FVD_SEPA - Message Class for SEPA Developments in CML

The following messages are stored in message class FVD_SEPA: Message Class for SEPA Developments in CML.
It is part of development package FVVD in software component FS-CML. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Loans".
Message Nr
Message Text
001SEPA not active for company code &1
002Select one line only for SEPA transfer information
003No valid mandate exists
004If SEPA is not active, then mandate ID not entered
005If payment method is not EDD, then no mandate ID entered
006Mandate ID not entered for payment method EDD
007Reference ID could not be saved for selected mandate ID
008If SEPA not active, then EDD payment not entered
009Mandate &1 cannot be used
010Specify a payment method
011No input help exists for non-EDD payment method
012Table for SEPA mandates is locked
013Return Code &1 does not exist
014Company Code &1 / Contract &2: BIC could not be determined
015Select a Type of Determination of IBAN
016Select a Bank Key
017No SWIFT code is entered for bank &1 &2
018IBAN &1 is not valid (customer specific check)
019No SWIFT code available
020Company Code &1 / Contract &2: IBAN could not be determined
021Product Category &1 does not support IBAN determination
022Product Category &1 does not support IBAN determination type &2
023&1 is not a valid value for mandate type
024Do not enter a Contract ID for a multi contract mandate
025Mandate &1 (&2/&3) is not valid for contract status &4
026Mandate &1 (&2/&3) is not valid on &4
027Mandate lead time requires at least payment date &1
028Mandate lead time requires at least payment date &1 (cond. type &2)
029Mandate prenotification time requires at least payment date &1
030Error in Customer Validation (Sender BIC) (CCode &1, Contract &2)
031&1 could not be determined (&2)
032Specify either BIC code or country/region
033Specify prenotification data (&1)
034Mandate prenotif. time requires at least payment date &1 (cond. type &2)
035Specify a finance project
036Only mandate type 3 is allowed if a finance project is specified
037Mandate &1 (CCode &2/ customer &3) is not active
038Specify a bank ID
039Mandate &1 does not match bank ID &2
040Enter a payment method for SEPA direct debit
041Contract number &1 does not match contract IBAN &2
042Bank ID cannot be cleared (alt. payee)
043Mandate &1 cannot be used
044Payer IBAN is still used in loans management
045Error in IBAN check for discharge (&1 &2 &3)
046&1 (&2)
047Mandate &1 does not exist (customer &2, company code &3)
048Mandate &1 not unique (customer &2, company code &3)
049Mandate &1 belongs to contract &2
050Mandate &1 belongs to finance project &2
051Mandate &1 cannot be used (customer specific check)
052One-time mandate &1 has already been used (Document &2)
053Mandate &1 with status &2 cannot be used
054Error in bank ID check (Partner &1, bank ID &2)
055Mandate &1 does not match IBAN from bank ID &2 (partner &3)
056Bank (&1 &2) does not support COR1 (Mandate &3)
057Mandate &1 is not valid on &2
058Payment notes info is mandatory
059Mandate ID not entered for payment method EDD (partner &1, role &2)
060If SEPA not active, then EDD payment not entered (partner &1, role &2)
061Payment notes info should not be entered
100No payment method provided
101No country/region or company code provided
102Payment method &1/country/region &2/partner &3. Error during BAdI check
103No partner or customer number provided
104Payment method &1/country/region &2/partner &3. Error in SEPA CT check
105No IBAN assigned in bank details (&1) / partner &2
106No bank details provided
107No IBAN available (&1 &2 &3 &4)
108Payment method &1/country/region &2. Error occurred in BAdI check
109Payment method &1 (country/region &2) can only be used for SEPA returns
110Please use a payment method for SEPA returns
111No SEPA return reason provided
112No SEPA transaction ID provided
113No IBAN available
114Please use a payment method for SEPA credit transfer
115Payment method can be used for SEPA transfer or SEPA return, not both
116&1 could not be determined. Please check manually
117Payment method &1 is not allowed
118No bank details provided (partner &1, payment method &2)
150Company Code &1 / Contract &2: Change SEPA Data
151Cannot determine SEPA data (&1, partner &2, customer &3)
152Change in &1 (partner &2, customer &3)
153Error during update (Company Code &1, Contract &2, &3)
154Change SEPA Data (&1 &2 &3)
155Mandate &1 does not exist (customer &2, bank ID &3)
156Mandate &1 (partner &2, customer &3) is already used with contract &4
157Nothing selected for change
158Overpayments and advance payments must not be changed
159Bank ID not unique, mandate cannot be determined (partner &1)
160An error occured during update of payment data (&1)
161Payment data has been saved
162Error occured in BAdI check of payment data
163payment data can't be changed if no loans document exists, e.g.drawing
200New auto debit can only be used when SEPA DD enhancements are active
201Data could not be saved for new auto debit (&1 &2 &3)
202New auto debit (&1 - &2 - &3)
203Company Code &1 / Contract &2: &3
204&1 records to check (&2)
205New auto debit is not active (company code &1)
206No payment block for new autodebit available (&1 &2)
207FI document not found (CML &1 &2 - FI &3 &4)
208FI document not unique (CML &1 &2 - FI &3 &4)
209Error during update (contract &1, module &2)
210Item &1 &2 &3 stored for new auto debit (No &4)
211Item &1 &2 &3 not stored for new auto debit (No &4 >= max. number)
212&1 &2 &3 not processed (&4)
213No implementation active for BADI &1
214Item &1 &2 &3 processed
215Error during update (finance project &1, module &2)
216Company code &1 / finance project &2: &3
217Maximum leadtime could not be calculated
218Flows from returned debit not found (&1 &2)
219Company Code &1 / Finance project &2: &3
220&1 &2 &3: correspondence created with coll. date &4
221&1 &2 &3 was completed (&4)
222&1 &2 &3: payment block removed
223Error during creation of correspondence (method NAD_EVT_CORR_CREATE)
224&1 records stored for new auto debit
225No authority (object &1, activity &2)
226No contract exists for IBAN &1
227More than 1 contract assigned to IBAN &1
228Error during update (module &1)
229&1 &2 &3: removed from selection
230&1 &2 &3 was deleted from table &4
231&1 records to process (&2)
232&1 records to process after BAdI check (&2)
233FI item already cleared (CML &1 &2 - FI &3 &4)
234Bank ID could not be determined for Mandate &1 (Customer &2, Co. Code &3)
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