FMCA1 - IS-PS-CA: Nachrichten zum Vertragskontokorrent

The following messages are stored in message class FMCA1: IS-PS-CA: Nachrichten zum Vertragskontokorrent.
It is part of development package FMCAD in software component IS-PS-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PSCD: Basics & Documents".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001No chart of accounts could be derived for company code &1
002Transfer posting not possible: Accounts have differing acct types &1 &2
003Field &1 may not be filled during use of component IS-PS-CA
004Enter a transaction/activity in field &1
005Enter a company code
006Entry in table TFKHVOT does not exist: &1 &2 &3
007Entry in table TFKTVOT does not exist: &1 &2 &3 &4
008No items could be selected
009Entry in table TFKTVO does not exist: &1 &2 &3
010Payment on account not possible; Selection value &1 is not clear
011Printing of write-off document &1 failed
012No entry found for table &1, key &2 &3
013User &1 not valid for Public Sector Contract Accounting
014Entries for contract account and contract object are inconsistent
015Benificiary &1 does not exist
016Grant &1 does not exist
017Transfer is to contract account &1 without contract object
018Transfer without contract object not possible
019Data for contract object &1 does not exist (&2, &3)
020No inbound correspondence for contract &1, partner &2 and account &3
021Write-off document &1 was printed
022Business partner &1 cannot finance himself/herself
023This function has not been released
024Tax Determination Indicator &1 for Current Date not Defined
025Enter a start period
026Enter a contract account type
027Tax periods overlap
028Contract object type &1 not found
029Reassignment not possible. Different account determination ID &1 &2
030Transfer posting not possible. Different subapplications
040Cannot determine account assignment for cash disc. No G/L item available.
041Cannot determine acct assgnment for cash disc. No suitable G/L acc.item.
042Cannot determine account assignment for cash disc; no unique cash dis.itm
100Program error. Inform SAP
101Choose another run ID
107Cannot have more than one contract acct - bus. partner rel. per group
108Different business partners in posting data and payment program
109No invoice type defined for &1 &2 &3
110Invoice type &1 for account &2 BP &3 is not in selected area
111Invoice type &1 not defined
112Invoice block for contract account &1 business partner &2
113No suitable items selected
114Invoice &1: Item difference: DFMCAINVPOS &2 Open Items &3
115Invoice total for BP &1 account &2 has negative amount &3
116Invoice total &3 for account &1 partner &2 not within amount selection
117Invoice &1 generated for business partner &2 contract account &3
118Invoice number &1: No items exist (GPART: &2, VKONT: &3)
119Invoice &1 does not exist for business partner &2, contract account &3
120Invoice &1 printed for business partner &2 contract account &3
121Contract account &1 is type &2, this type was not selected
122Invoice block for contract object &1 business partner &2 account cat. &3
123Business partner &1 is no longer an account holder
124No invoice selected
125No correspondence header found for invoice &1
126Factory calender ID &1 is not defined
127Invoice type &1 not defined
128Account determination ID &1 does not exist
129Description of account determination ID &1 is missing (language &2)
130No invoice creation, otherwise item would be entered by the payment run
131A business partner already exists for this name: &1
200Exception period overlaps with assessment period
220Enter a period key
221No object type assigned for revenue type &1
222No object type is assigned for revenue type &1 and period &2
223Object type &1 is not assigned to revenue type &2
224Revenue type &1 not found
225Revenue type &1 does not exist
250Contract account for FI-A/P integration cannot be created
251FI-A/P Integration: Contract acct &1 to &2 created in company code &3
252Business partner &1 has not yet been created as contract partner
253Assign company code &1 to a company code group
254Assign company code &1 to one company code group only
255Contract account for FI-A/R integration cannot be created
256FI-A/R Integration: Contract acct &1 for &2 was created in com. code &3
257Default company code &1 is not permitted for company code group &2
301Correspondence dunning block &4 is entered in contract object &1
302| Dunning block &4 is entered in contract object &1
303| &1 is not a contract object: Correspondence dunning not possible
400Program error in Public Sector Contract Accounting (PSCD)
500Receipt printout cancelled
501The receipt was printed
502Error during printing: &1 &2 &3 &4
503Payment document &1 print cancelled
504Print not possible; No form assigned for form class &1
600Invalid entries for &1 &2 for movement of calculation period
601Start of calculation period is after end of calculation period
602Inbound correspondence for &1 due date &2 could not be written
603When using "Immediately" period, ref. period must be same as issue date
604Enter a contract account or a contract account category
605The "from-date" must fall after the "to-date"
606Contract account &1 and contract account category &2 are not compatible
607Error occurred when entering inbound correspondence in database
608&1 inbound correspondence(s) saved
609Select one inbound correspondence
610At least one of the entries selected already has a date of receipt
611A deferral date is already set in one of the entries selected
612Business Partner &1 is locked by another user
613&1 objects are currently locked by user &2
614&1 object is currently locked by user &2
615Specify one business partner only
616No entries found; see long text
620Enter a contract account category
621Sample values for contract account category &1 not found
622Contract account &1 is not assigned to business partner &2
700Enter a positive amount for transaction &1 / &2
701Enter a negative amount for transaction &1 / &2
703Do not combine down payment indicator with statistic indicator &4
704Statistic indicator &1 is not permitted for the external activity &3 &4
750Document is already reversed
751Resubmission Date must be in the future
752Only one business partner can be written off during resubmission
753Document &1 is processed in the resubmission for write-off documents
754You must enter a resubmission date for write-off reason &1
755You are not authorized to write off items with write-off reasons &1
756Function module &1 for event &2 does not exist
800Only one entry is allowed: short accnt, clarification accnt, selecn cat.
801Specify a field value.
802Specify either short account, clarification account or selection category
803You cannot set the priority when entering a selection category.
804Enter a selection category.
890Time-dependent address uses not permitted for component PSCD
891Technical error occurred when setting constant FS04. Contact SAP
892Insufficient decoupling IS-HER-CM/PSCD. Contact SAP
899Unexpected ELSE case: field &1 with value &2 (&3 &4)
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