CNV - Umstellung: Nachrichten Conversion Services (CNCC)

The following messages are stored in message class CNV: Umstellung: Nachrichten Conversion Services (CNCC).
It is part of development package CNV_BASIS in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Conversion: Basis functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
001You are not allowed to start program & in client 000
002Error while adding entries to table &1
003Table &1 does not contain any entries; cannot select entries
004Use the namespace for customer packages: 90000 - 99000
005Package number &1 already exists.
006Package &1 is valid for Release &2 - &3.
007Package &1 and process tree created
008No packages were found in the chosen client &1.
009Internal error during data selection.
010The search engine must not run for standard packages (< 90000)
011Enter a valid phase.
012Enter a valid client.
013&1 entries generated for Table CNVTABLES. Package: &2
014&1 entries generated for Table CNVFIPARS. Package: &2
015&1 entries generated for Table CNVFIELDS. Package: &2
016Error when deleting the dependent packages in CNVPACKDP: &1
017Enter a valid package number.
018No records found for table &2 &3 in package &1
019Data transferred
020Entries deleted
021Cannot add record to table &1
022Data from Package &1 was successfully copied into active Package &2.
023Package &1 is already in Phase &2; it will not be redefined
024Package number &1 already exists in another client
025Errors occurred during creation of the conversion package
026Note: any CUSTOMIZING order should also be deleted
027An error was found when checking the dependent packages
028The following dependent packages do not exist:
029Dependent packages do not exist. See log.
030&1 records created in table &2
031&1 records copied from table &2
032&1 records copied from table &2 of package &3.
033&1: record already exists; source package &2 &3
034No records that should be deleted found in table &1
035Table &1 does not exist in Data Dictionary.
036Different FORM routines found: &1 &2
037Incorrect sequence for package &1 table &2 field &3
038"Read-only" flag deleted and conversion routine entered for field &1-&2
039"Priority" indicator was set for field &1-&2 .
040Table &1 was configured not to use database views.
041FORM routine for conversion of field &2 in Table &1 is not clear.
042Duplicate processing type set to &2 for table &1
043Different duplicate processing types set for table &1
044For table &1 "No temporary duplicates" indicator was set.
045For table &1 "Copy" indicator was set.
046For table &1 MASTERTAB indicator was set.
047Table &1 is not client-specific and does not have package number.
048&1 entries were copied to table &2.
049For message &1 &2 type &3, max. &4 log records are written.
050The new package &1 could not be activated.
051In table &1, &2 records were read and &3 records were changed.
052Program start not possible at this point.
053Phase & of the program is different than active phase & of the package.
054Message &1 &2 type &3 occured &4 more times.
055Deletion program &2 was created for table &1
056Program &1 for table &2 contains syntax errors
057Entry for phase &1, program &2 and table &3 not found
058Error during blending due to different table sequence!
059& conversion programs generated in this program run
060& conversion views generated in this program run
061For table &1 there are several conversion programs in the current package
062Conflict when determining table sequence (see long text)
063For table &, no sequence number could be determined
064Table & does not contain any fields for conversion
065The package check is complete. Result can be viewed in the log.
066Delta package indicated for package &1 was not found in the system
068Job &1 does not exist. Was it deleted manually?
069Program reported errors in previous run and will be restarted
070&1 entries of type 'INFORMATION' of message &2 from class &3 were dropped
071&1 entries of type 'WARNING' of message &2 from class &3 were dropped
072&1 entries of type 'ERROR' of message &3 from class &3 were dropped
073Program reported warnings in previous run and will be restarted
074Cluster technique is not used
075For table &1, no view was created.
076Table & has same sequence number as dependent cluster tables
077Transparent key fields are changed in table &. No cluster technique.
078Table &1 configured not to use optimized cluster technique.
079Old version of generator (&1) is used
080No records that should be deleted found in table CNVFIELDREF
081No records that should be deleted found in table CNVPACK
082No records that should be deleted found in table CNVPACKT
083No records that should be deleted found in table CNVPACKDP
084No records that should be deleted found in table CNVTABLES
085No records that should be deleted found in table CNVTABLEST
086No records that should be deleted found in table CNVFIELDS
087No records that should be deleted found in table CNVFIELDST
088No records that should be deleted found in table CNVFIPARS
089No records that should be deleted found in table CNVSTEPS
090No records that should be deleted found in table CNVSTEPST
091No records that should be deleted found in table CNVSTPARS
092No records that should be deleted found in table CNVINCL
093No records that should be deleted found in table CNVDOMS
094No records that should be deleted found in table CNVDOMST
095No records that should be deleted found in table CNVDOPARS
096No records that should be deleted found in table CNVSTATE
097No records that should be deleted found in table CNVACTIVE
098No records that should be deleted found in table CNVRENAME
100** 100-119: PACKAGE 10000: Delimitation by Org. Units *****
101Package module for organizational unit delimitation is not available
102Inconsistent settings for org. unit delimitation of a package
103Settings for org. unit delimitation are incompatible.
104Contradictory entries for derivation type for the different packages.
105Delimitation is not carried out by organizational unit.
106Delimitation is carried out by organizational unit &1.
107Delimitation by organizational unit arises by making additional settings.
108Option canceled by user
109Error at initialization
110No Release delta package maintained for package &1
111There is no active package
112Delta package &1 exists in client &2
113Unknown reference in Table CNVFIELDREF!
114Source package &1 is not a dependent package of &2
115Maintain the source package for &1 / &2 / &3
116Maintain the source package for &1 / &2
117Source package was set to package number &1
118Choose between old and new org. derivation
119Org. package & was found
120Org. pacakage & does not exist
121Old org. derivation is used
122New org. derivation is used
123Package module for organizational unit delimitation is not available
124Different Multicopy positions are set for field &2 in table &1
125Different aggr. functions are set for field &2 in table &1
126"Multicopy" indicator set for table &1
127Activity can only be opened in read-only mode
128Failed to initialize state management.
130** CNV_00001_PAKET_LADEN continued
131No records that should be deleted found in table CNVTABLESCU
132No records that should be deleted found in table CNVFIELDSCU
133No records that should be deleted found in table CNVFIPARSCU
134No records that should be deleted found in table CNVIMGORDER
135No records that should be deleted found in table CNVMESSAGE
136No records that should be deleted found in table CNVORDER
137No records that should be deleted found in table CNVSYSPROFILE
138No records that should be deleted found in table CNVPERFANALYSE
139No records that should be deleted found in table CNVJOBPROFILE
140No records that should be deleted found in table CNVINDEX
141No records that should be deleted found in table CNVCONTROL
142No records that should be deleted found in table CNV_00001_USR
143No records that should be deleted found in table CNVIMGORDER
145Action cancelled.
146Maintenance view & not reactivated. Reactivate it manually.
147Table cluster & and its SQL table & have the same sequential number.
148INDX table & converted as transp. table at invalid time point
150&1 selected automatically (largest existing tablespace)
151Cluster &1 created.
152Cluster &1 entered into object directory.
153Cluster &1 activated.
154Cluster &1 deleted from Data Dictionary.
155Entry for Cluster &1 deleted from object directory
156Cluster &1 could not be deleted.
157Error while blending table &1
158Following &1 occurred in several packages
159There are the following &1
160Information on conflict resolution
161Table &1 configured not to use Drop/Insert technique.
162The GETDUPREC indicator was set for table &1.
163There are steps during the selection for table &1 (no drop-insert)
164For table &1, there are steps during timestep AR (no drop-ins. tech.)
165Conflict resolution is active during package blending
166For table &1, there are entries in CNVCONDITIONS (no drop-insert)
167Drop-insert is not used for table &1
168Package & was loaded from client &
169Tablespace & does not exist
170Tablespace & is used for creating storage cluster (table CNVCLU)
171Table &1 is cross-client
172Table & is an SAP standard table
173Field & of table & is empty
174For table &1, there are steps during timestep DS which can't be resolved
176Primary index &~& does not exist in database
180Package &1 does not exist
181You have to execute the distribution analysis first
182The field already exists, or the table contains no such field
183Field &2 of table &1 is relevant for the conversion
184The generated SQL condition is too long (portion &1, condition &2)
186Reset of table buffers completed successfully
187Error while resetting table buffers; raise a ticket under CA-DT-CNV-BAS
190Conversion started. You can observe the status in extend. process monitor
192No active matchcode objects exist
197Contents of package &1 loaded.
200*** CSSH ***
201&1 &2 &3 &4
202Table &1 was saved successfully.
203Error when saving table &1
204No order number provided.
205Data record &1 &2 &3 exists already and will not be added.
206The changes were successfully saved.
207Make entries at least in fields &1 and &2.
208Make an entry at least in field &1.
209Data record &1 exists already and will not be inserted
210&1 object(s) successfully added to Order &2
211Select at least one entry for transport
212Object(s) could not be added to Order &1
213No entries are available for transport
214Table &1 could not be read from System &2 &3 &4
215Error during update of table &1 in system &2
216Allow RFC destination &1 to be created in system &2
217Transport to RFC system &1 not possible -> Danger of inconsistencies!
218System error: Lock for &1 could not be set
219Selected Release &1 <> current Release &2 => only display possible
220No entry to select
221The selected Release &1 is the current release => changes possible
222No RFC connection in system &1. Switch to "Backup".
223Entry &1 does not exist -> see F4 Help
224Error in selection
225No RFC connection to backup system &1. Check the connection!
226Backup system &1 is active.
230Job & cannot be started due to insufficient resources.
250For conversion of field &-&, routine & with & parameters was determined
251Source package set to &4 for the field &3 of the table &2
252Not allowed value for source package &4 was changed to &1
253Source package set to &4 for the domain &3, data element &2
254Not allowed value for source package &4 was changed to &1
255Field 'Package' is initial
256For table &, field &, routine & source package is not unique
257For domain &, data element & and convfunc &, source package is not unique
258You have to set at least one of the domain / data element pair
261Update tasks with errors existing. Start not possible.
270Standard generator can not be started
271Troubleshooting activity '&1' can not be started
272Troubleshooting activity '&1' can not be started
273Programs generated succesfully. For more information check the protocol.
274Error during generation. For more information check the protocol.
275There exist at least one valid conversion program
276Generation of a conversion program for table & is not allowed
277It is not allowed to invalidate the status entries for table &1
278&1 status entries for table &2 invalidated and set to 'Finished'
279&1 status entries for table &2 will be invalidated and set to 'Finished'
280There exist no status entries which should be invalidated for table &
301For table &1, field &2, the field parameter &3 does not exist.
302For table &1, time step &2, the step parameter &3 does not exist.
340Error during determination of non-transparent field &2 for table &1
341Error during determinination of non-transparent domain &1
342Conflicts occurred for the following non-transparent fields
343Table &1, non-transparent field &2, DDIC field &3
344Conflicting non-transparent fields of table &1
345Non-transparent parameter &1 for field &2, table &3 not defined correctly
360Conflict occurs during priority handling of the record
361Priority routine: '&1', Priority value: '&2'
400****** 400 - 444 reserved for user lock and IMG *******
401&1 registrations were changed
402Registration for User &1 was changed
403No users were registered
404No package is active.
405There is no IMG structure generated for Package &1.
406IMG structure &1 or package &2 does not exist
407User &1 is not registered for package &2
408User &1 was registered with Role &2.
409User &1 was locked.
410Package does not have type P or T.
411User &1 was unlocked.
412No IMG entry for program &1 in phase &2 in CNVSTATE
413No CNVSTATE entry for program &1 in phase &2 in IMG
414No IMG entry for program &1 table &2 in phase &3 in CNVSTATE
415Altogether, &1 users were unlocked
416All users were unlocked already.
417Altogether, &1 users were locked.
418All users were locked already.
419You are not authorized to lock users
420User &1 is not authorized to lock users
421Test run of conversion programs after end of selection is not allowed.
422Predecessor activity "&1" was executed in test run only
423There are old process tree entries
424Conflict occurred while determining the order of the process tree
425User &1 is not registered with role 'Delivery' for package &2.
426Following entries of table CNVIMGORDERNEW caused conflicts
428Old process tree blending logic is used
429You are not authorized to unlock users
432You are not authorized to use this function
434Please use the PCL process tree to execute the package
440Parts of the IMG for package & were included in transport request &
441Process tree structure &1 does not exist
442This functionality is valid only for standard packages (00001 - 89999)
445Program &1 was finished successfully.
446Program &1 was terminated with warnings.
447Program &1 was terminated with errors.
448Program &1 was finished.
449Status of successor activity "&1" (program &2) was reset
450Program &1 cannot be allocated a task number
451You are not authorized to use this function
452In client &, phase & of package & is active
453Phase cannot be activated due to active packages in other client
454The generator is active in client &
455Generation cannot run in more than one client at a time
460Program & cannot run at the moment due to the sequence number
461Table &1, end processing of task &2 cannot run at the moment
462Program &1 for table &2 cannot run because of sequence relationships
470No entry for table &1 in table CNVTABLES
471There is a conflict between sequence relationships of tables
472The optimized cluster technique can not be used for table &
480No entry for program &1 in table CNVSTATE
481Phase &1 of predecessor &2 is different as phase &3 of successor &4
482There is a conflict between sequence relationships of programs
483Successor activity "&1" is currently running
486Program &1 exists already in package &2, phase &3 and is not inserted
500Replacement for messages from class MQ
501Predecessor activity "&1" has not been completed correctly
502For table &, conversion program & has been created
503Program & started on & at & by user &
504Program & was completed on & at & with status &
505Error(s) that occurred exceed(s) tolerance limit
506Program & contains syntax errors
507No programs to be executed found for package & and phase &
508Job-SUBMIT: & SUBMIT not possible
509Package & is already in phase &, is not allowed to be deleted
510An error occurred while correction &1 was changed; RETURNCODE &2.
511Components of conversion package & were included in correction &
512Program & must not run in phase &. The active package is &
513Single record buffer for server &1 was reset
514Error while resetting the single record buffer for server &1
515Generic buffer for server &1 was reset
516Error while resetting generic buffer for server &1
517Application server(s) could not be determined
518There are differences for company code &1 and year &2
519Active package could not be identified
520Process was canceled by user
521Program & does not exist in the status management for package &
522The activity "&1" can not be restarted
523Conversion started as test run -> no database changes!
524Table & already has entries in dummy client CNV
525&1 is the maximal number of programs that can be generated
526Program & could not be generated
527Genreated program &1 could not be inserted into repository
528Loading of package contents still in progress
529Error(s) while loading the package (see long text)
530No documentation was found.
540For HR cluster &, relid &, structure & , fld &, there are different forms
550Field &1 in table &2 does not have a field of table &3 assigned
551The fields &1-&2 and &3-&4 are already assigned
560No aborted job found for table &
561All selected jobs were recheduled succesfully
562No failed index recreation tasks for table &
600*** procedure monitor ***
601Funct.can only be executed for entry w. status "&1" (&2); see long text
602Job name and/or job count for entry invalid => funct. cannot be executed
603There is no data for display in Phase "&1" (yet)
604Package &1 contains no data
605This function is not yet implemented
606&1 &2 &3 &4
607Active package &1 was selected (see long text). &2.
608Package &1 was selected. &2.
609Active Package &1 does not contain any data
610Active package &1 was selected. &2.
611&1 was called
612&1 &2 cannot be displayed
613Select a valid entry (&1 cannot be used for this fct.)
614Job name for entry &1 is empty or not valid
615&1 could not be called
616Job name for entry &1 &2 is empty or not valid
617Display was NOT updated (please press F8 or ENTER if required)
618Currently no function is assigned to this field (see long text)
619Display was refreshed
620Display was refreshed and sorted according to errors in descending order
621Job scheduling for job &1 was successfully &2
622View was changed from "&1" to "&2"
623Display was refreshed and sorted according to order in IMG
624Phase "&1" was selected
625Job name and/or job number missing. Job log cannot be displayed.
626Please select a log by double-clicking on it (if required)
627Active package &1 was selected (see long text). There is no IMG.
628Package &1 was selected. There is no IMG.
629Active package &1 was selected. There is no IMG.
630Phase "&1" was selected (View: "&2")
631Overview of phases was called
632Procedure Monitor for Conversion Services was closed
633Please select a package (see input help)
634Average data throughput per second (read/sec or upd/sec): &1.
635Currently, column "Log" always contains an 'X' (see long text)
636Now the correct value is displayed in column "Log" again.
637Column width was optimized and display was refreshed
638Function no longer possible -> see long text
639The log contains error messages. Please expand the log.
640All org. delimitations are maintained consistently for the deletion pack.
641Creation of pool table for matchcode object &1 failed.
642Index-building tasks (if there were any) were de-selected
643Index-building task (if there are any) were highlighted in yellow
644Build-up of individual matchcode pool tables was not confirmed
645Build-up of relevant matchcode pool tables was confirmed.
646Active package was changed from &1 to &2!
647Table &1 does not contain any dependent tables for entry &2 (TaskID &3)
648There is no log for this entry (column 'Log' does not contain an 'X')
649No function currently assigned to this field
650Active phase &1 is no part of the current process tree (see long text)
651Table &1 is displayed
652Report &1 is displayed
653Dependent tables for &1 (TaskID &2) are displayed
654Log for job &1 (Jobcount &2) is displayed
655Watchdog was not activated
656Watchdog status is displayed
657Watchdog was not switched off
658Select an action
659Job scheduling finished
660Program & for re-creating matchcodes is set to status GREEN
661Save the results in system CND
662Net runtime of the conversion: &; See prot. in proc. monitor for details
663Status of program is set to GREEN by the system
664Total net runtime of the conversion (during system lock): &
665Net runtime of phase &1 (&2) was: &3
667Scheduling of parallel update jobs failed
668Scheduling of jobs for re-creating the index failed
669Scheduling of parallel update jobs successful
670Failed to delete temporary data for package &1
675Completeness of preparations for conversion is not confirmed
676Completeness of preparations for conversion is confirmed
700* Optimized job starter
701Optimization of job starter was activated for package ID &.
702Optimization of job starter was de-activated for package ID &
703Optimized job starter is used
704Job start w/o optimization is active
705Information on settings for optimization transaction
706Preselect was completed and preselect indicator was deleted.
707Job starter without optimization can not be used
710Index may not be recreated successfully due to insuf. space in tablesp. &
715Failed to set package &1 as parallel active package (&2)
720Conversion scenario of program & for table & cannot be determined
721Conversion scenario of program & for table & is ambiguous
722An error occurred when saving parameters for table &.
723An error occurred during drop of table &.
724Table & was dropped.
725Table & was re-created.
726An error occurred during creation of table &.
727View & was activated.
728An error occurred during activation of view &.
729Job scheduling is only possible in languages German and English
730Table & was not dropped because no records for deletion were found
731All views are active
732View & was already active
733Value for parameter & could not be determined
734Error while finding org. information for table &2
735Content of table & was deleted
736&2 records read and &3 records deleted in table &1
737&2 records read and &3 records inserted in table &1
738Multicopy Position not set for any field of table &
739Multicopy Position "F" (First) is set for more than one field of table &
741For table &, duplicates were created during multicopy
744Table & contains data (it was excluded before because it was empty)
745All tables and fields that were excluded are still empty.
746Field &2-&1 contains data (it was excluded before because it was empty)
750Index & (to be dropped) for table & does not exist in the database
751Memory parameters for index & for table & could not be set
752Memory parameters for Index & for table & could not be determined
753Index & for table & could not be dropped
754Index & for table & was deleted from the database.
755Error when creating index for table & .
756Check the SysLog (SM21) or the action log (SE14).
757Index & for table & could not be created.
758& index creation tasks scheduled for table &
759Error when scheduling & index creation task(s) for table & .
760Index & for table & was created in the database.
761Unique secondary index & of table & can cause duplicates.
762There are no generated programs.
763Data was saved.
764Data had been saved already
765Unique secondary index & of table & can cause duplicates.
766Program & is not meant to run in system &
767Index & for table & did not exist in the database before the conversion
768The check for index & for table & was not completed successfully
770No index was dropped during the conversion
771Table name and file name are not compatible
772Lock parameter &1 for table &2 could not be set
773Some jobs for table &1 ar not yet in the update phase
774Some jbs for table &1 are still in the selection phase
775Lock parameter &1 for table &2 could not be determined
776Table &1 has already been dropped by another job
777Dropping of indexes has already been scheduled by another job
778Some jobs for table &1 are still in the update phase
779Creation of indexes has already been scheduled by another job
780Table &1 was not dropped; the update phase must not start
789Wrong routine type for aggregate routine &3 (field &2 of table &1)
790Duplicate processing type for table &1 was not maintained
791Potentially wrong duplicate processing type selected for table &1
792Too many fields of table &1 were marked with "Priority" indicator
793No priority routine was defined for table &1
794There is no field for aggregation defined for the table &1
795Duplicate processing type for table &1 does not allow value aggregation
796Incorrect aggregation function value for the field &1 of table &2
797Data type &3 of the field &1 of the table &2 is not allowed
798"Multicopy" indicator not set for the table &1
799No or too many fields marked with Multicopy Position "First" in table &1
800Differentiating letter & is used already (client& PackID&).Free values &
801&1 old generated programs in current package will be deleted.
802Program & for table & could not be created (check syslog)
803Job &1 with job number &2 was created.
804Program &1 was created as a job step for job &2.
805Job &1 will be executed on &2 at &3.
806Program & is not created
807Error during generation of conversion program &
808Table &1 already exists
809Table & is a cluster (pool) table; &2 is saved
810Incorrect sequence of fields for table &1 was defined
811Not allowed value of Multicopy Position for the field &1 of the table &2
812No free differentiator (letter) available
813Duplicate processing type initialized (table &1)
820Package &1 does not contain any tables
821Program &1 could not be created in DDIC
822Results for &1 tables were deleted
823Job scheduling was carried out in the background
824The task is processed in the background
825Table &1 does not contain a field that can be used for partitioning
830Package &1 is not active or not in phase &2
831The new package &1 was not set to 'active'
849Errors occurred during generation (see the log for details)
850Reloading is not possible for table &. The program is in phase &
851Reloading is not possible for table &. Optimized cluster method is used.
852Reloading is not possible for table &. Deletion prog. and view are used.
853Reloading is not possible for table &. Scenario & is used.
854Reloading is not possible for table &. Fewer entries than in original.
855Reloading is not possible for table &. Not all entries are in the cluster
856Reloading is not possible for table &. Scen. &, and table is not empty.
857Reloading is not possible for table &; WHERE clauses are used
858No records were selected for table &; reload is not necessary
859Note that already generated programs are not deleted
860Reloading is not possible for table &. Scen. &, and program not completed
861No records were changed for table &; reload is not necessary
870For table &, & records were saved
871Reloading tables is possible only in phase &
879Context GUID for package &1 could not be obtained
880For detailed information about the &1, see the related link
881No relevant check profile found
882No checks started yet
885Field &2-&1 excluded because no mapping values exist
886Field &2-&1 included because mapping values exist
888Table &1 excluded because there are no mapping values for any fields
889Table &1 is included because there are mapping values for its fields
891Field &2-&1 excluded but mapping values exist
892Table &1 excluded but mapping values exist for its fields
893No field is excluded from the conversion; mapping values exist for all
894Package settings for mapping values are consistent
895Index settings for table & index & could not be saved
899Key of errorneous entry of table (or view) &1 (see message details)
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