FTR_TRADE_REP - Trade Repository

The following messages are stored in message class FTR_TRADE_REP: Trade Repository.
It is part of development package FTR_LEGAL_REPORTING in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Legal Reporting".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Message Template with Link to IMG Activity ***
001No trade repository object exists for the selection criteria
002Select at least one row
003No data was changed
004Select exactly one row
005All selected lines must have the same processing status
006Changes to the status were saved
007Transition from status &1 to &2 is not permitted
008Action '&1' not permitted for status '&2'
009All objects sent
010&1 objects could not be sent; see relevant log
011Only lines with the status &1 or status &2 will be processed
012Not possible to change trade repository objects that were already sent
013Mandatory field &1 is not filled
014&1 trade repository objects were completed
015No trade repository object could be completed
016No action type defined
017Send not possible: see log
018Interim trade ID or external trade ID has to be filled
019Enter the company code and the external trade ID or interim trade ID
020No financial transaction found
021No data entered
022Transaction of the TARO is not in the system
023Specify a period
024File could not be created
025&1 objects cannot be previewed
026Action possible for processing status "Reconcilation failed" only
027No information available for trade &1
028File name for DMS longer than 250 characters
029Path/file name for application server longer than 128 characters
030No DMS file created
031Change to status failed
032&1 &2 is not defined in Customizing
033Logical folder is not defined for trade repository &1
034Folder is not defined for trade repository &1
035BAdI reference &1 is not defined
036No entry in data file
037Preview is not possible
038No files found
039File &1 of document &2 could not be deleted
040No document found
041Document &1 is not found in DMS
042File empty
043Status unchanged: &1
044Enter the legal basis and the external trade ID
045You can change the external trade ID only for one transaction
046TARO with inappropriate processing status
051For trade repository &2, no corresponding ID type for &1
052No valid ID category for trade repository &1 as of &2
053No valid ID found for business partner &1
054No price type defined for trade repository &1 and company &2
055Mapping of ID category &1 for trade repository &2 not defined
056Mapping of product classification &1 for trade repos. &2 not defined
057No BIC defined for counterparty &1
058No valid ID of category "&2" found for business partner "&1"
059No changes made
060Remark changed on &1 records
061Remark was set to "&1"
062Remark was deleted
063Remark was changed from "&1" to "&2"
064Document &1 is a trade repository message and cannot be deleted
065File attachment &1 attached by &2 on &3 at &4
066File attachment &1 deleted by &2 on &3 at &4
100*** Creation of trade repository objects ***
101Trade repository object for trans &1 (&2) saved in status '&3'
102Content was changed
104Mandatory field &1 (&2) is not filled
105Transaction &1 incompletely recorded to trade repository &2
106Field &1 (&2) changed from &3 to &4
107External trade ID &1 cannot be changed because it was already reported
108External trade ID &1 cannot be deleted because it was already reported
109Trade repository object was sent successfully
110Send failed
111Configuration for trade repository &1 is incomplete
112BAdI &1 is not implemented
113BAdI &1 was returned with empty contents
114Processing status was changed from '&1' to '&2'
115Transaction &1 has an obsolete net present value (&4)
116No NPV with NPV category &3 can be determined for trans. &1 on &2
117For company code &1 financial transaction &2, an error occurred
118Company code &1 financial transaction &2 processed successfully
119An error occurred
120Send started although the scheduled send date has not been reached
121Send terminated because the scheduled send date has not been reached
122File &1 could not be opened; directory might not exist
123Trade repository could not be updated; see log of TARO Monitor
124Unknown file type "&1" for file "&2"
125File name too long: "&1"
126Too many errors; importing process failed
127Number of imported files = &1
128File &1 could not be read
129Error in reading file
130File &1 could not be deleted
131Same TRADE-ID for trans &1 / &2 of a SWAP ; Short Term. must be 'OBSOLET'
150No authorization to create an External Transactions
151No authorization to change data for trade repository &1 reported by &2
152No product classification defined for &1 as of &2
153No authorization to access data for trade repository &1 reported by &2
154No authorization to process data for trade repository &1 reported by &2
158Enter both the interim trade ID and the external trade ID
159External or interim trade ID already exists for an external transaction
160Fill either with the external trade ID or the interim trade ID
161External trade ID already exists for a deal in the system
162Interim trade ID already exists for a deal in the system
163& is not a valid action type
165No trade repository specified
170Error writing file to document management system (DMS): &1
171Trade repository object (TARO) not found; GUID = &1
172Processing trade register object: &1
180&1 termination TAROs created; any unsent TAROs are set as obsolete
181Transaction has already been terminated at trade repository
182Transaction not reported to trade repository; no termination needed
183Termination of external transactions not supported by this function
190No protected field exists for selected transaction
200Fill legal basis and trade ID
201Transaction was not updated
202Update product category &1 with BAPI not supported
203Transaction updated successfully
204Transaction is locked
205Legal basis and trade ID are not relevant for company code or prod.type
206Legal basis &1 does not exist
220Backloading cutoff date &1 must not be later than reporting start date &2
221Sending start date &2 must not be before backloading start date &1
222Sending start date &1 must not be later than reporting start date &2
223Validation start date &1 must not be before reporting start date &2
713TARO created for error handling. GUID was created.
714TARO created for error handling. GUID was imported.
715Field &1 is already assigned in customizing '&2'
800Message from trade repository: &1 &2 &3 &4
801Incoming message from trade repository is inconsistent: &1
802Incoming message: Trade repository object not found (GUID = &1)
803Incoming message: Sender is incorrect - &1
804Incoming message is inconsistent: &1 &2 &3
805Sender of original message invalid; original: &1, reported: &2
806Import from front end requires name of import folder
807Processing of trade repository messages completed; see log for errors
808Transactional reference number & not valid
809Enter a transactional reference number in file &
810All transformations failed
811Incoming message "TradeStatus" accepted
812Transformation error: &1, line &2: &3
813No valid messages received for trade repository &1
814Data imported for trade &1
820File cannot be imported from front end in backgrd mode; prog. terminated
821File & cannot be openend
822File access error: "&1&2", kernel error &3
823Data not imported for trade ID &1; no unreconciled TARO messages found
880Processing of "Accepted" messages not yet supported
881Processing of "Collateral" messages not yet supported
899Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4
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