FINS_RECON - SAP S/4HANA Finance Migration: Reconciliation

The following messages are stored in message class FINS_RECON: SAP S/4HANA Finance Migration: Reconciliation.
It is part of development package FINS_FI_MIG in software component FIN-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Financial Accounting - Migration (SAP_FIN)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001&1: Balance in BSEG is not zero in transaction currency &2
002&1: Balance in BSEG is not zero in local currency &2
003&1: Balance in BSEG is not zero in second local currency &2
004&1: Balance in BSEG is not zero in third local currency &2
005Customer G/L Table migration: &1 process(es) not finished (table &2)
006CoCd &1: Existence check of source/target started at &2 and ended at &3
007CoCd &1: Check of ACDOCA amounts started at &2 and ended at &3
008CoCd &1: Check of source/target consistency started at &2 and ended at &3
009CoCd &1: Check of source/target amount started at &2 and ended at &3
010No data selected
011No inconsistencies found
012&1 company code(s) selected for analysis (starting from fiscal year &2)
013Summary for &1 selected company code(s) (starting from fiscal year &2):
014&1 Company code(s) with inconsistencies:
015&1 &2
016&1 company code(s) selected for analysis
017Summary for &1 selected company code(s):
018Transaction figures of view &1 coincide with backup table &2
019&1 company code(s)/ledger selected for analysis
020CoCd &1: Existence check of target/source started at &2 and ended at &3
021&1 (status &2): Table BSEG does not contain any items
022&1 (status &2): Table BSEG_ADD does not contain any items
023&1 (status &2): Table BSEG contains items
024&1: Table BKPF does not contain any document header information
025Summary for &1 selected company code(s)/ledger:
026&1 Company code(s)/ledger with inconsistencies:
027Check customizing for cross company posting started at &2 and ended at &3
028CoCd &1: Check of balance carry forward started at &2 and ended at &3
029CoCd &1: BKPF existence check started at &2 and ended at &3
030CoCd &1: Check of entry view amounts started at &2 and ended at &3
031&1: Document partially archived (&3) but still available in database
032CoCd &1: Check of target ledger documents started at &2 and ended at &3
033Balance carryforward is inconsistent for: &1&2&3&4
034Check customizing for migration of balances started at &2 and ended at &3
035Check line items for non-existing ledgers started at &2 and ended at &3
036CoCd &1: Check of aggregated amounts started at &2 and ended at &3
037No entry in FAGLFLEXA or FAGLFLEXT for ledger &2 and company code &1
038Check of ledger customizing started at &2 and ended at &3
039Check of postings specific to ledger group started at &2 and ended at &3
040CoCd &1: Check for non zero balance started at &2 and ended at &3
041FI-GL transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent
042FI-GL (New) transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent (&2/&3/&4)
043Customer master transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent
044Customer master special G/L transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent
045Vendor master transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent
046Vendor master special G/L transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent
047FI-GL (sFIN) transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent (&2/&3/&4)
048GLT3 transaction figures for &1 are inconsistent
049Inconsistent Balance Carry Forward for Ledger=&1, CompCode &2, Year &3
050No entry in FAGLBSIS for BSEG_ADD for document line &1 &2 &3 &4
051No entry in FAGLBSIS for BSEG for document line &1 &2 &3 &4
052No entry in FAGLBSAS for BSEG_ADD for document line &1 &2 &3 &4
053No entry in FAGLBSAS for BSEG for document line &1 &2 &3 &4
054Vendor transaction figures (Bal.Carried Fwd) for &1 inconsistent
055Vendor special G/L transaction figures (Bal.Carried Fwd) &1 inconsistent
056Customer transaction figures (Bal.Carried Fwd) for &1 inconsistent
057Customer special G/L transaction fig. (Bal.Carried Fwd) &1 inconsistent
058&1: Field XLGCLR is set in BSEG_ADD but not set in SKB1
059&1: Field XLGCLR is not set in BSEG_ADD but set in SKB1
060&1: Field XLGCLR is set in BSEG but not set in SKB1
061&1: Field XLGCLR is not set in BSEG but set in SKB1
062CoCd &1: Check for docs in ledger groups started at &2 and ended at &3
063No entry in BSEG for FAGLBSAS for document line &1 &2 &3 &4
065No entry in BSEG for FAGLBSIS for document line &1 &2 &3 &4
070&1: No entry in BSEG for this line item of FAGLFLEXA (Ledger &3)
071&1: No entry in BSEG_ADD for this line item of FAGLFLEXA (Ledger &3)
072&1: No entry in FAGLFLEXA for this line item of BSEG (Ledger &3)
073&1: No entry in FAGLFLEXA for this line item of BSEG_ADD (Ledger &3)
074&1: Inconsistent amount for Updating in G/L for this line item (Ldg &3)
075&1: Inconsistent local currency amount for this line item (Ldg &3)
076&1: Inconsistent amount in 2nd local currency for this line item (Ldg &3)
077&1: Inconsistent amount in 3rd local currency for this line item (Ldg &3)
080&1: Entry of view BSIS does not exist in table BSIS_BCK
081&1: Entry of table BSIS_BCK does not exist in view BSIS
082&1: Entry of view BSAS does not exist in table BSAS_BCK
083&1: Entry of table BSAS_BCK does not exist in view BSAS
084&1: Entry of view BSID does not exist in table BSID_BCK
085&1: Entry of table BSID_BCK does not exist in view BSID
086&1: Entry of view BSAD does not exist in table BSAD_BCK
087&1: Entry of table BSAD_BCK does not exist in view BSAD
088&1: Entry of view BSIK does not exist in table BSIK_BCK
089&1: Entry of table BSIK_BCK does not exist in view BSIK
090&1: Entry of view BSAK does not exist in table BSAK_BCK
091&1: Entry of table BSAK_BCK does not exist in view BSAK
092Entry of view &1 does not exist in table &2: &3 message(s)
093Entry of table &1 does not exist in view &2: &3 message(s)
094&1: Entry of view FAGLBSIS does not exist in table FAGLBSIS_BCK
095&1: Entry of table FAGLBSIS_BCK does not exist in view FAGLBSIS
096&1: Entry of view FAGLBSAS does not exist in table FAGLBSAS_BCK
097&1: Entry of table FAGLBSAS_BCK does not exist in view FAGLBSAS
101&1: FI-GL transaction figures (GLT0) inconsistent
102&1: FI-GL (New) transaction figures (FAGLFLEXT) inconsistent
103&1: Customer master transaction figures (KNC1) inconsistent
104&1: Customer master special G/L transaction figures (KNC3) inconsistent
105&1: Vendor master transaction figures (LFC1) inconsistent
106&1: Vendor master special G/L transaction figures (LFC3) inconsistent
107&1: Balances older than fiscal year &3 will not be migrated
108&1: Balances posted to ledger &4 will not be migrated
109Line item data for non-existing ledger &2
110Documents in ledger &2 are incorrectly posted to table &4
115&1: No entries for company code &3 were found in table GLT0
116&1: Plan data found in GLT0 for company code &2, fiscal year &3
119&1/&2: Zero-Bal-Clring account master data inconsistent: See Note 961937
121Table BSEG does not contain any items: &1 message(s)
122Table BSEG_ADD does not contain any items: &1 message(s)
123Table BSEG contains items: &1 message(s)
124Table BKPF does not contain any header: &1 message(s)
125Balance is not zero in transaction currency: &1 message(s)
126Balance is not zero in local currency: &1 message(s)
127Balance is not zero in second local currency: &1 message(s)
128Balance is not zero in third local currency: &1 message(s)
130Ledger &3 is marked as average balance ledger of &4 for table GLT0
131Document partially archived but available in database: &1 message(s)
132Ledger &3 is maintained for table GLT0 with subapplication &2
133Inconsistent Balance Carry Forward: &1 message(s)
139&1/&4: Field KSL of &2 does have a non initial Amount (Ledger &3)
140Ledger maintained inconsistently for table GLT0: &1 messages
141FI-GL transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
142FI-GL (New) transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
143Customer transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
144Customer special G/L transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
145Vendor transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
146Vendor special G/L transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
147FI-GL (sFIN) transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
148GLT3 transaction figures inconsistent: &1 message(s)
149Field KSL of GLT0 or GLT3 does have a non initial amount: &1 message(s)
150No entry in FAGLBSIS for BSEG_ADD: &1 message(s)
151No entry in FAGLBSIS for BSEG: &1 message(s)
152No entry in FAGLBSAS for BSEG_ADD: &1 message(s)
153No entry in FAGLBSAS for BSEG: &1 message(s)
154Vendor transaction figures (Bal.Carried Fwd): &1 message(s)
155Vendor special G/L transaction figures (Bal.Carried Fwd): &1 message(s)
156Customer transaction figures (Bal.Carried Fwd): &1 message(s)
157Customer special G/L transaction fig. (Bal.Carried Fwd): &1 message(s)
158Field XLGCLR is set in BSEG_ADD but not set in SKB1: &1 message(s)
159Field XLGCLR is not set in BSEG_ADD but set in SKB1: &1 message(s)
160Field XLGCLR is set in BSEG but not set in SKB1: &1 message(s)
161Field XLGCLR is not set in BSEG but set in SKB1: &1 message(s)
163No entry in BSEG for FAGLBSAS: &1 message(s)
165No entry in BSEG for FAGLBSIS: &1 message(s)
167CoCd &1: Check of BSEG currencies started at &2 and ended at &3
168&1: Field &3 of BSEG does have a non initial Amount (&2)
169&1: Field &3 of BSEG_ADD does have a non initial Amount (&2)
170No entry in BSEG for line of FAGLFLEXA: &1 message(s)
171No entry in BSEG_ADD for line of FAGLFLEXA: &1 message(s)
172No entry in FAGLFLEXA for line of BSEG: &1 message(s)
173No entry in FAGLFLEXA for line of BSEG_ADD: &1 message(s)
174Inconsistent amount for Updating in General Ledger: &1 message(s)
175Inconsistent local currency amount: &1 message(s)
176Inconsistent amount in 2nd local currency: &1 message(s)
177Inconsistent amount in 3rd local currency: &1 message(s)
178Amount field of BSEG is not initial: &1 message(s)
179Amount field of BSEG_ADD is not initial: &1 message(s)
180CoCd &1: Check of tables BKPF/BSEG started at &2 and ended at &3
181CoCd &1: Check of zero balance started at &2 and ended at &3
182CoCd &1: Check of views/backup tables started at &2 and ended at &3
183CoCd &1: Check BSEG/BSEG_ADD/SKB1 started at &2 and ended at &3
184CoCd &1: Check BSEG/BSEG_ADD/FAGLFLEXA started at &2 and ended at &3
185CoCd &1: Check GLT0/GLT0_BCK started at &2 and ended at &3
186CoCd &1: Check NewGL Balances started at &2 and ended at &3
187CoCd &1: Check LFCX/LFCX_BCK started at &2 and ended at &3
188CoCd &1: Check KNCX/KNCX_BCK started at &2 and ended at &3
189CoCd &1: Check NewGL Balances (sFIN) started at &2 and ended at &3
190CoCd &1: Check of GLT3 started at &2 and ended at &3
192CoCd &1: Check of partially archived index started at &2 and ended at &3
193CoCd &1: Check of fields in index started at &2 and ended at &3
194CoCd &1: Check of fields in BKPF started at &2 and ended at &3
196CoCd &1: Check Transactional vs Master Data started at &2 and ended at &3
197CoCd &1: Check BKPF for valid BLDAT started at &2 and ended at &3
198CoCd &1: Check of classic GL currencies started at &2 and ended at &3
199CoCd &1: Check BSEG for valid XLGCLR started at &2 and ended at &3
201&1: Balance in BSEG_ADD is not zero in transaction currency &2
202&1: Balance in BSEG_ADD is not zero in local currency &2
203&1: Balance in BSEG_ADD is not zero in second local currency &2
204&1: Balance in BSEG_ADD is not zero in third local currency &2
207Balances which will not be migrated due to fiscal year: &1 message(s)
208Balances which will not be migrated: &1 message(s)
209Line item data for non-existing ledgers: &1 message(s)
210Documents incorrectly posted to specific table : &1 message(s)
211No inconsistencies found in company code &1 and fiscal year &2
212No inconsistencies found in company code &1, ledger &2 and fiscal year &3
213Summary for company code &1, fiscal year &2:
214Summary for company code &1, ledger &2, fiscal year &3:
215The Customizing for Migration of Balances is inconsistent: &1 message(s)
216Plan Data in GLT0 will be lost after the migration: &1 message(s)
220&1: Fields in BSIS do not match
221&1: Fields in BSAS do not match
222&1: Fields in BSID do not match
223&1: Fields in BSAD do not match
224&1: Fields in BSIK do not match
225&1: Fields in BSAK do not match
226&1: Fields in FAGLBSIS do not match
227&1: Fields in FAGLBSAS do not match
232Ledger maintained inconsistently for table GLT0: &1 messages
280Entry of view BSIS does not exist in table BSIS_BCK: &1 message(s)
281Entry of table BSIS_BCK does not exist in view BSIS: &1 message(s)
282Entry of view BSAS does not exist in table BSAS_BCK: &1 message(s)
283Entry of table BSAS_BCK does not exist in view BSAS: &1 message(s)
284Entry of view BSID does not exist in table BSID_BCK: &1 message(s)
285Entry of table BSID_BCK does not exist in view BSID: &1 message(s)
286Entry of view BSAD does not exist in table BSAD_BCK: &1 message(s)
287Entry of table BSAD_BCK does not exist in view BSAD: &1 message(s)
288Entry of view BSIK does not exist in table BSIK_BCK: &1 message(s)
289Entry of table BSIK_BCK does not exist in view BSIK: &1 message(s)
290Entry of view BSAK does not exist in table BSAK_BCK: &1 message(s)
291Entry of table BSAK_BCK does not exist in view BSAK: &1 message(s)
294Entry of view FAGLBSIS does not exist in table FAGLBSIS_BCK:&1 message(s)
295Entry of table FAGLBSIS_BCK does not exist in view FAGLBSIS:&1 message(s)
296Entry of view FAGLBSAS does not exist in table FAGLBSAS_BCK:&1 message(s)
297Entry of table FAGLBSAS_BCK does not exist in view FAGLBSAS:&1 message(s)
311No inconsistencies found in work package &1
320Fields in BSIS do not match: &1 message(s)
321Fields in BSAS do not match: &1 message(s)
322Fields in BSID do not match: &1 message(s)
323Fields in BSAD do not match: &1 message(s)
324Fields in BSIK do not match: &1 message(s)
325Fields in BSAK do not match: &1 message(s)
326Fields in FAGLBSIS do not match: &1 message(s)
327Fields in FAGLBSAS do not match: &1 message(s)
330CoCd &1: Check of clearing information started at &2 and ended at &3
331CoCd &1: Check of missing entries in index started at &2 and ended at &3
332CoCd &1: Check of missing archiving flag started at &2 and ended at &3
333CoCd &1: Check of duplicate indices started at &2 and ended at &3
334&1: Open item in BSEG, missing in BSIS_BCK (but available in BSAS_BCK)
335&1: Open item in BSEG, missing in BSID_BCK (but available in BSAD_BCK)
336&1: Open item in BSEG, missing in BSIK_BCK (but available in BSAK_BCK)
337&1: Open item in BSEG, missing in FAGLBSIS_BCK, available in FAGLBSAS_BCK
338&1:Open item in BSEG_ADD, missing in FAGLBSIS_BCK, avail. in FAGLBSAS_BCK
339&1: Item in BSEG but missing in index tables BSIS_BCK and BSAS_BCK
340&1: Item in BSEG but missing in index tables BSID_BCK and BSAD_BCK
341&1: Item in BSEG but missing in index tables BSIK_BCK and BSAK_BCK
342&1: Item in BSEG but missing in index tables FAGLBSIS_BCK/FAGLBSAS_BCK
343&1: Item in BSEG_ADD but missing in tables FAGLBSIS_BCK and FAGLBSAS_BCK
344Open item in BSEG, missing in BSIS_BCK: &1 message(s)
345Open item in BSEG, missing in BSID_BCK: &1 message(s)
346Open item in BSEG, missing in BSIK_BCK: &1 message(s)
347Open item in BSEG, missing in FAGLBSIS_BCK: &1 message(s)
348Open item in BSEG_ADD, missing in FAGLBSIS_BCK: &1 message(s)
349Item in BSEG without BSIS_BCK/BSAS_BCK: &1 message(s)
350Item in BSEG without BSID_BCK/BSAD_BCK: &1 message(s)
351Item in BSEG without BSIK_BCK/BSAK_BCK: &1 message(s)
352Item in BSEG without FAGLBSIS_BCK/FAGLBSAS_BCK: &1 message(s)
353Item in BSEG_ADD without FAGLBSIS_BCK/FAGLBSAS_BCK: &1 message(s)
354&1: Duplicate entry in table BSIS_BCK
355&1: Duplicate entry in table BSAS_BCK
356&1: Duplicate entry in table BSID_BCK
357&1: Duplicate entry in table BSAD_BCK
358&1: Duplicate entry in table BSIK_BCK
359&1: Duplicate entry in table BSAK_BCK
360&1: Duplicate entry in table FAGLBSIS_BCK
361&1: Duplicate entry in table FAGLBSAS_BCK
364Duplicate entry in table BSIS_BCK: &1 message(s)
365Duplicate entry in table BSAS_BCK: &1 message(s)
366Duplicate entry in table BSID_BCK: &1 message(s)
367Duplicate entry in table BSAD_BCK: &1 message(s)
368Duplicate entry in table BSIK_BCK: &1 message(s)
369Duplicate entry in table BSAK_BCK: &1 message(s)
370Duplicate entry in table FAGLBSIS_BCK: &1 message(s)
371Duplicate entry in table FAGLBSAS_BCK: &1 message(s)
372&1: Entry in BSIS_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
373&1: Entry in BSAS_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
374&1: Entry in BSID_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
375&1: Entry in BSAD_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
376&1: Entry in BSIK_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
377&1: Entry in BSAK_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
378&1: Entry in FAGLBSIS_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
379&1: Entry in FAGLBSAS_BCK with missing archiving flag (field xarch)
382Entry in BSIS_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
383Entry in BSAS_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
384Entry in BSID_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
385Entry in BSAD_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
386Entry in BSIK_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
387Entry in BSAK_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
388Entry in FAGLBSIS_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
389Entry in FAGLBSAS_BCK without BKPF and no archiving flag: &1 message(s)
390CoCd &1: Check for shifted buzei started at &2 and ended at &3
391&1: Shifted BUZEI between BSEG and NewGL Line item
392&1: Shifted BUZEI, but no matching account
393&1: Shifted BUZEI, but no unique account to match
394&1: Shifted BUZEI, but no cancellation document
395&1: Shifted BUZEI, but no posting via accounting interface
396CoCd &1: Check BKPF currency customizing started at &2 and ended at &3
397&1: Local currency &2 in BKPF inconsistent (should be &3)
398&1: Second local currency &2 in BKPF inconsistent (should be &3)
399&1: Third local currency &2 in BKPF inconsistent (should be &3)
400&1: No entry in previous G/L table &2 for this line item of &3
401&1: No entry in G/L table &2 for this line item of previous table &3
402&1 &2: No entry in previous G/L totals table &3 for this entry in &4
403&1 &2: No entry in totals table &3 for this entry in previous table &4
404&1: Fields in G/L tables &2/&3 do not match
450No entry in previous G/L line item table: &1 messages
451No entry in New G/L line item table: &1 messages
452No entry in previous G/L totals table: &1 messages
453No entry in G/L backup totals table: &1 messages
454Fields in G/L table do not match: &1 messages
460Check previous G/L line item table &1/&2 started at &3 and ended at &4
461Check previous G/L totals table &1/&2 started at &3 and ended at &4
462Check for company code &1 and ledger &2 started at &3 and ended at &4
463Check of fields in line item table &1/&2 started at &3 and ended at &4
491Shifted BUZEI between BSEG and NewGL Line item: &1 message(s)
492Shifted BUZEI, but no matching account: &1 message(s)
493Shifted BUZEI, but no unique account to match: &1 message(s)
494Shifted BUZEI, but no cancellation document: &1 message(s)
495Shifted BUZEI, but no posting via accounting interface: &1 message(s)
497Local currency in BKPF inconsistent: &1 message(s)
498Second local currency in BKPF inconsistent: &1 message(s)
499Third local currency in BKPF inconsistent: &1 message(s)
500CoCd &1: Check of zero balance (ACDOCA) started at &2 and ended at &3
501&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for document currency &2
502&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for local currency &2
503&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 2nd local currency &2
504&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 3rd local currency &2
505&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 4th local currency &2
506&1: Field &2 is initial in BKPF
507&1: Posting for ledger group &2 was erroneously saved in table BSEG
510CoCd &1: Key consistency check (ACDOCA) started at &2 and ended at &3
511&1: Duplicate key in ACDOCA
512CoCd &1: Check Fields of BKPF vs. BSEG started at &2 and ended at &3
513&1: Mismatch of Field &2 between BKPF (&3) and BSEG (&4)
514CoCd &1: Check Fields of NewGL vs. ACDOCA started at &2 and ended at &3
515&1: Mismatch of Field between NewGL line item and ACDOCA
516CoCd &1: Check Fields of NewGL vs. BSEG started at &2 and ended at &3
517&1: Mismatch of Field &2 between NewGL line item (&3) and BKPF/BSEG (&4)
519CoCd &1: Check balance BSEG vs. ACDOCA started at &2 and ended at &3
520CoCd &1: Check BSEG vs. ACDOCA started at &2 and ended at &3
521&1: Entry in BSEG without corresponding entry in ACDOCA
522&1: Entry in BSEG_ADD without corresponding entry in ACDOCA
523&1: Entry in ACDOCA without corresponding entry in BSEG
524&1: Entry in ACDOCA without corresponding entry in BSEG_ADD
525&1: Fields mismatch between BSEG and ACDOCA &2 &3
526&1: Fields mismatch between BSEG_ADD and ACDOCA &2 &3
527&1: Clearing fields mismatch between BSEG and ACDOCA &2 &3
528&1: Clearing fields mismatch between BSEG_ADD and ACDOCA &2 &3
530CoCd &1: Check of Balance FAGLFLEXA started at &2 and ended at &3
531&1: Document has balance &2 in transaction currency &3 (WSL)
532&1: Document has balance &2 in local currency &3 (HSL)
533&1: Document has balance &2 in 2nd local currency &3 (KSL)
534&1: Document has balance &2 in 3rd local currency &3 (OSL)
536&1: Document has amounts &2, &3 (ACDOCA) in transaction currency (TSL)
537&1: Document has amounts &2, &3 (ACDOCA) in local currency (HSL)
538&1: Document has amounts &2, &3 (ACDOCA) in 2nd local currency (KSL)
539&1: Document has amounts &2, &3 (ACDOCA) in 3rd local currency (OSL)
540CoCd &1: Check of FAGLFLEXA vs ACDOCA started at &2 and ended at &3
541&1: Amount in FAGLFLEXA and ACDOCA differs by &2 (transact. currency &3)
542&1: Amount in FAGLFLEXA and ACDOCA differs by &2 (local currency &3)
543&1: Amount in FAGLFLEXA and ACDOCA differs by &2 (2nd local currency &3)
544&1: Amount in FAGLFLEXA and ACDOCA differs by &2 (3rd local currency &3)
545&1: Missing entry in ACDOCA for entry in FAGLFLEXA
546&1: Missing entry in FAGLFLEXA for entry in ACDOCA
550CoCd &1: GL-Balancecorr. check of ACDOCA started at &2 and ended at &3
551&1: Non-GL entries of ACDOCA have balance in TSL of &2 (&3)
552&1: Non-GL entries of ACDOCA have balance in HSL of &2 (&3)
553&1: Non-GL entries of ACDOCA have balance in KSL of &2 (&3)
554&1: Non-GL entries of ACDOCA have balance in OSL of &2 (&3)
555&1: Non-GL entries of ACDOCA have balance in VSL of &2 (&3)
560CoCd &1: ACDOCA Fields check started at &2 and ended at &3
561&1: Posting Period is initial for line item (ACDOCA)
562&1: Posting Date is initial for line item (ACDOCA)
563&1: Company Code is initial for line item (ACDOCA)
564&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 3. freely defined currency (BSL) &2
565&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 4. freely defined currency (CSL) &2
566&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 5. freely defined currency (DSL) &2
567&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 6. freely defined currency (ESL) &2
568&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 7. freely defined currency (FSL) &2
569&1: Balance in ACDOCA is not zero for 8. freely defined currency (GSL) &2
577&1: Open item flag in SKB1 differs from open item flag in BSEG &2 &3
578&1: Open item flag in BSEG differs from open item flag in SKB1 &2 &3
579&1: Open item flag in SKB1 differs from open item flag in BSEG_ADD &2 &3
580&1: Open item flag in BSEG_ADD differs from open item flag in SKB1 &2 &3
582&1: BLDAT &2 for BELNR &3 in BKPF is not a valid date
584&1: XLGCLR in BSEG contains '&3' instead of 'X' or ' '
585&1: XLGCLR in BSEG_ADD contains '&3' instead of 'X' or ' '
587CoCd &1: Check of NewGL currencies started at &2 and ended at &3
588&1: Field &3 of FAGLFLEXA does have a non initial amount (Ledger &4)
589&1: Field KSL of FAGLFLEXT does have a non initial amount &2&3&4
590&1: Field OSL of FAGLFLEXT does have a non initial amount &2&3&4
592&1: Clearing specific to ledger groups differs in SKB1, BSEG &2 &3
593&1: Clearing specific to ledger groups differs in BSEG, SKB1 &2 &3
594&1: Clearing specific to ledger groups differs in SKB1, BSEG_ADD &2 &3
595&1: Clearing specific to ledger groups differs in BSEG_ADD, SKB1 &2 &3
601Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in document currency: &1 message(s)
602Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in local currency: &1 message(s)
603Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 2nd local currency: &1 message(s)
604Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 3rd local currency: &1 message(s)
605Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 4rd local currency: &1 message(s)
606Field is initial in BKPF: &1 message(s)
607Postings for ledger group were erroneously saved in BSEG: &1 message(s)
611Duplicate keys in ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
613Mismatch of Fields between BKPF and BSEG: &1 message(s)
615Mismatch of Field between NewGL line item and ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
617Mismatch of Field between NewGL line item and BSEG: &1 message(s)
621Missing entry in BSEG but existing in ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
622Missing entry in BSEG_ADD but existing in ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
623Missing entry in ACDOCA but existing in BSEG: &1 message(s)
624Missing entry in ACDOCA but existing in BSEG_ADD: &1 message(s)
625Mismatched fields between BSEG and ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
626Mismatched fields between BSEG_ADD and ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
627Mismatched clearing fields between BSEG and ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
628Mismatched clearing fields between BSEG_ADD and ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
631Document has non-zero balance in transaction currency(WSL): &1 message(s)
632Document has non-zero balance in local currency (HSL): &1 message(s)
633Document has non-zero balance in 2nd local currency (KSL): &1 message(s)
634Document has non-zero balance in 3rd local currency (OSL): &1 message(s)
636Document amounts differ in transaction currency(TSL): &1 message(s)
637Document amounts differ in local currency (HSL): &1 message(s)
638Document amounts differ in 2nd local currency (KSL): &1 message(s)
639Document amounts differ in 3rd local currency (OSL): &1 message(s)
641Balance FAGLFLEXA / ACDOCA differs in transact. currency: &1 message(s)
642Balance FAGLFLEXA / ACDOCA differs in local currency: &1 message(s)
643Balance FAGLFLEXA / ACDOCA differs in 2nd local currency: &1 message(s)
644Balance FAGLFLEXA / ACDOCA differs in 3rd local currency: &1 message(s)
645Missing entry in ACDOCA for entry in FAGLFLEXA: &1 message(s)
646Missing entry in FAGLFLEXA for entry in ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
651Incorrect GL-Balance for Correction ACDOCA [TSL]: &1 message(s)
652Incorrect GL-Balance for Correction ACDOCA [HSL]: &1 message(s)
653Incorrect GL-Balance for Correction ACDOCA [KSL]: &1 message(s)
654Incorrect GL-Balance for Correction ACDOCA [OSL]: &1 message(s)
655Incorrect GL-Balance for Correction ACDOCA [VSL]: &1 message(s)
661Posting Period is initial for line item (ACDOCA): &1 message(s)
662Posting Date is initial for line item (ACDOCA): &1 message(s)
663Company Code is initial for line item (ACDOCA): &1 message(s)
664Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 3. freely defined currency: &1 message(s)
665Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 4. freely defined currency: &1 message(s)
666Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 5. freely defined currency: &1 message(s)
667Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 6. freely defined currency: &1 message(s)
668Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 7. freely defined currency: &1 message(s)
669Balance is not zero (ACDOCA) in 8. freely defined currency: &1 message(s)
677Inconsistency of open item flag between SKB1 and BSEG: &1 message(s)
678Inconsistency of open item flag between BSEG and SKB1: &1 message(s)
679Inconsistency of open item flag between SKB1 and BSEG_ADD: &1 message(s)
680Inconsistency of open item flag between BSEG_ADD and SKB1: &1 message(s)
682Invalid Dates in BKPF: &1 message(s)
684Invalid entries in field XLGCLR of BSEG: &1 message(s)
685Invalid entries in field XLGCLR of BSEG_ADD: &1 message(s)
688Amount field of FAGLFLEXA does have a non initial value: &1 message(s)
689Field KSL of FAGLFLEXT does have a non initial amount: &1 message(s)
690Field OSL of FAGLFLEXT does have a non initial amount: &1 message(s)
692Inconsistency of LG-SpecClg between SKB1 and BSEG: &1 message(s)
693Inconsistency of LG-SpecClg between BSEG and SKB1: &1 message(s)
694Inconsistency of LG-SpecClg between SKB1 and BSEG_ADD: &1 message(s)
695Inconsistency of LG-SpecClg between BSEG_ADD and SKB1: &1 message(s)
700&1: Check of COEP vs compatibility view started at &2 and ended at &3
701&1: Balance in CO line item differs by &2 (transact. currency &3)
702&1: Balance in CO line item differs by &2 (object currency &3)
703&1: Balance in CO line item differs by &2 (controlling area currency &3)
704&1: Entry in COEP without ACDOCA
705&1: Entry in ACDOCA without COEP
706&1: Missmatch in field &2 (COEP: &3, ACDOCA &4)
710CoCd &1: Check of COEP entry view started at &2 and ended at &3
711&1: Mismatch of Field AWKEY and BELNR/REFBN in COBK
712&1: Empty field COEP-BUKRS, object &2, value type &3
713&1: Wrong value in fields (AWTYP, -SYS, -KEY, OWAER or KWAER) in COEP
714&1: Missing account assignment in COEP
715&1: Missing partner account assignment in COEP
716&1: Empty field PRCTR in COEP for object &2
717&1&2&3: Empty field COSS_BAK-BUKRS
718&1&2&3: Empty field COSP_BAK-BUKRS
720&1: Check of CO prior to migration started at &2 and ended at &3
721&1: No entry in COBK for COEP for document
722&1: Currency types &2/&3/&4 in document header inconsistent
723Missing target ledger setting for CoCd &1 Version &2
724Check if COSP_BAK and COSS_BAK are filled started at &2 and ended at &3
725There are entries in V_COEP_ORI but no entries in COSS_BAK
726There are entries in V_COEP_ORI but no entries in COSP_BAK
730CoCd &1: Check of CO totals after migration started at &2 and ended at &3
731COSP_BAK exists but not COSP - &1 &2 &3
732COSP exists but not COSP_BAK - &1 &2 &3
733COSP_BAK differs from COSP in values - &1 &2 &3
734COSP_BAK differs from COSP in attrib.- &1 &2 &3
735COSS_BAK exists but not COSS - &1 &2 &3
736COSS exists but not COSS_BAK - &1 &2 &3
737COSS_BAK differs from COSS in values - &1 &2 &3
738COSS_BAK differs from COSS in attrib.- &1 &2 &3
739COSP_BAK/COSS_BAK differs from COSP/COSS - &1 &2 &3 &4
740&1: Check of ANEP items after migration started at &2 and ended at &3
741&1: No entry in compatibility view item for entry in orginal table (ANEP)
742&1: No entry in orginal table item for entry in compatibility view (ANEP)
743&1: Mismatch in field &2 (compatibility: &3, original &4) (ANEP)
744&1: Mimatched amount &2 (ANEP)
745Cost element &1 missing in chart of accounts &2 for controlling area &3
746Cost element &1 missing in controlling area &2 for chart of accounts &3
751Material Ledger record for &1 &2 was not migrated
752KALN1/Material/plant/valuation type: &4/&1/&2/&3 - account not derived
753CKMLCR differs from FMLV_CHECK1 - &1 &2
754ML-totals (KALNR=&1) with inconsistent currencies -> contact SAP
755FMLV_CHECK2_L3 exists but not CKMLPP - &1 &2
756CKMLPP differs from FMLV_CHECK2 - &1 &2
757MBEW/EBEW... exists but not FMLV_CHECK3 - &1 &2
758FMLV_CHECK3 exists but not MBEW/EBEW...- &1 &2
759MBEW/EBEW... differs from FMLV_CHECK3 - &1 &2
760&1: Check of ANLC balances after migration started at &2 and ended at &3
761&1: Mismatched balance for ANLC
762&1: Check of asset reconciliation account started at &2 and ended at &3
763&1: reconciliation account &2: total without asset assignment
764&1: ANLC values without general ledger assignment in the open year
765&1: Check of ANLP balances after migration started at &2 and ended at &3
766&1: Mismatched balance for ANLP
769&1: Mismatch between transaction type in ANEP and provided ANEA fields
770&1: Check of ANEK items after migration started at &2 and ended at &3
771&1: No entry in compatibility view item for entry in orginal table ANEK
772&1: No entry in orginal table item for entry in compatibility view ANEK
773&1: Mismatch in field &2 (compatibility: &3, original &4) for ANEK
774&1: Mimatched amount &2
775&1: ANEK-XANTEI has been set to '5' for posting doc.
776PreCheck successfuly executed on &2
777&1: No Attribute XANTW table ANEP for entry table ANEA
778&1: Proportional value information in asset line items missing
779&1: Asset "Cap. Date" or "First Acquisition Date" before 01.01.1900
780&1: Check of ANEA balances after migration started at &2 and ended at &3
781&1: Mismatched balance for ANEA
782&1: No entry in orginal table item for entry in compatibility view
783&1: Mismatch in field &2 (compatibility: &3, original &4)
784&1: Mimatched amount &2
785&1: No entry in original table ANEK for entry in original table ANEP
786Application Log for PreCheck not found. Verify whether it was executed
787PreCheck executed on &2 had errors. Analyze errors in Application Log
788&1: AIB legacy data transfer not prepared for migration
789&1: No entry in ANLZ with field ADATU = 01.01.1900 or BDATU = 31.12.9999
790&1: Check of FI-AA tables before migration started at &2 and ended at &3
791&1: There is no reversal line item in table ANEP
792&1: No entry in original table ANEP for entry in original table ANEK
793&1: No entry in original table ANEP for leading depr. area
794&1: Entry in original table ANEK with field BUDAT = 00.00.000
795&1: Line Items ANEP/ANEA differs from Totals ANLC
796&1: Planned differ from posted values in original table ANLC
797&1: Obsolete line items which were created posting legacy data
798&1: ANEK-XANTEI has not been set to '5' for statistical doc.
799&1: Check of enrichment before migration started at &2 and ended at &3
801Balance in CO line item differs in transact. currency: &1 message(s)
802Balance in CO line item differs in object currency: &1 message(s)
803Balance in CO line item differs in contr. area currency: &1 message(s)
804Entry in COEP without ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
805Entry in ACDOCA without COEP: &1 message(s)
806Mismatch in field between COEP and ACDOCA: &1 message(s)
811Mismatch of Field AWKEY and BELNR/REFBN in COBK: &1 message(s)
812Empty field BUKRS in COEP: &1 message(s)
813Wrong value in fields (AWTYP, -SYS, -KEY, xWAER) in COEP: &1 message(s)
814Missing account assignment in COEP: &1 message(s)
815Missing partner account assignment in COEP: &1 message(s)
816Empty field PRCTR in COEP: &1 message(s)
817Empty field BUKRS in COSS_BAK: &1 message(s)
818Empty field BUKRS in COSP_BAK: &1 message(s)
821No entry in COBK for COEP for document: &1 message(s)
822Currency types in document header inconsistent: &1 message(s)
823Missing target ledger setting for CoCd/Version: &1 message(s)
825No entries in COSS_BAK: &1 message(s)
826No entries in COSP_BAK: &1 message(s)
831COSP_BAK exists but not COSP: &1 message(s)
832COSP exists but not COSP_BAK: &1 message(s)
833COSP_BAK differs from COSP in values: &1 message(s)
834COSP_BAK differs from COSP in attrib.: &1 message(s)
835COSS_BAK exists but not COSS: &1 message(s)
836COSS exists but not COSS_BAK: &1 message(s)
837COSS_BAK differs from COSS in values: &1 message(s)
838COSS_BAK differs from COSS in attrib: &1 message(s)
839COSP_BAK/COSS_BAK differs from COSP/COSS: &1 message(s)
840&1: No entry in ANLZ available
841No entry in comp. view for entry in orginal table ANEP: &1 message(s)
842No entry in orginal table ANEP for entry in comp. view: &1 message(s
843ANEP - Mismatch in field: &1 message(s)
844ANEP - Mimatched amount: &1 message(s)
850CoCd &1: Check of ML totals after migration started at &2 and ended at &3
851CKMLCR exists but not FMLV_CHECK1_L3: &1 message(s)
852Configuration for account determination is missing: &1 message(s)
853CKMLCR differs from FMLV_CHECK1_L3: &1 message(s)
854ML-totals with inconsistent currencies: &1 message(s)
855FMLV_CHECK2_L3 exists but not CKMLPP: &1 message(s)
856CKMLPP differs from FMLV_CHECK2_L3: &1 message(s)
857MBEW/EBEW... exists but not FMLV_CHECK3: &1 message(s)
858FMLV_CHECK3 exists but not MBEW/EBEW...: &1 message(s)
859MBEW/EBEW... differs from FMLV_CHECK3: &1 message(s)
861Mismatched balance for ANLC: &1 message(s)
863total without asset assignment in reconciliation account: &1 message(s)
866Mismatched balance for ANLP: &1 message(s)
869Mismatch between transaction type in ANEP and ANEA fields: &1 message(s)
871No entry in comp. view for entry in orginal table ANEK: &1 message(s)
872No entry in orginal table ANEK for entry in comp. view: &1 message(s
873ANEK- Mismatch in field: &1 message(s)
874Mimatched amount: &1 message(s)
875ANEK-XANTEI has been set to '5' for posting doc.: &1 message(s)
876PreCheck successfuly executed on &2: &1 message(s)
877No Attribute XANTW table ANEP for entry table ANEA: &1 message(s)
878Proportional value info for asset line items missing: &1 message(s)
879Asset "Cap. Date" or "First Acq. Date" before 01.01.1900: &1 message(s)
881Mismatched balance for ANEA: &1 message(s)
882No entry in orginal table item for entry in comp. view: &1 message(s
883Mismatch in field: &1 message(s)
884Mimatched amount: &1 message(s)
885No entry in original table ANEK for entry in original table ANEP
886Application Log for PreCheck not found: &1 message(s)
887PreCheck executed on &2 had errors: &1 message(s)
888&1: AIB legacy data transfer not prepared for migration: &1 messages(s)
891No reversal document in original table ANEP: &1 message(s)
892No entry in orig. table ANEP for entry in orig. table ANEK: &1 message(s)
893No entry in original table ANEP for leading depr. area: &1 message(s)
894Entry in original table ANEK with field MONAT = 00: &1 message(s)
895Line Items ANEP/ANEA differs from Totals ANLC: &1 message(s)
896Planned differ from posted values in original table ANLC: &1 message(s)
897Obsolete line items which were created posting legacy data: &1 mess
898ANEK-XANTEI has not been set to '5' for statistical doc.: &1 message(s)
899There are very likely many more than &1 errors &2 (&3)
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