DI - Dictionary-Nachrichten: Bereich Indizes, Enqueues, DB-Funcs

The following messages are stored in message class DI: Dictionary-Nachrichten: Bereich Indizes, Enqueues, DB-Funcs.
It is part of development package SDIC in software component BC-DWB-DIC-AC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Dictionary".
Message Nr
Message Text
000****************** Create Indexes in the Database ********************
002Index &-& is not in ABAP Dictionary
003Index &-& is inconsistent in ABAP Dictionary
004Index & already exists in the database
005Table & for index & is not in the database
006Index & could not be created completely in the database
007Table & is not active in ABAP Dictionary
008Type of table & does not allow any indexes
009Index &-& (client field required for unique index)
010Index &-& (total of field lengths exceeds allowed value)
011Do not create the index &-& on the database
012Index &-& could not be saved
013Index &-&: Database HDB could not be excluded
014Index &-& introduced DB-based, exception list created, & added
015Index &-& already existed DB-based, exception list created, & added
016Index &-& already existed DB-based with inclusion list, no change for &
017Index &-& already existed DB-based, exception list existed, & added
018Index &-& will not be created on any DB; no action necessary for &
019Index &-& was already defined DB-based and & existed in the except. list
020Activation of indexes - see log &
021Save Indexes Table & (&)
022Table &: Indexes are not selected as DB-specific
023Index &-& is defined by exactly one column
400====================== = DB Procedure Proxy =============================
401Activates database procedure proxy &
402Database procedure proxy & was activated
403Database procedure proxy & was activated with warnings
404Database procedure proxy & was not activated
405A DB procedure proxy cannot be activated as dependent/active object
750******Messages on lock objects**************
751Base table & of the lock object is not active
752Base table & of lock object does not have any fields
753No foreign key fields found for check field &-&
754No foreign key definition found for check field &-&
755Field &-& is checked against multiple key fields using join condition
756Field &-& may only be checked against key fields
757Field &-& may not be checked against field &-&
758Name & not allowed for lock parameter
759Lock parameter & meaningless, as it does not refer to a lock argument
760There is a lock parameter without a name
761Internal error (a check was not made)
762Lock object is not active
763Incorrect name & in the header of the lock object
764Incorrect aggregate type & in the header of the lock object
765Base table & is assigned to incorrect lock object &
766Inconsistent entry for the primary table of the lock object
767Lock object has no base tables
768Lock mode for table & is assigned to incorrect lock object &
769Lock parameter & is assigned to incorrect lock object &
770Lock object does not exist
771Lock object does not have any lock parameters
772Multiple lock parameters have the name &
773Basis table & occurs more than once
774Lock mode for table & meaningless since no base table exists
775Base table & of lock object has table type &
776Total length of lock argument for table & longer than &
777Name of lock object does not start with a letter
778Name of lock object contains only invalid letter &
779Name of lock parameter & is invalid since it contains &
780Name of lock parameter & invalid since it does not start with a letter
781Lock parameter name & contains nonalphanumeric characters (invalid)
782Obsolete function group & deleted
783Lock parameter name & starts with 'X_' and is thus invalid
784Lock parameter name & starts with 'MODE_' and is thus invalid
785Parameter field &-& belongs to multiple lock parameters
786Parameter field &-& of lock parameter & does not exist
787Parameter field &-& of lock parameter & is not in base table
788Position of base table & incorrectly maintained
789No table can be locked with the lock object
790No lock mode was defined for base table &
791Secondary table & refers to itself
792Secondary table & bound to incorrect foreign key type using join
793No valid join conditions found for secondary table &
794Predecessor table & for base table & is not a base table
795Predecessor table & for base table & does not follow this in hierarchy
796Lock field &-& does not have a character-like type
797Inconsistent join of basis table & to predecessor table & (check field &)
798Parameter field &-& for lock parameter & is not a key field
799Parameter field &-& for lock parameter & is a foreign key field
800Foreign key field &-& for join of table & is not a key field
801Join condition for secondary table & with adjusted foreign key
802For. key field &-& for join cond. to sec. table & not in base table
803Join condition for secondary table & conflicts with the hierarchy
804Lock mode & for table & is not allowed
805Check lock object &
806Activate lock object &
807Lock object & is consistent
808Lock object & was checked with warnings
809Lock object & is inconsistent
810Lock object & could not be checked
811Lock object & activated
812Lock object & was activated with warnings
813Lock object & not activated
814Lock object & activated without generating the function modules
815Function group & could not be generated
816The program code for the &EUE module could not be generated
817Lock object & activated without generating the FMs with warnings
818Generate function modules for lock object &
819Function modules for lock object & could not be generated
820Function modules for lock object & were generated
821Lock parameter & has the same name as a base table
822Lock argument for table & cannot be determined
823Maximum number & of tables to be locked exceeded
824Maximum number & of lock parameters exceeded
825Lock parameter name & has more than & characters and is thus invalid
826Parameter field for lock parameter & is not a component of base table
827Parameter field for lock parameter & is not elementary type
828Type of lock field &-& is not suitable
829The program code for the &EUE module could not be generated
830Check dependent lock object &
831Generate function module for dependent lock object &
832Activate dependent lock object &
833Dependent lock object & was not activated
834Dependent lock object & activated with warning (no FM generated)
835Dependent lock object & was activated with warning
836Dependent lock object & activated without generating the function modules
837Dependent lock object & was activated
838&1 and &2 lock objects were activated
840Namespaces EY and EZ are reserved for (customer) lock objects
850The interfaces were adjusted for &1 lock objects
851Application: ABAP Dictionary (Basis), Client: *
852Interface of lock object &1 could not be updated
853No lock objects need be adjusted
854No authorization for executing this program
900******************* General Messages **********************************
901Internal error (Form: &. Parameter: & & &)
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