FMBAPI - BAPI for Budgeting

The following messages are stored in message class FMBAPI: BAPI for Budgeting.
It is part of development package FMBPA_E in software component PSM-FM-BCS-BU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "New budgeting: FM application part".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Test run process (&1 &2)
002Distribution key and period amounts filled simultaneously
003Total amount and period amounts filled simultaneously
004Errors occurred. See other messages for detail
005No errors -> Successful processing
006No document matches your selection
007&1 documents have been selected
008Period &1 is greater than the highest period allowed (&2)
009Total amount should be specified
010Distribution key should be specified
011Total amount after distribution (&1) differs from the original one (&2)
012Parameter &1 is mandatory with process &2
013Parameter &1 should be initial with process &2
014Transaction currency &1 differs from local currency &2
015No item matches your selection
016&1 items have been selected
017Duplication of item number &1
018Duplication of budgeting period &1 for item &2
019Item number should not be empty or blank (initial)
020Item number (&1) and budgeting period (&2) should not be initial
021Error in item numbering (&1)
022Update mode &1 is not valid
023Duplication of budgeting entry (&1&2&3)
024Errors occurred. No instance of &1 has been updated
025No error occurred. &1 has been updated successfully
026From-Period is mandatory
027To-Period (&1) must be greater or equal than From-Period (&2)
028Use of this BAPI is not allowed for FM area &1 (budgetary ledger active)
029&1 documents have not been selected because of authorization
030Annual amount is not allowed with period interval &1 - &2
031Period &1 is not allowed with period interval &2 - &3
032Distribution key has been set to &1
033Entries have not been selected because of authorization
034No line relevant for update. Process has been stopped
035Budget Amounts must be positive with Update mode 'Reset and Overwrite'
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