FTR_CORRESPONDENCE - Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching)

The development package FTR_CORRESPONDENCE contains objects for "Treasury Correspondence (Confirmations & Matching)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTR_CORRESPONDENCE

TCORC_ALOWED_BPG(Obsolete)Allowed BP Groups for Deal Corr.activities
TCORC_ARCHIVEMinimum retention period per company code for archiving
TCORC_BUSGRPTreasury correspondence: Business group definition
TCORC_BUSGRP_TBusiness partner group id - text table
TCORC_BUS_ATTRBusiness attributes
TCORC_CO_CREATETreasury Correspondence: Fields Relevant for Correspondence
TCORC_DEAL_ACTVTCorrespondence Deal's activity assignment
TCORC_INB_FUNCInbound correspondence function
TCORC_INB_MBCAssign Format and Format Tree to MBC message type
TCORC_INT_RECInternal Recipients
TCORC_INT_REC_TText table for Internal Recepients
TCORC_IN_MBCAssign Format and Format Tree to MBC message type
TCORC_MATCHTreasury Correspondence: Matching definition
TCORC_MATCH_BUTreasury Correspondence: Matching definition
TCORC_OUT_MBCAssign Tree ID to Format ID for MBC Outbound
TCORC_PRES_ACTVTCorrespondence Letter of Credit presentaion act assignment
TCORC_SECAC_ALRTCustomizing Alert for CO of security account
TCORTS_MATCH(Obsolete) Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition
TCORT_BP_ASSIGN(Obsolete) TCOR: Assignment of Profile & BP Group to BP
TCORT_BP_BICBIC Codes/ Account numbers for Business partners
TCORT_COCorrespondence Administrative Data
TCORT_CODCODeal: Conditions
TCORT_CODCOFODeal: Condition's Formula
TCORT_CODCPADeal: Commodity Price Adjustment
TCORT_CODDPDeal: Dividend Plan
TCORT_CODIADeal: Interest Rate Adjustment
TCORT_CODLCDeal: Letter of Credit Main Data
TCORT_CODLCBANKDeal: Letter of Credit Nominated Bank
TCORT_CODLCDOCDeal: Letter of Credit Doc
TCORT_CODLCINVDeal: Letter of Credit Invoice
TCORT_CODLCNOTEDeal: Letter of Credit Note
TCORT_CODLCORDERDeal: Letter of Credit Order
TCORT_CODLCPRSTDeal: Letter of Credit Presentation
TCORT_CODMDDeal: Main Data
TCORT_CODOCTreasury correspondence: Attached documents
TCORT_CODPIDeal: Payment Information
TCORT_CODRPDeal: Rollover Plan
TCORT_CODSRADeal: Security Rate Adjustment
TCORT_CODULDeal: Underlying
TCORT_CODUL2Deal: 2nd Underlying
TCORT_CODUL2FLDeal: 2nd Underlying's Flows
TCORT_CODULCODeal : Underlying's Conditions
TCORT_CODULCOFODeal: Underlying's Formula
TCORT_CODULFLDeal: Underlying Flows
TCORT_CONOTESTreasury correspondence object: Notes
TCORT_COSASecurity Account Transfer: Main Data
TCORT_COSAFLSecurity Account Transfer: Flows
TCORT_COSAPOSecurity Account Transfer: Positions
TCORT_COSISettlement Instructions
TCORT_DISVARIANTDisplay variants
TCORT_DISVAR_TText table for display variant
TCORT_EXT_ASSIGNAssignments of Profiles & BP groups to external recipients
TCORT_FUNCMAPMapping of buss transaction(Status) to CO functions(Monitor)
TCORT_INB_ASSIGNBP Group Assignment for Inbound Correspondence
TCORT_INB_FUNCInbound Process: Correspondence Class Assignment
TCORT_INT_ASSIGNAssignments of Profiles & BP groups to internal recipients
TCORT_SAT_ACTVTCorrespondence Security account transfer activity assignment
TCORT_SAT_ALLBPG(Obsolete) Allowed BP Groups for SAT Corresp. activities
TCORT_SI_DERIVESettlement Instructions: Derivation table
TCORT_TOLERANCETolerance level for dividend payment
TCORT_USER_VARUser settings for display variant
TCORT_VAR_ASSGNAssignment of ALV variants to Display variant
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