CNV_20100 - Nachrichtenklasse f�r den Kontenplan

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_20100: Nachrichtenklasse f�r den Kontenplan.
It is part of development package CNV_20100 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CNCC: Chart of accounts conversion".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Error while reading table &1
002Error during insert in table &1
003Error during update/modify to table &1
004Test run; no data gets changed
005Save data before upload
006To select a log, double-click it
007Error during download
008For line &1 (&3 -> &4), scenario &2 was found to be fitting
010CoA mapping &1 -> &2: no suitable scenario found
011Check most likely scenarios &1 (&3 match) with line &2:
012Line &1 does not change CoA, but most likely scenario &2 requires this
013Line &1 does not change CoA, while most likely scenario &2 changes CoA
014Line &1 changes CoA, but most likely scenario &2 does not allow for this
015Line &1 changes CoA, while most likely scenario &2 does not
016Line &1 is not CoCd-dependent, while most likely scenario &2 has to be so
017Line &1 is not CoCd-dependent, while most likely scenario &2 is
018Line &1 is CoCd-dependent, while most likely scenario &2 must not be so
019Line &1 is CoCd-dependent, while most likely scenario &2 is not
020Line &1 does not copy CoA, while most likely scenario &2 requires this
021Line &1 does not copy CoA, while most likely scenario &2 does
022Line &1 copies CoA,while most likely scenario &2 does not allow for this
023Line &1 copies CoA, while most likely scenario &2 does not
024Line &1 does not change accts, while most likely scen. &2 requires this
025Line &1 does not change accounts, while most likely scenario &2 does
026Line &1 changes accounts, while most likely scenario &2 must not do so
027Line &1 changes accounts, while most likely scenario &2 does not
028Data has been saved
029Search term not found
030Country/Region-specific CoA &2 has CoA &1 as group CoA
031Operative CoA &2 has CoA &1 as group CoA
032&1 is a group CoA to which no company codes are assigned directly
033&1 -> &2 is supporting scenario; renaming accounts is not permitted
034&1 -> &2 cannot have participating company codes; see long text
035For CoA &1, CoCd &3 was indicated for CoAr &2, while CoCd &4 was not
036Company code &1 for chart of accounts &2 was not indicated
037For chart of accounts &1, no company code was indicated (operative CoA)
038All company codes must participate in the restructuring of CoA &1
039Mapping for &1 -> &2 is inconsistent; see long text
040No change of names wanted
041Error while creating/changing the account name for account &1 &2
042&1 &2 is neither an existing G/L account nor a cost element
043Error while creating or changing the name of cost element &1 &2
044&1 account names and &2 CostEl names were created/changed
045Length of CostEl long text for &1 &2 exceeds max. length and is cut off
046You did not confirm all activities!
047Select at least one company code (or cancel)
048Company code &1 must be indicated; see long text
049Set the 'Copy Rows' indicator for chart of accounts &1; see long text
050Company code &1, which also uses chart of accounts &2, was not indicated
051The company code entered (&) does not use chart of accounts &
052Company code-dependent chart of accounts conversion is not possible
053Inconsistent conversion parameters; see long text
054'Old' chart of accounts same as 'new' chart of accounts; see long text
055No org. unit was defined for table &; conversion is not possible
056Check of the N:1 relationship was started on & & by &
057Secondary cost element &1 is merged with G/L account &2
058G/L account &1 is merged with secondary cost element &2
059&1 is a balance sheet account, whereas &2 is not
060Accounts &1 and &2 with different profit loss statement account type: &4
061Check of the balance sheet structures was started on & & by &
062Canceled by user
063G/L account groups for &1 and &2 differ
064Account currency of &1 differs from the one of &2 in company code &3
065Tax category for account &1 differs from that for account &2 in CoCd &3
066'Tax code not a required field' differs for &1 and &2 in company code &3
067Reconciliation acct &1 and non-reconc. acct &2 in CoCd &3 are merged
068Open item management in company code &3 is active for &1, but not for &2
069&1 has its balances only in local currency in CoCd &3, whereas &2 has not
070Account &1 has line item display in CoCd &3 active, whereas has &2 not
071&1 and &2 have different keys for sorting by assignm. numbers in CoCd &3
072&1 and &2 have different authorization groups in company code &3
073&1 and &2 have different field status groups in company code &3
074&1 is a cash flow account in company code &3, while account &2 is not
075In CoCd &3, &1 can only be posted to automatically, while &2 cannot
076The check produced & errors and & warnings; see log
077Check of sets is complete; for results, see the log
078Field content & of table & is unknown
079Org.-dependent conversion, production CoCd & / CoA &; see long text
080Org.-dependent conversion, company code & / CoA &; see long text
081Control table entries were temporarily saved in package &2
082Save the table entries first (phase 'Package settings')
083Table &1 was not saved; see long text
084Target account &2 exists already; implicit merge by account rename
085CoA conversion is carried out depending on org. units
086CoA conversion is carried out INdependent of org. units
087'Copy Rows' indicator is set, CoA is copied
088'Copy Rows' indicator is not set, no CoA copy
089Cyclic changes or temporary duplicates may occur; see long text
090No cyclic changes and no temporary duplicates can occur
091No N:1 merges of G/L accounts or cost elements
092Source account &1 does not exist
093Source cost element &1 does not exist
094Target cost element &2 exists, implicit merge by rename of cost element
095For target &3, priority indicator has been set more than once
096Priority is set for G/L account &1 (no CostEl); CostEl merge arbitrary
097No company codes could be selected
098Following organizational units participate in the conversion:
099&1 = &2
100Automatic suggestion failed for group name (set class=&1): &2 &3
101No CoA merge scenario; no duplicate CostEl groups/CO acct grps can occur
102Rename of cost element group &1 to &2 is not possible due to length
103Report &1: Complex selection characteristics
104Report &1 (&2): Global variable &3 is not defined or has '*' as value
105Intervals could not be created due to priority indicator settings
106There are no conflictual merges
107No G/L accounts or cost elements are changed
108Chart of accounts copy
109N:1 merge of G/L accounts and cost elements
110No CoA for conversion was specified
111There are interval limits to be maintained; see long text
112Package needs to be dependent on organizational unit
113(&1,&2,&3,&4): Organizational unit is ambiguous; no conversion
114Report painter &1,&2,&3,&4: No org.unit found; record is not converted
115Merge at A level: No priority control for merge to account &1.
116There are no duplicate cost element groups or CO account groups
117There are duplicate CostEl groups or CO acct groups; maintenance required
118There are no interval limits requiring maintenance
119Priority control does not work for merge to account &2 in company code &3
120Status of activity '&1' changed from error to warning
121Settings confirmed on &1 by &2; status changes were made
122Settings confirmed on &1 by &2; no status changes necessary
123Canceled by user &1
124Simulated status change; confirm all activities by saving
125Simulation: No status change required for selected activities
126CoA mapping &1 -> &2 with 'Copy Rows': Scenario &3 not released
127Error during rename of set &1, &2, &3
128Rename of groups and sets leads to no inconsistencies
129Problem due to conversion to existing set &1, &2, &3
130Problem due to multiple conversions to group/set &1, &2, &3
131Check of financial statement structures completed with warnings/errors
132Check of financial statement structures completed
133No routines for G/L account and cost element conversion found
134Entries were transferred to table &1
135No copy of chart of accounts
136Keep basic settings
137For CoA &1, no company code was indicated (Country/region-specific CoA)
138CoA &1 is implemented as country/region-specific CoA: No CoCds selected
139Priority control does not work for merge to sec. CostEl &2 in CoAr &3
140No scenarios could be determined yet
141Error during update to table &1, field &2, package &3.
142Initialization is completed
143Inconsistency in master data of G/L account &1; see long text
144Settings have been confirmed; activity cannot be executed any more
145Multicopy indicator was set for table &1
146Fin. statement version &1 &4: From-account &2 &3 remains unchanged
147Fin. statement version &1 &4: To-account &2 &3 remains unchanged
148Fin. statmt. vrsn. &1 &4: From-account &2 &3 is no existing G/L account
149Fin. statmt. vrsn. &1 &4: To-account &2 &3 no existing G/L account
150Object type &1 is unknown for &2 &3; create/change not possible
151CoA merge scenario due to implicit merge to existing CoA &1
152Undefined merge to account &1 in company code &2
153Select only one column
154Priority indicator is set more than once, which is not allowed
155Package is not org.-dependent, no KNUM* determination necessary
156No relevant sales organizations exist in participating company codes
157There are no inconsistencies
158Priority set more than once at B level for G/L acct &1 &2 in CoCd &3
159Error during download
160Error during upload
161No package is active
162&1 &2 is already contained in mapping for accounts/primary cost elements
163&1 &2 is already contained in mapping for secondary cost elements
164Op. CoA &1 missing for convers. of group CoA &2 or 'Copy Rows' is not set
165CoCd &1 for op. CoA &2 missing; group CoA conversion &3 not possible
166Alternative account (SKB1-ALTKT) is already filled in company code &1
167&3 (additional) condition numbers from &1 transferred to table &2 (KONV)
168&3 (additional) condition records from &1 transferred to table &2 (KNMH)
169Posting period variant &1 is also used by non-participating CoCd &2
170AcctGrp for G/L acct: CoA &1, AcctGrp &2: Lower limit &3 is not converted
171No unambiguous assignment of posting period variant &1 to a CoA
172Length of target acct or cost element &3 exceeds significant length of &4
173Mapping contains different significant lengths for target CoA &1
174Priority indicator set more than once at B level for &1 &2 in CoAr &3
175Other account &1 was also maintained in G/L account mapping
176Other account &1 was also maintained in secondary cost element mapping
177Inconsistency; all further checks are canceled
178Select one column
179No data was imported
180Merge into a country/region-specific CoA is not possible (&1 -> &2)
181CoA &1 (&1 -> &1) cannot have itself as its country/region-specific CoA
182Country/region-specific CoA &3 will be implemented for company code &4
183No country/region-specific CoA will be implemented; no action required
184Target account &2 exists already, implicit merge by CoA rename
185CoA merge: Source account &1 exists; implicit merge by CoA rename
186No priority indicator set at B level for G/L account &1 &2 in CoCd &3
187CoA-related master data from CoA &1 was copied to CoA &3
188Priority set more than once at B level for cost element &1 &2 in CoAr &3
189"Display alternative acctNo" switched on for account groups of CoA &1
190There are no (additional) conditions in table &1 for participating CoCd
191No (additional) conditions that depend on table &1 exist in table KONV
192Country/region-specific CoA &1 was entered for company code &2 of CoA &3
193Name of Country/region-specific CoA in mapping for &1 -> &2 is initial
194Target cost element &2 already exists, implicit merge by CoA rename
195CoA merge: Source cost element &1 exists; implicit merge by CoA rename
196No priority indicator set at B level for cost element &1 &2 in CoAr &3
197Implicit merge by implementing country/region-specific CoA &3
198Country/region-specific CoA &1 was added to CoA list (T004)
199CoA &1 is already ctry/regn-specific CoA for participating company codes
200Addit. rules for autom. recon.: Interval limit &1 will not be converted
201Merge at A/B level: No priority control for merge to account &1
202Merge at A level: No priority control for merge to cost element &1
203Merge at A/B level: No priority control for merge to cost element &1
204Ctry/rgn-spec. CoA &3 (to be implemented) is also target for a conversion
205CoA merge: Source account &1 exists; implicit merge by account rename
206Master data of CoA &1 for implem. of ctry/regn-specific CoA &2 was saved
207Country/region-specific CoA &1 implemented for CoCd &2
208CoA restructuring (&1 -> &1); ctry/rgn-specific CoA cannot be implemented
209Ctry/rn-spec. CoA &1 cannot be implemented and converted at the same time
210CoA &1 must participate in the conversion for converting CoA &2
211Field 'Cty/rn-spec.CoA' is filled (&1 -> &2), but flag 'Cty/rgn' is blank
212Chart of accounts &1 remains unchanged in the system; no copy required
213Set data must be transferred into transparent tables
214Set &1 &2 &3 is too long after conversion
215CoA merge: Source cost element &1 exists; implicit merge by CostEl rename
216Source account &3 already exists; implicit merge
217Source cost element &3 already exists; implicit merge
218Implicit merges found
219B priority set for acct &1 in company code &2 for merge into account &3
220Parameter &1 set in conversion parameter table (CNV_00001_PARAMS)
221Parameter &1 deleted from conversion parameter table (CNV_00001_PARAMS)
222Error during upload: There are entries with the same key
223Obsolete entry at B level for G/L account &1 &2 in CoCd &3
224Obsolete entry at B level for cost element &1 &2 in CoAr &3
225Select at least one row or position the cursor correctly
226Partner company IDs of accounts &1 and &2 differ: &4
227&1 (G/L acct) and &2 (primary cost element in CoAr &4 into account &3
228CoA &1 is group chart of accounts for CoA &2 (not in use)
229Group chart of accounts &1 is not converted within chart of accounts &2
230G/L account &1 &2 does not exist at A level; texts are not changed
231Cost element &1 &2 does not exist at A level; texts are not changed
232Copy scenario: Table &1 is excluded from the conversion
233Temporary duplicate occurs for account &2; see long text
234Accts are unique in row &1, which is not allowed in most likely scen. &2
235Accts are unique in row &1, which is not the case in most likely scen. &2
236Accts are not unique in row &1, but must be so for most likely scen. &2
237Accts are not unique in row &1, which is not the case in likely scen. &2
238PROFIL=&1,APPLIK=&2,WRTTP=&3 w/o CoAr CostElGrp &4 is not converted
239Priority control does not work with merge to primary CostEl &2 in CoAr &3
240B priority set for cost element &1 in CoAr &2 for merge into CostEl &3
241Priority control does not work due to missing setting; see long text
242Proposed conversion routine cannot be changed for SAP tables
243Merge to chart of accounts &1 with assigned group chart of accounts &2
244&2 mappings were stored in table &1 (payment advice line items)
245No renumbering of payment advice line items required
246Reconciliation account for account type differs for &1 and &2 in CoCd &3
247In FAGL_011ZC for VERSN=&1,ERGSL=&2,ChartAcc_new=&3: Acct_from > Acct_to
248In FAGL_011ZC for VERSN=&1,ERGSL=&2,ChartAcc_new=&3: Overlap of intervals
249Alternative account of &1 differs from &2 in company code &3 (SKB1-ALTKT)
250Impl. merge of G/L acct &1 with sec. CostEl &2 due to merge in exist. CoA
251Implicit merge of G/L acct &1 with secondary CostEl &2 due to CoA change
252Implicit merge of G/L account &1 with secondary cost element &2
253Implicit merge of G/L acct &1 with secondary CostEl &2 due to CoA change
254'Indicator: account managed in ext. syst.' of &1 differs from &2 in cc &3
255&1 is blocked for posting in company code &3, whereas account &2 is not
256&1 and &2 have different cost centers in controlling area &3
257In T8G17 for new CoA &1: Lower limit &2 is greater than higher limit &3
258In T8G17 for new CoA &1: Overlap of intervals: &2; &3
259Item category changes in CoA &1 (SAKNR,LINETYPE): &2 => &3
260Impl. merge of sec. CostEl &1 with G/L acct &2 due to merge in exist. CoA
261Implicit merge of secondary CostEl &1 with G/L acct &2 due to CoA change
262Implicit merge of secondary cost element &1 with G/L account &2
263Implicit merge of secondary CostEl &1 with G/L acct &2 due to CoA change
264Implicit merge of secondary CostEl &1 with G/L acct &2 due to CoA change
265CoA merge: Implicit merge of secondary cost element &1 with G/L acct &2
266CoA merge: Impl. merge of sec. CostEl &1 with G/L acct &2 due to CoA chng
267Assigned functional areas for &1 and &2 are not the same
268Classification data (CA-CL) present with G/L accounts or cost elements
269G/L accounts
270G/L account &1 &2 is missing in mapping
271Secondary cost element &1 &2 is missing in mapping
272Secondary cost elements
273Secondary cost elements mapping is complete
274G/L account &1 &2 in company code &3 is missing in mapping
275Secondary cost element &1 &2 in controlling area &3 is missing in mapping
276Check at chart of accounts level (A-level)
277G/L accounts mapping is complete
278Check at company code level (B-level)
279Inconsistency in master data of cost element &1; see long text
280Check at controlling area level
281Mapping for controlling area &1 (chart of accounts &2) is complete
282Completeness check for chart of accounts &1 ***************
283Set value &1 could not be converted; TAB=&2, FIELD=&3 is incomplete
284No organizational unit for &1=&2
285Primary cost element &1 &2 in controlling area &3 is missing in mapping
286Indicator for duplicate handling initialized for: &1
287Priority indicator initialized for: &1
288KEYCHVIEWS indicator set at table level
289G/L account and cost element fields and domains excluded from conversion
290Domains/data elements for G/L accounts/CostEl will not be converted
291Financial statement version &1: Data was read
292Financial statement version &1: Balance sheet does not exist
293No financial statement versions selected for conversion
294Job &1 with job number &2 was scheduled and released
295Posting period variant &1 is also used by non-relevant company code &2
296Posting period variant &1 is used by relevant company codes
297Financial statement version &1: G/L acct &2 exists in positions &3 and &4
298KEYCHVIEWS indicator is initialized for package &1
299Group &1 is not unique after the conversion
300Format check completed; no inconsistencies found
301Rename of group &1 &2 &3 leads to a format error
302No missing accounts or primary CostEl in participating company codes
303No missing accounts or primary cost elements in chart of accounts
304No missing secondary cost elements in participating controlling areas
305No missing secondary cost elements in chart of accounts
306Check for completeness is not possible for 'other accounts'
307Parameter & could not be assigned correctly
308&1 &2 with overlapping intervals &3
309Fin. statement version &1: Data was changed
310Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : scenario &3
311__restructuring of chart of accounts
312__G/L accounts and cost elements in CoA &1 are not unique
313__Assignment of G/L accts and cost elements in CoA &1 is CoCd-independent
314__General conversion of a chart of accounts
315__G/L accounts and cost elements in CoA &1 are unique
316__Assignment of G/L accts and cost elements in CoA &1 is CoCd-dependent
317Copy of chart of accounts
318No G/L accounts or cost elements in CoA &1 are modified
319Cyclic changes and/or temporary duplicates
320KEYCHVIEWS indicator is initialized due to blending with other packages
321N:1 mapping of G/L accounts and cost elements
322No N:1 mapping of G/L accounts or cost elements
323All relevant financial statement versions were already processed
324Fin. statement version & is not marked as relevant or already processed
325New general ledger is active
326Document splitting active at client level (method: &)
327Copy of chart of accounts (some associated sets might not be converted)
328Document splitting is not active in company code &1
329KEYCHVIEWS indicator is initialized for table &2 (package &1)
330Overlapping cost element intervals in TCKH2: &1: &2 <> &3
331Conflict in TCKH2: &1 for &2 respectively &3: ELEMT=&4
332Error while reading report &1
333Routine &1 is not specified in table CNV_20100_CFUNC
334Missing CNV_COA_T004 entry for target chart of accounts &1
335Set name &1 could not be converted; TAB=&2, FIELD=&3 is incomplete
336Set name &1 could not be converted; set class &2 could not be identified
337For set (set class=&1,set name=&2), no subclass could be identified
338Lower limit and upper limit were swapped; now: ([&2, &3])
339Not all company codes participate in &1 -> &2 (delimitation scenario)
340SUBMIT job: & SUBMIT not possible
341Jobs were scheduled and released
342Routine &1 is not specified in CNV_00001_FORMS. Contact SAP for support
343Error while generating dynamic coding; error code &1
344There is no old set data
345& confirms that remaining old set data is not relevant for conversion
346Financial statement version &1: From-/to-account &2 &3 remains unchanged
347Participating chart of accounts & has no company codes
348Fin. statemt vers &1: From-/to-acct &2 &3 is no existing G/L account
349& records were uploaded and saved
350No data was loaded; probably wrong file name, or file is empty
351Upload error
352Package &1 is different from active package &2
353Package &1 is not in phase "Mapping Tables"
354Org.indep. conv. with unique target values for &1. Field is converted.
355Set class is initial; set value=&1 is not converted
356Org.indep. conv. with mult. target values for &1. Field is NOT converted
357CoA mapping analysis: report cannot be executed in update mode
358T038: GLIED=&3,ZEILT=&2,SELEK=&1: SELEK is not converted
359Chart of accounts mapping &1=>&2 and &3=>&4 leads to temporary duplicates
360No cty/rgn-specific CoA is defined for CoCd &1: no conversion of accounts
361No group CoA is defined for CoA &1: group account will not be converted
362Temporary duplicates; CoA &1 is source CoA as well as target CoA
363More than one CoA is converted; CoA-independent mapping is not unique
364More than one CoA is converted; CoA-independent mapping is unique
365No data read from table CNV_20100_TABCHK; error
366TAB=&1,CYCLE=&2: No org. unit; &3=&4 will be converted org.-independently
367Priority routine is called with an initial parameter value
368Merge of charts of accounts
369Multicopy table &1 without CoA field in the key. Contact SAP for support
370No chart of accounts mapping has been maintained
371Company code &1
372Org.-independent conversion by routine &1
373&1: table field could not be analyzed
374&1: format with and without leading zeros; see long text
375&1: format without leading zeros; see long text
376&1: table field was analyzed
377Parameter number &1 is greater than &2; number of parameters is too high
378__no copy of chart of accounts
379ACCOUNT_CONVERT_20100 does not convert numerals without leading zeros
380G/L accounts and/or cost elements in chart of accounts &1 are modified
381&1: maximum number of records was reached; analysis is stopped
382&1: table field is always blank
383&1: read-only indicator was set
384Set class is initial; set values are converted as cost elements
385&1: in CNVTABLES sequence number was set to value &2
386Ctry/regn-specific CoA &1: Account &2 is not used as alternative account
387No organizational unit; &1=&2 is converted independent of org. unit
388Table &1 is converted before table &2
389SKB1 (sequence number &1) must run before &2 (sequence number &3); error
390A maximum of &1 data records per table gets analyzed
391&1 excluded from conversion
392Parameter CNV_20100_NO_N_TO_1_NO_SUMUP is set for the package
393After conversion, cost element &3 is no longer in cost element group &1
394After conversion, cost element &3 is new in cost element group &1
395After conversion, account/cost element is no longer in account group &1
396After conversion, account / cost element is new in account group &1
397TFK033D: APPLK=&1,BUBER=&2; no data element found for &3
398Priority check for duplicate records is active for table &1
399No entries are selected, therefore no data will be transferred
400Unsaved data will be lost. Do you want to save?
401No changes were made
402For target CoA &1 the super priority was assigned more than once
403Maintenance language for new chart of accounts &1 is set to &2
404Chart of accounts &1 does not exist
405G/L account &1 in chart of accounts &2 does not exist
406Cost element &1 in chart of accounts &2 does not exist
407No maintenance language in Customizing for new chart of accounts &1
408Account length in source CoA differs from that in target CoA &1
409Account length in target chart of account &1 was set to &2
410Source CoA and target CoA &1 have different maintenance languages
411The maintenance language for target CoA &1 was set to &2
412For CoA &1, the cntry/regn-specifiy CoA indicator was set more than once
413&1 chart of account names were created or changed
414Error while creating/changing the name of CoA &1
415Customizing for chart of accounts &1 was not yet maintained
416Entry not found
417Allowed values: SETVAL or SETNAME
418Error in structure of file for upload; see long text
419Error in structure of file for upload; see long text
420&1 records were added; &2 records were changed
421Maintain all relevant entries
422For entries of type SETNAME, object must not be filled
423Error in structure of file for upload; see long text
424Chart of accounts &1 does not exist; name will not be created
425G/L account &1 &2 does not exist; name will not be created
426Cost element &1 &2 does not exist; Name will not be created
427No indicator for duplicate handling is set for table &1
428No indicator for duplicate handling is set for customer-specific table &1
429Masked value &1 was not converted
430Account group &3: Converted account &2 is not in the interval
431Account group &3: Converted account &2 is not in the converted interval
432Account group &3: Account &1 is not in the interval
433Account group &3: Account &1 is not in the converted interval
434More than one ctry/rgn-specific CoA for CoA &1; old acct &2 not converted
435No priority was defined for target chart of accounts &2 (&1 -> &2)
436Copy scenario: Indicator for reports (target CoA) is set
437Copy scenario: Indicator for reports (source CoA) is set
438Validity period of &1 differs from &2 in controlling area &3 (CSKB-DATBI)
439No financial statement version was selected for conversion
440The conversion is still org.-INdependent
441The converted account &2 is not in the converted interval &4
442Account &1 is not in the converted interval &4
443The converted account &2 is not in interval &3
444Lower limit and upper limit in converted interval &2 will be swapped
445Acct grp &3: Lower limit greater thn upper limit in converted interval &2
446Chart of accounts-independent interval &1 in table TF123
447Reference number &1 is incorrect
448Error while reading table RFDT for reference number &1
449Error while writing table RFDT for reference number &1
450CoA &2 already has country/region-specific CoA &4 assigned in CoCd &1
451In table RFDT, &2 G/L accounts were changed for &1 rel. reference numbers
452Highest found object number in table &1 for key &2: &3
453No N:1 merge of accounts; duplicate handling remains as it is anyway
454Validity period of &1 differs from &2 in controlling area &3 (CSKB-DATAB)
455All company codes have the same CoA and participate in the conversion
456Choose exactly one entry
457No data exists for troubleshooting
458No data was changed
459Table &1, field &2: Conversion routine was changed
460Table &1 with key &2: interval conflict
461Table &1, field &2: Conversion routine has to be changed or confirmed
462G/L account &1 &2 was newly created
463G/L account &1 &2 was deleted
464Cost element &1 &2 was newly created
465Cost element &1 &2 was deleted
466Table &1, field &2: Initial conversion routine was confirmed
467No &1 in the selection parameters
468Wrong program in the selection parameters
469Active package is different in control system and execution system
470Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario A
471Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario B
472Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario C
473Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario D
474Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario E
475Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario F
476Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario G
477Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario H
478Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario I
479Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario J
480Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario K
481Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario L
482Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario M
483Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario N
484Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario O
485Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario P
486Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario Q
487Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario R
488Chart of accounts mapping &1 -> &2 : Scenario S
489Maintenance of item category priority complete
490Maintenance of item category priority incomplete
491Program &1 is scheduled in background
492Program RGX_SETS_TO_40 terminated
493SAP recommends saving the output list and attach it to activity
494Incorrect entries
495Incorrect entries
496Table T8G17 deleted for Chart of account &1
497FI/SL document splitting is active
498No line type available for account &2 of chart of accounts &1
499Mapping was successful
500&1 and &2 have different 'Clearing Specific to Ledger Groups' in CoCd &3
501Account &1 and &2 with differing functional area: &4
502Subgroups &2 of group &1 will have overlapping intervals
503New intervals were created
504Postings exist for account &1 in at least one company code
505No postings exist for account &1
506Account merge is not allowed/recommended
507Priority indicator is missing for merge into account &2 &1
508Only one priority indicator is allowed for merge into account &1 / &2
509Name & is invalid
510Document splitting is not active
511Item category assignment for source account &1 is changed from &3 to &4
512Item category assignment for source account &1 is changed from &3 to &4
513Item category assignment for source account &1 is deleted
514There are no critical merge groups for chart of accounts &1
515Critical item category changes identified; see long text
516No critical item category changes identified
517Reset of confirmation was successful
518Reset of confirmation not possible any more
519Settings are not confirmed yet
520Potentially better org.determination exists for field &1-&2
521&1-&2 is converted org.independent. Org.determination via &4 is possible
522&1-&2 is delimited via chart of accounts. Org.det. via &4 is possible
523Priority of &1 &2 was changed by upload
524No undefined B segment merges exist
525Country/region-specific conversion: No company code information available
526Ctry/Rgn-specific G/L account fields will be filled for company code &3
527Uploaded data &1 &2 differs from current critical merge data, no update
528Uploaded data &1 &2 &3 &4 differs from current data
529Download completed
530Item category Customizing (table T8G17) has been changed
531Enhancement of account mapping to resolve implicit merges
532&1 -> &2 got added to the G/L account mapping
533Enhancement of secondary cost elem. mapping to resolve implicit merges
534&1 -> &2 got added to the secondary cost element mapping
535No data found in table CNV_20100_IC_CST. Contact SAP for support.
536Table T8G17 is excluded from phase CONVERSION, but build up afterwards
537New G/L document splitting is active
538There are no implicit merges, hence there is nothing to resolve
539&1 -> &2 with priority &3 got added to the G/L account mapping
540&1 -> &2 with priority &3 got added to the secondary cost element mapping
541Mapping successfully enhanced by implicit merge entries; see long text
542&1 -> &2 with priority got added to the old/new chart of accounts mapping
543Merge to chart of accounts &1 with different group charts of accounts
544&1 -> &2 got added to the old/new chart of accounts mapping
545Posting status has changed for CoA &1, account &2, company code &3
546&1 records inserted into table T8G17
547Error during insert into table T8G17
548P_102 = &1, P_109 = &2
549P_CHKS = &1, P_TEXT = &2
550Company code &1 for chart of accounts &2 was not indicated
551KTOPL = &1
552KTOPL: OPTION = &1, SIGN = &2, LOW = &3, HIGH = &4
553SETNAME = &1
554Chart of accounts is initial: set values are converted org.independent
555SETNAME: OPTION = &1, SIGN = &2, LOW =&3, HIGH = &4
556Set class 0102:
557Set class 0109:
558Incorrect file name
559&1 records in file &2 saved
560Number of sets read: &1
561Number of intervals resolved: &1
562Number of intervals deleted: &1
563Number of single values inserted: &1
564Number of single values deleted: &1
565Wrong call
566Backup tables for active package are empty
567Active package is no chart of accounts conversion package
568VERSN = &1
569VERSN: OPTION = &1, SIGN = &2, LOW = &3, HIGH = &4
570Financial statement version &1 &2
571Program &1 is currently running
572Mapping successfully transferred to package &1
573Mapping for package &1 will be overwritten. Do you want to continue?
574&1: format with and without leading zeros
575&1: format without leading zeros
576Set name &1 was resolved for later documentation
577Multicopy indicator cannot be initialized for table &1
578Controlling area &1
579Check finished successfully
580New value is blank for old value &1 in the mapping
581&1,&2,&3,&4: No org.unit found; record is not converted
582&1-&2 is delimited via &3. Org.determination via &4 possible
583Simulation of conversion of table &1
584Simulation of conversion of table &1 finished
585Multicopy position F already set for field &1-&2 of package &3
586HRRP_NODE is successfully updated, Version &1
587Backup tables are not filled or updated.
588Company Code: &1 has been newly created for COA: &2
589Table: &1 does not exist.
590CoA &1 is Country/Region-specific CoA in company code &2
591Table &1 does not have an entry for priority CoA : &2
592Mobile In-Store IM Goods Receipt appl. still contains temporary data.
593Compay code &1 is not assigned to any chart of accounts
595No authorization to execute function module &1 in execution system
596CNV_00001_API returned error. Contact SAP for support
597Module/method &2 returned error: &1; contact SAP for support
598No validity periods for cost elements had to be adapted
599There were entries in the mapping tables; these entries were deleted
600Validity period was adapted for cost element &1 in controlling area &2
601Financial statement versions were checked; see log for results
602No accounts/primary cost elements were uploaded into the mapping table
603No secondary cost elements were uploaded into the mapping table
604Account /cost element & is also used in live chart of accounts &
605Chart of accounts conversion package could not be generated
606Chart of accounts conversion package has been generated
607Check of balance sheet accounts and profit accounts is started
608'Set' account checking is started
609Check of N:1 relationships between accounts is started
610Chart of accounts package is adapted to settings in the mapping table
611Cost element type for account &1 is not the same as account &2 in CoAr &3
612'Valid until' date for &1 differs from &2 in company code &3
613Package was marked as org.-independent before the check
614No other accounts were uploaded into the mapping table
615No cost element groups/intervals were uploaded into the mapping table
616Secondary cost element &1 &2 was maintained in mapping table for accounts
617Error regarding priority indicator in structure of file for upload
618Error in structure of file for upload
619G/L acct/primary CostEl &1 &2 maintained in mapping tbl for sec. CostEls
620No charts of accounts specified for conversion
621Scenario &1 and scenario &2 cannot run together
622Error regarding language key in structure of file for upload
623Error while saving modified financial statement version &1
624No new IDs were uploaded into the mapping table
625Activity '&1' was not completed correctly
626Chart of accounts &1 is no target chart of accounts of conversion
627Language key &1 is unknown
628Other account &1 &2 was maintained in other mapping table
629Language key &1 is unknown for &2 &3
630Name for primary cost element &1 &2 was not specified in text mapping
631Account/cost element &1 &2 is not target acct/CostEl for the conversion
632Incomplete entry! Fill in all required information
633Financial statement version &1 was selected for conversion
634Account/primary cost element &2 also exists in chart of accounts &3
635Check for convertibility of table COES was started on & at & by &
636Table COES to be converted by rebuilding as described in SAP Note 98745
637Table COES is converted by conversion routine
638Secondary CostEl &2 also exists as G/L acct or secondary CostEl in CoA &3
639Table COES has no entries
640Table COES does not contain any relevant entries
641Duplicate COES table key: &1 &2 &3 &4
642Duplicative COES keys found
643First found duplicative COES key: &1 &2 &3 &4
644No duplicate COES table keys during conversion; no adjustment required
645Activity '&1' is currently running; see long text
646Activity '&1' has not yet been executed
647&1 rows from table &2 have been saved in the backup table &3
648Activity 'Carry out Initialization' has not yet been executed
649Program SD_PLANVALUE_UPDATE is missing; proceed according to long text =>
650No company codes were uploaded into the mapping table
651No charts of accounts were uploaded into the mapping table
652TFK033D record deleted: &1 &2 &3 &4
653Select at least one row
654Predecessor '&' not completed yet
655No company codes specified in the mapping for CoA &1
656G/L account &1 &2 was newly created (non participating)
657G/L account &1 &2 was deleted (non participating)
658Cost element &1 &2 was newly created (non participating)
659Cost element &1 &2 was deleted (non participating)
661Accounts as interest calculation indicators must be copied
662Conversion function &1 not available, contact SAP for support
663Accounts that will be copied as interest calculation indicators
664Accounts as interest calculation indicators must be copied
665Accounts that will be copied as interest calculation indicators changed
666Account &1 will be copied to target &2
667Value of &1 changed for G/L account &2
670Old chart of accounts &1 does not exist
671Old chart of accounts &1 exists more than once in the mapping
672New CoA &1 in 'New CoA customizing' not present in 'Old/new CoA' mapping
673Customizing for new CoA &1 not yet defined in mapping
674Company code &1 does not exist
675Company code &1 is not assigned to CoA &2
676Company code &1 exists more than once in the mapping for CoA &2
677Old account &1 exists more than once in the mapping for CoA &2
678Account &1 in the mapping for CoA &2 does not exist in CoA &2
679Old cost element &1 exists more than once in the mapping for CoA &2
680Cost element &1 in mapping for CoA &2 does not exist in CoA &2
681Old account &2 &1 exists more than once in the 'Further accounts' mapping
682New CoA &1 exists more than once in the 'New CoA customizing' mapping
683For old CoA &1 a new value is missing in the mapping
684Masked value &1 was not converted for old CoA &3
688Function successfully executed
690Company code &1 was deleted
691Chart of accounts &1 was deleted
692Value of &1 changed for G/L account &2
693Controlling area &1; old CoA &2 changed to new CoA &3
694Value of &1 changed for company code &2
695Value of &1 changed for chart of account &2
701&1 Conflict in debit/credit item key for &2
711Background job could not be scheduled
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