GLT1 - Splitprozessor: Steuerungstabellen pflegen

The following messages are stored in message class GLT1: Splitprozessor: Steuerungstabellen pflegen.
It is part of development package GLT0 in software component FI-GL-FL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Basis functions G/L accounting".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Internal error: Entry &1/&2/&3 not found in T8G20
011No breakdown rules exist for method &1; Deletion is not possible
012Ledger &2 uses method &1, deletion is not possible.
021Item type &1 is assigned to transaction &2, deletion not possible
022Item type &1 is assigned to accounts (chart of accounts &2, client &3)
023Item category &1 is assigned to acct. trans. &2, deletion not possible
031Acct. transaction &1/&2 assigned to transaction &3, deletion not possible
032Transactn &1/&2 is assigned to transaction type &3, deletion not possible
033Transaction &1/&2 is assigned to document type &3, deletion not possible
034Distribution rules (method &3) exist for accounting transaction &1/&2
161Either mark tax items or enter a transaction for G/L accounts
162Not permitted to enter tax item and transaction
163Tax item or transaction may only be entered for G/L accounts
164Specify an account type
170The (technical) item category & is not permitted
171Assign upper limit as higher or equal to the lower limit
172Overlapping with interval &1 - &2 (&3)
201Specify an item category
202Item category &1 not defined for process &2/&3 (use <F4>)
203Item category &1 not obligatory in process &2/&3
204Item category &1 not unique in process &2/&3
205Item type &1 uses leading item, deletion not possible.
206Processing category &1 does not allow base items
207Delete base items first
208Item category already assigned (see long text)
210Account key was changed from &1 to &2
211Account for account key &1 was changed from &2 to &3
212The specific characteristic distribution to tax accounts is activated
213Characteristic distribution to tax accounts is not completely activated
291Item category &1 used in variant &2/&4 (method &3)
292Item category &1 used in variant &2/&4 (method &3) as allocation basis
293Item type &1 is defined in variant &2/&3 as obligatory
294Item type &1 is forbidden in variant &2/&3, obligatory not possible
301Account determination key &1 used in rule &2/&3/&4
302Account determination key &1 used in rule &2/&3/&4 (additional line)
401Partner field only allowed with zero balance fields
402Enter a permitted combination of fields
403Define a constant for the default account assignments
404Activating document splitting can lead to inconsistencies
405Activating document splitting can lead to inconsistencies
406Making subsequent changes to characteristics can lead to inconsistencies
407Messages for Customizing Check
408Changes to scenarios/customer fields can lead to inconsistencies
409Making subsequent changes to characteristics can lead to inconsistencies
410Role of Current Client: &1
411Problems may first occur in the target system after the transport
412Saving of changes terminated
413Role of client is "productive", changes to Customizing settings possible
414Changes to Customizing settings can affect behavior of document splitting
416First define the document splitting characteristics
417No characteristics exist yet; proposals being generated
500Budget per. can only be set in combination w. fund as splitting criterion
501Budget period can only be a fin. statement char. if the fund is as well
502Budget period can only be a required entry field if the fund is as well
503Changes will not be saved
600Not possible to select open item management; zero balance not selected
601Management on an open item basis cannot be seleted for field RE_ACCOUNT
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