CNV_PE - General messages for posting engine
The following messages are stored in message class CNV_PE: General messages for posting engine.
It is part of development package CNV_PE_BASIS in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PE: General (basic) objects of posting engine".
It is part of development package CNV_PE_BASIS in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PE: General (basic) objects of posting engine".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | User &1 is not authorized to execute this function &2 |
001 | An unexpected error occurred (see long text) |
002 | There are no areas available; check your installation |
003 | The following areas are assigned to posting engine project &1 |
004 | No area assigned to project &1 |
005 | Area &1 - &2 |
006 | Area &1 is already assigned to project &2 |
007 | Area &1 successfully assigned to project &2 |
008 | Project could not be created (&1) |
009 | Area &1 is assigned to project &3 |
010 | Select at least one area |
011 | Error &1 in module &2 |
012 | Status ID &1 unknown for object type &2 with status type &3 |
013 | Changed objects exist, which are not yet saved |
014 | Area &1 |
015 | Worklist object not found for area &1 |
016 | Execution rule information not valid |
017 | Area information not valid |
018 | Execution rule &1 |
019 | Transfer method &1 |
020 | Scenario &1 unknown |
021 | Posting key not known in sender system |
022 | Scenario &1 not supported |
023 | Worklist &1 |
024 | Interface mapping &1 |
025 | Internal error; contact SAP for support |
026 | Parameter mapping &1 |
027 | Structural mapping &1 |
028 | Parameter mapping &1 is inactive. Check for required repairs skipped |
029 | No interface mapping found |
030 | Parameter of kind &1 and name &2 is missing in split TRule &3 |
031 | Transfer method information not valid |
032 | Transfer list information missing |
033 | Items found overall in worklist: &1 |
034 | Items in worklist deleted: &1 |
035 | Items in worklist not deleted: &1 |
036 | Processing not requested |
037 | Deletion function stopped with error |
038 | Mandatory information is missing or given input is ambiguous |
039 | Transfer list &1 |
040 | Exe &1 from configuration proposal &2 not assigned to worklist item |
041 | Transformation rule &1 was generated with errors |
042 | TRules generated successfully for posting engine standard repository |
043 | Error during generation of standard transformation rules |
044 | Parameter &1 not found in worklist &2 |
045 | Data model of area &1 is not maintained |
046 | Data model &1 |
047 | Parameter &1 does not exist as field in table &2 |
048 | Loading of objects from source client &1 into target client &2 |
049 | Loading of posting engine object &1 of object type &2 |
050 | Loading of posting engine object &1 of object type &2 successful |
051 | Loading of posting engine objects successfully finished |
052 | Load process not started/finished; first resolve given errors |
053 | Object &1 is currently being edited |
054 | Update on table &1 failed |
055 | Modify on table &1 failed |
056 | Insert on table &1 failed |
057 | Test run. No DB modification took place |
058 | Execution rule &1 is currently being edited |
059 | &1 execution rule not maintained yet |
060 | No objects available; nothing to do |
061 | Loading of PE object &1 of object type &2 not required (already exists) |
062 | Namespace of client is &1, activity must not be executed |
063 | Deletion of relevant objects in target client &1 |
064 | Value for transformation rule parameter &1 cannot be fetched |
065 | Parameter value &1 for config ID &2 does not exist |
066 | Deletion of object &1 failed with sy-subrc &2 |
067 | Deletion of objects of type &1 not supported |
068 | DDIC structure not yet generated for &1 |
069 | Transformation rule &1 is currently being edited |
070 | Group ID settings must not be changed, as worklist item &1 has status &2 |
071 | &1 exe &2: Group ID cleared for all worklist items of worklist &3 |
072 | &1 exe &2: Group ID set for all worklist items of worklist &3 |
073 | &1 group ID cleared for worklist item &2 |
074 | &1 group ID set for worklist item &2 |
075 | Group ID must be updated for transfer method &1 |
076 | Area &1 excluded |
077 | Group ID update for &1 transfer methods |
078 | Group ID update not required; no relevant worklist item found |
079 | &1 group ID is not changed, as worklist item &2 is excluded |
080 | Currency type &1 not defined in company code &2 for system &3 |
081 | Currency synonym &1 not defined |
082 | Name &1 is not valid |
083 | Successfully finished |
084 | No data model extension found, which suits the selection criteria |
085 | DM &1 has no extension; generation of extension TRules not required |
086 | Move item &1 removed |
087 | Parameter mapping &1 removed |
088 | Structural mapping item &1 removed |
089 | Structural mapping &1 removed |
090 | Area &1 excluded from check |
091 | Structural mapping &1 has no item, but parameter mapping &3 refers to it |
092 | No structural mapping present |
093 | No parameter mapping present |
094 | No inconsistencies found |
095 | Parameter mappings |
096 | Structural mappings |
097 | &1 is not an extension parameter |
098 | Extension TRule &1 deleted, as extension does not exist anymore |
099 | In system &1, user &2 has no authority to execute &3 |
100 | Object name must not be initial |
101 | Check of RFC connection &1 ended with errors |
102 | RFC failure occurred for &1 |
103 | Information for RFC destination (target = &1) of area &2 missing |
104 | Synchronization of RFC settings failed; message: &1 |
105 | No interface found |
106 | Config class &1 of transfer method &2 is not valid |
107 | Type information missing for parameter &1 |
108 | Function module &1 reports error &2 |
109 | Relevant execution rules of area &1: |
110 | Transfer method RFM &1 is assigned to exe &3 |
111 | Totals Customizing successfully read |
112 | Object information not valid |
113 | Deletion of posting engine object &1 of object type &2 successful |
114 | Posting engine object &1 of object type &2 was already deleted |
115 | Deletion of obsolete objects in target client &1 |
116 | Area &1 has a wrong type; data model enhancement not possible |
117 | Data model of area &1 already has table parameters available |
118 | &3 &4 locked by user &1 |
119 | Requested object could not be locked due to an unexpected error |
120 | Area &1 is not assigned to a project |
121 | RFC information is missing |
122 | Totals table in data model of area &1 will be replaced |
123 | Totals table &1 successfully added to data model of area &2 |
124 | Transformation type &1 for parameter &2 unknown/not supported |
125 | Transformation type for parameter &1 not specified |
126 | Information for splitting (transformation type = 'S') missing |
127 | Dynamic assign for object &1 failed |
128 | Parameter &1 deactivated due to exceeding maximum length of 16 characters |
129 | No parameter has to be deactivated |
130 | No config class maintained for appl/subappl/tabname: &1/&2/&3 |
131 | Totals table &1 already exists in data model of area &2 |
132 | Structural mapping (SMAP) information not consistent |
133 | Totals table &1 does not exist in the RFC system |
134 | Data model information successfully added to worklist of area &1 |
135 | Data model mapping (data model ->worklist) successfully added for area &1 |
136 | DDIC type &1 not available (not found) |
137 | Reading Customizing for area &1 |
138 | Reading Customizing |
139 | Identification of relevant transfer methods |
140 | Interface types do not match |
141 | No areas present: Synchronization of RFC settings not required |
142 | Area &1 is not assigned to project &2 |
143 | Execution of check profile &1 failed |
144 | Target not defined |
145 | Totals table belongs to NewGL, however ClassicGL is active |
146 | Totals table belongs to ClassicGL, however NewGL is active |
147 | For parameter &1 no structure info (CNV_PE_TRFM_STR) is available |
148 | Entry is locked for deletion |
149 | Type kind &1 of parameter &2 is not supported for type &3 |
150 | Import of &1 data from raw format failed |
151 | No UNDO functionality available |
152 | No worklist result available, generation not required |
153 | 2nd local currency is stored in multiple ledgers |
154 | 3rd local currency is stored in multiple ledgers |
155 | There is no data matching the entered selection criteria |
156 | Config class &1 is not valid |
157 | Method &1 ended with error |
158 | No LDAMTF information for company code &1/ledger &2/year &3 available |
159 | Ccode &1 has &2 periods defined |
160 | Periods not properly defined in ccode &1, see following message |
161 | Ledger &1 does not exist |
162 | Target &1 is not a valid target |
163 | Transformation rule parameter &1 must only exist once |
164 | Copy of object &1 not found in copy buffer |
165 | Project &1 successfully created |
166 | Worklist &1 must not be changed; save your work first |
167 | Transfer method &1 is currently being edited |
168 | Worklist DDIC table of area &1 not available (not found) |
169 | Scenario &1 not defined in config class of transfer method &2 |
170 | Transformation rule (ID &1) assignment removed |
171 | Transformation rule parameter assignment (ID &1) removed |
172 | Interface parameter (ID &1) removed |
173 | Data model parameter type names successfully stored in WL parameters |
174 | RFC settings for area &1 successfully set to NONE (="local execution") |
175 | RFC settings for area &1 could not be set |
176 | Object is not in EDIT mode; maintenance not allowed |
177 | Parameter &1 is not a field |
178 | Parameter &1 is a structure; structure parameters are not allowed |
179 | Parameter &1 is activated |
180 | No parameter has to be activated |
181 | Parameter &1, scenario &2, REL entry missing |
182 | No execution rule identified |
183 | Information for RELV_IDENT (transformation type = 'R') missing |
184 | Area &1 successfully deleted |
185 | Transformation rule &1 already exists |
186 | Data model parameter &1 in worklist interface is inconsistent |
187 | Area &1 is currently being edited |
188 | Workset &1 is currently being edited |
189 | Interface 1 is not of type &1 |
190 | Interface 2 is not of type &1 |
191 | No worklist parameter found for data model parameter &1 |
192 | Parameter &1 does not belong to data model |
193 | Loading is not required (data is already up to date) |
194 | "Load objects" problem during "Identification of relevant objects" |
195 | Object ID &1 caused exception, see next message |
196 | Deletion is not required (data is already up to date) |
197 | &1: Fixed value not enclosed by apostrophes |
198 | Totals table of area &1 not maintained yet |
199 | Missing table information in data model of area &1 |
200 | Worklist item &1 |
201 | Receiver successfully blocked |
202 | Receiver successfully unblocked |
203 | Sender successfully blocked |
204 | Sender successfully unblocked |
205 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
206 | Receiver successfully excluded |
207 | Receiver successfully included |
208 | Sender successfully excluded |
209 | Sender successfully included |
210 | Sender execution rule set to 'Mandatory' |
211 | Sender execution rule set to 'Not allowed'. Assigned Exe initialized |
212 | Receiver execution rule set to 'Mandatory' |
213 | Receiver execution rule set to 'Not allowed'. Assigned Exe initialized |
214 | Sender execution rule changed to &1 |
215 | Receiver execution rule changed to &1 |
216 | Worklist item &1 does not exist |
217 | Worklist item must not be processed due to wrong item status |
218 | Worklist item is blocked for processing |
219 | Worklist item is excluded from processing |
220 | Worklist item is currently being edited |
221 | Worklist item is not locked and cannot be processed |
222 | Worklist item successfully inserted into transfer list |
223 | No data for transfer list available |
224 | Worklist item already exists; insertion into worklist not possible |
225 | Worklist item successfully added to worklist |
226 | Internal key field &1 does not exist in given structure |
227 | Worklist item could not be cumulated (SUMUP error) |
228 | Worklist item successfully cumulated in worklist |
229 | Sender execution rule set to 'Optional' |
230 | Sender execution rule set to 'Undefined' |
231 | Worklist item successfully reset to status "Ready for Building" |
232 | Worklist item successfully reset to status "Ready for Transfer" |
233 | Worklist item is already scheduled for background processing |
234 | Job information of worklist item could not be reset |
235 | Status of worklist item successfully reset (if possible) |
236 | No worklist item for status reset available |
237 | Receiver execution rule set to 'Optional' |
238 | Receiver execution rule set to 'Undefined' |
239 | Sender configuration change is not allowed |
240 | Receiver configuration change is not allowed |
241 | Configuration change not required |
242 | Configuration successfully updated for &1 worklist items |
243 | No target selected |
244 | Receiver cannot be excluded, transfer list already has data |
245 | Sender cannot be excluded, transfer list already has data |
246 | Receiver cannot be included, transfer list already has data |
247 | Sender cannot be included, transfer list already has data |
248 | Receiver cannot be excluded |
249 | Sender cannot be excluded |
250 | Sender system is excluded, processing not required |
251 | Receiver system is excluded, processing not required |
252 | &1 worklist items successfully added to worklist |
253 | &1 worklist items successfully inserted into transfer list |
254 | Error by execution of transformation rule (ID: &4) |
255 | Change of a transfer list storage is not allowed |
256 | Export of worklist item data to raw format failed |
257 | Worklist item successfully reset to status "&1" |
258 | Status "&1" is not allowed for worklist item |
259 | Preceding status of worklist item cannot be determined |
260 | Failed to synchronize worklist items status with batch job status |
261 | Parameter &1 is not available in receiver interface &2 |
262 | Synchronization of WL items status with job status is not required |
263 | &1 objects excluded with skip transformation rule of area |
264 | Call of skip transformation rule activated for area &1 |
265 | Call of skip transformation rule deactivated for area &1 |
266 | Skip TRule call activated, however skip TRule does not exist yet |
267 | Source code of transformation rule remained unchanged |
268 | Source code of transformation rule got deleted |
269 | Transformation rule &1 already exists for area &2 |
270 | Execution rule is defined as 'Not allowed'; assignment not possible |
271 | Execution rule initialized |
272 | Given object (ID = &1) shall not be overwritten |
273 | Existing transformation rule &1 must first be renamed |
274 | Receiver successfully excluded from batch processing |
275 | Receiver successfully included in batch processing |
276 | Sender successfully excluded from batch processing |
277 | Sender successfully included in batch processing |
278 | Worklist item successfully overwritten/replaced in worklist |
279 | Worklist item could not be overwritten (OVERWRITE error) |
280 | Worklist item data or settings change is not allowed |
281 | Worklist items cannot be deleted, worklist is locked by other process |
282 | No documentation available |
283 | Debit/credit indicator (SHKZG) allowed for CURR fields only |
284 | Name &1 already used in project &2 |
285 | Worklist has data; removal of parameter is not possible any longer |
286 | Parameter &1 is delivered and must not be deleted |
287 | Parameter &1 successfully removed |
288 | Object is already copied and must not be copied again |
289 | Post function cannot process WL item (another execution rule assigned) |
290 | Relevance identifier (RELV_ID) entry missing in knowledge base |
291 | Structure (STR) entry missing in knowledge base |
292 | Relevance identifier entry with SND_PAR_ID = WORKLIST_ROOT is missing |
293 | Block size for batch processing was changed &1 -> &2 |
294 | Flag 'Build Transfer List' was changed '&1' -> '&2' |
295 | Flag 'Post Item' was changed '&1' -> '&2' |
296 | Suffix for scheduled jobs was changed '&1' -> '&2' |
297 | Maximum number of parallel batch processes was changed &1 -> &2 |
298 | Customizing entry is modified and is not overwritten (see long text) |
299 | Customizing entry is not identified any longer (see long text) |
300 | Business object not contained in workset |
301 | Area &1 and WSPOS &2 successfully synchronized |
302 | LDAMTF totals Customizing |
303 | LDDEF totals Customizing |
304 | Knowledge base of known applications is missing (see long text) |
305 | Posting key info already present for area &1 and target &2 |
306 | Currency info already present for area &1 and target &2 |
307 | Posting key Customizing successfully read for target &1 |
308 | Currency Customizing successfully read for target &1 |
309 | No Customizing read for config class &1 required |
310 | Posting key Customizing already loaded by previous transfer method |
311 | Currency Customizing already loaded by previous transfer method |
312 | No execution rule assigned to area &1 |
313 | Worklist item skipped by skip rule |
314 | Data of extension table &1 could not be stored due to an error |
315 | Extension transformation rule &1 stopped with error |
316 | &1 &2 was successfully deleted |
317 | Execution rule &1 is assigned to area &3 |
318 | Parameter &1 is not a TOP parameter of the transfer method interface |
319 | Troubleshooting 'Read Customizing' |
320 | Customizing re-read; check log of activity for further details |
321 | Data model selection &1: &2 records selected from database |
322 | Parameter (ID &1) is not present in knowledge base (KB_STR) |
323 | Parameter (ID &1) is not present in knowledge base (KB_REL) |
324 | First set 'Split flexible' in knowledge base (KB_STR) |
325 | Transformation rule &1 is not a split transformation rule |
326 | First clear sender parameter in knowledge base on STR level |
327 | First clear sender parameter in knowledge base on REL level |
328 | No split defined on KB STR level for parameter &1 |
329 | TRule &1 is neither a Split TRule, nor a condition TRule |
330 | On KB_REL level a mixture betw. split and condition TRules is not allowed |
331 | TRule is not a condition TRule |
332 | Split TRule can only be entered either on KB_STR or on KB_REL level |
333 | First set 'Split flexible' in knowledge base (KB_REL) |
334 | RELV_IDENT '&1' already exists in KB_REL |
335 | First specify relevance identifier (RELV_IDENT) |
336 | Relevance identifier (RELV_IDENT) '&1' not present in KB_RELT |
337 | Relevance identifier (RELV_IDENT) ' ' not allowed |
338 | Interface mapping &1 could not be loaded |
339 | KB_REL entry for parameter &1 (RELV_IDENT &2) not found |
340 | KB_STR entry not found |
341 | SND_PAR parameter &1 must be of type &2 |
342 | Transformation rule &1 does not exist |
343 | Parameter &1 cannot be transformed with variable in fix value |
344 | Sender parameter on structure (STR) level is initial |
345 | Sender parameter on relevance identifier (RELV_ID) level is initial |
346 | Existing transformation rule &1 with ID &2 got deleted |
347 | Transformation rule &1 already exists for transfer method &2 |
348 | Mixture of standard and user-specific code expected in TRule |
349 | &1: Fixed value not compatible |
350 | Receiver parameter for MOVE mapping missing |
351 | Sender information for parameter &1 missing |
352 | Sender information for parameter &1 is ambiguous |
353 | Configuration parameter &1 is unknown |
354 | Parameter item &1 of configuration parameter &2 is unknown |
355 | &1 no RFC call at all - not allowed |
356 | Wrong caller for &1 |
357 | Import of worklist item data from raw format failed |
358 | Unable to enhance WL2 with simulation information for &1 |
359 | No simulation functionality available |
360 | Knowledge base inconsistency |
361 | Transformation configuration inconsistency |
362 | Inconsistency |
363 | Simulation type &1 not yet supported |
364 | Simulation preparation function (WL2SIMPR) module not required |
365 | Simulation function (WL2TRFMSIM) module not required |
366 | Data handler instance already created with different PE editor setting |
367 | Relevance identifier &1 already exists in transformation configuration |
368 | Simulation only possible for POST transfer methods |
369 | Generation of standard transformation rules |
370 | Transformation rule &1 was not generated; generate manually if required |
371 | Grouping is not active for transfer method &1 |
372 | Different execution rules assigned to WL_ITEMS with same GROUP_ID |
373 | Worklist item &1 has same group ID &2, but status &3 |
374 | PIFD interface &1 missing |
375 | First deactivate 'Grouping' |
376 | Group ID fields are not defined |
377 | Error during determination of all items with group ID &1 |
378 | Config parameter &1 cannot be defined scenario independent and dependent |
379 | Exception &1 raised at call of function module &2 |
380 | Currency information missing for company code &1 in target &2 |
381 | Subobject &1 of object &2 is not valid |
382 | Configuration change failed |
383 | Grouping is not supported for transfer method &1 |
384 | Worklist item &1 has same group ID &2, but is blocked for processing |
385 | Already processed WL_ITEM &1 has same GROUP_ID &2; include not possible |
386 | WL_ITEM &1 has same GROUP_ID &2, but is blocked for batch processing |
387 | Grouping in sender is disabled for worklist item |
388 | Grouping in receiver is disabled for worklist item |
389 | Grouping in sender is enabled for worklist item |
390 | Grouping in receiver is enabled for worklist item |
391 | Grouping cannot be enabled; transfer method &1 is currently being edited |
392 | Grouping in sender is already enabled for worklist item |
393 | Grouping in receiver is already enabled for worklist item |
394 | Parameter &1 does not belong to data model, worklist or WLRL |
395 | Invalid date &1 passed |
396 | Parameter &1 is locked for deletion |
397 | Parameter &1 is not a TOP parameter of the worklist result link (WLRL) |
398 | Parameter &1 is not a parameter of the worklist result link (WLRL) |
399 | &1 worklist items successfully cumulated in worklist |
400 | Object &1 (&2) must not be transported due to different system namespace |
401 | Transport creation failed (&1) |
402 | Given ID (&1) does not belong to a posting engine project |
403 | Object is successfully added to transport request &1 |
404 | Move-corresponding data types are not identical |
405 | Build transfer list failed; see long text |
406 | Version with type '&1' already exists |
407 | Transformation of object instance into XML format failed |
408 | Transformation version with standard settings does not exist |
409 | Unable to load transformation version with standard settings |
410 | No standard settings for configuration parameter &1 found |
411 | Relevance identifier &1 not found in knowledge base |
412 | Transformation entry for relevance identifier &1 not found |
413 | Unable to create transformation version with standard settings |
414 | &1 worklist items successfully overwritten in worklist |
415 | In data model &1 no template is found for param &2 |
416 | Table &1 is not a totals table |
417 | Project name &1 already exists |
418 | Adjustment of interfaces of area &1 and dependent objects |
419 | Worklist modification transformation rule of area &1 not generated yet |
420 | Worklist modification execution for system type &1 |
421 | Call of worklist modification TRule deactivated for area &1 |
422 | Worklist modification executed, but no action required according to TRule |
423 | &1 records read. Max number is reached. Further records exist |
424 | Action '&1' unknown for worklist modification parameter &2 |
425 | Parameter &1 does not exist |
426 | Execution rule with name &1 already exists in area &2 |
427 | Transfer method with name &1 already exists in execution rule &2 |
428 | Decimal place info already present for area &1 and target &2 |
429 | Decimal place Customizing successfully read for target &1 |
430 | Decimal place Customizing already loaded by previous transfer method |
431 | TRule &1 does not have an export parameter &2 |
432 | Field &1 not allowed as group ID field |
433 | Configuration proposal &1 has no condition |
434 | Configuration proposal &1 has no parameter assigned |
435 | Grouping would lead to the creation of multiple documents |
436 | Adjustment of interfaces not executed. PE area &1 not usable yet |
437 | RFC destination maintained on PCL and posting engine level |
438 | RFC connection failed for area &1, system type &2 |
439 | Name/password incorrect: RFC connection for area &1, system type &2 |
440 | &1 RFC destination erroneous in PCL package &2 |
441 | Currency key logic is allowed only for CUKY fields |
442 | No matching currency key for &1 (&2 dec. places) found |
443 | Grouping would lead to more than &1 line items |
444 | Repository: &1 |
445 | Field &1 does not exist in given structure |
446 | Unable to lock job &1/&2 due to its status |
447 | Job &1/&2 was unlocked for release |
448 | Reference parameter &1 does not exist in interface &2 |
449 | Debit/credit reference parameter &1 does not exist in interface &2 |
450 | No corresponding parameter for template &1 found in TRFM interface |
451 | Transformation rule &1 ended with error (see long text) |
452 | Runtime of transformation rule &1 is not valid |
453 | Sender is already excluded - no action required |
454 | Receiver is already excluded - no action required |
455 | Sender is not excluded - no action required |
456 | Receiver is not excluded - no action required |
457 | Sender is already blocked - no action required |
458 | Receiver is already blocked - no action required |
459 | Sender is not blocked - no action required |
460 | Receiver is not blocked - no action required |
461 | Sender is already excluded from batch processing - no action required |
462 | Receiver is already excluded from batch processing - no action required |
463 | Sender is not excluded from batch processing - no action required |
464 | Receiver is not excluded from batch processing - no action required |
465 | Worklist of area &1 is not empty |
466 | Cumulation (SUMUP) for new worklist item not possible due to SKIP flag |
467 | Standard totals Customizing is not available for user-defined tables |
468 | GUI event handler class &1 does not exist |
469 | Grouping would lead to cross-company code FI document |
470 | Worklist items are grouped that have different &3 data |
471 | Totals table is user-defined, adjustment is not required |
472 | Requested function is not supported for user-defined tables |
473 | Transformation rule mapping successfully added for area &1 |
474 | Worklist items are grouped that have different currency key in &3 |
475 | Transformation rule assignment successfully removed |
476 | Transformation rule &1 has no export parameter |
477 | Transformation rule &1 has too many export parameters |
478 | Transfer method &1 is not assigned to execution rule &2 |
479 | Execution rule step &1 unknown |
480 | Transfer method &1 not assigned to execution rule or not with step &2 |
481 | Transformation rule &1 already exists for transfer method &2 |
482 | Ignore transformation rule for transfer method &1 not yet generated |
483 | Execution rule &1 has multiple steps; step must be provided |
484 | Transfer method &1 is assigned to multiple execution rules |
485 | Execute program CNV_PE_SUPPORT_POPUL_NEW_VERS for project &1 |
486 | Grouping is not supported for an execution rule with multiple steps |
487 | Dynamic DB select in table &1 failed |
488 | Execution rule step must be provided |
489 | Execution rule step &1 is ignored |
490 | Not allowed to change execution rule step |
491 | Parameter mapping for worklist field &1 successfully removed |
492 | Execution rule step description not found for transfer method &1 |
493 | Result information passed from ignore transformation rule |
494 | Ignore transformation rule can only exist for post transfer method |
495 | Inconsistency: Sender parameter ID and sender fix value are both initial |
496 | RFC destination error - RFC destination: &1 |
497 | Synchronizing the RFC destination &1 failed with error: &2 |
498 | Transformation info for parameter &1 of transfer method &2 not found |
499 | Worklist item (&1) has no data in worklist table &2 |
500 | Several projects for the same embedded specification (&1) found |
501 | Undo transfer method &1 is not assigned to transfer method &2 |
502 | Undo transfer method &1 is assigned to multiple transfer methods |
503 | Embedded specification position for data model table &1 is not provided |
504 | Data model table &1 is already connected to embedded specification |
505 | Area is assigned to embedded specification; deletion impossible |
506 | Link to BO data model for table &1 is not provided |
507 | Link to BO data model for table &1 already exists |
508 | Project is assigned to embedded specification; deletion impossible |
509 | Condition check of transfer method &1 states "Not valid" |
510 | Transformation rule with ID &1 could not be loaded |
511 | Undo transfer method &1 is not assigned to a post transfer method |
512 | T093 Customizing already loaded by previous transfer method |
513 | T093 information already present for area &1 and target &2 |
514 | T093 Customizing successfully read for system &1 |
515 | T093 Customizing not yet read |
516 | Use reference with &1 exists; first remove reference |
517 | Area &1 is not a TOTALS area |
518 | No structure link for field &1 found |
519 | Link field &1 does not belong to a link structure &2 |
520 | Link structure is not maintained for data structure &1 |
521 | Scenario-dependent Customizing is already present for &1 |
522 | Link to &1 is created |
523 | Parameter &1 is not an ingoing parameter of the transfer method interface |
524 | No links for parameter &1 found |
525 | Parameter &1 is not structured |
526 | Link structure &1 does not have field with name &2 |
527 | No ingoing parameter with name &1 in transfer method interface found |
528 | Field &1 |
529 | Link proposal for &1 is generated |
530 | No link proposal for &1 is generated |
531 | Structure &1 |
532 | Table &1 |
533 | Link parameter (ID &1) does not exist in transfer method interface |
534 | Link field is not maintained |
535 | Empty link is created for &1 |
536 | Parameter link type &1 is not supported |
537 | Link field &1 is assigned to more than one data field |
538 | Parameter link type &1 is not supported for tables and structures |
539 | Parameter cannot be linked to itself |
540 | Either provide include name or exit class name, not both |
541 | Field transformation is defined for link field &1 |
542 | Appropriate link type could not be proposed for &1 |
543 | Parameter &1 cannot be added due to missing (free) alias |
544 | Parameter &1 not linked to transfer result configuration |
545 | Parameter &1 successfully removed from transfer result configuration |
546 | Transfer result configuration missing |
547 | Parameter &1 successfully added to transfer result configuration |
548 | Parameter &1 is already linked for transfer result |
549 | Existing transfer result configuration not supported |
550 | Deleting asset &1 &2 &3 (AS06) failed |
551 | Type of extension not defined |
552 | DDIC table or structure name for DDIC extension missing |
553 | DDIC type is neither a DB table nor a structure |
554 | AFABE values not present yet. Execute 'Enrich' for the &1 execution rule |
555 | Enrichment of data is not required |
556 | Enrichment of data successfully executed |
557 | No relevant worklist items present in area &1 |
558 | Enrichment for &1 transfer methods |
559 | &1 enrichment not executed, as WL_ITEM &2 is excluded |
560 | Enrichment error |
561 | &1 enrichment not executed, as WL_ITEM &2 is blocked |
562 | &1 WL items enriched, &2 not applicable, &3 with warnings, &4 with errors |
563 | WLIPC_OBJ_ID &1 not yet copied during copy process |
564 | Enrichment data already present |
565 | Enrichment not possible (asset &1 &2 deactivated) |
566 | Revenue information inconsistent in transfer method &1 |
567 | Error during check whether enrichment is executable |
568 | Parameter &1 cannot be linked to more than one data parameter |
569 | Class name must not be initial |
570 | Seqnum must not be initial |
571 | Link parameter must be empty if link type is 'No Link' |
572 | Transformation rule related error |
573 | Data model data was not stored -> see long text |
574 | Transformation type &2 is not supported for link field &1 |
575 | Main asset (&1) not yet transferred |
576 | Main asset (&1) not in worklist |
577 | Unexpected error during load process; source client data changed |
578 | DDIC type &1 is not a database table |
579 | Local DDIC type information will be used |
580 | Selection method &1 is not yet supported |
581 | Parse error at column &1 in Line &2: Reason: &3 |
582 | No sender depreciation area assigned to receiver depreciation area &1 |
583 | Value adoption '3' not set for all deprecation areas |
584 | Depreciation area 01 not maintained yet |
585 | No AFABE values present for sender depreciation area &1 |
586 | Depreciation area &2: Value adoption '&1' unknown |
587 | Extension TRule ANLA_AFABE_VAL returns empty result |
588 | &1 &2 was successfully created |
589 | Error executing transfer list modification rule |
590 | Project execution activity &1 unknown |
591 | Authorization error |
592 | Handling event &1 of object &2 (&3) |
593 | Usage type is initial |
594 | Simulation function |
595 | Transfer method &1 must not have any undo transfer method |
596 | Result handling of transfer method and result availability do not match |
597 | Package for object creation missing |
598 | Package &1 for object creation does not exist; check your settings |
599 | Package &1 for object creation is not editable and cannot be used |
600 | (Template) execution rule exists. SND processing cannot be switched off |
601 | CTRL_WLRL_IF successfully adjusted with WLRL table name &1 |
602 | Move parameter cannot be assigned for the given sender parameter in KB |
603 | GROUP_ID must not be initial |
604 | Extension rule &1 will be used in both Selection and Enrich processes |
605 | Specify a value for the selected field in Revenue Information |
606 | Interface mapping &1 is invalid |
607 | Enriching failed; function module &1 returned empty result |
608 | Value transforming failed; set proper revenue settings in Enrich config |
609 | Enriching failed; extension rule &1 returned empty result |
610 | Special quantity logic is allowed only for UNIT fields |
611 | Info of customizing table &1 already loaded by previous transfer method |
612 | Info of customizing table &1 already available for area &2 and target &3 |
613 | Information of customizing table &1 successfully read for target &2 |
614 | Prefix and/or suffix for link parameter search is too long |
615 | Parameter name &1 does not contain provided prefix &2 |
616 | Parameter name &1 does not contain required suffix &2 |
617 | Link from &1 to &2 is created |
618 | Parameter &1 is must be used only in simulation case |
619 | Configuration on STR level is not allowed for parameter &1 |
620 | Parameter &1 is already assigned as a link parameter |
621 | Package for object creation cannot be changed for objects of type &1 |
622 | Parameter &1 has TTYP as parent and is not allowed in KB |
623 | Parameter &1 is not a parameter of the transfer method interface |
624 | Parameter &1 is a table type with key category "not specified" |
625 | Analyze application specific error message -> See long text |
626 | DDIC table for transfer list cluster not yet generated |
627 | DDIC structure for transfer list structure flags not yet generated |
628 | DDIC structure for transfer list TRule Info not yet generated |
629 | IFMAP_READ &1 has no parameter mapping with name &2 |
630 | No valid TRCO NF parameter for TRule &1 |
631 | TRule &1 does not have an importing parameter &2 |
632 | TRule parameter &1 is not maintained for TRule &2 in TRCO |
633 | TRule Completing function (WL2TRCO) module not required |
634 | "Transfer" Processing (Completing) is not maintained |
635 | "Transfer" Processing (Completing) not maintained for &1 &2 |
636 | Transfer List Assignment is not maintained |
637 | &1 is a database table |
638 | Move sender parameter &1 of IFMAP_COMPLETE &2 does not exist |
639 | Parameter &1 of "Build Transfer List" Processing is not maintained |
640 | TRCO 'Not Found' option &1 unknown for TRule &2 |
641 | Mapping entry '&1' of TRule &2 is not released |
642 | Mapping entry '&1' added to TRule &2 |
643 | TRule &1 is no Extended Value Mapping |
644 | IFMAP_READ &1 has no parameter mapping with name {WL2VALUE} |
645 | IFMAP_READ &1 has more than one parameter mapping |
646 | Context &1 unknown |
647 | Parameter &1 must be export parameter |
648 | Cast error occurred after call of TRule &1 for parameter &2 |
649 | "Building Transfer List" Processing not maintained for &1 &2 |
650 | No valid parameter mapping move item found in IFMAP_COMPLETE &1 |
651 | Serial number profile is active for at least one material/plant |
652 | Serial number profile is not active |
653 | Handling unit is active for at least one plant/storage location |
654 | Handling unit is not active |
655 | Inspection setup exists for at least one material/plant |
656 | Inspection setup does not exist |
657 | MARA-MSTAE is active for at least one material |
658 | MARA-MSTAE is not active |
659 | MARC-MMSTA is active for at least one material/plant |
660 | MARC-MMSTA is not active |
661 | Warehouse management is active |
662 | Warehouse management is not active |
663 | Sender is excluded. Choose other scenario |
664 | Receiver is excluded. Choose other scenario |
665 | Data which is deactivated is not stored in TRANSUC table. Cannot proceed |
666 | Table & does not exist in the remote system |
667 | Enhancement of TRANS_SUC is not selected. Customizing changes not stored |
668 | Handling unit deactivated for plant &1 storage loc. &2. XHUPF value &3 |
669 | MSTAE deactivated for material &1. MSTAE value &2 |
670 | MMSTA deactivated for material &1 plant &2. MMSTA value &3 |
671 | QMATV deactivated for material &1 plant &2. QMATV value &3 |
672 | Serial no. profile deactivated for material &1 plant &2. SERNP value &3 |
673 | Warehouse mgmt. deactivated for key &1 in table T156SC. RBLVS value &2 |
674 | Data not found in table MARC for material &1 plant &2 |
675 | Sender processing should be completed to further process item in receiver |
676 | VPRSV values not present yet. Enrich the &1 data of the worklist item |
677 | Movement type values not maintained. Default values to be used |
678 | Table &1 is not processed as it is not part of whitelist |
679 | TRCO record for TR_ID &1 and TCFG_TR_ID &2 does not exist |
680 | Data selection is not allowed |
681 | Failed to call search help via RFC |
682 | Undo not allowed. TRCO process completed TRule mapping(s) |
683 | Parameter &1 of Transfer Processing (Completing) is not maintained |
684 | TRCO check result |
685 | Worklist item &1 does not belong to the area &2 |
686 | Worklist item is ignored |
687 | "Building Transfer List" Processing is not maintained |
688 | "Building Transfer List" Processing not fully maintained for &1 &2 |
689 | "Transfer" Processing (Completing) not fully maintained for &1 &2 |
690 | Loading of obsolete objects from source client &1 into target client &2 |
691 | Duration in sec: &1 |
692 | Error identifying client field of table &1 |
693 | &1 objects processed |
694 | $TMP objects cannot be transported |
695 | Loading of relevant objects in target client &1 |
696 | Loading of relevant objects from source client &1 into target client &2 |
697 | $TMP transformation rule not transportable |
698 | Completing must not be set more than once for TRule &1 |
699 | Mapping successfully updated for transformation rule &1 |
700 | No need to update the mapping of any transformation rule |
701 | The option of Exception Handling of TRule &1 is not Raise Exception. |
702 | Clearing of Extended Value Mappings |
703 | Process cancelled |
704 | Parameter of kind &1 and name &2 is missing in exit TRule &3 |
705 | Parameter and Link Parameter must be on same level |
706 | Parameter and Link Parameter are not compatible |
707 | Parameter and Link Parameter must both pass values into function module |
708 | Exit TRule is allowed only if sender parameter is assigned |
709 | Transformation rule &1 is not an exit transformation rule |
710 | Multiple jobs exist with name &1 |
711 | Project with ID &1 does not exist |
712 | Table &1 does not exist |
713 | &1 is not a condition set; not allowed as TCFG TRule with "Completing" |
714 | Active selection method is not PE. Generation not supported |
715 | Condition set &1 contains condition set; this is not supported |
716 | Generation not requested |
717 | Generation of DDIC table (main table) for worklist |
718 | Generation of DDIC structure (output format) for worklist |
719 | Generation of DDIC structure ("all" format) for worklist |
720 | Data type &1 of parameter &2 is not allowed for a worklist field |
721 | Interface successfully generated |
722 | Interface (ID &1) not saved on area level |
723 | Function group &1 in &2 system successfully generated |
724 | Function group &1 in &2 system already successfully generated |
725 | Interface mapping successfully generated |
726 | Mass insert into table &1 failed |
727 | Generation of DDIC table type ("all" format) for worklist |
728 | Single insert into table &1 successful |
729 | A syntax error was detected for object &1 |
730 | No data available for worklist item &1 |
731 | Field &1 does not exist in worklist |
732 | Field &1 does not exist in interface &2 |
733 | Field &1 does not match with parameter ID &2 |
734 | No data available for worklist item &1 in table &2 |
735 | Generation of worklist result link storage table (&1) |
736 | Worklist item &1 does not belong to worklist &2 |
737 | Generation of DDIC table type ("deep" format) for worklist |
738 | Field &1 is not available in worklist |
739 | Tables parameter &1 in interface &2 does not have one child |
740 | Worklist parameter &1 has no corresponding parameter in data model &2 |
741 | SND_PAR_ID cleared successfully; see context for details |
742 | No adjustment required |
743 | Generation has started |
744 | Generation of DDIC structure ("IKF" format) for worklist |
745 | Generation of DDIC structure ("deep" format) for worklist |
746 | Generation of DDIC structure ('ERR' format) for worklist |
747 | Log number &1 could not be found |
748 | Generation of transfer success storage table (&1) |
749 | Transfer success (TRANS_SUC) table &1 does not exist |
750 | Process unexpectedly aborted |
751 | Namespace '&1' of object with ID &2 is not allowed to be changed |
752 | Worklist parameter &1 corresponds to the deleted data model parameter |
753 | Knowledge base configuration for parameter &1 is removed |
754 | Knowledge base configuration for parameter &1 (scen. &2) is not removed |
755 | Transformation configuration for parameter &1 (scen. &2) is not removed |
756 | Transformation configuration for parameter &1 is removed |
757 | Simulation configuration for parameter &1 is removed |
758 | Scenario independent customizing |
759 | Knowledge base configuration for parameter &1 was cleaned up |
760 | Move parameter proposal (ID &1) removed |
761 | Error while deleting generated object &1 of type &2 |
762 | Error while deleting controlled object &1 of type &2 |
763 | Error while deleting general objects |
764 | No objects found for cleanup |
765 | Error while deleting PIFD object &1 of type &2 |
766 | Transformation configuration for parameter &1 was cleaned up |
767 | Simulation configuration for parameter &1 (run type &2) was cleaned up |
768 | Sender parameter (ID &1) assignment removed |
769 | Move parameter (ID &1) assignment removed |
770 | Knowledge base configuration for parameter &1 is inconsistent |
771 | Transformation configuration for parameter &1 is inconsistent |
772 | Simulation configuration for parameter &1 (run type &2) is inconsistent |
773 | Knowledge base configuration for invalid parameter (ID &1) |
774 | Sender parameter &1 |
775 | Split or condition rule &1 |
776 | X-structure configuration for invalid parameter (ID &1) |
777 | X-structure configuration for parameter &1 is invalid |
778 | Link parameter &1 |
779 | Transformation configuration for invalid parameter (ID &1) |
780 | Move parameter &1 |
781 | Assigned value &1 |
782 | Simulation configuration for invalid parameter (ID &1, run type &2) |
783 | Simulation configuration for parameter &1 (run type &2) is not removed |
784 | Assigned transformation type &1 |
785 | Transformation rule parameter assignment &1 |
786 | Move parameter proposal &1 |
787 | Error during deletion of repository &1 |
788 | Access path for parameter &1 is required for this transformation |
789 | Access type &1 is not supported |
790 | Access path index is initial |
791 | Parameter &1 cannot be used for access path index (wrong type or length) |
792 | Only fields of the data model root table are allowed |
793 | &1: Fixed value is too long |
794 | Structure parameters must have data model root table as sender |
795 | Nested structure must have the same sender as its parent parameter |
796 | Sender parameter &1 is not allowed |
797 | Only fields of the data model root table and extension &1 are allowed |
798 | Importing parameter &1 of TRule &2 is not defined for TRFM parameter &3 |
799 | Status update failed for worklist item &1 |
800 | Lookup manager is already running for other object for more than one hour |
801 | Unknown attribute &1 in class &2 for compare |
802 | Check for identical classes failed: &1 <> &2 |
803 | Compare instances of class &1 attribute &2 different &3 <> &4 |
804 | Simulation Debugging not allowed in remote system |
805 | Mapping entry changed at runtime |
806 | Mass processing '&1' unkown |
807 | Parameter name: &1 ID: &2 foreign key is deleted |
808 | Parameter name: &1 ID: &2 foreign key is created |
809 | Parameter name: &1 (ID: &2) foreign key is adjusted |
810 | &1 new adjustment of interface ID: &2 name: &3 |
811 | Parameter &1 name: &2 ID: &3 |
812 | Parameter is adjusted name: &1 ID: &2 ATTR: &3 value = &4 |
813 | PARTYP instance is adjusted ID: &1 ATTR: &2 value = &3 |
814 | Interface (ID &1) successfully adjusted |
815 | Interface (ID &1) already up-to-date; no adjustment necessary |
816 | Adjustment error |
817 | Parameter &1 must not have type &2 |
818 | Field has unallowed type &1 |
819 | Parameter &1 must not be of type &2 |
820 | Error in load process; start load process only in dev client |
821 | Sender processing is excluded |
822 | RCV Deprec. Area &1: sender depreciation area &2 does not exist |
823 | Wait while data is still loading |
824 | &1 skipped worklist items added to worklist |
825 | &1 worklist items ignored due to duplicate |
826 | No TRule found with such name |
827 | No Move field with such name |
828 | &1 not found |
829 | Subobject missing from transfer method &1 |
830 | Template area name &1 already exists |
831 | Subobject missing from area &1 |
832 | Error while loading objects |
833 | Usage type of object &1 is not expected |
834 | Embedded specification successfully created and assigned to project &1 |
835 | Error occurred while generating ES workset for project &1 |
836 | Error occurred while executing filter collection for project &1 |
837 | Not possible to rename development class |
838 | Old development class could not be reset (not editable) |
839 | In an SAP system, a Load Customizing must be present in CNV_PE_LOAD |
840 | Interface parameter &1 could not be created |
841 | Unable to open selection screen due to following reason: &1 |
842 | Selection variant &1 saved successfully |
843 | Selection variant &1 could not be saved due to the reason: &1 |
844 | Selection variant ID &1 is invalid |
845 | Unable to convert expressions to where clause |
846 | RFC change not allowed |
847 | Loading is locked |
848 | Source client &1 does not exist in system |
849 | Source client is mandatory |
850 | Failed to initialize the free selection |
851 | Failed to open the free selection dialog |
852 | Name &1 already exists |
853 | Object ID &1 is invalid |
854 | RFC settings are not unique in project &1 |
855 | TRCO contains reference to WLRL, but Worklist Result switched off |
856 | In worklist, no corresponding parameter found for template parameter &1 |
857 | Area &1 could not be created |
858 | Data type &1 is not supported |
859 | Error while deleting ES WSPOS for area &1 |
860 | Error while deleting ES work set for project &1 |
861 | Technical seletion on table &1 is adjusted |
862 | Filter &1 is removed |
863 | Selection dependency to field &1 of table &2 is removed |
864 | MWB attribute of table &1 is removed |
865 | Start adjust selection settings |
866 | Source mapping value &1 not found |
867 | System stops logging Insert errors for table &1 |
868 | Single insert into table &1 failed &2 times |
869 | Sender parameter &1 is not allowed (read-only limitation) |
870 | Transformation rule &1 does not belong to project repository |
871 | Object &1 has wrong type &2 |
872 | Invalid repository |
873 | Object &1 has wrong usage type &2 |
874 | Object &1 has wrong namespace &2 |
875 | Processing step &1/&2 &3 |
876 | Access path for invalid parameter (ID &1) exists |
877 | Access path for parameter &1 is inconsistent |
878 | Access path for parameter &1 was cleaned up |
879 | Access path for sender parameter (ID &1) removed |
880 | Project &1 has no template ID |
881 | The number of selection criteria exceeds the limit; see longtext |
882 | Processing not allowed according to Worklist Item Process Control (WLIPC) |
883 | Processing UNDO step &1/&2 |
884 | Clearing of Deleted Objects in target client &2, if valid in client &1 |
885 | Application Component &1 is invalid |
886 | ID &1 deleted from CNV_PE_OBJ_DEL2 in target client &2 |
887 | RFC settings for project could not be set |
888 | Inconsistent settings for bulk processing |
889 | Failed to read worklist item id from cluster(BP ID: &1) |
890 | Data model Data of item &1 |
891 | Unable to fetch WL210 Varstore instance |
892 | "Building Transfer List" failed for &1. No display of conv. instance data |
893 | Error while deleting tasklist for object &1 |
894 | Error for local DDIC object &1 for RFC destination &2 |
895 | Simulation parameter value &1 is not allowed |
896 | Mass transfer and Grouping is not supported |
897 | Error during load log write |
898 | No simulation for migration object &1 is available |