FCLM_BAM_MAINT2 - Second message class for bank account management

The following messages are stored in message class FCLM_BAM_MAINT2: Second message class for bank account management.
It is part of development package FCLM_BAM in software component FIN-FSCM-CLM-BAM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bank Account Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000--- 001-100 Reserved for Bank Account Management ---
001A new revision of bank account &1 was activated.
002You cannot activate a revision created by you. Contact another user.
003Revision cannot be edited
004You cannot edit a revision that has not been created by you.
005Switch to control mode "Direct Change" before you migrate bank accounts.
006New revision created. Contact another authorized user to activate it.
007You cannot delete this revision. It is the current active version.
008Specify a description language before you continue.
009Revision not found
010Revision deleted
011Specify a value before you continue.
012You have no authorization to activate bank accounts.
013You cannot delete this revision. It was once activated.
014Error in reading the requested revision of bank account &2.
015You cannot edit revisions in the history log.
016You cannot edit this revision. It is used to close a bank account.
017You cannot edit a revision that is in approval process.
018You cannot delete this revision. It is in workflow process.
019Class and characteristics of bank account attachments were generated.
020Error when updating reviewers for the review process.
021Cannot initiate review. Reviewer not found for any of the bank accounts.
022User &1 is not authorized to review the selected bank accounts.
023Bank account &1 was not included in the review. Reviewer not found.
024You are not the reviewer for bank account &1.
025Bank account &1 was already reviewed.
026Bank contact persons of &1 bank accounts were removed.
027A new revision was created. You can activate it.
028&1 is only relevant to internal banks. Leave it empty.
029Do not start with special characters such as +, -, @, =.
030Customizing of document management for bank account is ready
031Bank account &1 has invalid status
032Bank &1 in country/region &2 is marked as deleted.
033Enter a service ID.
034Transaction type &1 does not exist.
035External transaction &1 is not assigned to transaction type &2.
036Transaction type &1, external transaction &2 assigned to service &3
037You are not authorized to view the signatory file.
038You are not authorized to assign bank accounts to this signatory card.
039The balance of bank account &1 is not zero. Do you want to close it now?
040Business partner &1 has already been assigned to the current bank.
041The validity period overlaps with that of business partner &1.
042This action is not supported when account status is &1.
043Request for closing bank account &1 has been sent to its bank.
044Bank account &1 was closed at bank.
045Bank account &1 was reopened at bank.
046You have initiated the reopening process for bank account &1.
047Cannot close the bank account. Correct errors before closing it.
048Bank account &1 was changed back to the active status.
049The action is not allowed with the current bank account status.
050Bank account status cannot be changed. Correct errors first.
051Specify a valid ISO currency code.
052You cannot edit the bank account &1. It was rejected in approval process.
053Bank account &1 cannot be deleted. Remove house bank accounts first.
054No change document was generated.
055Enter a posting block date that is not later than the current date.
056Revision submitted. Contact another authorized user to activate it.
057House bank account &3/&1/&2 was used in One Exposure.
058House bank account &3/&1/&2 was used in bank statements.
059House bank account &3/&1/&2 was used in accounting documents.
060House bank account &3/&1/&2 is used in value date settings for payments.
061House bank account &3/&1/&2 is used in bank accounts settings.
062House bank account &3/&1/&2 is used in account determination settings.
063House bank account &3/&1/&2 is used in enhanced bank accounts settings.
064House bank account &3/&1/&2 is used in bank clearing account settings.
066House bank account &3/&1/&2 is used in lockbox posting settings.
067Accounting documents have been posted to company &1, G/L account &2.
068House bank account &3/&1/&2 cannot be deleted. It has already been used.
069Bank statement group &1 does not exist.
070Relevant payment batches will be automatically approved.
071Relevant payment batches will be automatically rejected.
072The bank account cannot be used for payments.
073Maximum transfer amount cannot be less than the minimum transfer amount.
074House bank account &3/&1/&2 is used in Manage G/L Account Master Data.
075House bank account &3/&1/&2 will expire on &4.
076Bank account &1 is marked for closing.
077Closing request for bank account &1 has been canceled.
078G/L account is required for posting bank statements.
079G/L account is not required. No posting to be processed for this account.
080Bank account with technical ID &1 cannot be deleted. Balances exist.
081Valid settings on bank statement exist for bank account &1.
082Accounting documents exist.
083G/L account &1 in accounting doc. (BSEG) for company code &2
084Financial object &1 is activated for bank account &2.
085Bank account application &1 exists for bank account &2.
086Bank account technical ID &1 contains errors. Error details start.
087Bank account technical ID &1 contains errors. Error details end.
088Maximum transfer amount cannot be less than 0.
089Minimum transfer amount cannot be less than 0.
090Bank account status has been changed back to &1.
091Not possible to return to preceding status. Correct errors first.
092Bank Statements exist.
093Change request &1 has been approved.
094Change request &1 has been rejected.
095Change request &1 has been cancelled.
096Bank account &1 is already in verification process.
098Account updated. Approval skipped as sensitive fields were not changed.
099Activating this revision sets other to-be-activated revisions as deleted.
100Cannot activate revision. It was created before the latest version.
101--- 101-150 Reserved for old BAM Web Dynpro application ---
102You cannot edit this bank account in dual control or workflow mode.
103You cannot create bank accounts here in dual control or workflow mode.
151--- 151-170 Reserved for bank account signatory API ---
152Multiple bank accounts were found.
153No bank accounts found
201--- 201-250 Reserved for BAM Migration Cockpit ---
202Bank account ID &1 generated for company &2 house bank &3 account &4
203Start of message for house bank account &2/&3 of company code &1
204Inactive account ID &1 generated for company &2 house bank &3 account &4
205There is no data for display
206Control key updated for &2 house bank accounts in &1 bank accounts.
207Key attributes of house bank account account &1/&2/&3 have been changed.
208Bank account ID &1 updated for company &2 house bank &3 account &4
209Automatic migration switched off. Migrate house bank accounts manually.
251--- 251-300 Reserved for Signatory Card ---
252You are not authorized to import signatory cards.
253You are not authorized to export signatory cards.
254Signatory card &1 already exists. Overwrite the last import?
255Signatory card &1 was imported.
256Channel &1 is not valid. Correct the channel in the source file.
257Signatory card &1 cannot be deleted. Remove all assigned bank accounts.
258Bank account &1 was assigned to the signatory card.
259Bank account &1 was already assigned to the signatory card.
260Bank account &1 cannot be assigned. Try again later.
261Bank account cannot be unassigned. Try again later.
262End of residence day &1 was reached. Signatory card needs to be blocked.
263Error detected in SAP ILM: &1&2&3&4
264Bank account was unassigned from the signatory card.
265File format is not matched. Please refer to the sample. Path: &1
267Signatory card &1 was deleted.
268You are not authorized to delete signatory cards.
269Cannot convert signatory file from String to XString. Please try again.
301--- 301-350 Reserved for Maintenance Dialog ---
302Specify the selection variant, field name, sign, and option.
303Enter one or both of the low and high values based on option specified.
304Value &1 is not defined for restriction &2. Specify one that exists.
305Specify both the restriction and the restriction value.
306An active entry &1 &2 already exists with restricted value.
307An active entry &1 &2 already exists with unrestricted value.
308Account type &1 has been assigned to one or more bank accounts.
351--- 351-400 Reserved for Workflow ---
352Add one or more steps after the step for sensitive field check.
353Condition is not relevant to the step for sensitive field check.
354Field status group is not supported in auto approval step.
401--- 401-430 Reserved for G/L reduction ---
402Company code &1, house bank &2, account &3 is already in target status.
403Specify a value for the target bank reconciliation account.
404Validity period overlaps with existing entries. Correct your entry.
431--- 431-480 Reserved for Mange Banks ---
432Delete the bank key. For this ctry/rgn, the key is system-generated.
433Specify a risk business partner before assigning the rating.
481Bank account &1 is to be updated in powers of attorney. Details start.
482Bank account &1 has been updated in powers of attorney. Details end.
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