F1 - Messages aus Funktionsbausteinen RF

The following messages are stored in message class F1: Messages aus Funktionsbausteinen RF.
It is part of development package FREP in software component FI-GL-IS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RF reporting".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Begin search term with &
001Credit control area for company code & is not defined in table T014B
002No search of archives desired
003Please select a valid line
004Specify the fiscal year
020Assign partner business area to an account
021Number of items is more than 999
022Posting keys not maintained for automatic items
023Account & does not exist in company code &
024Clearing account not specified for business area &
025ID of previous declaration will be ignored for ordinary declaration
026ID of previous declaration should be entered for substitute declarations
027ID of prev. declaration should be entered for supplementary declarations
030First item is not in company code of original document
031Amount &1 is greater than allowed
100In table &, the entry & & & is missing
101Table & was deleted ---> Enter
102Position cursor on a valid field
103System error: Intern.error in table XBKPF (please inform systems manager)
104Flagged document & & does not exist
105Document & & already exists in company code &
106Recurring entry data already exists for document & & company code &
107One-time account data already exists for line item & in document & & &
108Bill of exchange data already exists for line item & in document & & &
109Line item & already exists in document & & &
110Transaction & already exists in document & & &
111Error in updating bill of exchange data line item & in document & & &
112Error in updating line item & in document & & &
113Error in updating transaction & in document & & &
114Error when updating document & & &
115Update to parked document & & & not successful
116Error with Insert BSID/K/M/S for document & & & item &
117Error with Update document &, old KLIBT = &, new KLIBT = &
150* Update modules document breakdown by account assignment (F049) *
151Error with Insert breakdown vector document & & &
152Error with Insert breakdown vector transaction & & &
153Error with Insert document breakdown & & &, zero balance
154Error with Insert document breakdown & & &, G/L accounts
155Error with Insert document breakdown & & &, customers
156Error with Insert document breakdown & & &, vendors
157Error with Update document breakdown & & &, customers
158Error with Update document breakdown & & &, vendors
159Error with insert of document breakdown & & &, customer valuation diff.
160Error with insert of document breakdown & & &, venor valuation difference
161Error with update of document breakdown & & &, customer valuation diff.
162Error with update of document breakdown & & &, vendor valuation differenc
163Error when inserting doc.breakdown & & & &, reset cleared items
200* CO -> FI interface (SAPLF044)
201Error determ. curr.key for curr.type &, CO area &, CoCde &, SY-SUBRC &
202Account key & in table & is not defined
203No posting key has been defined for account key & in table &
204Company code clearing account for 1& 2& is not defined
205No company code clearing account is defined for company code 1& 2&
206Clearing act bus.area/func.area not defined for ch./acts 1&, act key 2&
207Clearing act bus.area/func.area not specified for ch./acts 1&, act key 2&
208CO-FI account determination for 1& 2& 3& is not defined
209No FI account has been specified for CO-FI account determination 1& 2& 3&
210Company code & is not defined
211No company has been specified for company code &
212Posting key & is not defined.
213No reverse posting key has been specified for posting key &.
214Application document completely posted.
215System error: Error from external function module not yet rectified
216Error reading document ev.type 1&, ev.key 2&, ev.sys.3&.
217Error reading the items for ev.key 1&, co.cd.2&, doc.no. 3&, fisc.yr 4&.
218No account type has been specified for posting key &.
219Tax number &1 not maintained for the vendor
220Revenue type &1 not permitted for vendor &2
221Vendor province &1 not selected
222'NIF', &1, negative taxes are not permitted
223Withholding tax total must not be negative
224No data for these selection criteria in table QSTRE
225Error during local file save
226Error during currency translation &1
227'NIF', &1, tax amount must be 0 for repayments
300----------- Distributed systems -----------------------------------------
301Account & not defined in company code &
302No cross-system company code is defined for company code &
303No cross-system business area is defined for business area &
304Error & when writing IDOC, document number &.
305Internal error: Synchronous posting not possible
306For company code & , global company code & is not defined
307No target chart of accounts is defined for company code &
308No clearing account defined for sending system &, ch.of accts &
309Error reading company code &
310Doc.no. &, company code &, fiscal year & was posted.
311For CoCde &, Postper. &, Fyear &, and FY variant & are not defined.
312System error: No fixed ledger defined for company code &
313No posting key specified for transaction &
314No chart of accounts has been defined for company code &
315No receiver system defined for MESTYP &, comp.code &, G/L account &
317Country/region & is not defined (T005)
318Special G/L transaction not possible for distributed systems: & & &
319Neither table GLT0, nor GLFLEXT was transferred
320Parked document, document number &, company code &, fiscal year & posted
321Error when checking transfer of structure E1FICHD (IDOC FIDCCH01)
322System & : &
323RFC in system & could not be executed
324ALE comparison ledger & cannot be posted to
325Posting with message category FIDCMT/FIROLL is not possible
326Posting with withholding tax is not possible with obsolete modification
600& & & &
800Clearing: Document & & & does not exist
801Clearing: Line item & does not exist in document & & &
802Bill of exchange usage: Line item & does not exist in document & & &
803Bill of exchange usage: Document & & & does not exist
804Document change cancelled due to status change for item & &
805Clearing: Line item & in document & & & already cleared.
806System error: BSEG-PSWSL not set in document & & & &
807System error: Error when inserting table &
808Document balance for document & is not zero
809Clearing: G/L account & & from document & was not found
810Change document: Item & does not exist in document & & &
811Change document: Document & & does not exist in company code &
812Change document: Error during update/insert BSEC & & & &
813Change document: Error during update/insert BSED & & & &
814Change document: Error during update/insert BSET & & & &
815System error: Error during update table &
816Payment order blocks: Line & in document & & & does not exist
817Payment order blocks: Index for line & in document & & & is incorrect
818Payment order blocks: Line & in document & & & has incorrect account type
819Change document: Error in DELETE BSEC & & & &
820Clearing document & & & does not exist
821Year for Credit Mgmt data & is not identical to clearing year &
822Clearing year for document & & & could not be determined
823Payment order: Line & in document & & & has already been paid or cleared
824No items to be cleared for company code &1
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