AU - Fehlermeldungen zu Anlagen-Utility-Programmen
The following messages are stored in message class AU: Fehlermeldungen zu Anlagen-Utility-Programmen.
It is part of development package AA in software component FI-AA-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Assets: Master Data".
It is part of development package AA in software component FI-AA-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Assets: Master Data".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | You have not specified a chart of depreciation |
002 | Enter a depreciation area |
003 | Enter a defined chart of depreciation |
004 | Enter a defined depreciation area |
005 | The chart of depreciation is not used in any company code |
006 | Depreciation area cannot be processed |
007 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
008 | Define depreciation area correctly |
009 | Define depreciation area correctly |
010 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
011 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
012 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
013 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
014 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
015 | Depreciation area cannot be processed |
016 | Program can only be called up internally |
017 | Area &1 not active in asset class &2 |
018 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
019 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
020 | Screen & - & not found |
021 | Input file does not exist |
022 | Output file does not exist |
023 | Enter your input file name |
024 | Depreciation area not in chart of depreciation |
025 | Depreciation area not in T093U |
026 | You cannot specify main asset number with internal number assignment |
027 | You cannot specify an asset subnumber with internal number assignment |
028 | Field & should not be supplied with values |
029 | Field & should not be supplied with values at asset level |
030 | Enter a main asset number when using external number assignment |
031 | Enter an asset subnumber when using external number assignment |
032 | Main asset number or subnumber missing |
033 | Main asset number missing |
034 | Company code & has no incorrect assets |
035 | SYST (Contact your system administrator) |
036 | Secondary index & successfully deleted |
037 | Asset &1-&2 in company code &3 (error in determining base ins. value) |
038 | Asset &1-&2 in company code &3 (Error when updating &4) |
039 | With ext. number assignmt, asset main number not in the number range |
040 | FI-AA not active (No further action necessary) |
041 | Client &1 : &2 asset documents processed (ANEK added) |
042 | Settlement profile set in & company codes |
043 | Client &1 (chart of depreciation &3 not defined for company code &2) |
044 | Processing client & |
045 | Asset &1 document &2 line &3 not present in fiscal year &4 |
046 | Company code &1 (&2 asset documents contain errors) |
047 | Company code &1 (&2 asset documents already cleared) |
048 | Company code &1 (&2 asset documents processed (ANEK added) |
049 | Processing client &1 company code &2 |
050 | Asset &1 document &2 line &3 in fiscal year &4 has errors |
051 | Asset & & document & from fiscal year & already cleared. |
052 | Asset &1 &2 document &3 from fiscal year &4 processed |
053 | Error in line item &1 of asset &2 &3 (transaction type not defined) |
054 | Client & asset & & document & ANEK deleted. |
055 | Area &2 is not defined for company code &1 |
056 | Customizing settings for special reserves not standard |
057 | SYST (Termination of processing at asset &1-&2 in company code &3) |
058 | Error when deleting secondary indices & |
059 | XPRA RASEKIND successfully completed. |
060 | * Messages on year-end closing |
061 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
062 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
063 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
064 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
065 | Processing termination (contact your system administrator) |
066 | Enter a valid company code |
067 | No year-end close is necessary for company code & |
068 | No closing check required for company code &1 and year &2 |
069 | Asset &1-&2 in company code &3 (calculation incorrect) |
070 | Asset &1-&2 in company code &2 (depreciation incomplete) |
071 | No authorization for company code & |
072 | Year-end closing for &1 in company code &2 carried out |
073 | Company code & is not defined |
074 | No authorization for company code & |
075 | Asset balance sheet values not completely posted |
076 | Asset &1-&2 in co.code &3 (not yet capitalized) |
077 | No errors were found in company code & |
078 | Enter a leasing company |
079 | First maintain account determination & |
080 | Processing client & |
081 | Processing of company code &1 in client &2 completed successfully |
082 | Close fiscal year &2 for company code &1 first |
083 | Asset is incomplete and has to be completed |
084 | You did not enter a valid company code |
085 | Asset &1-&2 in company code &3 (interest incomplete) |
086 | Asset &1-&2 in company code &3 (revaluation incomplete) |
087 | You did not enter a valid company code |
088 | Company code & does not have half-periods |
089 | Company code & has an undefined fiscal year version |
090 | Fiscal year variant & is not defined |
091 | XPRA report RAANIA01 started |
092 | Client &, obj. &: Incorrect object type |
093 | Client &, obj. &: No & determined |
094 | Client &: & & does not exist |
095 | Client &, & &: No valid cost center |
096 | Client &, & &: Cost center not maintained |
097 | Error while updating table ANIA |
098 | XPRA report RAANIA01 completed successfully |
099 | XPRA report RAANIA01 ended with warning |
100 | * Error messages from the function group ABRA * |
101 | No data was found that agrees with the selection made |
102 | The selection specifications are not allowed |
103 | The fiscal year variant is not suited for half-periods |
104 | Fiscal year version & is defined as year-dependent |
105 | XPRA report RATAPRF1 started for converting investment profile |
106 | XPRA report RATAPRF1 completed successfully |
107 | XPRA report RATAPRF1 completed successfully - TAPRF was OK |
108 | XPRA report RATAI051 started for changing capital investment program type |
109 | XPRA report RATAI051 completed |
110 | XPRA report RATAI051 completed - TAI05 was OK |
111 | Server group & cannot be used |
112 | Incorrect +/- sign rule found |
113 | +/- sign rule for the new depreciation area is too restrictive |
114 | No authorization for company code & |
115 | Report date & is invalid for this report |
116 | Report date & is invalid for this report |
117 | Report date & is invalid |
118 | Base insurable value cannot be recalculated in company code & |
119 | Fiscal year & is still open in company code & |
120 | Data is being collected for the selected asset &. |
121 | Data was collected successfully for the selected asset &. |
122 | The asset selected & does not exist. |
123 | You can choose only one type of output. |
124 | Choose a type of output. |
125 | You do not have authorization for & & and & &. |
126 | It is not possible to jump to the details list using field & as a key. |
127 | No data could be imported for the key & that was entered. |
128 | No changes were found |
129 | Symbolic amount &1 is not defined |
130 | Program was not started from CATT |
131 | Error when creating line item structure... |
132 | Account symbol '&1' is not defined... |
133 | Account '&2' could not be found for area &3 |
134 | System could not find an account for account symbol '&2' in area &3 |
135 | Error while comparing table &, levels & and & |
136 | ANLA: & records, ANLC: & records, cumul. value & , ANEP: & records |
137 | Server group &1 is not defined |
138 | Account &2 is not a reconciliation account |
139 | XPRA report RAIXPR01 started for appropriation request initial values |
140 | XPRA report RAIXPR01 completed successfully |
141 | XPRA report RAIXPR01: table &1 OK. &2 records inserted |
142 | XPRA report RAIXPR01: table &1 was already OK |
143 | XPRA report RAIXPR01 completed successfully |
144 | Inconsistency in asset &1 &2 in area &3 |
145 | Inconsistency in asset &1 &2 in area &3 |
146 | Fiscal year change to &4 not carried out for asset &1 &2 in area &3 |
147 | Inconsistency in asset &1 &2 in area &3 |
148 | Error in dep. calculation from prior years for asset &1 &2 in area &3 |
149 | Error in deprec.calculation from current year (asset &1 &2, area &3) |
150 | Error in deprec.calculation from current year (asset &1 &2, area &3) |
151 | Fiscal year variant &1 is not maintained for &2 &3 |
152 | Entry is missing for Dec. 31, &1 for fiscal year version &2 |
153 | Contact your system administrator.... |
154 | For the posted asset &1, acquisition information is missing |
155 | System crash: Contact your system administrator |
156 | Year is before the last closed fiscal year |
157 | Year is before the last closed fiscal year |
158 | Closed fiscal years for areas &1 and &2 differ by more than &3 years |
159 | XPRA report RAIXPR03 started for changeover of capitalization structure |
160 | XPRA report RAIXPR03 completed successfully |
161 | XPRA report RAIXPR03 object &1 key &2 error during update |
162 | XPRA report RAIXPR03 object &1 key &2 update OK |
163 | XPRA report RAIXPR03 completed successfully. |
164 | XPRA report RAIXPR04 started for setting status "dep.simulation exists" |
165 | XPRA report RAIXPR04 completed successfully |
166 | XPRA report RAIXPR04: table &1 OK. &2 records inserted |
167 | XPRA report RAIXPR04: table &1 was already OK |
168 | XPRA Report RAIXPR05 started for setting positions ID of app.requests |
169 | XPRA Report RAIXPR05 completed successfully |
170 | XPRA Report RAIXPR05 - update of &1 records completed successfully |
171 | RAALTD11 cannot be started in a Unicode system |
172 | Report date is in a closed fiscal year |
173 | Account '&2' could not be determined for area &3 |
174 | Acct "Offsetting acct for legacy data transfer" in CoCd &1 not maintained |
175 | Not possible to reset balance carryforward in ccode &1 for closed year &2 |
176 | Check on BAdI implementation for depr. calcul. required; see long text |
200 | * Notes on capital lease. |
201 | No provision made for leasing type &. |
203 | No provision made for fiscal year version & in company code &. |
204 | Document type & is not defined |
205 | No provision made for comapny code &. |
207 | Fiscal year version & not completely specified. |
208 | Asset &-& is defective. |
209 | Posting already made to asset &-&. |
210 | Asset &-& blocked for posting. |
211 | Payment pattern & must be a factor of the posting periods. |
212 | Specify a leasing type for the asset &-&. |
213 | Specify a leasing charge for the asset &-&. |
214 | Specify the number of leasing charges for the asset &-&. |
215 | Specify a leasing cycle for the asset &-&. |
216 | Specify a leasing interest rate for the asset &-&. |
219 | *** Messages from RAALTD11 *** |
220 | With internal number assignment, no main number could be assigned. |
221 | Asset class & was not found. |
222 | Chart of depreciation & not intended for asset class & |
223 | Acquisition date and period could not be correctly reconciled. |
224 | No valid cost center was entered. |
225 | Unexpected record type: &. |
226 | Non-numerical value & in the field BALTD-BWCNT |
227 | The value in field BALTD-BWCNT is not 0 with AS92. |
228 | The asset was already created. |
229 | Company code & already contains assets in the number range & |
230 | The blocking is not secure. |
231 | Number range object & is already blocked. |
232 | An error occurred during recalculation of accumulated depreciation. |
233 | A currency field has an incorrect entry format. |
234 | Number range interval not updated in the data base. |
235 | Fiscal year of legacy data transfer could not be determined |
236 | The last day of the fiscal year could not be found. |
237 | A restart is not possible. Takeover all old assets data? |
238 | Manual and automatic restart are not possible at the same time. |
239 | Entry missing for asset number, subnumber, or company code |
240 | Additional information is required for a manual restart. |
241 | Additional entries were made when selecting automatic restart. |
242 | The inventory number was entered without a company code. |
243 | The asset number was entered in addition to the inventory number. |
244 | The depreciation start date is not set in depreciation area &. |
245 | Business area & is not defined |
246 | The asset number is entered more than once. |
247 | There is no main number for subnumber &1 &2 |
248 | The asset number & & already exists in the data base. |
249 | You cannot select test run option and data base check at the same time. |
250 | Conversion of the currency & into the foreign currency & not possible. |
251 | Error in calculating the base insurable value. |
252 | The company code is not set or is invalid. |
253 | The takeover date & is before the end of the previous fiscal year. |
254 | Repetition error in the data of company code & |
255 | You cannot enter subnumber &1 for legacy asset &2 |
256 | Different asset class & in subnumber |
257 | Currency field has an incorrect entry format: & |
258 | Capitalization date not entered |
259 | Capitalization date &1 is invalid |
260 | Create depreciation key "0000" |
261 | Transaction code not specified or invalid |
262 | Transfer on last day allowed only in closed fiscal year |
263 | Transactions can only be transferred when transfer is during fiscal year |
264 | The length of currency field &1 is not allowed |
265 | Documents from last posting run in &1 are not yet updated |
266 | Last posting run ended with errors, restart required |
267 | Fixed assets in company code &1 with incompletely booked depreciation |
268 | Company code &1 contains fixed assets with calculations with errors |
270 | CCode &1: Fiscal year change &2 performed successfully |
271 | CCode &1: Fiscal year change &2 has failed for some fixed assets |
272 | CCode &1: Fiscal year change &2 performed, postprocessing necessary |
273 | Balance carryforward not possible due to different open fiscal years |
301 | Client of input file & is not the same as the logon client & |
390 | Values for &3 have changed in dep. area &1 in fiscal year &2 |
391 | Short texts are not maintained in language &1 for the deprec. trace |
392 | Area &1: Recalculation of depreciation not until fiscal year &2 |
393 | Years for areas closed differently; Deprec. calculation not possible |
394 | The To Fiscal Year is before the From Fiscal Year |
399 | Specify a valid fiscal year |
401 | Transfer of values from area &3 not possible; see long text |