DA - Dictionary: Compare, distribution, timer, instantiation

The following messages are stored in message class DA: Dictionary: Compare, distribution, timer, instantiation.
It is part of development package SDIC in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Dictionary".
Message Nr
Message Text
001**************** General program errors ********************
002FORM & in &: parameter & not expected
003&: Value & for parameter & not allowed
080*************** Timer **********************
081Timer & had an invalid time unit when opened
082Timer & was opened more than once
083Timer & was started more than once before being stopped
084Timer & was not started before stopping
085Timer & was not opened before starting
086No measurements were made for timer &
087Timer & was not opened
088Timer & was not stopped
089Overflow when carrying out individual measurement for stopwatch &
090[Min/Max/Avg](No.): [&/&/&] (&)
091Overflow at total time for timer &
092& & hh:mm:ss
093& & milliseconds
094& & microseconds
100************* Schema Instantiation & & *********************
101Schema program &1 does not exist
102Schema &1 does not exist in program &2
103Control structure not concluded with &
104Two variables delimiters & in sequence in &
105Variable & not bound in &
106Unbalanced variables delimiter & in &
107Control structure in row & has too many parts: &
108Control structure in row & has too few parts: &
109Function in subschema not specified: &
110Function name in subschema has multiple lines: &
111Error defining separators: &
112Instantiated line too long: &
113Separation without space in: &
114Error when calling schema & in line &: &
115Schema name in line & too long: &
120******** Function groups SDB1 SDB2: database operations *****************
121Error calculating storage parameters for &
122Error generating the program for & &
123Error writing the program for & &
124Error executing SQL statements for &
125DB parameters that could be changed immediately were used
126Table & already exists in the database
127Table & for index & does not exist in the database
128Index & already exists in the database
129Index & was not deleted
130Table & could not be deleted
131Table & does not exist in the database
132ALTER TABLE to table & not possible
133ALTER TABLE to table & not executed
134Mapping DB type & to Dictionary type is not possible
135Alias & is already deleted
136SQL error while deleting alias &
137SQL error while creating alias &
138Alias & already exists (on &)
139Existence check only possible on HANA DB
140Existence check alias & produced errors
141Database view & does not yet exist; alias will not be created
150Field &-& will contain ZERO values in target table
151Property global temp. table & could not be determined
159******** New Schema Instantiator (FM) **********
160Row &1: Schema &2 not correctly concluded with &3
161Row &1: Unknown control structure '&2'
162Row &1: Unbalanced variable delimiter '&2' for &3
163Row &1: Control structure '&2 &3' does not have enough parts
164Row &1: Control structure '&2 &3' has too many parts
165Error in generated program &1 in line &2: &3 &4
166Schema &1 defined more than once in program &2
167Row &1: Illegal identifier '&2' in control structure
168Row &1: Illegal control printout '&2'
169Row &1: Line feed not allowed in control printout '&2 &3'
170Error in row &1 in schema &2: '&3'
171Row &1: Control structure '&2 &3' was not completed
172Irregular separation in result line &1: &2
173Table &1 does not exist in program &2
174Line &1: Error in called subschema &2
175Line &1: Called subschema &2 not defined
200********************** INCLUDE operations ******************************
201Position cursor on an INCLUDE line
202No runtime object exists for included structure &
299*********** Nametab - Generation/Storage; FuGr SDNT ********************
300No active nametab exists for &
301Nametab for & does not contain any fields
302No inactive nametab exists for &
303Inactive nametab for & does not contain any fields
304Error writing the active nametab
305Error writing the inactive nametab
306No inactive or active nametab exists for &
307SQL error occurred when writing the nametab of table &
308Invalid parameter
309Internal error when writing the history nametab table &
310No runtime object exists for included structure &
311Data type & not allowed in field &-&
312Table type & not allowed in table &
313Data type & not valid in elementary type &
314Type & in field &-& is not active or does not exist
315Specify lower limit less than or equal to upper limit for date and time
316SQL error occurred when reading nametab of table &
317Internal error when reading history nametab table &
318No history nametab entry found for table &
319Table has no history entry or interval incorrect
320Nametab for table & does not exist
321Nametab for table & has no fields
322Nametab for table & could not be read
323Inactive nametab for table & does not exist
324Define table name
325Table name & <> table name & of transfer structure
326Definition of inactive fields table & missing
327Action for handing the nametab flag was not specified
328Read and status of nametab must both be specified
329Parameter ACTION not correctly assigned in at least one field
330Read and write of nametab flag not possible together
331Use only characters 'X' or ' ' for the input template for writing
332Not all tables could be created
333Nametab copies & already created in the database
334Table & does not yet exist in the database
335The copies of nametab & & & & are not yet completely created
336The nametab copies & & & & were already created
337Data type & does not exist
338Length & for data type & is not correct
350********* Version Display and Compare Program ******************
351& is an AMDP table function
352& is an AMDP table function. This is not supported on DB &.
353Base table function & does not exist on the database
354Non-distributed views exist; program cannot be executed
355No entry & in TBATG for field conversion; CNV entry already exists
356& forwarding to the converter is only possible for transparent tables
357Table & is forwarded to the converter.
358Table & is converted with user-defined method.
359& objects with request USR-CNV (user-defined conversion)
360Data is converted with exit &.
361SUBRC = &1 when creating TBATG entry for table &2
401Version & of & not found
402Inconsistency between delta and full versions
403Delta between versions & and & of & not found
404Matchcode ID & does not have 5 characters
405Relationship definition for check field & not found
406Internal error
407Choose a valid function
408Choose a check table
409- - - - - - - - - - - & & & - - - -
410Error restoring the version
411Restored version must be activated!
412Only old versions can be restored
413System error when locking (DDXTT entries from & to &)
414No data exists (structure change caused by DROP / CREATE)
415No code generated for deletion
416 Table pool & could not be located with deletion flag
417 Table pool & will also be deleted
418TBATG - Table: &, Index: &, Request: &
419TBATG - Request for secondary indexes to table & found
420Table & is in physical pool/cluster: &
421Changing the type deletes the data from the original table
422Table type has been changed from & to &
423& & with MODIFY request (delete, create again) (mode flag 'M')
424& & with deletion request (mode flag &)
425Nametab of a non-transparent view is inconsistent (no DB action)
426Cause: Database lock or inconsistency: Dictionary database
427An inconsistency between the nametab and database may exist
428An SQL error occurred during a test access to the table
429Error reading the Dictionary sources of secondary indexes
430A view & exists in the database
431A table called & exists in the database
432Termination due to inconsistencies
433ACTION request: &, MODEFLAG: & cannot be edited
434Matchcode conversion from pool -> View (unexpected TBATG request)
435Object: &, object type & does not contain data
436Object: &, object type & is not in the database
437Object: & Object type: & is in the database
438Object: & contains data
439Primary index to table & was not created in the database
440& objects with mode flag "X" or "W": Delete nametab
441& objects with mode flag "F" or "U": database modification using SQL
442& objects without input request (MODEFLAG = SPACE)
443& objects with MODIFY request (= delete - create)
444& o b j e c t s - t o t a l
445& tables of type cluster
446& tables of type pool
447& objects with delete request (mass deletion program)
448Mass distribution program runs in call mode: '&'; & log
449------ Summary of error messages and warnings: ---------
450*** L O G o f t h e M A S S D I S T R I B U T O R ***
451Inactive nametab does not contain any fields for table &
452Table &, error no.: & when updating inactive nametab
453& tables of type INTAB
454& technical settings for tables
455& tables of type TRANSP
456Activate &
457Activate & with TATAF
458& tables for conversion
459Runtime of mass distributor: & msec
460Error & when deleting the old index to table &
461Error & when generating index & to table &
462Table & in & & is not in the database
463Error checking whether table & contains data
464Error in code generation for deleting table &
465Error in code generation for creating table & in the DB
466Error no. & when entering table & in TBATG
467Start: Date: & Time: &
468End: Date: & Time: &
469- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
470Edited object: &
471 Result &: Action: & Mode flag: & Internal SUBRC: &
472 No errors occurred
473 Inconsistency in Dictionary entry for secondary index: &
474 Table names in old and new nametab do not correspond
475 Code for deleting view & could not be generated
476 Code for creating view & could not be generated
477 No Dictionary definition found for secondary index & to table &
478 Code generation for deleting sec. index & for table &
479 Error in ALTER TABLE generation for table &
480 Update fails (mode flag & to & in DDXTT. Table: &)
481& Views
482Object: & Action: & Mode flag: & Internal SUBRC : &
483Errors: &
484--- S u m m a r y o f t h e L o g ---
485& action: CRE
486& action: ALT
487& action: CNV
488& action: DCI
489 Termination when editing object & mode flag &
490& action: MDF
491& action: DEL
492Warnings: &
493The following objects had errors:
494& SQL tables
495Total runtime: &
496 No entry found in Table TBATG for &: &.
497 Active nametab for object & with delete request not found
498 Error during code generation (deletion of pooled table & from pool &)
499 TBATG request & found for &: &
500 View & is not active in ABAP Dictionary
501 View & is inconsistent in ABAP Dictionary
502 View & is not a database view
503 Basis table & is not active in ABAP Dictionary
504 Base table & is not transparent
505 Base table & is not in the database
506-> & Activation - - - & & & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
507-> &1 &2 &3 &4
508 Code for creating synonym for external view & cannot be generated
509 Code for deleting synonym & could not be generated
510 View & is already in the database
511 View & is not in the database
512 Object & not yet updated
513 Old conversion must first be completed
514System not in shadow upgrade
515Table change not possible. There is a DB trigger on the table.
516External View &: DB view does not (yet) exist. Syn. will not be generated
517Full text index &-&: Changing a column causes DROP/CREATE Index
518DB trigger & is defined in the table
519Table change will be performed although trigger exists
520Error while determining triggers for table &
521Full text index &-&: Deletion of a column causes DROP index
522DBDIFF entry found: Action and modeflag will be changed: ACT/A
523DBDIFF entry for primary key: Action and modeflag will be changed: ACT/A
524 Table cluster & will also be deleted
525 No update request is generated from & for data deletion
526Several DDL sources exist for view & (&); definition is not unique
527 Base object & is not transparent and not a database view
528 Base view & does not exist on the database
529Table change: Triggers in the DB will be deleted
530Trigger & was already deleted from the database
531Trigger & could not be deleted from the DB
532Trigger & does not comply with SAP LT Trigger Naming Convention
533Only SAP HANA DB is currently supported as target database for migration
534Only the current database & can be selected as primary database
535View & with parameters not supported on DB &
536View &: At least one base view is external view (not supported on DB &)
537View & cannot be created on & due to DB-specific properties
538View &: base view contains parameters - this is not supported on DB &
539View & is external view. This is not supported on DB &.
540& action: ACT
541View &: a base object has number of key fields not supported by DB &
542View &: a base object has key field length not supported by DB &
543View &: a base object has total width not supported by DB &
544Table & has key field feature not supported by DB &
545Table & has key width feature not supported by DB &
546Table & has a width feature that is not supported by DB &
547View &: at least one base object is a pooling or cluster table
548This is not supported on DB &; & will not be created on database
549View & is not created in DB. External view & does not exist on DB.
550View &: At least one basis object is an AMDP table function
551*********Messages for Nametab Restoration, DD_DBNT_TO_SAPNT
552Primary index of table & could not be determined
553Inconsistency in primary index (mapping not possible)
554Differences between DB and nametab for table & :
555The following active nametab columns do not exist in the DB
556Inconsistencies between nametab and DB in the following columns
557The following generated nametab and associated DB
558The following DB columns do not exist in the active nametab:
559Result &1: &2 Action: &3 Mode flag: &4
560|Column |Type |Length|
561|Column |Type |Length|
562No differences found between database and nametab
563|Column |Type Length KeyPos.|Type Length KeyPos|
564| | Database | Nametab |
567Headers differ: & (Nametab) & (Database)
568& structured objects
569& hierarchies
570Nametab <> DB column description is consistent
571Inconsistency in client dependency (mapping not possible)
572Internal error during reconstruction (inconsistency cannot be corrected)
573Client for table & could not be correctly determined
574Client inconsistency between Dictionary and nametab
575 Base table & is neither transparent nor a database view
576&: Statements could not be calculated for all dependent views
577&: Create statement of dependent view & could not be generated
578&: Could not generate Create Statement for AMDP functions
579&: Could not generate Drop Statement for AMDP functions
580View &: At least one Basis object is a hierarchy (not supported on DB &)
582Table &1 reconstructed; activate the table
583Could not reconstruct table &1
584Update failed (DDXTT-MODEINFO for table &1)
600 ALTER TABLE is not possible
601 Old key field & is now non-key field
602 Key field & has changed its position
603 Old key field & has been deleted
604 New or non-key field & is now key field
605 There is a new key field &
606 New structure has fewer fields than old structure
607 Fields names differ (old - & and new - &)
608 Key affiliation of field & has changed
609Length or number of decimal places of field & has changed
610Data type of field & changed from & to &
611Offset of field & changed from & to &
612Data exists and the client-dependency has changed
613New field & exists
614Entry in table TG& missing
615Entry in table TA& missing
616Error when determining storage parameters
617Entry in table IG& missing
618Entry in table IA& missing
619Error reading system table &
620Table class could not be determined
621Entry missing in table TS&
622Field & was deleted
623Field & was inserted
624 Field &: Type changed from & to &
625 Field &: Length changed from & to &
626 Field &: Decimal places changed from & to &
627 Field &: Default value changed from & to &
628Field & is "NOT NULL"
629Field & is "NULLABLE"
630The table is internally converted by the database
631& indexes are created
632The "NOT NULL" field is inserted
633Field modification from "NULLABLE" to "NOT NULL"
634If data exists, conversion must take place
635Field &: Changed definition
636Field &: Added
637Start ICNV distribution table &
638The switch to the new table cannot be executed
639The switch to the new table can be executed
640Switch to new table is possible (processing required)
641 The "NOT NULL" field without DEFAULT is inserted
642Table & change from row to column store
643Table & change from column to row store
644Table & change from Row to Column Store; DB version already correct
645Table & change from Column to Row Store; DB version already correct
646& is not created in DB. External view &: Def. does not match DB.
647Table &: Nametab cannot be generated from DB object
648Table &: Unexpected mode flag & for special table
649 Primary key changed to inverted individual
650 Primary key: Inverted individual property deleted
651Table & with a non-initial sharing type is handled by the converter.
652Table conversions are not supported for shared tables
653&: Pooled tables and cluster tables are no longer supported
654Statements not executed ("program not written")
655Statements not executed ("SQL error")
656Analysis strategy: &
657Decided by handler class &
658No decision for object &
659DBAL statements not supported in this environment
660Unexpected ALTER TABLE return value &1
661Non-supported type change for table &1
662Table &1 with GEOM_EWKB column has a classic nametab, not RTOBJ
663Table &1: Error when reading runtime object (&2)
664RTOBJ required but not available
665Error during statement generation
666No RTOBJ provided
667Unknown shadow distribution mode: &1
668DB table name not as expected: &1
669Create for blue table not supported in distmode A if green table exists
800* Messages for test tools
801Table & may not be used for test purposes !
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