BIL - Abrechnung allgemein

The following messages are stored in message class BIL: Abrechnung allgemein.
It is part of development package EE20 in software component IS-U-BI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Billing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 rates were checked; &2 with errors, &3 with warnings
001&1 schemas were checked; &2 with errors, &3 with warnings
002&1 rate determinations were checked; &2 with errors
003Caution - The proration date &1 lies within the 10 year period
004Break point &1 does not exist
005Alternative portion &1 for contract &2 installation &3 will be ignored
006Installation role &1 not relevant for distribution for grouping type &2
007Negative consumption for secondary installation &1
008Distribution not possible due to zero consumption
009The document from billing at move-in is missing for contract &1
010Error changing from rate category &1 to rate category &2
011Operand &1 is not a register operand
012Installation &1 requires you to specify a higher-level installation
013Higher-level installation not permitted for installation &1
014Installation &1 is not a suitable higher-level installation
015Installation &1 does not have a clear hierarchy level
016The hierarchy for secondary installation &1 changes on &2
017Secondary installation &1: No billing doc. available from installation &2
018Secondary installation &1: Billing period of higher-level inst. not valid
019Secondary installation &1: Billing period of higher-level inst. not valid
020Input operand can only be provided by the secondary installation
021Negative serial switching consumption in installation &1
022Distribution not possible due to zero consumption
023Operand &1 from ERCHV contains overlapping values
024Device &1, register &2: Missing meter reading for transformer allocation
025Device &1, register &2 is not a reactive or active meter
026Transformer &1 and consumption in inactive period
027Device &1, register &2 without transformer allocation
028Device &1, register &2 is allocated to an inactive transformer
029Transformer device &1 has the rating &2
030Active power loss at power transformer &1 exceeds the maximum value
031Reactive power loss at power transformer &1 exceeds the maximum value
032Incorrect interval for simulation &1 - &2 for contract &3 in BAdI &4
033Invalid parameter allocation between &1 and &2
034Basic charge is not determined in billing transaction &1
035Outsorting when calculating basic charge
036Error occurred when simulating contract &1 with rate category &2
037The power factor can only be in (0, 1]
038Internal: &1 cannot be converted as a numerical value
039The entry is invalid
040Interval was processed: See details ->
041Error date is empty
042Enter an RTP interface or the category of RTP billing
043Operand category &1 not permitted for time-of-use interfaces
044Replacement value not permitted for RPT operand &1
045Rate &1 with RTP category &2 requires a fact group
046Result parameter &1 is not permitted for TOU interface &2
047Interval length &1 of TOU interface &2 differs from length &3
048Results parameter missing for fact group &1, TOU interface &2
049To use rate &1 with RPT category &2, switch ISU_AMI_EHP5 must be active
050Only Valid From 01.01.1900 is permmited
051Only Valid To 31.12.9999 is permitted
052You can only allocate one result parameter
053Allocate a TOU interface to fact group &1
054TOU interface &1 has division &2 instead of &3
055Interface &1 has status &2
056TOU rate &1 contains RTP operand &2 multiple times
057Fact group &1 contains result parameter &2 multiple times
058In fact group &1, operand &2 does not have any result parameters
059TOU interface &1 does not exist
060First allocate a fact group
061You cannot delete all currencies
062This function is not permitted during creation of a rate
063Invalid entries for date/time for check at runtime
064Enter a valid value in the block size
065TOU interface &1 is not suitable for RTP category &2
066No suitable add-on component found
067Joint invoicing not possible; final billing already done for contract &1
068Meter reading document &1 with quantity det.proced.&2 is not modifiable
069Error &1-&2 when deleting manual billing document &3
070Quantity split is only possible with quantity-based block prices
071Block price must be prorated at the start of the new regulation
072No suitable price block found for limit value
073Billing document &1 already invoiced; repeated invoice not possible
074Billing document &1 not released yet; invoicing not possible
075Billing document &1 invoiced with invoicing document &2
076Billing documents were invoiced successfully; check the log
077Simulated billing documents cannot be invoiced.
080Profile value (profile &1, date &2, time &3) does not have valid status
099MR document &1, Date &2: Duplicate entry in EABLQDCONV
100Meter reading document &1 date &2 is not suitable for reference doc. &3
101Inconsistent quantity determination procedure in MR document &1 date &2
102No referencing document found for meter reading document &1 date &2
103References in meter reading doc. &1 date &2 / &3 date &4 are inconsistent
104Quantity determ.procedure &1 is not admissible for dynamic period control
105Quantity determination proced.&1 is not admissible for demand registers
106Dynam.period control not admissible for quantity determination proc.&1
107Conversion to an interim dimension not possible with QD procedure &1
108Gas factor &1 cannot be defined uniquely
109Enter a rate type that has the same rounding type
110Specify a schema with a conditional billing program
111Schema &1 is used in rate category &2 with a conditional billing program
112Schema &1 is not admissible for conditional billing programs
113Fact group &1 is not used in schema &2
114Rate &1 is not used in schema &2
115Rate &1 does not have fact group &2 from the rate relationship group &3
116Conditional billing program &1 does not belong to schema &2
117Conditional billing program &1 not found
118Conditional billing program &1 does not belong to fact group &2
119Cond.billing program &1 is assigned to condit.rate with fact group &2
120The combination of basic rate &1 and fact group &2 already exists
121Internal program error occurred
122Cond. rate &1 is identical to the basic rate (rate relationship group &2)
123&1 cannot be used more than once as a cond. rate in rate rel. group &2
124Rate determination for rate relationship group &1 is incomplete
125Various conditional billing programs reference one TOU exception prog.&1
126Rate &1 and &2 are both assigned to TOU exception program &3
127TOU exception prog. &1 triggers same rate via billing programs &2 and &3
128TOU excpt.prog.&1 triggers rates &2 and &3 that substitute the basic rate
129Condit.bill.program &1 is assigned to condit.rates, deletion not allowed
130Rate &1 used in rate &2 and &3 (same fact group)
131No TOU interface assigned to rate &1 fact group &2
132TOU interface &1 in rate &2 is not admissible for the conditional rate
133Business functn.ISU_AMI_4 required for conditional billing is not active
134TOU exception response for TOU exception &1 is not consistent
135A TOU exception response is missing for TOU exception &1
136Conditional billing program &1 already exists
137Conditional billing program &1 is already being used by user &2
138Conditional billing not possible if the switch is activated
139TOU exception &1 exceeds the billing period
140Proration dates exist for conditional rate that cannot be split
141Exception can be split differently in TOU exception program &1 and &2
142Save schema &1 before accessing the schema extension
143TOU exceptions for rate &1 have overlapping time periods
144TOU exceptions with overlapping time periods for TOU exception program &1
145Assign TOU exception programs to the conditional billing programs
146A schema extension is available for schema &1
147Rate &1 is used in the schema enhancement
148Schema extension for schema &1 is incomplete
149Schema extension for schema &1 is incomplete
150No schema specified
151No schema extension found for schema &1
152TOU exception not found in validity period for a rate category
153Different interval lengths in TOU interfaces for rate &1 and &2
154No conditional billing program assigned to TOU exception program &1
155No data found for conditional billing program &1
156No conditional rate assigned to conditional billing program &1
157No rate relationship found for schema &1 relationship group &2 row &3
158Rate relationship group &1 for schema &2 not found
159TOU exception program &1 is not executed for contract &2
160TOU exception is found in a billed period for contract &1
161Time zone for TOU exception program &1 is not suitable for contract &2
162Schema &1 was created. Add the schema extension
163A schema extension already exists for schema &1
164Rate &1 is not admissible for interval meters
165To copy the schema extension, select 'Execute Cond.Bll.Prg'
166Inconsistent rate relationship: Rate relationship group &1 does not exist
167Basic rate &1 is not admissible (interval meter, device, facts)
168Conditional rate &1 is not admissible (interval meter, device, facts)
169Basic rate &1 and conditional rate &2 have different RTP categories
170No TOU interface assigned to basic rate &1
171No TOU interface assigned to conditional rate &1
172Billing schema extension for schema &1 is empty
173Rate relationship grp &1 (schema &2) does not have any conditional rates
174Conditional rate &1 (ref. size &2, schema &3) without cond. billing prog.
175Cond.rate &1 w. bllng prog.&2 (ref.size &3, schema &4) w/o TOU exptn prg.
176Conditional billing program &1 (schema &2) is not allocated to a rate
177Cond. billing prog. &1 (schema &2) does not apply; assignments missing
178No data found for these selection criteria
179More than &1 schemas match the selection criteria
180The client is not available for conditional billing
181Cyclical access of overview function for schema extension not allowed
182TOU exceptions for rate &1 have overlapping time periods
183Error occurred during instantiation of BAdI &2 for outsorting check &1
184Error occurred executuing BAdI method &2 for outsorting check &1
185Quantity determination not yet performed for meter reading document &1
186Mandatory fields are blank (BAdI &2) for outsorting check &1
187No service categories determined for service type &2 (outsortng check &1)
188No data exchange program found for basic program &2 (outsorting check &1)
189Unable to determine points of del.for instl.&2 (&3)(outsorting check &1)
190No data exch.task (PoD &3) for MR doc &2 (MR reas. &4)(outsorting chk &1)
191COMPUT35 can only process standard prices
192Document number &1: Error in BAdI ISU_BI_REVERSAL_UPDATE
193Document &1: Update error in BAdI ISU_BI_REVERSAL_UPDATE
194Error in method UPDATE_PREPARE in the BAdI ISU_BI_UPDATE
195Error in method &2 of BAdI &1
200Input operand for QUANT14X must be a RTP operand
201Internal program error: Inconsistent conditional billing periods
210Operand category is not possible for a condition operand
220Error initializing other periods for installation &1
221Error during tax determination for old line items to be reversed
222Over 99 backbilling periods in the billing period
300Error determining an UUID
301You are not authorized to import prices
302No price info found for price &1 and price category &2 (ISU_PRICE_READ)
303No price classes allocated to registers in installation &1
304No authorization to display discount &1
305Price &1 (price category &2 ; price level &3 ; currency &4 ) was read
306Price &1 (price category &2; price level &3) was created successfully
307Price &1 (price category &2; price level &3) was changed successfully
308Price &1 (price category &2 ; price level &3) can be created successfully
309Price &1 (price category &2 ; price level &3) can be successfully changed
310Error during upload: File &1 does not exist or contains errors
311Imported price &1 contains errors
312No price class found for rate &1 for period &2 to &3
313======> Start: Price Template &1; Price &2; Price Cat. &3; Price Level &4
314======> End: Price Template &1; Price &2; Price Cat. &3; Price Level &4
315You cannot move the start date
316You cannot move the start date; the history is limited
317No changes were made to price &1 (price category &2; price level &3)
318Unable to determine register data for installation &1
319From-date (&1) must be earlier than to-date (&2)
320From-date &1 was adjusted to contract move-in date &2
321To-date &1 was adjusted to contract move-out date &2
322From-date &1 and to-date &2 not found in contract period &3 - &4
323Choose a shorter period
324Price category &1 is not admissible
325Price type &1 is not admissible
326Price amounts have different currencies
327CRM fixed prices cannot be changed
328CRM fixed price &1 has the validity period &2 to &3
329Price does not meet the conditions for a CRM fixed price
331Parameter name for attribute &1 not found
332Colocation group not specified in billing order
333Colocation group not specified in &1 &2
335Allocation &1 &2 not allowed because it is flagged for deletion
340Adjustment reversal &1 is not allowed for CI integration &2
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