B1 - Nachrichten der ALE-Gruppe

The following messages are stored in message class B1: Nachrichten der ALE-Gruppe.
It is part of development package SALE in software component BC-MID-ALE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Link Enabling".
Message Nr
Message Text
00No entry in table & for key & & &
000***** Messages for input and outbound processing *****
001No IDoc type maintained for base type & and extension type &
01Objects not in T777I do not have an infotype
002Transport contains control data that needs to be distributed
02Infotype " " is only for objects without infotypes
003Could not determine recipients for message type &
004A separate logical system is not defined for client &
005& &, &, &.
006&, &, &, &
007Segment type & does not exist in message type &
008Mandatory segment & in message type & cannot be filtered
009Partner profile missing for recipient & & &, message type &
010Position the cursor correctly
10F key must be specified
011Interface changed for message type &1: Settings reset
11This combination is not allowed
012Message type & does not exist
013Message type & exists already
014Database error when storing in EDMSG
015Database error when storing in EDIMSG
016Database error when storing in EDIMSGT
017Database error when storing in EDIMAP
018Port & is not an RFC port, or RFC destination is missing
019Error when calling asynchronous Remote Function Call
020Database error occurred when storing in BDSER
20Please check entry & & & in table &
021No data for entity &
022Inconsistent IDocs passed: Data records or control records missing.
023No list defined for class type & and receiver system &
024Object type & is not defined for message type &
025Distribution model was posted
026Object type & cannot be read for message type & from segment type &
027No classification object defined for message type &
028Database error when storing in BDPNT
029No distribution class type exists for classification object &
030***** Messages for application input *****
031No (active) partner profile: sender & & &, message type &
032No process code exists for sender & and message type &
033No function module for input process code &
034No parameters found for function module &
035Maximum no. of repetitions exceeded
036IDocs in packet do not match
037No IDocs in the packet
038& master IDocs set up for message type &
38An editing module must be specified
039& communication IDoc(s) generated for message type &
040User & has no authorization for message type & in ALE inbound
40Field & does not belong to structure & of infotype &
041Table MASTER_IDOC_DATA is empty
41Structure to infotype & not found
042Direct call started
42Relationship & is unknown
043Task & started with workflow ID &
044Incorrect function module & called up
44Entries for external object types are not allowed (acc. to table T77EO)
045Application function module & terminated with invalid exception.
45Symbols entered are not allowed
046Task & could not be started.
46Entries in the field Ext are allowed in * lines 01-12 only
047Process & could not be started.
47Profile ID 'O' (object-oriented) or 'S' (status-oriented) allowed
048Process & started with ID &.
049More than one IDoc passed
49Color/shape value must be specified
050***** Messages for failed Select Singles *****
50Line 001 is missing for event &
051IDoc included in IDoc packet containing an error: transfer it separately
51Infotype must be specified
052Message type included in request
52Function code must be specified
053Filter object type & not permitted with message type &
53Infotype & is not allowed for object type &
054Control data object & does not exist
54Relationship & is not allowed between object types & and & ->F1
055Message type & does not exist
55Please enter an external object type
056Database error when storing in Table TBD10
56Please enter a valid type for the related object
057Database error when storing in Table TBD12
57Please enter a valid relationship
058Database error when storing in Table TBD13
059Database error when storing in Table TBDME
060Database error when storing data in Table &
60Please specify program and editing routine
061The customer model in HR-ORG could not be deleted
062Error when assigning numbers to HR-ORG objects
063& request IDocs created for message type &
064Remote Function Call destination could not be found
065Connection to other system could not be established
066Messages have been created during processing (last was displayed)
067Number of IDocs: total &, dispatched &, still open (tRFC queue) &
068ZDM phase (no changes possible)
069Filter object already assigned
070Internal error: Program &, command &, argument &
071More than one IDoc selected
072Place the cursor on a message type
72Please specify one object ID only
073Place the cursor on a filter object
074Distribution model is being processed
075Function & is not available in this system, termination
076No object type for listings defined for message type &
077This IDoc was forwarded to receiver & & &.
078Check your entry
079Message type & included in request &
080***** Messages for RBDTBDA1 *****
081Change pointer generation deactivated
082Change pointer generation activated
083No data could be selected.
084Database error occurred when storing in table TBDMS
085Error occurred when assigning a number for a change pointer
086External partner system &: Function not available
087Partner system & is an R/2 system; function is not available
088RFC destination & does not exist
089Partner profile & & & & does not exist
090IDoc type could not be determined for the IDoc
90Please specify a valid value
091Receiver of IDoc is its own logical system
91The default position taken from T77S0 already exists in T528B
092Start Transaction & for the check
094Message type not permitted, because no ownership for model &
095Segment & does not exist for message type &
096Indicator cannot be selected
097Changes cannot be made to the control data distribution in this system
098Could not start tool; enter call parameters
100Linked object: &, &&
101Message type & does not exist
102Required segment & cannot be deactivated
103Segment & has already been deactivated completely
104No IDoc type found for message type &
105Message type & exists already
106Reduction for message type & saved
107Higher-level segment deactivated
108Table & for message type & exists already in EDIMAP
109Select a processing type
110Reference message type may not have reference
111Generation of change pointers for & activated in client &
112Reduction for message type & deleted
113Generation of change pointers for & deactivated in client &
114Change pointers for message type & active in client &
115Message type & already being processed
116An IDoc without a message type was passed to the ALE layer
117Place the cursor on a valid line and field
118The IDoc type for this message must not be reduced
119Message & is not in valid name range
120Recipient & & & not valid for this IDoc
121No data defined in the reduction tool for message type &
122Specify a server group when using parallel processing
123No assignment for & company code & to a & company code.
124For & business area & no assignment to a & business area.
125You do not have the authorization for the action
126Foreground processing and parallel processing are not possible together
127No partner profiles (message control) defined
128A message type could not be (uniquely) identified
129No recipient found for message type & in the ALE model
130Too many recipients found for message type & in the ALE model
131Wrong partner type &
132Select a packet size greater than 0
133IDoc type has not been entered for message type &
134Change pointer creation is currently deactivated
135Please maintain ALE Customizing via the IMG
136All event couplings were activated.
137You have selected all data records. Did you intend to do this?
138The tool cannot be executed on your frontend.
139No data relevant to audit were selected.
140Error when locking the audit statistics for & & &.
141Database error when writing status records for the status &.
142A change period must be specified.
143No number range defined for change pointers
144Message type & cannot be reduced
145Message type & is not relevant to reduction
146Do not modify the change pointer target manually
147Selection Period for AUDIT IDocs: &1 &2 -> &3 &4
148Customer distribution model & does not exist
149Customer distribution model & successfully deleted
150***** Error messages in area of serialization *****
151Object & &: Overtaking process between systems
152System error occurred when writing to table BDSE
153Model & is currently being edited by &
154Warning! You have not done the checkout with the current model
155Message type & is not within the permitted SAP name range
156Error locking change pointer for message type &.
157Message type & cannot be sent with change pointers
158No parties are interested in the selected data
159IDoc must be processed later; expected: &; current: &
160System error has occurred writing data to table BDRGIN
161Data in table & has been changed and logged in SYSLOG
162Changing the registry can interrupt the data transfer
163Data could not be entered in table &. (Does entry already exist?)
164Data in table & could not be deleted.
165System error has occurred writing data to table BDRGOUT.
166Select at least one option (outbound and/or inbound)
167No changes made (does not need to be saved)
168& entries in the registry table & have been deleted/ SYSLOG log
169Change pointers for message type &1 are being migrated
170********* Messages for control data **********************************
171Choose 'Utilities -> Comparison' in the following table maintenance view
172Report & is not available in this system, you cannot run it.
173Data already defined by & (display only)
174System error occurred while writing to table BDEOIO_OUT
175System error occurred while writing to table BDEOIO_IN
176Subsequent IDOC already processed; expected: &; current: &
177Invalid ID for order processing
195***** Messages for direct model maintenance *****
198Logical system & must not be deleted
199Logical system & must not be deleted
200Model view & already exists
201Place the cursor on a model view
202Sending system must be different to receiving system
203Method & has already been added
204Method & has already been defined in the model view &
205Place the cursor on a method
206Distribution model has been saved
207Distribution model is being edited by user & (You can only display it)
208This function is not available for this node
209Input help is not available for the filter object type &
210Method & cannot be filtered
211Filter object has already been added
212No filter has been defined for method &
213Distribution model has not been changed
214Message type & has already been added
215Message type & has already been defined in the model view &
216Place the cursor on a message type
217No filter available for message type &
218No further filter available for message type &
219No filter has been defined for message type &
220Reference to message type & has already been defined
221End date cannot be earlier than the start date
222The valid time period overlaps with that of the model view &
223Classes are defined in a separate Customizing transaction
224First save the distribution model
225Model view & does not exist and has been deleted in target systems
226Method & has not been assigned a message type
227No authorization to perform this action
228Model view has not been specified
229Maintenance systems for model view & are not the same
230Method & has already been defined in the model view &
231Message type & has already been defined in model view &
232The distribution model is currently being processed
233Model view & has been created
234Model view & has been changed
235Model view & has been deleted
236Model view & must not be defined in your own system
237You are not authorized to create the model view &
238You are not authorized to change the model view &
239Client and server must be different systems
240You are not authorized to delete the model view &
241You are not authorized to transport model view &
242You are not authorized to distribute the model view &
243Distribution model has been edited by user &
244Object & is already defined in the model view &
245Distribution by classes is already defined for object &
246Reference to method & has already been defined
247Model view & already exists and will be completely overwritten
248Define the conversion of the logical systems for copying
249This message type belongs to object method &.&.
250***** Error messages for "manual input" method *****
251IDoc number & does not exist in the database
252Function module not allowed: &
253IDoc & has not been edited
254Error during application input
255IDoc was processed by the application
256Previous status & unsuitable
257IDoc has been flagged for deletion
258No event found to trigger
259No object type found for event
260Error when opening IDoc: IDoc locked
261Error when opening IDoc: IDoc does not exist
262Error when opening IDoc: IDoc number is invalid
263Error when reading IDoc: IDoc number is invalid
264Error when reading IDoc: no data
265Error when writing IDoc status: IDoc number is invalid
266Error writing IDoc status: Database error
267Error when writing IDoc status: Invalid status
268Error when writing IDoc status: No status record exists
269Error when closing IDoc: IDoc not opened
270Error when closing IDoc: Database error
271Error when closing IDoc: Incorrect parametrization
272Error when closing IDoc: Status not set
273Error: Incorrect IDoc status value
274Caution: & IDocs have been selected
275Error writing IDOC status: IDoc locked
276More than one IDoc in packet: Application supports single processing only
277Error when opening IDoc: IDoc already opened
278IDoc &: status & cannot be processed
279The IDocs have no data records
280The IDocs do not exist in the database
281IDocs not specified
282Error: No IDocs to be processed
283There is no ALE link object defined.
284Link object not in IDOC.
285You are not authorized to display/edit IDoc &
286Server group & could not be initialized
287Number of maximum attempts to start parallel processes has been exceeded
288& of & IDocs were passed in parallel for processing
300***** Error messages in area 'ALE error handling' *****
301IDoc & does not exist, processing not possible
302No details exist for message
303Error when processing IDoc &
304IDoc & flagged for deletion
305IDoc & already processed, processing not possible
306Status set within ALE/EDI error handling
307Status reset after editing IDoc
308IDoc & can be passed to the port
309IDoc & passed to the port
310IDoc & can be passed to the application
311IDoc & was passed to the application
312More IDocs created from IDoc &
313IDoc & was processed
314IDoc flagged for deletion
315More IDocs have been created from the IDoc
316No status records exist for IDoc &, processing not possible
317Report has reset status
318Resetting the status may result in data inconsistency
350***** More messages for input *****
351Errors when compiling version: Target structure & & does not match IDoc
352IDoc has wrong status
353Parameter & missing in container of task &
354Version & of process code & not allowed for ALE
355No object for requested IDoc selected for sending
356Account group in the IDoc is different
357Status records with status 51 after status 53
358No status record was passed to ALE by the application
359No active event coupling for & . & found, no error work items
360Status was set automatically
400***** Messages for ALE Customizing *****
401Object class & does not exist
402Table & for object class & does not exist
403Table & is not an active table
404Field & does not exist in table &
405Application object type & is not planned
406Assignment not allowed
407Segment type & deactivated for message type &
408Field & in segment type & deactivated for message type &
409A check table has not been defined for field & in table &
411Object type & may only be assigned to fields from one segment type
412Segment type & not defined for message type &
413Field & in segment type & does not exist
414Conversion rule & does not exist
415Conversion rule & for segment type & does not exist
416Object type & is assigned to fields from more than one segment type
417Required segment & may not be filtered
418Segment type & does not exist
419Segment type & does not exist in active form
420Selected function not implemented for message type &
421Function not possible for the selected line
422Logical system & does not exist
423You are logged on to partner system &
424Maintenance transaction & not defined in partner system &
425Purchasing organization & does not exist
426Vendor & does not exist
427Material & does not exist
428RFC destination & does not exist
429Specify the RFC destination for logical system &
430Sales organization & does not exist
431Distribution channel & does not exist
432Order type & does not exist
433Partner status & does not exist
434Language & does not exist
435Output mode & does not exist
436Processing & is not defined
437The maintenance transaction & is not defined in own system &
438No application object type planned for the function module
439Cross-system checking is active.
440Cross-system checking is inactive.
441No inspection results exist for the selected line
442There are no receiver systems defined in the distribution model
443Select at least one system.
444The table for the listing data for message type & is not defined.
445Distribution-relevant class type for table & is not defined.
446Class & is not defined for class type &.
447To display the test results choose 'Edit -> Detail'
448***** Messages for the conversion pre-production => production *****
449Table &: & of & entries in field & updated (cross-client)
450Table &: & of & entries in field & updated (client-specific)
451The logical system & is already allocated to another system
452The logical system & is ignored in any updates
453The logical system name &1 has been converted to name &2 in client &3
454The logical system & has not yet been defined
455The logical system name & already exists
456The new logical system name & is the same as the old name &
457Error creating program &
458Syntax error in program & line &
459Conversion of logical system name & for name & in client &
460***** Messages for ALE Recovery Tool *****
461No system selected
462No documentation is available for object & in language &.
463Select the participating systems first
464Check the system settings before starting the operation
465The processing type of some IDocs has not been defined.
466IDoc & no longer exists in system &.
467The process "Determine recovery objects" has been started in system &.
468System & has been reset to the status on & at &.
469An error has occurred when checking IDoc dispatch for system &.
470An error has occurred during message transmission.
471A tRFC entry with ID && has been deleted in system &.
472No data could be selected for partner system &.
473ALE recovery tool converts status
474No log was found
476Could not determine any tables
477Read the online documentation before carrying out the transaction
478No logical system name has been defined for client &
479Table &: & of & entries in field & updated (client-specific)
480***** Messages for BAPIs <-> ALE generating tool *****
481BAPI &.& does not exist in the system
482Reference type & is not a structure and therefore it is not allowed
483For the message type & there is no IDoc type &
484Only some of the objects in the interface have been released
485Part of the release of the interface was undone
486The objects in the interface have been released
487The release of the interface has been reset
488Reset of data filtering deactivates all filter functions
489Version &2 of segment &3 released for release &1
490Segment & is not a BAPI segment
491The BAPI does not support packet processing in the current release
492The ALE outbound interface is incomplete
493The inbound ALE interface is incomplete
494Parameter & in the function module has no reference field/structure
495**** Object & does not belong to the selected category *****
496Method & of object & has not yet been released.
497Action was canceled by the user
498You cannot use the tool for dialog method &
499Message type & is not available in the system
500The IDoc interface is not complete for message type &
501BAPI & was called
502No existing function module for object & and method &
503Message type & already exists in system
504Packet & is not available in the System
505Function group & does not exist in system
506For object & the method & does not exist
507There is no ALE interface for object & and method &
508Function module & does not exist
509For object & and method & the message type & already exists
510syntax error in line & of function module &
511The BAPI must have a RETURN parameter
512& does not exist
513& has been released and cannot be deleted
514& has been deleted
515& has been generated
516The field & of structure & has more than 1000 characters
517Predecessor & exists
518& already exists
519& &
520& is the current version and has not been generated
521IDoc type & already exists in packet &
522Internal syntax error in template &, line &
523Function module & already exists in group &.
524& does not exist and has not been deleted
525Changes in segment & for new definition are not compatible
526& already exists and has not been generated
527An error has occurred assigning data (&)
528& is still being used and has not been deleted
529& has not been generated. Further processing is not possible
530* Messages for the code generator for mappings and conversions
531The structure & could not be read
532Currency amount passed with more than & digits after decimal point
533The field & has already been assigned to the SAP code
534The input field has an incorrect domain or an incorrect data type
535Function module & already exists
536Currency amount & & in field & could not be converted
537& initial; currency amount & in & was passed without a currency
538BAPI field contains SAP code. You cannot enter a value.
539No ISO code found for country/region key & in the field &
540No ISO code found for the currency key & in field &
541No ISO code found for the quantity unit & in field &
542No ISO code found for the language key & in field &
543SAP code: Assign the ISO code field on the detail screen
544Currency amount: Assign currency fields/parameters on the detail screen
545Function module & has been created
546No country key found for the ISO code & in field &
547No currency key found for ISO code & in field &
548No unit of measure found for ISO code & in field &
549No language key found for ISO code & in field &
550An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system &
551No internal key found for the PSP element & in field &
552No external key found for the PSP element & in field &
553No internal key found for project definition & in field &
554No external key found for project definition & in field &
555No RFC destination could be determined for the method call.
556Queue name for rule & cannot be set up
557Message ID could not be created (error during CREATE_UUID)
560Get details from previous status records with status &
561Cannot process IDocs with syntax errors
564* Dummy Messages for BDBG Documentation of Function Modules
565BDBG: Dummy for Documentation of Outbound Function Module
566BDBG: Dummy for Documentation of Inbound Function Module
600***** Messages for CPIC communication to R/2 *****
601RFC destination & for port & is not available
602No STIMEX received, for details refer to R/2 system log or R/2 EDI log
603No acknowledgment received; for details see R/2 system log or R/2 EDI log
604No connection to SAP gateway (TXCOM destination &); see SAP system log
605No connection to R/2 (TXCOM destination &); see SAP system log
606Connection terminated (TXCOM destination &); see R/2 or SAP system log
607R/2 reports incorrect transfer, automatic repetition
608R/2 rejects logon, for details refer to R/2 system log
609Local error in R/2, error code returned: &
610Parameter &2 is not defined for RFC destination &1
611Segment type &, version &: No segment name found
620***** Messages for CCMS Monitoring *****
621There are no suitable transaction IDs
622Internal error in & code &, action could not be carried out.
623Status & and direction & are not compatible
624& TIDs found for this monitoring object but threshold value is &
625Select a work area also
626& IDocs for this monitoring object found but threshold value is &
627Dependent entries in the detail table have also been deleted
628Monitoring object & does not yet exist or has not been specified
629Monitor object for determining key figure using specified criteria IDocs
630& open change pointers found for monitor object; threshold value is &
631Number of IDocs for the defined selection criteria
632Number of open change pointers using the defined selection criteria
633Values <> 0 require a complex selection (see long text)
634Collective nodes for ALE monitoring objects of logical system
635Number of IDocs change pointers IDocs with the defined selection criteria
636Number of tRFC calls to IDocs with the defined selection criteria
638ALE CCMS Monitor: & IDocs in tRFC queue but threshold value is &
639Problem with CCMS runtime monitoring: function &
650***** Messages for Modeling *****
651Filter object type & is not valid
652Reference to message type & for filter object type & is not valid
653Reference to method & for filter object type & is not valid
654Reference to message type & is not valid
655Distribution using classes is not allowed
656System & occurs more than once as the target system
657Partner systems must not match in BD64 &1 &2 &3 &4
660***** Messages for the Conversion of Logical System Names *****
661Log for test run: &1 -> &2 in system &3 (initiator &4)
662Log for conversion: &1 -> &2 in system &3 (initiator &4)
663Specify another subroutine for program &1
664Table buffer in server synchronized after conversion
665Data inconsistency when running program &1, form routine &2
666Converting the logical system name & to the name &
667A process is running for test run &1 -> &2
668Another process is running for update &1 -> &2
669Conversion of the logical system names with conversion matrix &
670Form routine &1 was started from program &2
671Updates of field &1 in table &2 produce duplicate entries
672Database error with code: &1 message: &2 occurred
673Error messages occurred (see application log)
675No authorization for navigation
676RFC destination &1 cannot be accessed under the name &2
677RFC destination &1 currently not accessible
678Select a valid node
679Conversion can only be started after the test run
680The functions are not available in system &1
681The logical system name & has been used by client &
682The new logical system name & is assigned to the current client &
683Existence check can only be activated for the test run
684Synchronize table buffer in server & after the conversion
685Table &1 not selected for conversion
686Field &1 in table &2 already contains the name &3
687Error in field &1 of table &2. Manual correction required.
688Error in program &1
689Table &1 was not relevant for conversion
690&1 entry/entries in field &2 of table &3 updated
691&1 entry/entries in field &2 of table &3 flagged for update
692New entry &1 has been entered in field &2 of table &3
693New entry &1 has been entered in field &2 of table &3
694Partner profile for &1 &2 &3 has been deactivated
695Error when scheduling the batch job for conversion in system &1
696Table &1 was processed by a parallel process
697The action is executed in the background (&1 &2) in system &3
698No processing available for object &1
699Table &1 is excluded from the conversion
700***** Messages for XPRA programs *****
701The report & was executed
702Application: &
703Database error occurred when reading table &.
704Database error occurred when writing table &.
710*** Messages for XPRA RBDXBDLT
711Class type & does not exist in client &
712Mo message types were found for the classification object &
713Application ALE (cross-application), client &
714& & & &
715Client &: Validity for the ALE distribution model has been initialized
730***Messages for block processing change pointers
731Setting the block size of message type & has failed
732Error in status for block creation with message type &
733Resetting block size for message type & has failed
750**************** Messages for serialized distribution **********
751Serialization group & does not exist
752Error has occurred scheduling check job
753Serialization group & is being dispatched
754IDocs in serialization group & are still in the tRFC queue
755An error has occurred creating/dispatching the control IDoc
756& IDoc(s) of message type & have been sent
757Message type & is not defined for serialization group &
758Message types have not been assigned to the serialization group &
759Check job has been scheduled for serialization group & for &, &
760Error has occurred when determining receiver for SERDAT
761No receiver exists for the group & in the distribution model
762Inbound processing for serialization group & is not defined
770** Messages for assigning RFC destinations to logical systems
771There is already an entry for this key.
772Select a logical system
773User is editing the assignments. (You can only display them).
774Select an RFC destination
775An RFC destination has already been assigned for method &.&
776Entry & does not exist; check the spelling (case-sensitive)
777Error has occurred making remote call to method & in system &
778Error &3 for the remote call of method &1 in system &2, message &4
800**************** API message for receiver determination *****************
801There is no filter object type for filter message type &
802The business object type for message type & does not exist
803No function module has been assigned to the business object type &
804Object & with object ID & has not been found
805Filter object &1 is missing for determining receiver of message type &2
806Message type & is dependent on itself
807Filter object &1 is not valid for the BAPI table parameter &2.
808Filter object &1 is not valid for BAPI (&2,&3)
809BAPI (&1, &2) is self-dependent
810Filter object &1 is missing for determining receiver of BAPI (&1, &2)
811More than one receiving system has been specified for the BAPI (&1, &2)
860********** Messages for Editing Hierarchy of BAPI Parameters ******
861Tables &1 and &2 have no shared field reference.
862Select a table parameter
863The hierarchy for the BAPI (&1, &2) already exists.
864No hierarchy for BAPI (&1, &2) exists.
865Tables &1 and &2 do not have a shared reference field
866Table parameter &1 already exists in the hierarchy
867Hierarchy has been saved.
868Error has occurred when write-accessing database table TBD19.
869Hierarchy has been deleted
870Note: The ALE interface must be regenerated afterwards
871The hierarchy has not been modified
872You have not selected field references
873Parameter & does not have parent parameters
874You cannot modify the hierarchy. Refer to the long text.
875Hierarchy has not been created
876The table parameter & is not available in the BAPI interface.
877Child parameter &1 is not assigned to parent parameter &2.
878All the BAPI table parameters in the hierarchy have already been used.
879Name of external structure too long for function module generation
880ISO code & is not assigned to a country key
881Country key & has no ISO code
882ISO code & is not assigned to a currency key in the valid time period
883Currency key & does not have an ISO code
884Unit of measure & has no ISO code
885Language key & does not have an ISO code
886ISO code & has not been assigned to a language key
887For the ISO code &1 there is more than one SAP currency code for ALE
888For the ISO code &1 there is no unique SAP currency code for ALE
889For the currency code &1 ALE communication is not allowed
890You must select a node
891The operation cannot be carried out with this node type
892Processing not possible - use Transaction SM58
893No IDocs could be selected
894The initialization of the logical system has failed
895Display of logical system & is not implemented
896Error communicating with system &
897No IDoc has been selected
898Error in namespace prefixes of function; see long text
899Name of internal structure too long for function module generation
999& & & &
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