message class AJ: Abrechnungsprogramm.
It is part of development package EE20 in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Billing".
It is part of development package EE20 in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Billing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | No billing orders exist for contract &1 |
002 | For contract &1 there is at least one bill. order to be processed first |
003 | Billing of contract &1 canceled |
004 | Billing of contract &1 successfully completed |
005 | Internal: invalid access control &1 for operand &2 |
006 | Contract is only valid for the period &3 - &4 |
007 | Select one permissibility only |
008 | The division category &1 is not permitted |
009 | No rate found for rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
010 | Internal: error in function module &1 |
011 | Contract &1 is not billable |
012 | No season period was defined for season &1 |
013 | No operand values were found for operand &1 |
014 | An optional schema step was only assigned values for part of the period |
015 | Different rate fact groups were found for rate &1 |
016 | Rate &1 is not in schema &2 |
017 | Schema &1 has been blocked for billing since &2 |
018 | Billing transaction &1 is not permitted here |
019 | Invalid value in control; value: &1 |
020 | Division cannot be carried out; divisor is zero |
021 | Output operand of variant can only be updated once |
022 | Negative differences are not permitted |
023 | Error in IF-ELSE-ENDIF nesting: ELSE variant without previous IF |
024 | Error in IF-ELSE-ENDIF nesting: missing ENDIF variant |
025 | Error in IF-ELSE-ENDIF nesting: too many ENDIF variants |
026 | Internal error in form &1 (function module &2) |
027 | No billing orders exist for installation &1 |
028 | Installation &1: no installation time slices were found |
029 | No unit of measurement for meter reading exists |
030 | No unit of measurement for billing exists |
031 | System expects &1 line item types; actual number: &2 |
032 | System expects &1 controls; actual number: &2 |
033 | Maximum sort field permitted: &1; actual maximum: &2 |
034 | Unknown time category &1 in variable &2 |
035 | Discount type &1 for discount &2 is not permitted in the variant |
036 | Reference base &1 for discount &2 is not permitted in the variant |
037 | Simulation carried out for contract &1 |
038 | Simulation canceled for contract &1 |
039 | Budget billing simulation carried out for contract &1 |
040 | Start of billing______: date: &1; time: &2 |
041 | End of billing________: date: &1; time: &2 |
042 | Simulation canceled for installation &1 |
043 | Simulation carried out for installation &1 |
044 | Billing was executed successfully for installation &1 |
045 | Billing was terminated for installation &1 |
046 | Budget billing simulation canceled for contract &1 |
047 | Budget billing simulation canceled for installation &1 |
048 | Budget billing simulation carried out for installation &1 |
049 | Contract &1 is not billable |
050 | Contract &1 is billable |
051 | Installation &1 is not billable |
052 | Installation &1 is billable |
053 | Table &1 in program &2 must be empty |
054 | Internal: all proration reasons are already filled in table ITERM |
055 | No rate was found for the period &1 to &2 |
056 | Not possible to update operand &1 to the installation facts |
057 | Error updating operand &1 in the installation facts |
058 | Simulation of contract &1 completed with document number &2 |
059 | No values found for price &1 |
060 | Error updating operand &1 in the installation facts |
061 | Document &1 reversed |
062 | All documents have been reversed |
063 | Contract &1 is blocked for billing, billing block reason &2 |
064 | Field &1 is empty |
065 | Error updating operand &1 in the installation facts |
066 | * |
067 | Do not process demand from facts next to demand from registers |
068 | Internal: this type of budget billing amt extrapolation is not possible |
069 | Price &1 has incorrect franchise fee category |
070 | No price key was found for price operand &1 |
071 | Price &4 is not an average price |
072 | The type of backbilling was changed |
073 | The type of period-end billing was changed |
074 | The length of the backbilling period has changed |
075 | The length of the period-end billing period has changed |
076 | Operand &1 has invalid value &2 |
077 | Period-end bill. order w. sched. billing date &2 created for contract &1 |
078 | No price amounts for currency &2 were found for price &1 |
079 | Amount for operand &v1& has incorrect currency |
080 | Outsorting has already been released |
081 | Document has already been reversed |
082 | Register discount not possible |
083 | Register discount &1 has incorrect reference base |
084 | No discount amounts for currency &2 were found for discount &1 |
085 | Amount for operand &1 cannot be converted |
086 | Not possible to update operand &1 to the installation facts |
087 | Contract &1 is blocked from automatic billing |
088 | Specify a date starting from &1 as the check date |
089 | Specify a date starting from &1 as the extrapolation date |
090 | Specify a valid simulation period |
091 | Billing order for &1 cannot be processed |
092 | Price &1 has incorrect unit of measurement |
093 | Discount &1 has incorrect unit of measurement |
094 | No values found for discount &1 |
095 | Contract &1 is not allocated to an installation |
096 | Division &1 is not permitted for billing objects |
097 | Unexpected termination in variant &1 in schema &2 |
098 | Billing document &1 for contract &2 has been outsorted |
099 | No valid budget billing period has been determined |
100 | Operand &1 is season-based, but no season has been defined |
101 | The number of demand peaks for operand &1 is zero |
102 | Period-end billing cannot be executed yet |
103 | Portion has been changed within the backbilling period |
104 | Meter reading unit has been changed within the backbilling period |
105 | Portion has been changed within the period-end billing period |
106 | Meter reading unit has been changed within the period-end billing period |
107 | Periodic billing cannot be performed yet |
108 | Interim billing is not permitted within the backbilling period |
109 | Interim billing is not permitted within the period-end billing period |
110 | Execute period-end billing first |
111 | Period-end billing order is missing |
112 | Schema contains no period-end billing rate |
113 | Not permissible to change rate category in period-end billing period |
114 | Not permissible to change rate category in backbilling period |
115 | Not permissible to change rate category in period-end billing period |
116 | Number of contracts billed____________________: &1 |
117 | Number of contracts simulated_________________: &1 |
118 | Number of incorrect contracts_________________: &1 |
119 | Start of overall chk: date: &1; time: &2 |
120 | End of overall check: date: &1; time: &2 |
121 | Total number of contracts selected____________: &1 |
122 | Number of overall checks performed____________: &1 |
123 | Total number of contracts processed___________: &1 |
124 | Budget billing amount extrapolation cannot be performed |
125 | Simulation cannot be performed due to backbilling or final billing |
126 | Season definition for season &1 is not unique |
127 | Not possible to update operand &1 of the operand category &2 |
128 | Billing document was placed in the spool |
129 | Simulation performed for contract account &1 |
130 | Billing executed for contract account &1 |
131 | Simulation of contract account &1 terminated |
132 | Billing of contract account &1 terminated |
133 | Contract account &1 can be billed |
134 | Contract account &1 cannot be billed |
135 | Operand &1 requires a weighting key |
136 | Outsorting has already been released |
137 | Document has already been released |
138 | Control document &1 was deleted; invoicing document &2 was posted |
139 | Billing document &1 released |
140 | Outsorting &1 of invoicing document &2 has been released |
141 | Outsorting &1 of billing document &2 has been released |
142 | Variant &1 terminated because condition was (not) met |
143 | Operand &1 has value zero; block adjustment not possible |
144 | Manual billing of contract &1 terminated |
145 | Value &1 is too high for multiplying it with price block of price &2 |
146 | Billing order for method UtilBillingDocAuto.Create is missing |
147 | Enter selection criteria |
148 | Enter a reconciliation key |
149 | Last processed contract_______________________: &1 |
150 | Not possible to update an average price for price &1 |
151 | Not possible to update operand &1 to the installation facts |
152 | Number of incorrect contracts per division____: &2 division &1 |
153 | No. of incorrect contracts for other divisions: &1 |
154 | Not possible to delete line items in the case of price summary &1 |
155 | Burning hours for operation mode &1 not maintained from &2 to &3 |
156 | No previous document could be found for contract &1 |
157 | Previous document for contract &1 could not be read |
158 | Period-end billing document could not be read for contract &1 |
159 | No period-end billing document could be determined for contract &1 |
160 | No documents for period-end billing period found for contract &1 |
161 | No backbilling period documents found for contract &1 |
162 | No operation modes maintained for lighting unit &1 |
163 | Key date is required for access control &1 |
164 | Operation mode &1 is already allocated (entry no. &2) |
165 | Enter a value for operation mode &1 |
166 | Specify a key date for period control &1 |
167 | Quantity bases for price &1 and price &2 do not match |
168 | Only standard prices can be processed |
169 | Billing run number__: &1 |
170 | Operand &1 is used twice in deletion variants |
171 | Deletion operand &1 in step &2 is inconsistent |
172 | Operand &1 is not used as a deletion operand |
173 | Deletion variant with inconsistent time slice |
174 | Deletion operand &3 in schema &1 is inconsistent |
175 | Portion &1 was simulated successfully |
176 | Portion &1 was billed successfully |
177 | Simulation of portion &1 was terminated |
178 | Billing of portion &1 was terminated |
179 | Processing of contract &1 was terminated |
180 | Output operand &1 in step &2 does not correspond to deletion operand &3 |
181 | Error during release; check the log |
182 | Calorific value procedure &1 does not exist |
183 | Cal. value maintenance not permitted for CV procedure &1 time ref. CV &2 |
184 | Only arithmetic average is possible for daily temperature values |
185 | Only possible to calculate average using billing period |
186 | Weighting key &1 not permissible with weighting procedure &2 |
187 | &2 of &1 checked rates are inconsistent |
188 | Create operand values for operand &1 (season &2) |
189 | Processing was terminated |
190 | Rate determination for rate type &1 and rate category &2 inconsistent |
191 | Enter a rate type and a rate category |
192 | A rate determination does not exist for rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
193 | A rate determination already exists for rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
194 | Device &1 register &2 period &3-&4: calorific value district missing |
195 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3-&4: compressibility via user exit incorrect |
196 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3-&4: compressibility from user exit missing |
197 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: incor. from-date in comp.table from user exit |
198 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: incor. to-date in compr. table from user exit |
199 | Device &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: compress. table from user exit inconsistent |
200 | At least two operands are required to check units of measurement |
201 | Device &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: compress. table from user exit implausible |
202 | Device &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: compress. table from user exit unclear |
203 | Rate type &1 and rate category &2 belong to different divisions |
204 | Rate type &1 and rate category &2 belong to different billing classes |
205 | Rate &1 has division &2; rate category &3 has division &4 |
206 | Rate &1 has billing class &2; rate category &3 has billing class &4 |
207 | Rate &1 is not contained in schema &2 |
208 | Calorific value district &1 date &2: no entry in V_TE450 |
209 | Franchise contract &1 not valid in specified period |
210 | Enter a from-date |
211 | Enter a to-date |
212 | Enter a to-date that is after or on the from-date |
213 | Enter at least one rate |
214 | Schema &1 does not contain rate &2 |
215 | Lock problem occurred during rate determination |
216 | Calorific value district &1: no daily calorific values exist |
217 | Changes were transferred |
218 | Calorific value district &1 <,= date &2: cal. values for billing missing |
219 | You have already entered rate &1 |
220 | Incorrect combination of field entries for base procedure &1 |
221 | Rate &1 permissibility does not correspond to permissibility for &2 |
222 | No register rate is allocated to rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
223 | Device &1 reg. &2 period &3-&4: measured press./air press./temp. missing |
224 | Rate determination created for rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
225 | Rate determination changed for rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
226 | Rate determination deleted for rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
227 | Create a rate determination |
228 | Rate determination is inconsistent |
229 | Rate determination is consistent |
230 | Automation data for rate determination is inconsistent |
231 | Automation data for rate determination is inconsistent |
232 | Automation data for rate determination is inconsistent |
233 | Allow at least one value |
234 | No default values were entered for the deletion operands |
235 | Periods were adjusted |
236 | Not possible to correct gas law deviation factor for GL dev. factor 03 |
237 | Gas law deviation factor 03 is only possible for temp./pressure billing |
238 | Mass run terminated due to customer check |
239 | Value not permissible for a month: &1 |
240 | Error in communication processing |
241 | Device &1 (logical register &2) period &3-&4: error reading P_X_ZW |
242 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: no VCF (oper.vol. meter shows zero consumpt.) |
243 | Line item type &1 does not exist |
244 | Different franchise fee groups exist for line item type &1 in the rate |
245 | No franchise fee group exists in the rate for line item type &1 |
246 | No franchise fee group exists in the rate |
247 | No franchise contract in the installation |
248 | Dev. &1 reg. &2 per. &3-&4: no VCF (stnd vol. meter shows zero consumpt.) |
249 | No contribution defined for the franchise contract being used |
250 | Select the corresponding indicator for the exception list |
251 | Reference value was deleted |
252 | Invoicing completed |
253 | Not possible to maintain block adjustment fields for scale prices |
254 | Price update with operand &1: price type does not match |
255 | Price blocks do not match; price update is not possible |
256 | New line items have resulted |
257 | Number of line items were reduced to &1 |
258 | Enter a value that is not season-based for operand &1 |
259 | Enter a value for season &2 for operand &1 |
260 | Meter reading result for device &1 register &2 missing on &3 |
261 | End of check for rate &1 |
262 | Results of the overall check for all rates |
263 | Installation &1 key date &2 not found (access FM &3) |
264 | Installation &1 not found (access FM &2) |
265 | Backbilling period &1: error at start of meter reading result determin. |
266 | Backbilling period &1: error at end of meter reading result determination |
267 | FM &1: earliest from-date in &2 not equal to &3 (internal error) |
268 | FM &1: gap before from-date &2 in &3 (internal error) |
269 | &1-&2 from I_TIMESLICES not in &3-&4 (internal error) |
270 | Most recent to-date &1 from &2 must be &3 (internal error) |
271 | FM &1 import table &2 is empty (internal error) |
272 | Function module &1: error during extrapolation |
273 | Specify a rate type that results in an appropriate unit of measurement |
274 | Internal error translating amount field in outsorting &1 |
275 | Billing document &1 was billed again |
276 | Invoicing documents cannot be billed again |
277 | Released documents cannot be reversed or billed again |
278 | Reversed documents cannot be released or billed again |
279 | Do not use price type "scale price" for price category "flat rate" |
280 | Portion &1 can be billed |
281 | Portion &1 cannot be billed |
282 | Billing was terminated via the UTILIT99 variant |
283 | Simulation of billing order selection was terminated |
284 | Billing order selection can be billed |
285 | Billing order cannot be processed |
286 | Billing of billing selection was terminated |
287 | Billing selection was simulated |
288 | Billing selection was billed |
289 | Billing order selection cannot be billed |
290 | Internal: event &1 for object type &2 cannot be triggered |
291 | Portion &1 was simulated |
292 | Billing order selection was simulated |
293 | Not possible to maintain history for average price without history |
294 | Not possible to maintain a factor here with franchise fee category |
295 | Prices with history require a transaction currency |
296 | Individual contracts for outline contr. &1 did not pass completeness chck |
297 | Results of the mass check for all rate determinations |
298 | End of rate determination check: rate type &1, rate category &2, rate &3 |
299 | &1 rate determinations were checked; of these, &2 are inconsistent |
300 | More than one value was updated for operand &1 |
301 | Rate type &1 does not have a unique permissibility |
302 | No demand values are set to active |
303 | Contract &1 is blocked for billing, billing block reason &2 |
304 | &1 schemas were checked; of these, &2 are inconsistent |
305 | End of check for schema &1 |
306 | Results of the mass check for all billing schemas |
307 | ************************************************************************* |
308 | Price can only be saved with historical data |
309 | Specify a date within the period &1 - &2 |
310 | &1 was not found |
311 | Billing was terminated for installation &1 |
312 | Total number of selected installations________: &1 |
313 | Total number of processed installations_______: &1 |
314 | Number of incorrect installations_____________: &1 |
315 | Number of incorrect installations per division: &2, &1 division |
316 | Installation processed last___________________: &1 |
317 | Number of installations billed successfully___: &1 |
318 | Number of incorrect installations per division: &2, &1 division |
319 | Number of installations simulated successfully: &1 |
320 | Operand &1 is not from operand category &2 |
321 | Transfer of facts for installation &1 terminated due to errors |
322 | Not possible to transfer facts for installation &1 |
323 | Not possible to transfer facts to installation &1 |
324 | Device &1 with division &2 does not exist in installation &3 |
325 | Register number &1 does not exist in device &2 |
326 | Error occurred reversing the transfer of facts for installation &v1& |
327 | Document number &1: error in user exit for billing reversal |
328 | Contract &1: no billing documents exist in the period &2 - &3 |
329 | Method &1: error inserting document number &2 for table &3 |
330 | Number of outsorted documents per division____: &2, &1 division |
331 | First contract processed______________________: &1 |
332 | Choose contract or installation |
333 | First installation processed: &1 |
334 | Choose contract, installation, or contract account |
335 | No values were found for operand &1 on &2 |
336 | Installation &1 is not billed with schema &3 on &2 |
337 | Select an input operand |
338 | Document &1: update error in function module &2 |
339 | No discounts exist for line item &1 |
340 | No conversions exist for line item &1 |
341 | Discount &1 has division &2 instead of &3 |
342 | Discount &1 has billing class &2 instead of &3 |
343 | Discount &1 is not valid through &2 |
344 | Choose a shorter billing period |
345 | Operand &1 updates to schema step with fact values |
346 | Implausible overflow for device &1, register &2, from-date &3, to-date &4 |
347 | Proration error |
348 | Error rounding actual meter reading results to the meter reading rounding |
349 | Outsorted billing documents must be released prior to invoicing |
350 | Specify a contract for which backbilling or period-end billing is active |
351 | OUtsorted print documents must be released prior to bill printout |
352 | Device &1 register &2: meter reading document numbers &3/&4 incorrect |
353 | Simulated billing documents were saved |
354 | Rate &1 is not a register rate |
355 | Simulated billing documents were invoiced |
356 | Document no. &1: incorrect call of adjustment reversal for a move-out |
357 | Adjustment reversal not poss. for period-end billing doc. &1 for move-out |
358 | No unit of measurement for billing exists |
359 | Error occurred in quantity conversion regarding number of conversions |
360 | Error occurred in quantity conversion when grouping together time slices |
361 | Unknown register category &1 include &2 routine &3 in quantity conversion |
362 | Not possible to balance rounding in quantity conversion |
363 | No entry in &4 for logical register &1 from &2 to &3 |
364 | Device &1 register &2 operand &3 date &4 |
365 | Not permissible to change billing rounding from &1 to &2 |
366 | Billing document &1 cannot be reversed after a period of &2 &3 |
367 | Bill. doc. &1 end of bill. period &2 cannot be reversed due to archiving |
368 | Document to be reversed (&1) cannot be found in file &2 |
369 | Billing document &1 is in archiving index &2 |
370 | Document &1 is already in archiving index |
371 | Previous document &1 for document &2 is in archiving index |
372 | Previous document &1 for billing document &2 cannot be determined |
373 | "Temperature extra" indic. only poss. for thermal gas billing 01 and 02 |
374 | "Pressure extra" indicator only possible for thermal gas billing 02 |
375 | Curreny &1 is not a currency of the European Monetary Union |
376 | Maintain the statistics groups in step &1 |
377 | Can only choose "Temp. extra" with "Press. extra" (for ther. gas bill.02) |
378 | &4 &1 is inconsistent: entry missing in table &2 |
379 | Statistics group &1 is inconsistent: field &2 is not permissible |
380 | &4 &1 is inconsistent: field &2 is not permissible |
381 | &1 &2 is inconsistent: value &3 not permitted for field &4 |
382 | &1 &2 has no update rules for Profitability Analysis |
383 | &1 &2 has no update rules for UIS |
384 | Level of operand group &1 is inconsistent |
385 | Group hierarchy for operand group &1 is inconsistent |
386 | Operand group &1 contains itself as upper-level group |
387 | Upper-level group &2 for operand group &1 was not found |
388 | Operand &1 cannot be deleted |
389 | Update not possible for operand &1 |
390 | No device or register exists that is subject to a rental price |
391 | Internal: error adjusting installation facts |
392 | Internal: error occurred balancing rounding errors |
393 | Joule-Thomson indicator cannot be used yet |
394 | Statistics group &1 not permitted for variant &2 |
395 | Billing line item &1 > maximum &2 |
396 | Statistics group &1 does not exist |
397 | Statistics group &1 not permitted for variant &2 |
398 | Enter a value in the "Type of qty" field |
399 | Quantity type only for variants that write posting-relevant b.line items |
400 | Record &2 not found in the table |
401 | Facts for rate &2 for fact group &1 are inconsistent |
402 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
403 | No objects with error messages found |
404 | No objects with warnings found |
405 | Quantity entered for operand &1 is zero |
406 | Division for the new contract is different from the reference |
407 | No meter reading results were found for the billing order |
408 | No default value entered for measured pressure for technical device inst. |
409 | You chose several default value for measured pressure at tech. installat. |
410 | There is exactly one default value for the technical device installation |
411 | Billing document &1 is still being used |
412 | Combination of franchise fee procedure and operand not permitted |
413 | Enter a quantity base |
414 | Select a franchise fee group to copy it |
415 | Enter a currency |
416 | The measured pressure &1 does not exist |
417 | No FF group could be found in the interval from &1 to &2 |
418 | In spec. procedure ZE you cannot enter determ. of GLDF and corr. of GLDF |
419 | Error in determination of GLDF for equipment &1, register &2 |
420 | Franchise fee price limit only permitted in category No franchise fee |
421 | A Customizing transport request was created |
422 | You can find expl. of field contents for radio buttons in the long text |
423 | Program &1 is obsolete and is only used for control purposes |
424 | You are not allowed to enter a time category |
425 | Error transferring to Excel sheet |
426 | First you must reverse the following documents: |
427 | Contract &1, Document &2, end of billing period &3 |
428 | Reverse the billing documents that were created after the &1 billing doc. |
429 | Do not suppress temperature calculation when Joule-Thomson effect is used |
430 | The &1 document entered cannot be found |
431 | The &1 reversal reason is not in the &2 table |
432 | The transport entry for price &1 has been created |
433 | Choose additional temperature calculation to take J-T effect into account |
434 | Choose additional pressure calculation to take J-T effect into account |
435 | Choose GasPr.det. to take J-T effect into account |
436 | Enter a PrTempR-JT key to calculate J-T effect |
437 | Only enter PrTempR-JT key if J-T effect is to be calculated |
438 | The operand group level of the &1 operand group is too high |
439 | No errors found - operand group levels were set |
440 | Missing &1 franchise fee group in franchise contract |
441 | Initial pressure cannot be determined for time period from &1 to &2 |
442 | Errors occured - refer to log |
443 | &1 key is not in &2 table |
444 | &1 key: No values for pressure/temperature drop in &2 table |
445 | Special procedures are not permitted for temperature or pressure extra |
446 | Inconsistency in billing - Contact SAP |
447 | Select at least one currency |
448 | Key press./temp. f. J-T effect &1: no from-date less than or equal to &2 |
449 | It is not possible to combine billing in advance and period-end billing |
450 | Fields not ready for input in &1 schema step, &2 variant are filled |
451 | A valid advance period cannot be determined |
452 | Cannot bill in advance |
453 | Enter a &1 that is not equal to zero |
454 | Enter a validity date |
455 | Enter a key |
456 | Pressure drop for &1 key is zero |
457 | Data may be lost if you use the Joule-thomson Effect |
458 | Data may be lost if you use temperature extra and pressure extra |
459 | Transport of &1 &2 was cancelled |
460 | Gas billing type must match type in reference |
461 | Joule-Thomson effect is only possible with thermal gas billing 00 |
462 | The gas allocation date &2 already exists for the &1 billing document |
463 | Gas allocation date &1 is set |
464 | Enter a meter-reading document number and a gas allocation date |
465 | Specify a rate type for weighting key &1 |
466 | Specify a rate type for billing unit of measure &1 |
467 | Maintain facts for RTP operands at rate level |
468 | The selection was limited to the maximum permitted amount |
469 | The last value does not match the one in the &1 calorific value procedure |
470 | There is no executable schema step |
471 | 'Last value' cannot be combined with proration or calculation of average |
472 | 'Last value' in CV procedure &3 is unequal to value in VCF procedure &1 |
473 | 'Last value' in VCF proc. &1 is unequal to value in cal. val. proc. &2 |
474 | Select a different billing order |
475 | &1 document cannot be reversed for adjustment |
476 | Billing quantities with mixed plus and minus signs is not permitted |
477 | Control of billing in advance is not standard in the IF-ENDIF clause |
478 | &1 deletion operand: Control of billing in advance is not consistent |
479 | &1 container is allocated to &2 location at &3 |
480 | &1 container is allocated to another cont. (&2 installation, &3 operand) |
481 | Enter the missing energy feeding volume for &1 calorific value district |
482 | No entries in &2 table for &1 calorific value district |
483 | Enter a container for &1 installation, &2 operand |
484 | Energy feeding volumes for &1 cal. val. district incompletely maintained |
485 | Energy feeding vols for spec. cal. val. districts completely maintained |
486 | &1 is not permitted as control for advance billing in &2 step |
487 | If you want to transport &1 manually, please read the long text |
488 | Rate determination for rate type &1 of rate category &2 does not exist |
489 | You do not have authorization to display &1 contract with &2 auth. group |
490 | Error in user exit for calorific value altitude test |
491 | You Cannot Select Info Lines in Case of Back Billing in Step &1 |
492 | Specify the number of output parameters for RTP interface &1 |
493 | Select an output parameter for operand category &1 |
494 | Address data for &1 premise could not be found |
495 | Register operand &1 exists several times in rate step &2 |
496 | Profile value is missing for profile &1, date &2, time&3 |
497 | &4 is zero in device &1, register &2 |
498 | Error determining meter reading |
499 | Error determining meter reading |
500 | Enter a lower limit for the interval |
501 | You chose more than one billing document |
502 | The quantity base for price &1 is zero |
503 | No profile value exists for profile &1 period &2 to &3 |
504 | Error occured when opening profile &1 period &2 to &3 |
505 | RTP operands only possible for operand categories QUANT, DEMAND or AMOUNT |
506 | No register allocations for role &1 |
507 | No register allocations for role &1 until &2 |
508 | Billing document &1 already invoiced with invoicing document &2 |
509 | In gas procedure &1 the VCF is missing from the VCF procedure &2 |
510 | Choose only one volume correction factor access when using VCF from reg. |
511 | Volume correction factor is missing for register for period &2 to &3 |
512 | Cannot maintain MeasPrPror/GasPrDeterm/GasPrCorr for thermal gas bill. &1 |
513 | Not possible to take JT effect into account for thermal gas billing 03 |
514 | Joule-Thompson effect is not taken into account for special procedures |
515 | In gas procedure &1, &3 is missing from VCF procedure &2 |
516 | Spec. proc. for register rel. ZZ: compressibility only possible by device |
517 | You can only enter the RTP interface when interval counters are allowed |
518 | RTP interface &1 has division &2 instead &3 |
519 | RTP interface &1 does not exist |
520 | Rate for interval meter permitted; enter an RTP interface |
521 | Operand &1 only permissible for interval meter rates |
522 | You cannot use RTP operand &1 as an output operand |
523 | Rate does not contain RTP operands |
524 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_006 |
525 | No interval meter rate allocated to rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
526 | Cannot reset document number &1 due to re-billing &2 |
527 | RTP interface &2 does not supply operand &1 |
528 | Schema &1 contains steps for rate &2 in another sequence |
529 | Fields will be hidden for the gross price |
530 | Schema steps compared to sequence of rate &1 steps |
531 | You cannot maintain all fields for dynamic period control |
532 | Error &3 in &4 when accessing RTP component &1 period &2 |
533 | Error &3 in &4 when accessing RTP component &1 event parameter &2 |
534 | RTP component &1: Event parameter &2, event &3, access error &4 |
535 | Incorrect call of adjustment reversal f. cust. change in doc. no. &1 |
536 | Incorrect call of adjustment reversal for document number &1 |
537 | Incorrect call of adjustment reversal for contract change for doc. no. &1 |
538 | Select an output parameter for unit of measure &1 |
539 | No further adjustment reversal possible for billing document &1 |
540 | Error in user exit "EXIT_SAPLEABW_001" |
541 | Cannot carry out meter reading unit replacement |
542 | Cannot carry out meter reading unit replacement |
543 | Doc. no. &1: Cannot cancel adjustment reversal |
544 | Doc. no. &1: Adj. rev. (cust./cont. change) only poss. for zero bill |
545 | Doc. no. &1: Error cancelling adjustment reversal |
546 | Cancel doc. no. &1: Cannot cancel adjustment revers. (cust./cont. change) |
547 | Doc. no. &1: Orig. doc. number for cancelling adjust. reversal missing |
548 | Print. doc. &2 for billing doc. &1 has already been cancelled for billing |
549 | Billing document &1 has not been invoiced correctly |
550 | Document &1 has not been cancelled |
551 | Doc. number &1: Cannot cancel adjustment reversal |
552 | Contract &1 (doc. no. &2) does not fit contract &3 (doc. no. &4) |
553 | Document &1: Print document &2 is more recent than print document &3 |
554 | Specify a weighting key |
555 | You cannot use a weighting key with the "Last value" procedure |
556 | Doc. no. &1 (contract &2) has separate period-end billing |
557 | Internal error: price is inconsistent |
558 | Unknown value &1, domain &2, program &3, routine &4 |
559 | Invalid value &1: ID &2, user exit &3, function &4 |
560 | Invalid value &1: ID &2, routine &3, include &4 |
561 | Document number &1 of contract &2: error during simulation run |
562 | Contract &1: Error during re-billing (contract/customer change) |
563 | Document no. &1: Adjustment reversal can only be partially canceled |
564 | Install. &1, billing date &2: Bill. doc. &3, line item &4 inconsistent |
565 | Unit of measurement &1, time &2-&3: Error in usage factor |
566 | Doc. no. &1, installation &2, period &3-&4: Error cancelling usage factor |
567 | Operand period &1-&2 is not within billing period &3-&4 |
568 | Cannot determine usage factor for bill &1, operand &2 due to schema step |
569 | Cannot determine usage factor (operand &1/&2 equals unit of measure &3) |
570 | Conversion error: Date &1, time &2, time zone &3 to time zone &4 |
571 | Schema step &1: Table layout &2 not possible for period-end billing |
572 | Period-end billing rate &1 cannot be used |
573 | Backbilling is not allowed in schema &1 |
574 | Billing in advance control &1 is not valid |
575 | Period control &1 is not allowed with dynamic period control |
576 | Backbilling group &1 in step &2 is inconsistent |
577 | Formula &1, paramater &2, time &3-&4: Cannot determine calculation mode |
578 | Maintain the time slice generator in step &1 |
579 | The gross price and net price have different zones in price group &4 |
580 | Update type &1 not allowed with dynamic period control |
581 | Gross group &1 is inconsistent |
582 | Gross group &1 is not compatible with period control |
583 | Gross group &1 is only used once |
584 | The gross line field is not consistent in gross group &1 |
585 | Step &1 has no gross group, but the gross line field is selected |
586 | Step &1: Gross line and posting-relevant fields selected |
587 | Step &1: Gross group not allowed with price grouping |
588 | Gross group &1 is used for multiple rates |
589 | No calculation mode for formula &1, parameter &2, event &3 |
590 | Net lines for the gross price are missing in gross group &4 |
591 | Net lines for the gross price are missing in gross group &4 |
592 | Net lines for the gross price are missing in gross group &4 |
593 | Step &1: Variant category &2 is not valid |
594 | Billing document &1 contains an error in gross group &4 |
595 | Internal: Differentiator missing in gross group &1 |
596 | Internal: Gross group &2 has no gross price in billing document &1 |
597 | Internal: Error reading weighting key &1 (&2 &3) |
598 | The temperature area in installation &2 is missing for weighting key &1 |
599 | Installation &1, date &2: Temp. area missing for degree day weight. &3 |
600 | Period category not filled in table IZWST |
601 | Inconsistency in MR document &1, connector &2, log. register &3, date &4 |
602 | Internal error: CSNO &1 not found in table &2 |
603 | Meter reading reason is not relevant for billing |
604 | No proration due to incorrect schema setup for dynamic period control |
605 | Error during dynamic billing reversal |
606 | Installation &1 not valid on key date &2 |
607 | Do not process positive/negative time-dependent quantities simultaneously |
608 | The document will be released in the background |
609 | An error occurred - invoice account &1 again |
610 | Error during release of document &1 - restart the process |
611 | No documents available for release in the background |
612 | Gas procedure &1 is not valid |
613 | Gas procedure &1 is not valid |
614 | A transport request for discount &1 was generated |
615 | Gross group &1 does not exist in schema &2 for rate &3 |
616 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_006 |
617 | DEMAND18 cannot process register operands with multiple registers |
618 | Gas date must lie between the previous and the subsequent meter reading |
619 | Document and contract have different currencies; conversion not possible |
620 | You are not authorized to create object &1 in division &2, class &3 |
621 | You are not authorized to change object &1 in division &2, class &3 |
622 | You are not authorized to display object &1 in division &2, class &3 |
623 | The time slices of operand &1 are not identical |
624 | No periods to be set up exist in schema &2 for category &1 |
625 | An actual meter reading result must be followed by recalculation |
626 | Error in enhancement EBIS0009: Price &1 not available in currency &2 |
627 | Error in User Exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_007 |
628 | Several rates (&3-&4) found for rate type &1 and rate category &2 |
629 | Division &1 unsuitable for permissibility for waste management |
630 | Variant &1 is only valid for rates in Waste Management |
631 | Variant &1 is invalid for rates in Waste Management |
632 | Special value assignment &2 of operand &1 is not valid |
633 | Error in user exit EXIT_SAPLEA54_002 |
634 | Value &1 for grouping of gas factors (transaction EA74) is unrecognized |
635 | Tax determination group &1 is inconsistent |
636 | Enter a tax determinataion group in schema step &1 |
637 | Simulation cannot be carried out from billing |
638 | RTP interface is already displayed for rate &1 |
639 | Selected rate &1 does not have an RTP interface |
640 | Billing schema already contains &1 steps |
641 | Invoicing is not possible for contract account &1 |
642 | Day offset &1 does not match interval size &2 |
643 | Contract &1 is blocked for billing |
644 | You did not select an RTP rate |
645 | Installation &1: No contract valid from &2 to &3 |
646 | DPC ESTB: Meter reading result determination at start of &1 has errors... |
647 | DPC ESTB: Meter reading result determination at end of &2 has errors |
648 | The reason categories specified for dynamic per.ctrl &1 do not match up |
649 | DPC ESTB: Meter reading result determination at start of &1 has errors |
650 | You changed billing-specific data before the last billing (&1) |
651 | No documents found for contract &1 |
652 | The to-date for &1 has been adjusted |
653 | Values exist in the reversal period for installation &1 , operand &2 |
654 | DPC ESTB: Meter reading result determination at end of &2 has errors |
655 | You cannot combine dynamic period ctrl &1 with budget billing amount |
656 | DPC ESTB: Meter reading result determ. for previous period has errors |
657 | DPC ESTB: Meter reading result determ. for previous period has errors |
658 | Meter reading result determination for previous period has errors |
659 | Previous period &1-&2 UNEQUAL to budget billing period &3-&4 |
660 | You can only combine to-the-day air pressure with the daily procedure |
661 | Manual reversal is necessary to obtain correct period-end billing |
662 | Invalid value in field &1 and/or &2 routine &3 document number &4 |
663 | DPC ESTB:BillOrd. Install. &1, SchBillDate &2, BillTrans. &3 not billable |
664 | Error in user exit 'EXIT_SAPLEABR_001' |
665 | DPC ESTB: Category of current period is not unique |
666 | DPC-ESTB: Original category of current period is not unique |
667 | Document &1 -> print document &2 not reversed (chain &3) |
668 | Billing doc. &1 (invoicing indicator incorrect in ERCHC) (start doc. &2) |
669 | Adjust. reversal not executed for billing document &1 (start document &2) |
670 | Billing doc. &1 not reversable by EA21 (invoicing doc. &2 reversed w. &3) |
671 | No transaction found with search term you specified |
672 | Device/register &1 date &2: multiple meter reading overflow |
673 | Installation &1 time &2-&3: Error determining usage factor |
674 | The billing document does not contain a document number: Contract &1 |
675 | Billing class is inconsistent |
676 | No values found for rate &1, rate fact group &2 |
677 | Meter reading unit does not match rate category |
678 | Error changing from rate category &1 to rate category &2 |
679 | No categories of current period can be determined |
680 | Rate change is only possible after dynamic backbilling |
681 | Rate category change is only possible after meter reading on database |
682 | Rate category &1 does not exist |
683 | Operand &1 is not a register operand |
684 | You have not defined a season |
685 | Operand &1 has an impermissible control for this variant |
686 | Number of seasons is greater than the number of output operands |
687 | Error in User Exit 'EXIT_SAPLEBRECOV_001' |
688 | End of the last simulation period is not clear |
689 | Start date cannot be determined |
690 | Discount &1 already exists w/o currency. Choose another key. |
691 | ERCHV anchor line not used for backbilling |
692 | Document &1 preceding document &2 is in the archiving period |
693 | Billing document could not be determined for installation &1 |
694 | Price &1 not available in currency &2 |
695 | Discount/surcharge &1 not available in currency &2 |
696 | Error in enhancement EBIS0009: Discount &1 not available in currency &2 |
697 | Billing orders &1, &2, &3 cannot be deleted |
698 | No entry in therm. gas billing |
699 | No Authorization to create price &1 division, &2 bill class &3, reason &4 |
700 | No authorization to change price &1, division &2, bill class &3, reasn &4 |
701 | No authorization to display price &1, division &2, bill class &3, reasn&4 |
702 | Price block adjustment only possible for quantity-dependent block prices |
703 | Price &1 cannot be selected as an average price |
704 | Billing document &1 reversed |
705 | Enter a text for the price |
706 | Price level can only be entered for rental price (price cat. 3) |
707 | Do not enter a unit of meas.for flat-rate/rental price (price cat. 2/3) |
708 | Enter a unit of measurement |
709 | Do not enter a time basis/time category for quantity-based scale price |
710 | Do not select the quantity-based standard price as FF price limit |
711 | Enter time basis and time category |
712 | Installation cannot be changed |
713 | Installation &1 is not available |
714 | Specify an entry with from block 0 for currency &2, date &1 |
715 | Entry already exists for date &1 and from block &2 |
716 | Blocks cannot be defined for standard prices |
717 | Enter a date in the field 'valid from' |
718 | Not possible to update operand &1 to the installation facts |
719 | Div., billing class and price type can only be maintained when created |
720 | Enter a billing class |
721 | Enter a division |
722 | Enter a price |
723 | The indicator set cannot be used for rate type &1 |
724 | Operand &1 cannot be limited |
725 | Dependent entries in the volume correction factor procedure table (TE685) |
726 | Price &1 cannot be deleted or changed |
727 | Enter discount type and category |
728 | Discount type and category can only be entered for flat-rate scale prices |
729 | Too many price entries. Limit the selection. |
730 | Select exactly one currency. |
731 | Access date for customer-defined access procedure is missing |
732 | Enter a price category |
733 | Consumption type &1 is inconsistent with other data |
734 | Select one of the currencies &2 |
735 | Automation data: To-date comes before from-date |
736 | Calculated amount is too large |
737 | Interim billing cannot be executed |
738 | Enter an installation |
739 | Values for operand &1 must not be deleted |
740 | &1: Unknown or unexpected meter reading reason &2 in &3 |
741 | Price &2 can only be used in the installation facts of installation &1 |
742 | Price &2 can only be allocated to a product-related operand |
743 | Installation &1 in price &2 is not the same as installation &3 |
744 | Adjustment reversal for document &1 from contract &2 is not permitted |
745 | Enter a valid value for rounding (interval -9 to +9) |
746 | Document was released by user &1, on &2, at &3 |
747 | Document &1 does not have a log |
748 | Start generation: Date: &1 Time: &2 |
749 | End generation: Date: &1 Time: &2 |
750 | No documents determined from installation facts of istallation &1 |
751 | Inconsistent time slices in installn facts of installn &1 (operand &2 &3) |
752 | No billing document found between &1 and &2 |
753 | From block must be different to infinity ('9999999999') |
754 | Generated ERCHV in &1 were deleted |
755 | Consumption history generated in document &1 |
756 | &1 documents were processed for extraction |
757 | No values exist for reference value &1 |
758 | A franchise fee procedure cannot be found using document type &1 |
759 | No notes exist for schema step &1 |
760 | Invoicing order missing for billing document &1 |
761 | Calculation triggers already exist for profile &1 |
762 | The calculated consumption is too high |
763 | Operand name must not contain special characters "*" and "," |
764 | Extractions index cannot be deleted because archiving already started |
765 | Consumption history not generated in document &1 |
766 | Same consumption history already exists in document &1 |
767 | Consumption history generated in &1 documents of installation &2 |
768 | Arithmetic overflow in &1 calculation |
769 | Change to group characteristics for installation &1 date &2 not permitted |
770 | Division &1 does not exist |
771 | Billing class &1 does not exist |
772 | GASABART &1 does not exist |
773 | Outsorting group &1 does not exist |
774 | Statistics group type &1 does not exist |
775 | Operand category &1 does not exist |
776 | Unit of measurement &1 does not exist |
777 | Meter reading group &1 does not exist |
778 | Weighting key &1 does not exist |
779 | Operand group &1 does not exist |
780 | Consumption type &1 does not exist |
781 | Currency unit &1 does not exist |
782 | Rate cat. &1 has an inconsistent definition for back/period-end billing |
783 | Operand &1 has an inconsistent rounding definition |
784 | Operand &1 has inconsistent values in the service fields |
785 | Discount/surchage &1 has an incorrect category |
786 | Field &1 in discount/surcharge &2 is inconsistent |
787 | Currency &1 in discount/surcharge &2 is inconsistent |
788 | Inconsistent gas date for meter reading &1, device &2, register &3 |
789 | The time restriction in discount/surcharge &1 is inconsistent |
790 | Error in BAdI for price block adjustment ISU_BI_PR_BLOCK_ADJ |
791 | Internal error calling method &1 |
792 | Internal error: Inconsistent parameter &1 in method &2 |
793 | Contract &2 billing document &1 does not belong to installation group |
794 | Bill. order of inst. &1 with sched. bill date &2 does not belong to instG |
795 | No text symbols ( program &1 language &2 <> 'D') found |
796 | No text symbols found ( program &1 language &2 ) |
797 | Documents/billing orders are missing from secondary installation &1 |
798 | Billing period from sec. installation &1 does not match prim. inst. &2 |
799 | Billing document missing for secondary installation &1 |
800 | Error during log processing |
801 | The consistency check has not yet been executed |
802 | Download rejected due to inconsistent objects |
803 | Transport no___: &1 |
804 | Download to file: _ &1 cancelled |
805 | Master data successfully downloaded to file &1 |
806 | &1 executed |
807 | Incorrect file format, upload has to be cancelled |
808 | No objects or inconsistent transport requirements found |
809 | Transport rejected: Different releases or same system/client |
810 | Start of consistency check for billing master data &1 - &2 |
811 | End of consistency check for billing master data &1 - &2 |
812 | <<<< Start of consistency check for &1 |
813 | >>>> End of check of &1 &2 &3 &4 |
814 | &1 &2 checked, &3 inconsistent |
815 | No object found for the update |
816 | Objects could not be locked for the update |
817 | Error accessing database |
818 | Update successfully completed ! |
819 | Update completed using forced transaction |
820 | Real update not permitted in simulation run |
821 | Division &1 still used by current or historical installations |
822 | Update terminated due to inconsistent objects |
823 | Update or simulation has not yet been executed |
824 | Update cancelled |
825 | Simulation or update has already been executed |
826 | Update has already been executed for the transport file |
827 | This variant enhances price &1 without adjusting the price block |
828 | Inconsistent objects found during update simulation |
829 | No inconsistent objects found during update simulation |
830 | Report can only be executed by &1 in system &2, client &3 |
831 | &1 has not yet been registered for the report |
832 | Error during backup of modified master data |
833 | Master data was deleted |
834 | Reading error for table &1 in &2 ( key &3 = &4) |
835 | Include &1: Error allocating field symbol &2 to &3 |
836 | Secondary installation &1: Installation role changed |
837 | Grouping type &1 has distribution type &2 |
838 | No installation roles allocated to grouping type &1 |
839 | Grouping type &1 has distribution-relevant installation role &2 |
840 | Installation role &1 is not used for any grouping type |
841 | Grouping type &1 installation role &2: Consumption-relevant ind. &3 |
842 | Grouping type &1 installation role &2: Distribution-relevant indicator &3 |
843 | Impermissible combination of indicators |
844 | Distribution type &1 not used |
845 | Grouping type &1 installation role &2: Operand &3 not permitted |
846 | Target operand &1 is not permitted for supply using ERCHV |
847 | Primary installation billing order: End of billing period not specified |
848 | Termination caused by error in processing secondary installation |
849 | Secondary installation &1: Billing order must already be billed |
850 | Billing order for primary inst. not found for secondary installation |
851 | Cannot uniquely determine primary inst. billing order for sec. inst. |
852 | Installation &1 is inconsistent |
853 | Cannot uniquely determine primary inst. billing doc. for sec. inst. |
854 | Distribution bill cannot be used with this billing method |
855 | If indicator &1 or &2 is set, set indicator &3 as well |
856 | Primary installation w. distribution: Document &1 cannot be ind. reversed |
857 | Sec. inst.: Customizing does not permit individual reversal of doc. &1 |
858 | Update error table ERCH: Document &1 for prim.inst document &2 for S.ins |
859 | Impermissible call ISU_BILL_CANCELLATION for installation group reversal |
860 | Programming error lock parameters: Call ISU_BILL_CANCELLATION |
861 | Programming error lock table: Aufruf ISU_BILL_CANCELLATION |
862 | Programming error when calling ISU_BILL_CANCELLATION |
863 | Installation &1 is not a primary installation on &2 |
864 | Sec. installation &1: Impermissible change to primary installation &4 |
865 | Inst. Group: Reversal of doc.no. &1 (doc. no. &2 for PI) ended with error |
866 | Reversal: Update error table ERCH: Document &1 for PI, doc. &2 for SI |
867 | Billing document &1, contract &2 does not fit current contract &3 |
868 | No documents determined for your entry |
869 | Update error: Secondary installation billing order &1 (doc. &2 for PI) |
870 | Inst. group: Reversal of doc. no. &1 (doc. for PI) ended with error |
871 | Child print doc. reversal: Doc. no.&1 (doc.no.&2 for PI) ended with error |
872 | Child print document reversal: Doc.no. &1 (doc. for PI) ended with error |
873 | Child print doc. reversal: Document number &1 (doc.no. &2 for prim. inst) |
874 | Child print doc. reversal: Document no. &1 (doc. for prim. installation) |
875 | Installation group: Reversal document no. &1 (doc. for primary inst.&2) |
876 | Installation group: Reversal document number &1 (doc. for primary inst.) |
877 | Billing document &1 |
878 | Start of installation group: |
879 | End of installation group |
880 | Incomplete selection for primary installation document &1 |
881 | > Secondary installation document &1 (primary installation doc. &2) |
882 | Not relevant for translation (test message) |
883 | Billing document &1 does not contain consumption lines |
884 | Billing order &1 (primary installation &2): Interval check not poss. |
885 | Bill. order &1 (prim. inst. &2): End of bill. period outside interval |
886 | Billing order for secondary installation &1 cannot be billed yet |
887 | Error updating billing order for secondary installation &1 |
888 | * |
889 | Internal billing simulation for secondary inst.&1 cancelled with error |
890 | Cannot determine reconciliation key |
891 | Consumption information for negative consumption difference |
892 | Billing document &1 for primary installation &2 is outsorted |
893 | Billing document &1 for secondary installation &2 is outsorted |
894 | Simulation document for secondary installation &1 is outsorted |
895 | Outsorted billing docs for secondary installation lead to termination |
896 | Time zone &1 from profile &2 does not match time zone &3 from billing |
897 | There are quantities with different plus/minus signs in operand &1 |
898 | Quantity in operand &1 is zero |
899 | Inconsistency: Indicator BICO is set incorrectly in billing |
900 | The document was reversed by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
901 | Calorific value district &1: No calorific value for period from &2 to &3 |
902 | The interval length for the interface and the profile do not match |
903 | Start reversal of billing document |