HRGB_PAE - HR: Messages for pension auto enrolment

The following messages are stored in message class HRGB_PAE: HR: Messages for pension auto enrolment.
It is part of development package PC08 in software component PY-GB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR accounting: GB".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Set this as a test run
003File formatted incorrectly (match DDIC structure P08_PAE_OO_FILE)
004Employee Enqueue failed
005Employee Dequeue failed
006Payroll area not found
007Upload file empty.
008Filename entered is invalid. Enter filename with extension ".XLSX"
011Employee not a worker
012Employee not working in UK
015Employee locked out of payroll (Payroll Status Infotype 0003)
016Payroll Area (&1) Locked
020Form recieved date should be greater than employee birth date
021No valid Infotype 3297 record for given period
024There is no Infotype 3297 record for the employee
025There is no Infotype 0071 record for the employee
026There is no Infotype 0069 record for the employee
027No valid Infotype 0071 record
028No valid Infotype 3297 record
029Infotype 0071 update conflict. Both NEW_ENDDA and DELETE were filled
030No valid Infotype 0002 record
031No valid Infotype 0069 record
032No valid Infotype 0071 record
033No valid Infotype 3297 record
034Infotype 0069 record already exist
035Infotype 0071 record already exist
036Infotype 3297 record already exist
037Data insufficient to update Infotype 0069
038Data insufficient to update Infotype 0071
039Data insufficient to update Infotype
040Infotype 3297 Read Operation failed after updation
041No matching Infotype record 0071. Deletion not possible.
042No matching Infotype record 0071. Updation not possible.
043Employee is not having the Infotype 0069 record
044Infotype 0071 Read Operation failed after updation
045Infotype 3297 updated succesfully
046Infotype 0071 updated succesfully
047Infotype 0069 updated succesfully
048Infotype 0071 deleted successfully
049Infotype 0069 Read Operation failed after updation
050***** Post Payroll Auto Enrolment Report *****
051Employee not payrolled yet
052Employee not payrolled in this period
053This result &1 cannot be processed after later results have been created
054There was no auto-enrolment (or postponement) during payroll (Result &1)
055There were multipe auto-enrolments during payroll (Result &1)
056Employee already in NI Category &1 between &2 and &3
057Employee already in Auto-enrolment Scheme &1 between &2 and &3
058Employee has no IT3297 between &1 and &2
059No communication necessary during this period
060Employee not assessed for AE duties in this period
101No Infotype &1 details for Employee.
102No start of duties date specified; duties start date set to 01.07.2012.
103No worker Category found.
104Start of duties date in the past; assesment not possible retrospectively
105No return value for feature GBAE3
106Infotype 3297 Update Failed
107Employee Age deternination failed
108Assesment cannot be performed 3 months in advance
109Click on 'Email' button to nofity employees by email
110Start of duties not allowed as IT3297 already has start of duties data
111Deferral cannot be performed 3 months in future
112Deferral date &1 earlier than start of duties date &2
113Deferral date &1 in the past. Assesment cannot be done retrospectively
114Start of duties for deferred employees cannot be run retrospectively
115Deferral Date is not maintained in GBAE1 feature
116Worker Category is not matching with IT3297 data
117No address maintained in Infotype 6
118Error in reading the feature
119No start of duties required for the employee
130*******Messages for Before payroll
131Start of duties not done yet
132Employee excluded from duties
133Employee already have Qualifying Pension Scheme, AE not required
134Opt-In notice not received from the employee. AE not possible
135Feature GBCHG not maintained for the payroll area &1
136Infotype 3297 Auto Enrolment record created successfully
137Employee is Entitled Worker
138Employee is Inactive
139Deferral date for start of duties not specified
140No result found for feature &1
141PAE is not active in this pay period &1 &2 For the payroll area &3
142Infotype 0071 record created with AE scheme
143Infotype 0069 record creaetd successfully
1443297 AE record already created.But Opt-In notice not available.
145Opt-In processed successfully.New 71 and 69 records are created.
146Start of duties done but IT3297 record is not available
147Start of duties deferred to &1
150PAE Error; Invalid Gender Code: &1 at State Pension Age Determination
151Payroll area not found
152Payroll periods not found
153Unable to determine employee age
154Unable to determine state pension age
155Constant 'AEAG1' not found in Table T511K
156Constant 'AEAG2' not found in Table T511K
157Constant 'AEAG3' not found in Table T511K
158No record found
159Wagetype '/117' not found in RT table
160Unable to read feture 'GBAE3'
161No record found for infotype 0014
162No record found for infotype 0015
163Unable to determine salary using infotype 0008
164Unable to determine pay period enddate
165No record found in table T549A for payroll area &
166No entry found in table T549R
167Dummy Feature
168Error Operation
169No back value
170Feature not generated
171Inalid sign in funid
172Field in report tab in PE03
173No entry in table
174Program not exist
175Variant not exist
176Missing parameter
177Wrong country grouping
178Start of duties date must be later than 01 October 2012
179No record found for table T549S
180No record found for table T5G30
181No record found for table T549Q
182ABKRS not found
183PERMO not found
184Payroll type not supported
185Record not found in table T5G_NICLIM
186Constant 'AEAET' not found in Table T511K
188Foreign lock
189System failure
190Invalid Seq Dates
191No Period Found
192No Valid PERMO
193Maximum periods exceeded
200*********Infotype handling
201PAE Error; Opt Out not possible. Notification not sent to the employee
202Opt In not possible: E-mail not sent to the employee
203Start of duties not possible: exclusion from duties
204Auto-enrolment is not possible: exclusion from duties
205Opt-in is not possible: exclusion from duties
206Opt-out is not possible: exclusion from duties
207Delete infotype 71 record before opt out
208PAE not active for the period &1
209Exclusion from Duties: Employee not eligible for Auto Enrolment
210Form received date and valid form should not be empty for Opt-Out
211Provide Qualifying pension scheme
212Form received date should not be empty for Opt-In
213Assessment notification not sent to &1.Further processing not possible.
214PAE Warning; Employee has Opted-Out late on &1 (Opt-Out Window &2 - &3)
215Employee is Entitled Worker: Auto Enrolment Not Possible
216Employee is Entitled Worker: Opt-In Not Possible
217Employee is Entitled Worker: Opt-Out Not Possible
218Auto Enrolment date should not be empty
219E-mail sent successfully.Save the record
220AE Postponemnet type &1 is maintained and Deferral date will be &2
221AE Deferral with notice &1 is maintained
222AE Deferral with notice &1 is not maintained
223Fill Postponement type and Deferral date
224Fill all required fields
225&1 is EJH.No need for Opt-In
226&1 is Entitled worker.Enroll into a pension scheme.
227Maintain Email address in Infotype 0105 for &1
228Check Infotype 3243 for &1
300Payroll Processing ****
301Infotype 3297 record does no exist with start of duties details
302NI category changed as the employee is auto enrolled to pension scheme
303Pension contributions less than the minimum allowed contributions
307PAE Opt-In "No Duties"; On &1, Opt In form is not valid
308PAE Error; An Auto-Enrolment Scheme (&1) must be defined as such (T5G30)
309PAE Error; An Auto-Enrolment Scheme must be defined (Feature &1)
310PAE Error; On &1, employee has no Actions infotype (0000)
311PAE Error; On &1, employee has no Organisation Assignment infotype (0001)
312PAE Error; On &1, employee has no Personal Data infotype (0002)
313PAE Warning; On &1, employee has no Auto Enrolment Data infotype (3297)
314PAE Error; start of duties date &1 too early (earliest 01.10.2012)
315PAE Error; deferral date &1 too early (earliest 02.10.2012)
316PAE Error; Return Value &1 is not in format DD.MM.YYYY/NNN (Feature &2)
317PAE Error; Scheme &1 not defined on &2 (T5G30)
318PAE Error; Non-Qualifying Scheme &1 used for Auto-enrolment &2 (T5G30)
319PAE Opt-In "No Duties"; On &1, employee is already in a QPS &2
320PAE Opt-In "No Duties"; On &1, this non-worker is not subject to AE
321PAE Opt-In "No Duties"; On &1, Entitled Worker is already in a UK TRS &2
322PAE Opt-In; On &1, the employee has recently opted out before &2
323PAE Opt-In MANUAL; On &1 the employee should join &2
324PAE Opt-In AUTOMATIC; the employee will be enrolled by payroll
325Pensions Auto-Enrolment not active for Payroll Area &1
326Pensions Auto-Enrolment not active Payroll Area &1 in Period &2 / &3
327&1 requested (IT3243), but no Email Address supplied (IT0105:&2 on &3)
328PAE Change; On &1, employee had a different notice sent (&2 # &3)
329Start of duties not applicable to this employee between &1 and &2
330On &1, you have No Duties for this leaver
331PAE Error; &1 Smartform &2 doesn't exist
332PAE EJH Status; Attained on &1, while employee is in QPS &2
333PAE EJH Status; Attained on &1, employee enrolled into AES &2
334PAE EJH Status; Attained on &1, NI Category changed (&2 -> &3)
335PAE Warning; ERs contributions topped up to &1 (by &2 in wage type &3)
336PAE Error; ERs/Total Conts (&1/&2) under minimum (&3/&4)
337PAE Error; deferral date &1 must be within 3 months of start of duties &2
338PAE Error; Pay Reference Period for &1 too long (&2 - &3)
339PAE Error; Late New Starter - Employer Duties have failed!
340PAE Error; Payroll Simulation failed. Check payroll log (&1)
341PAE Error; On &1, employee has no National Insurance infotype (0069)
342PAE Error: Return Value &1 is not in the format AA/BB/NNN/X (Feature &2)
343PAE Error; Deferral date &1 must be within 3 months of hiring &2
344PAE Error; No arrears deductions can exist at this point
345PAE Warning; Brought Forward EEs will be deducted (&1 &2)
346PAE Warning; EEs deduction held as arrears (&1 &2)
347PAE Warning; EEs deduction partially held as arrears (&1 &2)
348PAE Warning; EEs deduction negative due to arrears (&1 &2)
349PAE Error; EEs arrears handling failed (&1 &2)
350PAE Error; No WPBP split exists on &1
351PAE Warning; Only one WPBP split processed for cost distribution
352Transitional Period: Employee meets conditions (Read Long Text!)
353Transitional Period: Employee no longer meets conditions(Read Long Text!)
354The scheme must be a Qualifying Scheme to be an Auto-Enrolment Scheme
355Auto-Enrolment Not Allowed: Employee does not have EJH Status on &1
356Auto-Enrolment Not Allowed: Employee already in a QPS on &1
357Manual Auto-Enrolment: AE Pension Scheme required
358Manual Auto-Enrolment: Pension Scheme &1 not an AE scheme (T5G30)
359Auto-Enrolment: Postponement Date cannot be before Enrolment Date
360Auto-Enrolment: Postponement Date cannot be after &1
361Auto-Enrolment: Postponement Notice Type required
362Opt-In: Opt-In Form Received date required
363Opt-Out: Opt-Out Form Received date required
364Opt Out not applicable; AE Information not sent to the employee
365Opt Out not applicable; Membership Active/T's and C's Sent date required
366Opt Out failed; back to back invalid forms not supported
367Opt Out not applicable; Opt-Out cannot be before &1.
368Opt Out not applicable; Opt-Out after window &2 - &3
369Opt-Out failed; AE Date Sent exists without AE assessment
370Opt-Out failed; AE Date Sent exists without AE scheme
371Opt-Out failed; Opt Out Scheme required
372Opt-Out warning; Opt Out Scheme &1 should match AE Scheme &2
373Opt-Out incomplete; Employee still in Pension Scheme &1
374Opt-Out complete; Employee no longer in Pension Scheme &1
375PAE Warning; Brought Forward ERs will be deducted (&1 &2)
376PAE Warning; ERs deduction held as arrears (&1 &2)
377PAE Warning; ERs deduction partially held as arrears (&1 &2)
378PAE Warning; ERs deduction negative due to arrears (&1 &2)
379PAE Error; ERs arrears handling failed (&1 &2)
380PAE Error; PAE active but IT3297 doesn't exist. Run RPCPAEG1
381PAE Error; PAE active but IT3297 not updated. Run RPCPAEG1
382PAE Error; PAE active but notification not sent. Run RPCPAEG1
383PAE error; PAE active but IT0071 not updated. Run RPCPAEG1
384PAE TP Error; Employee has not met conditions (P3297-TPEMC)
385PAE TP Error; Return Value &1 not supported (Feature &2)
386PAE TP Error; Employee has &1 status on &2
387PAE TP Warning; TP cannot be applied
388PAE Trans. Period; Transitional Period applied until &1
389PAE Trans. Period; Eligible Jobholder not subject to AE until &1
390PAE TP Error; Employee is not an EJH (Untick P3297-TPEMC)
391PAE TP Warning; Employee is not an EJH (Untick P3297-TPEMC)
392PAE Error; employee has already had notice &1 sent on &2
393Auto-Enrolment: Postponement Date required
394Auto-Enrolment: Postponement Notice Type incorrect for Worker Category &1
395PAE Error; Number of postponement months (&1) not between 1 and 3
396PAE Error; Number of postponement weeks (&1) not between 1 and 12
397Opt Out not applicable; Invalid form received on &1
398"Manual" joining instructions need a pension scheme to be entered
399PAE Postponement; Assessment on &1 has been postponed until &2
401Filename entered is invalid. Enter filename with extension ".CSV"
402File formatted incorrectly (match DDIC structure &1)
403Upload file empty (&1)
404Inconsistent &1 data: Upload record by-passed (&2/&3/&4)
405Date &1 formatted incorrectly (field &2)
406Checkbox &1 must be 'X' or ' ' (field &2)
407Pension Scheme &1 must exist in T5G30 on &2 (field &3)
408NI Category &1 invalid on &2 (field &3)
409IT3297 missing (&1/&2/&3)
410IT0069 missing (&1/&2/&3)
411IT0071 missing (&1/&2/&3/&4)
412IT0071 deletion failed: Key mismatch (&1/&2/&3/&4)
413IT0071 delimitation failed: Key mismatch (&1/&2/&3/&4)
414IT0071 delimitation failed: New end date in future (&1/&2/&3/&4)
415IT0071 duplicate already exists (&1/&2/&3/&4)
416CSV file (&1) has invalid characters. Search for "" to find them.
417User Parameter &1 has value &2 which is not in date format DD.MM.YYYY
418PAE &1 Status; Opt-in on &2, employee enrolled into AES &3
419PAE &1 Status; Opt-in on &2, NI Category changed (&3 -> &4)
420PAE NEJH Status; Assessed on &1, has right to opt-in
421PAE NEJH Status; Assessed on &1, already in QPS &1
422PAE EW Status; Assessed on &1 and has the right to join
423PAE EW Status; Assessed on &1, already in QPS &1
424PAE Notification &1 not produced (&2)
425Postponement periods &1 too large (Feature &2)
426Postponement periods &1 is not a number (Feature &2)
427Postponement days &1 is not a number (Feature &2)
428PAE ND Status; Assessed on &1, No Duties
429PAE Error; Assessment on &1, produced unexpected result (&2/&3)
430PAE Warning: ER's top up failed due to missing ER's customising (T5G37)
431Notice Type &1 must be defined in Value Range of domain P08_STNOT
432IT3297 Notice &1 does not match uploaded Notice &2
433Notice &1 cannot be used for a Postponement Notice Date Sent (APDEN)
434Notice &1 cannot be used for a Enrolment Notice Date Sent (AEDEN)
435Auto-Enrolment: Postponement Date cannot be on Enrolment Date
436Auto-Enrolment: Postponement Notice Type &1 is not for workers in a QPS
437PAE Notices Sent Error; Notice sent on &1 cannot be reproduced
438PAE Notices Send Error; Assessment on &1 is not allowed
439PAE Notices Send Error; Postponement on &1 is not allowed
440Opt Out not applicable: Employee has not been enrolled
441PAE Error; Date of Birth must be defined
442PAE Error; Gender must be defined
443PAE Error; Unexpected error occurred in HR_GBAE_SPA
444PAE Warning; employee has already had notice &1 sent on &2
450PAE Warning; PAE re-assessed in retro. Re-Run RPCPAEG1
451Pension Scheme range is empty, all schemes will be processed .
452Process Table-Driven Start dates is empty, all record will be processed.
453PAE Warning; Table-Driven solution is not active.
454PAE Warning; Table-Driven solution start date & not selected for process.
455Employee had no IT0071 record to convert.
456PAE EJH Status in a QPS: Valid Opt Out received on &1
457PAE Information; employee has already had equivalent notice sent
458PAE Late New Start; RPCPAEG1 will run for Pay Area/YYYY/PP/CR: &1
459PAE Warning; No postponement on &1, notice cannot be issued by &2 (&3)
460PAE On &1, this employee was exempt from duties
461PAE On &1, this employee was not actively employed by you
462PAE Error; Please check your feature GBAE8. (Read Long Text!)
463PAE TP Warning; TP has ceased on &1.
464Data formatted incorrectly. Enter #X# or # # (field &2)
465Employee status &1 must be ' ', 'N' or 'Y' (field &2)
470PAE Registration: On &1, this employee was not employed
471PAE Registration: On &1, duties st/re-enrolmnt for this EE was due on &2
472PAE Registration: On &1, this employee was exempt from duties
480Return Value &1 is not in the correct format DD.MM.YYYY/X (Feature &2)
481PAE Error; Arrears go live date &1 too early (Earliest 01.10.2012)
482PAE Arrears Payroll; Auto-Enrolment date &1 on or before pay date &2
483Please tick 'Send Emails/Print' if you would like to 'Re-print/Re-email'
484Data Take On: Employee is a worker. Field &1 must not be filled.
485Data Take On: EE attained EJH status. Field &1 must not be filled.
486Data Take On: As Postponement date: &1, TPEMC must be not filled or N.
487Data Take On: PDate is &1. TPEMC must be 'Y'.
488Data Take On: PGL date(&1) in the csv not matches the feature defined(&2)
489PAE DTO: Postponement Date (&1) more than 3 months after GBPGL (&2)
490PAE warning: DTO read (ATEJH = &1 Postponement Until/Type = &2/&3)
491Data Take On: After transitional period the TPEMC field must be # #.
492No valid filename to process.
493PAE Notices Sent Warning; Notice sent on &1 cannot be reproduced
494PAE Warning; Date Sent defaulted to hire date (Run RPUPAEG1 if required)
495PAE Warning; Feature GBAE4 has overridden feature GBAE2 on &1
496PAE Error; On &1, employee has no Payroll Status record infotype (0003)
497PAE Info: Earliest MD change Date will be set an earlier date (&).
498PAE Info: Earliest MD change Date was set to (&).
499PAE Warning; ERs/Total Conts (&1/&2) under minimum (&3/&4)
500PAE Error; Min. Entitlement Check Threshold setting empty (T5G30: &1 &2)
501PAE Error; Previous result of the IN period does exist.
502PAE Error; The Transitional Period for DB/Hybrid Schemes ends on &
503PAE Error; TP cannot be applied, EE hired (&) after start of duties (&)
504Start numbering the TUPE organisations from '001' onwards
505PAE Warning; No need to set it to 'N' as EE hired(&) after duties strt(&)
506PAE Warning; CAR not applicable on &1; Employee is not an EJH (&2)
507PAE Warning; CAR not applicable on &1; EJH in a QPS (&2)
508PAE Warning; CAR not applicable on &1; EJH opted out on &2
509PAE Warning; start of duties date(&1) not correct in t5g_ae_cycd(&2)
510PAE Warning; CAR not applicable on &1; EJH was never assessed as in a QPS
511PAE Cyclical Automatic Re-Enrolment on &1 into AES &2
512PAE Immediate Automatic Re-Enrolment on &1 into AES &2
513PAE Warning; CAR not applicable on &1; EJH hired on &2
514PAE Errror; CARD &1 is outside re-enrolment window ( &2 - &3 )
515&1 is not in date format DD.MM.YYYY (T5GPBS_ALL:08/PAE/2015)
516PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; Tax Protection
517PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; WULS (&3) within a year
518PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; WULS (&3)
519PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; Opt Out (&3) within a year
520PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; Opt Out (&3)
521PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; Notice Period started &3
522PAE Exception; &1 not in a QPS on &2, but HAS NO right to Opt In/Join
523PAE Exception; EJH not in a QPS on &1, but has the right to Opt In
524PAE Warning; No assessment dates found within payroll period (&1 - &2)
525PAE Warning; No assessment dates are processed during inactive periods
526PAE Exception; NEJH not in a QPS on &1, but has the right to Opt In
527PAE Exception; EW not in a QPS on &1, but has the right to Join
528PAE Exception; Worker has no right to Opt In/Join on &1
529PAE Warning; Employee has no CARD between &1 and &2
530PAE Warning; Employee not actively employed at CARD &1
531PAE Warning; Employee is not required to be re-enrolled on &1
532PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; Company Director
533PAE Exception; Not all &1 duties apply on &2; Limited Liability P'ship
534Stopped notices cannot be viewed anymore. See note 2325684 for details.
535PAE Warning; PAE re-assessed in retro. Run RPCPAEG1 for current period.
536PAE Error; Payroll areas have to be the same period parameter. (&1/&2)
537PAE Transitional Period Applied: Automatic Enrolment on &1 into AES &2
538No date-split in T5G31 that matches the Scheme(s) & and Date Split on &
539Table-Driven Solution must be active on the Date Split(&) skip the record
540PAE warning: DTO read (ATEJH = &1 Opt-Out Date Effective = &2)
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