EG - ISU-Ger�teverwaltung
The following messages are stored in message class EG: ISU-Ger�teverwaltung.
It is part of development package EE10 in software component IS-U-DM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Device Management".
It is part of development package EE10 in software component IS-U-DM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-U: Device Management".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Device &1 does not exist |
001 | Parameter &1 not in system parameter table |
002 | Enter a valid division category |
003 | Enter a valid function class |
004 | Device &1 is not allocated to a device group |
005 | Device group &1 not found |
006 | Material &1 or material &2 is not an IS-U device category |
007 | Use digits only for the definition of the nominal voltage |
008 | Flows are being deleted |
009 | Select numbered line for processing |
010 | No serial number has been specified for this piece of equipment |
011 | &1 Devices Have Been Extracted for BW |
012 | You must create a complete piece of equipment |
013 | You can only allocate an IS-U material to a piece of IS-U equipment |
014 | An IS-U material cannot be allocated to a non-IS-U piece of equipment |
015 | Only device information records are permitted for device category &1 |
016 | No device info records allowed for device category &1 |
017 | Specify a valid winding group |
018 | This function is not permitted for IS-U equipment |
019 | You cannot change the serial number for IS-U equipment |
020 | Enter a register group |
021 | Enter a default primary winding |
022 | Enter a default secondary winding |
023 | Internal error: Device location not found |
024 | To delete a line, choose Edit -> Delete |
025 | No devices found in PM hierarchy |
026 | Select the winding group as either primary or secondary default |
027 | Device with equipment number &1 is not valid on &2 |
028 | Device with equipment no. &3 is not valid in the period specified |
029 | Correct number of default primary and secondary windings (&1/&2) |
030 | Winding group &1 has been created |
031 | You have not created a winding group |
033 | Winding group &1 has been changed |
034 | Enter at least one group |
035 | Existing meter reading results for register group &1 will be deleted |
039 | I/O group &1 has been changed |
040 | Enter an I/O group with the same division category as the device category |
042 | Specify a maximum of & windings |
044 | Command group &1 has been changed |
045 | Command &1 has been changed |
046 | Give a permissible reason for installation/removal |
047 | Enter at least two devices for each device group |
048 | Enter a valid material for the device category |
049 | Enter 1 for the number of meter reading results |
050 | A device already exists with equipment number &1 |
051 | Device already belongs to device group &1 |
052 | IS-U device data has not yet been maintained for the piece of equipment |
053 | More than one device was found with the data entered |
054 | Specify a winding group |
055 | Enter a device relevant to inspections |
056 | Device &1 has been changed |
057 | Enter a valid lot type |
059 | No renewal period could be determined for lot with S&1, B&2 and E&3 |
060 | Error occurred during determination of number of sample devices |
061 | Sample lot is changed in background |
062 | No price class exists for division category &1 |
063 | Lot has been changed |
064 | List of devices determined for lot &1 contains no entries |
065 | Device &3 (= serial number) is not valid from &1 to &2 |
067 | Enter either device group &1 or device &2 |
068 | Material must be unique when you specify serial numbers |
070 | Serial no. &1 already created (same serialization number) |
071 | Piece of equip. with serial no. &1 already exists (serialization mat.) |
072 | IS-U device info record already exists for mat. no &1 and serial no. &2 |
075 | Transf. type of winding group is different from transf. type in dev. cat. |
078 | Create the vehicles individually |
079 | You cannot create ISU devices using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE |
080 | Where-used list for &1 &2 cancelled |
083 | Device info record already exists for specified equipment number &1 |
085 | Device category &1 of reference does not correspond to device category &2 |
086 | Material &1 with serial number &2 is not an IS-U/CCS device |
087 | Supply voltage &1 does not exist |
088 | The device is not in company code &1 |
089 | Device &1 is not allocated to division category &2 |
090 | Device &1 is not from division &2 |
091 | Device &1 is not in warehouse &2 |
092 | Device &1 in warehouse &2 |
093 | Device &1 does not correspond to specifications given |
094 | Device &1 is not from device category &2 |
095 | Device &1 is not from basic device category &2 |
096 | Select devices from plant &2 and storage location &1 only |
097 | The devices you have specified do not exist |
098 | Division &1 of device &2 does not match division of device group type |
099 | You can only process the current time slice of device &1 |
100 | Error during user-defined determination of device replacement year |
102 | The dev. is not from the same basic dev. cats (&1) as the other devices |
103 | Time slice of device &1 is not valid on key date &2 |
104 | Device group &1 does not exist on &2 |
105 | You cannot change device group; allocations exist |
106 | You cannot delete device group &1 |
107 | Device &1 cannot be included because device allocations exist |
108 | You can only enter device info records or complete devices |
110 | Use only removed devices or devices from the same device location |
114 | Device cat. &1 of device &2 does not match the category of the dev. group |
115 | Device group is no longer consistent/complete |
120 | Device category &1 already has group material number &3 |
121 | You cannot change the group mat. no; it is still a ref. group mat. no |
122 | Cannot change registration ID as group material &1 is blocked by &2 |
125 | Piece of equipment is an IS-U/CCS device |
126 | Equipment is allocated to lot &2 |
127 | Equipment is or was already installed or is in a device group |
130 | Lot processing is already blocked by user &1 |
135 | Generic lock of devices to be changed failed |
140 | Target lot &1 cannot be included in the list |
141 | Status of lot &1 does not allow other lots to be included |
142 | You cannot include lot &1 in the list more than once |
143 | You cannot include lot &1 in the list (lot status) |
144 | Lot &1 cannot be included in the list (division) |
145 | Lot &1 cannot be included in the list (type of certification requirement) |
146 | Lot &1 cannot be included in the list (indicator: only electr. register) |
147 | Lot &1 cannot be included in the list |
148 | Lot &1 cannot be included in the list (next inspection year) |
149 | Lot &1 cannot be used as the target lot (->next inspection year) |
150 | You have not activated the Canada-specific sampling procedure functions |
151 | You are not authorized to change the lot certification data |
152 | Certification number does not match the suggested value |
153 | Lot &1 does not exist |
154 | Record with certification date &2 and time &3 already exists for lot &1 |
155 | Date &2 and time &3 for the last certification must be found in the past |
156 | Device is already in list |
157 | Number of certifications for lot &1 must be greater than 0 |
158 | Certification record already exists for lot &1 |
159 | Lot certification data was successfully updated |
160 | Device &2, material number &1 and equipment number &3: Invalid seal code |
161 | Device &2, material number &1 and equip. no. &3: Invalid production year |
162 | Device &2 with material no. &1 and equipment no. &3: Seal date invalid |
163 | You must enter seal date for this seal code |
164 | The seal date is after the current date |
165 | Data migration not possible, Tab.T_TE271E does not contain |
166 | Internal lots are not admissible; enter an official sample lot |
167 | Failed sampling inspection for lot &1 date &2 time &3 |
168 | Lot &1 does not contain any devices |
169 | Lot status &1 is invalid; enter a valid status |
170 | Invalid date format: &1 |
171 | Invalid time format: &1 |
177 | Winding group &1 already being used; cannot be fully changed |
178 | Command group &1 is already being used - change not possible |
192 | Specify the certification requirement type |
200 | Error reading class data of source objects &1 &2 &3 |
201 | Error writing class data of target objects |
210 | No inspection results available for device (ser. no. &1, mat. no. &2) |
211 | Lot &1 contains no activity |
212 | Processing mode has not been defined for transaction &1 |
213 | Use transaction EG85 instead; Canadian sampling procedure is not active |
214 | Use transaction EG8D for the Canadian sampling procedure |
215 | You cannot enter &1 from drawing &2 as drawing has not yet taken place |
216 | You cannot perform &1 for &2 drawings; only single drawings possible |
217 | Cannot find number of sample devices for &1 &2 &3 |
235 | Command &1 has been created |
240 | Serial number &1 for material &2 already exists |
241 | Piece of equipment &1 already exists |
242 | Division &1 of device category &2 does not match division &3 |
250 | The list does not contain all devices of device group &1 |
251 | IS-U devices can only be transferred within the current time slice |
252 | You can only transfer devs from the current time slice of the dev. group |
260 | The VEE code must not contain an initial value |
300 | Enter a key date |
301 | You can only enter one selection option for the key date |
310 | You cannot change the inspection relevance; replacement list locked |
311 | You cannot change the inspection relevance; dev. installed and certified |
312 | Check certification data; inspection relevance will be changed |
320 | Lot &1 still contains devices - break up of lot not possible |
325 | This city is not part of an existing address |
338 | Total from devices (&1) and spare devices (&2) must be less than 1000 |
339 | Enter a valid postal code |
340 | Specify a device without an advanced replacement year |
341 | Specify a device without a certification status |
342 | Specify a device that is installed |
343 | The device is already allocated to lot &1 |
344 | Device &1 is not certified |
345 | Sample lot was already drawn and inspected |
346 | Device &3 is not allocated to the current lot |
347 | No devices were deleted from lot |
348 | Lot cannot be removed from dev. because dev. was drawn as sample device |
349 | Number of sample devices (&1) is greater than lot size (&2 &3 &4) |
350 | Internal: error during determination of permissible division categories |
351 | Enter a valid division category |
352 | Only use single values as selection criteria |
353 | Enter a valid construction class |
354 | Enter a valid function class |
355 | Enter a valid meter reading unit |
356 | Enter a valid country/region first |
357 | Enter a valid city |
358 | Enter either a city or a street, but not both |
359 | Enter a valid street |
360 | Enter either a street with house numbers or a city |
361 | Enter a street for the house numbers |
362 | Enter a valid range for house numbers |
363 | Specify a valid basic start date |
364 | Enter a valid division |
365 | Division only permitted when replacing all devices of a device location |
366 | List output only possible for meter reading interval check |
367 | Specify either periodic replacement year, max. number of devices, or lot |
368 | Error importing control parameters for period replacement |
369 | Specify either periodic replacement year or maximum number of devices |
370 | Combin. of max. no. dev and repl. of all devs of dev. loc. not permitted |
371 | No devices matching the selection criteria were found |
372 | No divisions exist for the specified division categories |
373 | Device category &1 does not exist |
374 | Lot &1 does not exist |
375 | Enter a lot with a valid status |
376 | Lot &1 already broken up; enter a valid lot |
377 | Lot devices for lot &1 have not yet been determined |
378 | No sample devices and spare sample devices found for lot &1 |
379 | Internal: error during determination of status of customer include &1 |
380 | Internal: Error during initialization of custom selections |
381 | Internal: Error during entry of custom selections |
382 | Internal: error during determ. of all devices of a group of device locs |
383 | Enter a lot with a valid status |
384 | Select sample devices or spare sample devices for lot &1 |
385 | Orders already created for &1 of drawing &2 for lot &3 |
386 | No &1 of drawing &2 found for lot &3 |
387 | Drawing &1 for lot &2 has not yet occurred |
388 | For lot &1 you can only choose sample devs and sp. samp. devs of 1st drwg |
389 | Select only sample devices or spare sample devices of 2nd drawing |
390 | Enter a valid PM planning plant |
391 | Enter a basic end date which is after or the same as the basic start date |
392 | Specify a valid basic end date |
393 | The specified free selections could not be converted |
394 | &1 &2 in stock. No order will be created |
395 | Internal: error reading master data for &1 with equipment number &2 |
396 | No orders for &2 of drawing &3 could be selected for lot status &1 |
397 | You cannot select &1 of 2nd drawing: 2nd drawing has not yet occurred |
398 | You cannot select &1 of 2nd drawing (only simple drawing permitted) |
399 | You have not entered 1 for primary or secondary voltage |
400 | Error during import of control parameters for orders/notifications |
401 | Control parameters for orders/notifs have not been correctly maintained |
402 | Device category &1 cannot be created again |
403 | For material &1, an IS-U device category must be created first |
404 | Enter a valid device category |
405 | Enter a valid contruction class for device category &1 |
406 | Function class &1 is not permitted for division category &2 |
407 | Enter a valid manufacturer |
408 | Enter a valid category description |
409 | Device category &1 has been created |
410 | Error creating material master record |
411 | No material exists for device category &1 |
412 | Internal device category &2 not permitted for division category &1 |
413 | The current combination of basic device categories is incomplete |
414 | Specify a basic device category for the device category |
415 | Impermissible combination of basic device categories for this device cat. |
416 | Construction class &1 is not valid for division category &2 |
417 | The combination of function and construction class is not permitted |
418 | Error during determination of serial no. and mat. no. for equip. &1 |
419 | No &2 found for piece of equipment &1 |
420 | Div. cat. of reference does not match div. of device cat. to be created |
421 | Enter a certification year |
422 | Device info record category cannot be changed |
423 | Category of device info record is different in &1 and &2 |
424 | Caution: this changes a critical attribute of the device category |
425 | ISU material &1 is serialized using group material &2 |
426 | Serialization by ISU group material is not possible in MM |
430 | Entries for date and year are not consistent |
431 | Enter a Meter Reading Date that Lies Within the Validity Period |
434 | Specify a valid input/output group |
437 | The standard windings of the winding group are used |
440 | Specify a valid price class for division category &1 |
443 | Input/output group &1 has been created |
447 | Specify a valid command |
449 | Enter a text for the command |
450 | Specify switching times for command &1 |
452 | Command group &1 has been created |
453 | At least one command was entered more than once |
454 | Enter a command |
455 | To save, enter commands for the command group |
457 | Specify a register group with the same divison cat. as the device categ. |
458 | You have specified a transformation ratio for the direct measuring type |
459 | Enter the complete transformation ratio |
460 | Do not enter primary/secondary voltage and primary/secondary current |
461 | Enter a register group with the same division category as the device |
462 | Specify number of places before the decimal point |
463 | Specify unit of measurement for meter reading |
464 | Specify a valid command group |
465 | Complete your entries before saving |
467 | Enter data for thermal gas billing |
468 | You cannot select the "Do not read" field |
469 | Check specifications for primary and secondary side |
470 | Specify at least &1 primary winding(s) |
471 | Specify at least &1 secondary winding(s) |
472 | Specify &1 secondary windings for measurement |
473 | Specify a winding category |
474 | Specify a winding type |
475 | The transformation ratio does not match the ratio calculated |
476 | The transformation ratio has been re-calculated |
477 | Enter voltage |
478 | Enter current |
479 | The values you have entered for primary and secondary side are too large |
480 | Specify at least &1 windings |
481 | Winding is locked and cannot be changed |
483 | Last entry will not be deleted |
485 | Division cat. in reference does not correspond to division cat. specified |
486 | You cannot maintain this field for resetting registers |
487 | Specify a transformation ratio |
488 | &1 is not permitted in the case of a nonmetering register |
489 | Enter a unit of measurement for billing |
490 | Check minimum primary current and maximum secondary current |
491 | Check minimum primary voltage and maximum secondary voltage |
492 | Enter current or voltage |
493 | Internal: no time slices available for changing |
494 | Specify a nominal load |
496 | Complete data for primary and secondary voltage/current |
497 | Do not specify the installation reason |
498 | Do not enter unit of measurement for MR in the case of resetting regs |
499 | Enter the measurement type |
500 | Do not specify a removal reason |
501 | You cannot use internal number assignment for the register group |
504 | Specify a register category |
510 | You have not defined a register with division category of the reg. group |
511 | You have not specified a default register |
512 | You have not entered a register code for at least one interval register |
513 | Enter a valid register code |
515 | You cannot change the register because it is currently disconnected |
516 | You cannot change the register group due to register relationships |
520 | Check the number of pre-decimal places and decimal places |
524 | Set indicator for active/reactive register |
525 | Do not set indicator for active/reactive register |
526 | Check register categories |
527 | Specify a register from the category resetting register |
528 | Enter a different unit of measurement for the register |
529 | Specify a weighting key |
530 | You cannot maintain this field for the division category specified |
550 | Device &1 is allocated to several device cats and therefore not unique |
565 | Specify a register type |
566 | Do not specify a register type |
583 | You have specified a transformation ratio for reg. no. &2 in reg. grp &1 |
600 | Maintain domain GERTYPKZ first |
601 | Enter a valid value for the rating |
602 | Enter a valid value for the primary voltage |
603 | Enter a valid value for the secondary voltage |
605 | Combination rating &1, primary vltge &2, secondary vltge &3 not permitted |
606 | Invalid values for rating, primary voltage, and/or secondary voltage |
607 | Enter a value for the rating |
608 | Enter a value for the primary voltage |
609 | Enter a value for the secondary voltage |
610 | Number of devices selected from the periodic replacement list: &1 |
611 | Number of selected sample devices and spare devices: &1 |
612 | Number of uninstalled and spare sample devices: &1 |
613 | Internal: error updating orders |
614 | No devices were selected |
615 | Select house number only in conjunction with street number |
616 | Number of devices selected via device location: &1 |
617 | Internal: error during determination of lot data for device &1 &2 &3 &4 |
618 | Internal: Error during update of notifications |
619 | Enter a valid document class |
620 | Enter a valid value for bundling |
621 | Internal: error during determ. of PM plant for device with equip. no. &1 |
622 | Scheduling of background job terminated |
623 | Scheduling of background job was successful |
624 | Interval validation not carried out |
625 | Error determining PM plant for order code &1 and reg. structure group &2 |
626 | Error determining PM plant for notif. code &1 and reg. structure group &2 |
627 | Partner can only be transferred at the device level |
628 | Enter a serial number |
629 | Serial number from must be higher than serial number from |
630 | No partner found for device &1 (equipment &2) |
650 | Enter &1 between &2 and &3 |
651 | &1 &2 &3 &4 saved |
652 | Extension without further specifications is not possible |
653 | No variants found |
654 | Error choosing a variant |
655 | &1 canceled |
656 | Periodic replacement list cannot be created without valid variant |
657 | Error: invalid variant ID specified |
658 | Error displaying creation data |
659 | Variant &1 already exists; save under another name |
660 | Enter a device category |
662 | &1 &2 not found |
663 | Addition of advanced replacement year not possible with further specs |
664 | Creation for advanced replacement year not possible |
665 | No &2 exist for division category &1 |
666 | Background job has been scheduled. |
667 | Scheduling of background processing canceled |
668 | No devices found for specified variant |
669 | Periodic replacement list successfully &1 |
670 | &1 entries deleted during clean-up of periodic replacement list |
671 | Number of devices in periodic replacement list before inspection run: &1 |
672 | Number of inspected devices: &1 |
673 | Number of devices transferred to the periodic replacement list: &1 |
674 | Error during reading of device category data for device &1 &2 &3 &4 |
675 | No resources available for parellel processing |
676 | You have not selected fields with additional info for per. repl. list |
677 | Meter reading unit for device &1 &2 &3 &4 could not be determined |
678 | Error during determination of address for device &1 &2 &3 &4 |
679 | Error during determination of country/region for device &1 &2 &3 &4 |
680 | City for device &1 &2 &3 &4 could not be determined |
681 | Street for device &1 &2 &3 &4 could not be determined |
683 | Regional group for device &1 &2 &3 &4 could not be determined |
684 | Company area for device &1 &2 &3 &4 could not be determined |
685 | No replacement year found for device &1 &2 &3 &4 |
686 | You have selected the determine MRU field |
687 | You have selected the city field |
688 | You have selected the street field |
689 | You have selected the "Det. co. area" field |
690 | Specify a valid company area |
691 | Without saved variant a periodic replacement list cannot be created |
692 | You have selected the device category field |
693 | You have selected the "transfer partner" field |
694 | You have selected field "replacement of all devices in a device loc." |
695 | You have selected the house number field |
696 | No entry in Customizing for lot procedure/certification |
697 | Inconsistencies in table &1, check Customizing |
698 | &1 being created |
699 | Service orders or notifications are bundled at &1 |
700 | Error occurred during maintenance of partner data of device |
701 | No maintenance planning plant found for plant &1 and location &2 |
702 | No maintenance planning plant found for device &1 |
703 | Only installed sample devices included |
704 | Uninstalled sample devices included without bundeling |
705 | Uninstalled sample devices are bundled per plant/location |
715 | Specify a lot to which at least one device is allocated |
716 | In an official lot it is not possible to delete lot number |
717 | Give break-up year that is before or the same as first samp.inspection |
718 | Lot number is being removed from device records |
719 | Official lot has been broken up for year &1 |
720 | Lot &1 has already been broken up |
721 | Enter switch-on or switch-off time |
722 | The lot contains no devices with the specified device categories |
723 | Lot &1 has already been partially migrated with lot &2 |
724 | Enter due date later than current year |
725 | Change due date to &1 |
726 | Specify an external lot number |
727 | Lines &1 and &2 contain the same entries |
728 | No change has been made to lot data |
729 | Change periodic replacement year to &1 |
732 | Change to certification data affects corresponding devices |
733 | Do not enter a certification year; certification not relevant |
734 | Do not enter a sample lot; certification does not apply |
735 | Do not enter a certification status; certification does not apply |
736 | Do not enter a certification type; certification does not apply |
737 | Do not enetr a certification number; certification does not apply |
738 | Uncertified device installed; check year and status |
739 | Uninspected device installed; check year and status |
740 | Enter lot number; device is subject to sampling |
745 | Sample lot &1 has not been entered in device &2 |
747 | The specified replacement year is too late (renewal based on dev. cat.) |
748 | The specified replacement year is too late (renewal based on sample lot) |
752 | Specify a valid lot |
753 | Lot &1 is being created |
755 | If the device loses certification it loses its lot membership |
756 | Due year must be after the year of the first sample inspection |
757 | Enter next due year |
762 | Maintain lot status |
763 | Enter a valid year |
764 | Specify device category |
766 | Specify number of devices |
770 | Device category not possible because division does not correspond |
771 | Dev. cat. not possible due to different cert./internal cert. requirements |
772 | Enter data for lot compilation |
773 | Lot number is being entered in device records |
774 | Device category cannot be allocated to a lot |
775 | Division cat. &1 for device cat.&2 does not match division cat.&3 in hdr |
776 | Check certification/internal certification requirement |
777 | You cannot undo the inspection |
778 | Lot has already been inspected or drawn (no extension of lot possible) |
779 | Do not enter any further certification data |
780 | Enter calibration validity period |
781 | Enter the internal certification period |
783 | Do not enter a calibration validity period |
784 | Internal cert. period must be shorter or same as calibration validity |
785 | Do not maintain old calibration validity or internal certification period |
786 | Specify to-production year |
787 | Specify old calibration validity and internal certification period |
788 | Old calib. val./cert. period must be longer than internal insp. period |
789 | When specifying cert./insp. no. enter certification/inspect. year as well |
790 | Do not enter future year for year of production |
791 | Specify a certification year between &1 and &2 |
792 | Specify a valid certification year between 1900 and 2100 |
793 | Specify a valid replacement year between 1900 and 2100 |
794 | Specify a certification year that is after the year of production |
795 | Specify a replacement year that is after the year of production |
796 | Specify a replacement year that is after the certification year |
797 | Do not specify certification status or allocation to sample lot |
798 | Specify a valid certifiction type |
800 | Specify a valid seal code |
801 | Production year of device is later than certification year |
802 | Sample drawings not possible in this year |
803 | Specify only devices subject to certification or internal certification |
804 | The specified device cannot be certified at this time |
805 | Enter a device |
806 | Error breaking up device group &1 |
807 | Table is full. Device group cannot be completely terminated |
808 | Not all devices of device group are certified |
809 | Specify a valid seal date between 1900 and 2100 |
810 | Certification for year &1 was saved |
811 | Delete seal date |
812 | Specify a seal date for the inspection |
813 | Maximum number of entries was reached |
814 | Device &1 is in grid |
815 | Device &1 is not in grid |
816 | Device cannot be certified while still installed |
817 | You have no authorization for the &1 of devices |
818 | Could not save &1 devices |
820 | Fields not ready for input were set using the enhancement |
830 | An error occurred during parallel creation of periodic replacement list |
851 | Specify a sample lot from division &1 |
852 | Specify a sample lot with certification indicator &1 |
853 | Do not give a future year for the certification year |
854 | Delete the lot number |
856 | Device location does not exist |
863 | The sample lot contains &1 devices |
864 | For lot &1 no devices have yet been determined |
865 | Enter a starting line between 1 and 50 |
866 | Enter a starting line between 1 and 50 |
867 | Enter a starting column between 1 and 50 |
868 | Enter a starting column between 1 and 50 |
869 | Number of starting columns does not match number of digits in lot size |
870 | Starting columns have been repeated |
871 | More than 50% (&1 of &2) must be determined as sample devices |
872 | Specify number of sample devices |
875 | Check certification/internal certification requirement |
876 | Compile lot &1 |
877 | Sample devices for lot &1, drawing &2 were already imported |
879 | A further drawing is not possible in this year |
880 | Drawing &1 for lot &2 was successful |
881 | No drawing has been carried out in current year |
882 | Drawing &1 for lot &2 not completed successfully |
883 | Indicator for electronic registers is only allowed for electricity devs |
884 | Specify a year that is later than or the same as the current year |
885 | Important: periodic replacement file may need to be completed |
886 | Select entries with work orders |
887 | Select entries with notifications |
889 | Sample drawing function was opened in display mode |
890 | You have no authorization for &1 |
891 | Enter a permissible division category |
892 | Specify expected replacement year |
893 | Terminate internal lot &1 first |
894 | Specify year of production or expected replacement year |
895 | Internal error: it is not possibl to create pieces of equip. via this FM |
896 | Specify a periodic repl. year before or the same as the due year |
897 | Specify a valid division |
898 | Create and maintain material reference |
899 | Blocking problem occurred during device data conversion |