AA - Assets: Master Data

The development package AA contains objects for "Assets: Master Data".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-AA-AA.

Child development packages of AA

Tables for development package AA

ANGTAsset catalog text table
ANKAAsset classes: general data
ANKAZAsset class: extension for technical fields
ANKLAYAsset class: Assignment of tab layouts
ANKPAsset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation
ANKTAsset classes: Description
ANKVAsset classes: insurance types
ANLAAsset Master Record Segment
ANLBDepreciation terms
ANLBZATime-Dependent Depreciation Terms
ANLBZWAsset-specific base values
ANLQPeriod values from dep. posting run per posting level
ANLTAsset Texts
ANLUAsset Master Record: User Fields
ANLVInsurance data
ANLWInsurable values (year dependent)
ANLXAsset Master Record Segment
ANLZTime-Dependent Asset Allocations
SMFIAASpec. FI-AA Data in Monitor (see Schedman_specific_fiaa)
T080AStructure definition work list suffix
T082AField string asset master record maintenance
T082FField groups asset data
T082HField string name: Asset master data maintenance
T082SDynpro control of the views
T083LLeasing types
T083SLeasing types-Description
T083TDescription of leasing cycle
T085PInvestment support: Default and check table
T085SDescription of individual investment support measures
T085ZCapital investment grants with time-dependent percentages
T086TNames for Reporting Sort Versions
T087Evaluation groups
T087GEvaluation group 8 places
T087IReason for investment
T087KReason for investment protecting the environment
T087LText table for reasons for environmental investments
T087STest table for evaluation group 8 places
T087TDescription of Evaluation Groups
T087UAsset group number / asset group
T087VText table asset group number / asset group
T089TText table for T089 (appreciations)
T090APeriod control dep. calculation
T090IDepreciation simulation (Reporting)
T090MTable for maximum depreciation amounts
T090YWeighting of depreciation periods
T091CTranslation methods for Asset Accounting
T091SText for translation methods
T092Property classification key
T092TDescription of the Property Classification Key
T093AReal depreciation area
T093BCompany code-related depreciation area specifications
T093DControl dep. posting
T093GCross-System Depreciation Areas
T093GTTexts for Cross-System Depreciation Areas
T093HAssignment of FI-AA Line Item Schema
T093NNumber assignment alloc. AA
T093SValue Field Names for Depreciation Areas
T093UOptions for asset legacy data transfer
T095CFI-AA Standard Account Determination
T097Property indicator
T097JPFI-AA: Percentage rates for property valuation Japan
T097TDescription of the Property Indicator
T098Basis manual property evaluation
T098TDescription of the reasons for manual property values
T099Insurance types
T099AInsurance companies
T099BInsurance premiums
T099TDescription of Insurance Types
T099UInsurance Companies Description
T099VInsurance Tariff Description
TA1MLine Item Schema
TA1MTText Table for Line Item Schema
TA1MZLine Item Schema
TA1TVAsset Transfer Variant
TA1TVBDetermination of the Asset Transfer Method
TA1TVTAsset Transfer Variant
TAAPM1Assignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PM
TAAPM1TAssignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PM
TAAPM2Link from FI-AA to PM: Assignment of Fields
TABASLogging of periodic posting runs in FI-AA
TABWATransaction types/dep. areas
TABWD_FTCFields Used for Table Controls on Asset Postings
TABWD_VIDEntity Table for Table TABWD
TABWD_VITText Table for Table TABWD_VID
TABWGTransaction type groups
TABWIAllowed asset classes per transaction type group
TABWKTrans. types for posting prop. values and depreciation
TABWONames for the asset history sheet versions
TABWPEntity table for asset history sheet versions
TABWTAsset transaction types texts
TABWUSpecial Treatment of Retirements
TCREPCATT-Test Reporting - Check of logical databases
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