HRPADCZ_UTIL - Zpr�vy pro #esko - util

The following messages are stored in message class HRPADCZ_UTIL: Zpr�vy pro #esko - util.
It is part of development package PC18 in software component PY-CZ. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR payroll: Czech Republic".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Payroll area & is not defined
001Could not parse XML file
002XML file saving canceled by user
003Error when creating XML file name for logical name &1
004Error when displaying dialog window for XML file location
005Error when saving XML file &1 on workstation
006XML file &1 has been saved on workstation.
007Forbidden character in a parameter for logical name of XML file
008Message overview
009User defined messages
011Selected persons &1
012Processed persons &1
013Fully processed persons &1
014Refused persons &1
015Error saving XML file "&1" to application server!
016XML file "&1" has been saved to application server.
017Error validity check of the XML file name for the logical name "&1"!
018WARNING: File (&1) can't be saved to appl.server w/o logical name!
019No file selected.
020Data format in line &1 is not correct.
021No data for processing available.
022Cannot read directory for payroll cluster
023Cannot read payroll result for PERNR:&1,SEQNR:&2,MOLGA:&3.
025Runtime infotype &1 for period and &2-&3 was modified in BAdI.
026Runtime object with payroll result (SEQNR=&1) was modified in BAdI.
027Payroll directory is empty
028Cannot initialize XML document from file '&1'.
029Cluster directory table (RGDIR) was modified during the run in BAdI.
030Payroll area &1 not defined
031&1 entries transferred from table &2 into table &3.
032Infotype &1 for period &2-&3 does not exist in the cache.
033Infotype &1 for period &2-&3 does not exist in the cache at all.
034Cannot read infotype &1 for period &2-&3 from the cache.
035Cannot read RGDIR from the cache.
036RGDIR does not exist in the cache.
037Cannot read payroll result with SEQNR=&1 from the cache.
038Payroll result with SEQNR=&1 does not exist in the cache.
039Incorrect format of date and &1.
040XML element '&1' without required value. XML path '&2'.
041XML error - node type '&1',name '&2', value '&3', path '&4
042XML element '&1' contains invalid value. XML path '&2'.
043XML attribute '&1' without required value. XML path '&2'.
044XML attribute '&1' contains invalid value. XML path: '&2'.
045XML element '&1' creation error. XML path '&2'.
046XML attribute '&1' creation error. XML path '&2'.
047XML element '&1' import error. XML path '&2'.
048XML attribute '&1' import error. XML path '&2'.
049Export into the XML element '&1' failed. XML path '&2'.
050Export into the XML attribute '&1' failed. XML path '&2'.
051XML element '&1' processing failed. XML path '&2'.
052XML attribute '&1' processing failed. XML path '&2'.
053Too many XML elements '&1'. Max.number '&2', XML path '&3'
054Too few XML elements '&1'. Min.number '&2', XML path '&3'
055TDC error - &1 &2 &3 &4
056TDC variant '&1' does not exist any more.
057In this system version, the functionality is not supported.
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