FTR_GENERAL - Common messages for Correspondence object

The following messages are stored in message class FTR_GENERAL: Common messages for Correspondence object.
It is part of development package FTR_CORRESPONDENCE in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error encountered in update task; express document sent
001Update error encountered in insert operation on table &1
002Update error encountered in update operation on table &1
003Update error encountered in delete operation on table &1
004Select at least one valid entry
005Select a single row
006No correspondence objects exist for the selection criteria
007Provide deal information to use as template
008Provide correspondence object information to use as template
009No status log found for correspondence &
010No release log found for correspondence &
011No approver found for the selected correspondence
012No attachments found for the selected correspondence
013No document found; only preview available
014Select an entry in the parent node &1
015Select single entry in the parent node &1
016Correspondence object & saved successfully
017Deal main data can have only one row
018Enter the operation
019Correspondence object & is already assigned
020Select at least one match to execute
021Document & attached successfully
022No documents selected to be attached
023Error reading document &
024Error storing document & in DMS
025Error retrieving document & from DMS
026Error fetching payload data for correspondence object [UUID: &]
027'Create message and send' is not permitted for correspondence &
028Message can be sent for correspondence object &1 &2
029Error while creating message for correspondence object &
030Correspondence &1 does not exist
031Provide deal information
032Provide security account information
033Provide security account information to use as a template
034Deal &1 does not exist in company code &2
035Security account &1 does not exist in company code &2
036No correspondences exist for company code &1, deal number &2
037No matches found for correspondence &
038Select the outgoing correspondence to be matched
039Select the incoming correspondence to be matched
040Select a single row from the assigned correspondence list
041Security account main data can have only one row
042Settlement instruction data can have only one row
043Correspondence &1 is not assigned to a deal or securities account
044No matching deals found
045No underlying found to display
047Correspondence object is not yet created
048Choose "Continue" to proceed or "Cancel" to cancel
049Action completed
050Action canceled by user
051Confirmation and counterconfirmation have not yet been performed
052All status-relevant confirmations have not yet been performed
053All status-relevant counterconfirmations have not yet been received
054Current activity has already been counterconfirmed
055Posting: transaction &1; activity &2 has not yet been counterconfirmed
056Correspondence &1, manually modified by &2, will be invalidated
057You are changing clearing-relevant payment details for &1/&2/&3/&4
058Added payment details for &1/&2/&3/&4 after clearing date
059Error retrieving document for correspondence object with key &
061&1 business partner group is empty
062&1 profile is empty
063&1 recipient type is empty
064&1 correspondence class is empty
065&1 channel is empty
066Cancellation CO can be created only for outgoing correspondences
067&1 reference CO key must be filled for cancellation correpondences
068Error saving the correspondence
069&1 company code &2 does not exist
070&1 deal number &2 does not exist in company code &3
071Deal number is empty; this will result in an unassigned correspondence
072&1 company code is empty
073&1 both deal number and security account cannot be entered
074&1 business partner is empty
075Correspondence object is consistent
076&1 security account &2 does not exist in company code &3
077Error occured in badi implementation &1 in method &2
078Maintain CO main data for either deal or security account
079Enter main data for the correspondence object
080Enter the product type
081Enter the security account
082Select a valid template option
083Deal number cannot be empty for current status of the correspondence
084&1 activity cannot be empty for a status-relevant outgoing CO
085&1 deal number &2 in company code &3 does not belong to product type &4
086Attachment & deleted successfully
087Error deleting attachment &
088Error while sending message for correspondence object &
089Selected correspondences already belong to same match group
091Error fetching payload data
092Correspondence &1 can be completed &2
093Error setting status to "Complete" for &1
094Correspondence &1 can be reversed &2
095Error reversing correspondence &1
096Correspondence &1 can be unlinked/unmatched; &2
097Error reversing linkage/match of correspondence &1
098Error during matching
099Error assigning correspondence object &1 to deal
100No matches found for selected correspondence
101Fill field &
102Correspondence object &1 can be assigned to deal &2 in company code &3 &4
103Correspondence object &1 assigned to sec. account &2 in CC &3 &4
104Error assigning correspondence object &1 to security account
105Matching executed successfully for selected correspondence
106No outgoing message document found for correspondence object & to resend
107Resend not permitted for CO &
108Correspondence object & resent successfully
109Correspondence object & sent for approval
110Error while sending correspondence object & for approval
111Correspondence object & released directly
112Correspondence object &1 will be unassigned &2
113& is an automatic outgoing correspondence object; unassign not permitted
114Do you want to delete attachment &?
115Correspondence object &1 has status &2; not possible to unassign
116Error reading status for correspondence object &; unassign not performed
117Matching can be executed for selected correspondences &1
118& is not assigned to any deal or security acct; not possible to unassign
119Detail window is already open for correspondence object &
120Fast entry is available only for incoming correspondence objects
121Fast entry is not available for securities account correspondence objects
122Fast entry is not available for product type &1 - &2
123Add some text for note
124Added note is saved
125Note could not be saved
126Text on editor is not deleted
127Editor is still occupied
128No editor created
129Addition of note is canceled
130No notes found for correspondence object &
131No tree created
132No data found for this node
133Select a note to &
134Data saved successfully
135Fast entry is not available for product category &1
136No matching result in archive for the given selection criteria
137Archive done successfuly
138Archiving terminated due to errors
139Provide product category or product type
140Unable to save correspondence objects
141Matching pair &1 has status &2; it cannot be unmatched
142Correspondence &1 in status &2 will be reversed
143Correspondence &1 could be sent for approval &2
145Company code & does not exist
146Select a valid template option
147Select a correspondence category
150Invalid table name
151Correspondence & is not relevant for reconcilation
152Communication channel & is not suppoted in Cloud
153Transaction number or company code is empty in correspondence object
154Correspondence country/region or language is empty
155Error while transferring message for correspondence object &
156Key information in correspondence object is missing
160No outgoing correspondences relevant for matching available
161No incoming correspondences relevant for matching available
162No correspondences relevant for matching available
165No correspondence objects for approval exist for the selection criteria
170Status of few of the selected correspondences changed by concurrent users
173Error during parallel processing; no correspondences were fetched
175Message created and sent successfully
176Matched to correspondence &1
177Assigned to deal number &1 in company code &2
178Assigned to security account &1 in company code &2
179No authorization to view any correspondence details
180Selection restricted due to authorization constraints
181User & has no authorization to delete attachments of this correspondence
182User & has no authorization to send alert for this correspondence
185Insertion is not possible in table & due to data inconsistency
186Update is not possible in table & due to data inconsistency
187Deletion is not possible in table & due to data inconsistency
191Cancellation is not possible for incoming correspondences
192Cancellation is not possible for undelivered correspondences
193Copy of correspondence(CO key: &2) will be created &1
194Cancellation correspondence (CO key &2) will be created &1
195Correspondence will be invalidated &
196Cancellation is not possible for cancellation correspondences
201Fax has been generated and sent
202Email has been generated and sent
210No business partner found with BIC &
215No release procedure defined for correspondence &
301Correspondence object &1 is already being edited by user &2
302You are already editing correspondence object &1
303Correspondence object &; enter the deal to be locked
351Activity category &1 to product category &2 not a fixing activity
352No deal found for correspondence for company code &1; transaction &2
353No form name found in customizing
354Internal error for correspondence for company code &1; transaction &2
355Correspondence in language &2,as no language found for recipient
360Transaction changed, but no correspondence-relevant fields were affected
361Correspondence object was added to BADI_TCOR_CREATE
362Correspondence object was deleted from BADI_TCOR_CREATE
400Enter a value for profile
401Enter a value for business partner group
403Empty note was not saved
404Note saved
450Minimum retention period of transaction & is not reached
451Customizing setting missing for min. retention period for transaction &
452COs are archived since retention period is met and status is completed
453No correspondence objects in completed status beyond retention period
500Release object &1 is already being processed
501Correpondence object &1 has been successfully released
502Correpondence object &1 is not released
503Correpondence object &1 has been returned
504Correpondence object &1 has not been returned
505Correpondence object &1 has been rejected
506Correpondence object &1 has not been rejected
507Return object &1 is already being processed
508Rejected object &1 is already being processed
521Insert amount
522Insert currency
523Insert pecentage
524No dividend payment found
525No dividend found on effective from date &1
526No dividend found with currency &1
527No dividend found with due date &1
528Payment amount in correspondence differs from dividend payment
529Reconciled and completed successfully
530Correspondence object & can be reconciled
531Reconciliation has failed for correspondence object &
532No work items for current user
533No dividend found with unit &1
534Error in sending alert
535Product type &1 does not belong to contract type &2
536Product type &1 does not belong to the product category &2
537Please input field internal recipient for internal recipient type
550No response expected from channel; correspondence delivered
551Acknowledgement received from channel; correspondence delivered
552No counter-confirmation required; correspondence completed automatically
553Response expected from channel; waiting for acknowledgement of delivery
554Correspondence invalidated due to change in financial transaction
555Correspondence object &1 changed manually
556Correspondence invalidated due to reversal of security account transfer
557Outgoing correspondence created successfully
558Outgoing cancellation correspondence created successfully
559Incoming correspondence received successfully
560Acknowledgement received for unknown outgoing correspondence
561Negative acknowledgement received for unknown outgoing correspondence
562Acknowledgement received; correspondence delivered successfully
563Negative acknowledgement received; resend correspondence
564Copy of correspondence (CO key &) is created
565Cancellation correspondence (CO key &) is created
566Correspondence invalidated due to cancellation
567No release procedure found
568Error while reading correspondence status
569Correspondence is already invalidated; no return possible
570Correspondence returned to author successfully
571Correspondence is already invalidated; no rejection possible
572Correspondence rejected by approver
573Correspondence released successfully
574Correspondence is already invalidated; release not possible
575Completed correspondence reversed successfully
576Correspondence unmatched successfully
577Correspondence reversed; no further action could be taken
578No information provided assignment of correspondences
579Correspondence &1 assigned to deal &2 in CC &3
580Correspondence &1 assigned to sec. account &2 in CC &3
581Correspondence &1 is unassigned
582Correspondence &1 is completed manually
583Matching stopped due to matches found with multiple underlyings
584Correspondence matched; for more information, use "Show Matches/Linkages"
585Incoming correspondence matched; correspondence completed automatically
586Counter-confirmed by incoming correspondence &1
587Correspondence counter-confirmed; hence completed automatically
588Outgoing correspondence created manually
589Incoming correspondence created manually
590Reconcilation successful. Correspondence completed automatically.
591Reply received; for more information, use "Show Matches/Linkages"
592Counterconfirmed manually
600An entry already exists for BP: &1, CoCd: &2, and RecType: &3
601An entry already exists for IntRec: &1, CoCd: &2, and RecType: &3
602Assignments exist for BP &1 / CoCd &2 / Rec/SendType &3
603Assignments exist for IntRec &1 / CoCd &2 / Rec/SendType &3
604Do you want to delete all the assignments?
605Field &1 at row &2 cannot remain empty
615Reference to prev. message (REF_CO_KEY) missing, system unable to proceed
616Referred CO (CO Key - & ) not found
618Referred CO (CO Key - & ) already invalidated / reversed
619Referred CO (CO Key - & ) invalidated
620CO &1 invalidated due to receipt of AMND/CANC &2
621Counterconfirmation of correspondence object &1 can be reversed &2
622Counterconfirmation of correspondence object &1 reversed
623Financial Transaction & and CANC/AMND have different activities
700Statement ID &1 is created successfully
701Correspondence objects are locked by another process
801Selection restricted due to locked correspondence objects
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