HRBASCZ_NEMPRI - Message class for NEMPRI

The following messages are stored in message class HRBASCZ_NEMPRI: Message class for NEMPRI.
It is part of development package PC18 in software component PY-CZ. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR payroll: Czech Republic".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No record selected.
001Failed to generate output batch.
002Failed to lock all documents.
003Some records are included in already existing batch.
004Some records are flagged as sent.
005Failed to lock record &1.
006Failed to delete record &1.
007Cannot change batch &1 status. The batch was not uploaded.
008Batch &1 not found.
009Failed to lock the batch &1.
010Failed to delete the batch &1.
011Failed to change the batch &1 status.
012Cannot upload batch &1. Batch already uploaded.
013Failed to generate XML file for batch &1.
014Cannot execute. Output batch &1 is empty.
015Failed to add new parameters to the output batch &1.
016Cannot delete record &1. The record is flagged as sent.
017Record &1 not found.
018Failed to save the uploaded XML file. Batch &1 was not sent yet.
019XML file generation error for selected data documents.
020Failed to upload the output batch &1.
021Failed to generate the output XML file. Batch &1 upload aborted.
022Output batch &1 has been sent.
023Some records does not exist.
024Record number &1 does not exist.
025Failed to delete documents from output batch &1.
026Batch &1 was not rejected. No document marked as incorrect.
027Batch &1 was not confirmed. Some documents marked as incorrect.
028Change of batch &1 status failed. The incorrect document not available.
029This pay can be only reset
030Changes were canceled.
031Period not entered by non-zero line
032Duplicate period &1 &2
033This attachment is a base for child allowance request -> see detail
034Error during the lot inspection - negative VZ. Lot sending cancelled.
035Outg.XML file inspection failed. Sending of lot &1 cancelled.
036Personnel number &1 has negative EB.
099& & & &
101Error code &1 when generating &2 object
102Error code &1 when calling &2 method
200Generated records count
201New cluster records count
202Updated cluster records count
203Cluster save error count
204Record '&1 &2' - error when inserting a new cluster record.
205Record '&1 &2' - error when updating a new cluster record &3.
206Record '&1 &2' - cluster record &3 updated.
207Record '&1 &2' - cluster record &3 inserted.
208You can create max. nine attachments
899Not implemented.
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